. namespace theme_boost; /** * Test the boostnavbar file * * @package theme_boost * @covers \theme_boost\boostnavbar * @copyright 2021 Peter Dias * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class boostnavbar_test extends \advanced_testcase { /** * Provider for test_remove_no_link_items * The setup and expected arrays are defined as an array of 'nodekey' => $hasaction * * @return array */ public function remove_no_link_items_provider(): array { return [ 'All nodes have links links including leaf node. Set to remove section nodes.' => [ [ 'node1' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'node2' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'node3' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], ], true, [ 'Home' => true, 'Courses' => true, 'tc_1' => true, 'node1' => true, 'node2' => true, 'node3' => true, ] ], 'Only some parent nodes have links. Leaf node has a link. Set to remove section nodes.' => [ [ 'node1' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], 'node2' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'node3' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], ], true, [ 'Home' => true, 'Courses' => true, 'tc_1' => true, 'node2' => true, 'node3' => true, ] ], 'All parent nodes do not have links. Leaf node has a link. Set to remove section nodes.' => [ [ 'node1' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], 'node2' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], 'node3' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], ], true, [ 'Home' => true, 'Courses' => true, 'tc_1' => true, 'node3' => true, ] ], 'All parent nodes have links. Leaf node does not has a link. Set to remove section nodes.' => [ [ 'node1' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'node2' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'node3' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], ], true, [ 'Home' => true, 'Courses' => true, 'tc_1' => true, 'node1' => true, 'node2' => true, 'node3' => false, ] ], 'All parent nodes do not have links. Leaf node does not has a link. Set to remove section nodes.' => [ [ 'node1' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], 'node2' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], 'node3' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], ], true, [ 'Home' => true, 'Courses' => true, 'tc_1' => true, 'node3' => false, ] ], 'Some parent nodes do not have links. Leaf node does not has a link. Set to remove section nodes.' => [ [ 'node1' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'node2' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], 'node3' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], ], true, [ 'Home' => true, 'Courses' => true, 'tc_1' => true, 'node1' => true, 'node3' => false, ] ], 'All nodes have links links including leaf node and section nodes. Set to remove section nodes.' => [ [ 'node1' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'node2' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'sectionnode1' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => true], 'node3' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], ], true, [ 'Home' => true, 'Courses' => true, 'tc_1' => true, 'node1' => true, 'node2' => true, 'node3' => true, ] ], 'All nodes have links links including leaf node and section nodes. Set to not remove section nodes.' => [ [ 'node1' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'node2' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'sectionnode1' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => true], 'node3' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], ], false, [ 'Home' => true, 'Courses' => true, 'tc_1' => true, 'node1' => true, 'node2' => true, 'sectionnode1' => true, 'node3' => true, ] ], 'Only some parent nodes have links. Section node does not have a link. Set to not remove section nodes.' => [ [ 'node1' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => false], 'node2' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], 'sectionnode1' => ['hasaction' => false, 'issection' => true], 'node3' => ['hasaction' => true, 'issection' => false], ], true, [ 'Home' => true, 'Courses' => true, 'tc_1' => true, 'node2' => true, 'node3' => true, ] ] ]; } /** * Test the remove_no_link_items function * * @dataProvider remove_no_link_items_provider * @param array $setup * @param bool $removesectionnodes Whether to remove the section nodes with an associated action. * @param array $expected * @throws \ReflectionException */ public function test_remove_no_link_items(array $setup, bool $removesectionnodes, array $expected) { global $PAGE; $this->resetAfterTest(); // Unfortunate hack needed because people use global $PAGE around the place. $PAGE->set_url('/'); $course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course(); $page = new \moodle_page(); $page->set_course($course); $page->set_url(new \moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id))); // A dummy url to use. We don't care where it's pointing to. $url = new \moodle_url('/'); foreach ($setup as $key => $value) { $page->navbar->add($key, $value['hasaction'] ? $url : null, $value['issection'] ? \navigation_node::TYPE_SECTION : null); } $boostnavbar = $this->getMockBuilder(boostnavbar::class) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->onlyMethods([]) ->getMock(); $rc = new \ReflectionClass(boostnavbar::class); $rcp = $rc->getProperty('items'); $rcp->setAccessible(true); $rcp->setValue($boostnavbar, $page->navbar->get_items()); // Make the call to the function. $rcm = $rc->getMethod('remove_no_link_items'); $rcm->setAccessible(true); $rcm->invoke($boostnavbar, $removesectionnodes); // Get the value for the class variable that the function modifies. $values = $rcp->getValue($boostnavbar); $actual = []; foreach ($values as $value) { $actual[$value->text] = $value->has_action(); } $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); } /** * Provider for test_remove_duplicate_items. * * @return array */ public function remove_duplicate_items_provider(): array { global $CFG; return [ 'Breadcrumb items with identical text and action url (actions of same type moodle_url).' => [ [ [ 'text' => 'Node 1', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php') ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 4', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page4.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 1]) ], ], ['Home', 'Node 1', 'Node 4', 'Node 2'] ], 'Breadcrumb items with identical text and action url (actions of different type moodle_url/text).' => [ [ [ 'text' => 'Node 1', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php') ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 4', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page4.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/page2.php?id=1" ], ], ['Home', 'Node 1', 'Node 4', 'Node 2'] ], 'Breadcrumb items with identical text and action url (actions of different type moodle_url/action_link).' => [ [ [ 'text' => 'Node 1', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php') ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 4', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page4.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \action_link(new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 1]), 'Action link') ], ], ['Home', 'Node 1', 'Node 4', 'Node 2'] ], 'Breadcrumbs items with identical text but not identical action url.' => [ [ [ 'text' => 'Node 1', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php') ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 2]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 4', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page4.php', ['id' => 1]) ], ], ['Home', 'Node 1', 'Node 2', 'Node 2', 'Node 4'] ], 'Breadcrumb items with identical action url but not identical text.' => [ [ [ 'text' => 'Node 1', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php') ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 3', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 4', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page4.php', ['id' => 1]) ], ], ['Home', 'Node 1', 'Node 2', 'Node 3', 'Node 4'] ], 'Breadcrumb items without any identical action url or text.' => [ [ [ 'text' => 'Node 1', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php') ], [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 3', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page3.php', ['id' => 1]) ], [ 'text' => 'Node 4', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page4.php', ['id' => 1]) ], ], ['Home', 'Node 1', 'Node 2', 'Node 3', 'Node 4'] ], ]; } /** * Test the remove_duplicate_items function. * * @dataProvider remove_duplicate_items_provider * @param array $navbarnodes The array containing the text and action of the nodes to be added to the navbar * @param array $expected The array containing the text of the expected navbar nodes */ public function test_remove_duplicate_items(array $navbarnodes, array $expected) { $this->resetAfterTest(); $page = new \moodle_page(); $page->set_url('/'); // Add the navbar nodes. foreach ($navbarnodes as $node) { $page->navbar->add($node['text'], $node['action'], \navigation_node::TYPE_CUSTOM); } $boostnavbar = $this->getMockBuilder(boostnavbar::class) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->onlyMethods([]) ->getMock(); $rc = new \ReflectionClass(boostnavbar::class); $rcp = $rc->getProperty('items'); $rcp->setAccessible(true); $rcp->setValue($boostnavbar, $page->navbar->get_items()); // Make the call to the function. $rcm = $rc->getMethod('remove_duplicate_items'); $rcm->setAccessible(true); $rcm->invoke($boostnavbar); // Get the value for the class variable that the function modifies. $values = $rcp->getValue($boostnavbar); $actual = []; foreach ($values as $value) { $actual[] = $value->text; } $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); } /** * Provider for test_remove_items_that_exist_in_navigation. * * @return array */ public function remove_items_that_exist_in_navigation_provider(): array { global $CFG; return [ 'Item with identical action url and text exists in the primary navigation menu.' => [ 'primary', [ [ 'text' => 'Node 1', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php') ], ], [ 'Node 1' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php'), 'Node 2' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php'), 'Node 3' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php'), ], ['Node 2', 'Node 3'] ], 'Item with identical action url and text exists in the secondary navigation menu.' => [ 'secondary', [ [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php') ], ], [ 'Node 1' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php'), 'Node 2' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php'), 'Node 3' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php'), ], ['Home', 'Node 1', 'Node 3'] ], 'Multiple items with identical action url and text exist in the secondary navigation menu.' => [ 'secondary', [ [ 'text' => 'Node 2', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php') ], [ 'text' => 'Node 3', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page3.php') ], ], [ 'Node 1' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php'), 'Node 2' => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/page2.php", 'Node 3' => new \action_link(new \moodle_url('/page3.php'), 'Action link'), ], ['Home', 'Node 1'] ], 'No items with identical action url and text in the secondary navigation menu.' => [ 'secondary', [ [ 'text' => 'Node 4', 'action' => new \moodle_url('/page4.php') ], ], [ 'Node 1' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php'), 'Node 2' => new \moodle_url('/page2.php'), 'Node 3' => new \moodle_url('/page1.php'), ], ['Home', 'Node 1', 'Node 2', 'Node 3'] ], ]; } /** * Test the remove_items_that_exist_in_navigation function. * * @dataProvider remove_items_that_exist_in_navigation_provider * @param string $navmenu The name of the navigation menu we would like to use (primary or secondary) * @param array $navmenunodes The array containing the text and action of the nodes to be added to the navigation menu * @param array $navbarnodes Array containing the text => action of the nodes to be added to the navbar * @param array $expected Array containing the text of the expected navbar nodes after the filtering */ public function test_remove_items_that_exist_in_navigation(string $navmenu, array $navmenunodes, array $navbarnodes, array $expected) { global $PAGE; // Unfortunate hack needed because people use global $PAGE around the place. $PAGE->set_url('/'); $this->resetAfterTest(); $page = new \moodle_page(); $page->set_url('/'); switch ($navmenu) { case 'primary': $navigationmenu = new \core\navigation\views\primary($page); break; case 'secondary': $navigationmenu = new \core\navigation\views\secondary($page); } $navigationmenu->initialise(); // Add the additional nodes to the navigation menu. foreach ($navmenunodes as $navmenunode) { $navigationmenu->add($navmenunode['text'], $navmenunode['action'], \navigation_node::TYPE_CUSTOM); } // Add the additional navbar nodes. foreach ($navbarnodes as $text => $action) { $page->navbar->add($text, $action, \navigation_node::TYPE_CUSTOM); } $boostnavbar = $this->getMockBuilder(boostnavbar::class) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->onlyMethods([]) ->getMock(); $rc = new \ReflectionClass(boostnavbar::class); $rcp = $rc->getProperty('items'); $rcp->setAccessible(true); $rcp->setValue($boostnavbar, $page->navbar->get_items()); // Make the call to the function. $rcm = $rc->getMethod('remove_items_that_exist_in_navigation'); $rcm->setAccessible(true); $rcm->invoke($boostnavbar, $navigationmenu); // Get the value for the class variable that the function modifies. $values = $rcp->getValue($boostnavbar); $actual = []; foreach ($values as $value) { $actual[] = $value->text; } $this->assertEquals($expected, $actual); } }