libdir.'/adminlib.php'); $blockid = required_param('block', PARAM_INT); if(!$blockrecord = blocks_get_record($blockid)) { print_error('blockdoesnotexist', 'error'); } admin_externalpage_setup('blocksetting'.$blockrecord->name); $block = block_instance($blockrecord->name); if($block === false) { print_error('blockcannotinistantiate', 'error'); } // Define the data we're going to silently include in the instance config form here, // so we can strip them from the submitted data BEFORE handling it. $hiddendata = array( 'block' => $blockid, 'sesskey' => sesskey() ); /// If data submitted, then process and store. if ($config = data_submitted()) { if (!confirm_sesskey()) { print_error('confirmsesskeybad', 'error'); } if(!$block->has_config()) { print_error('blockcannotconfig', 'error'); } $remove = array_keys($hiddendata); foreach($remove as $item) { unset($config->$item); } $block->config_save($config); redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/blocks.php", get_string("changessaved"), 1); exit; } /// Otherwise print the form. $strmanageblocks = get_string('manageblocks'); $strblockname = $block->get_title(); admin_externalpage_print_header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading($strblockname); echo $OUTPUT->notification('This block still uses an old-style config_global.html file. ' . 'It must be updated by a developer to use a settings.php file.'); echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('configwarning', 'admin'), 'generalbox boxwidthnormal boxaligncenter'); echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '

'; foreach($hiddendata as $name => $val) { echo ''; } echo '

'; echo $OUTPUT->box_start(); include($CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/'. $block->name() .'/config_global.html'); echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); echo '
'; echo $OUTPUT->footer();