* Language file.
* @package theme_classic
* @copyright 2018 Bas Brands
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
// This line protects the file from being accessed by a URL directly.
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
// Raw SCSS setting.
$string['choosereadme'] = 'Classic is a highly-customisable theme, based on Boost, with an alternative navigation layout. This theme is intended to be used directly, or as a parent theme when creating or updating custom themes to utilise Bootstrap 4.';
$string['configtitle'] = 'Classic';
$string['navbardark'] = 'Use a dark style navbar';
$string['navbardarkdesc'] = 'Swaps text and background colours for the navbar at the top of the page between dark and light.';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Classic';
$string['presetfiles'] = 'Additional theme preset files';
$string['presetfiles_desc'] = 'Preset files can be used to dramatically alter the appearance of the theme. See Boost presets for information on creating and sharing your own preset files, and see the Presets repository for presets that others have shared.';
$string['preset'] = 'Theme preset';
$string['preset_desc'] = 'Pick a preset to broadly change the look of the theme.';
$string['region-side-post'] = 'Right';
$string['region-side-pre'] = 'Left';
$string['sitetitle'] = 'Site Title';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Classic theme does not store any personal data.';