This files describes API changes in /theme/* themes, information provided here is intended especially for theme designer. === 2.6 === Notes: * The parameters value for the following functions have been modified: core_renderer::heading() and core_renderer::heading_with_help(). This means that headings using the default options will no longer have the class "main" which was the previous default. * The file picker and activity chooser have been converted to use M.core.dialogue. This means the styles for these elements have changed in the base and bootstrapbase themes and you will need to copy the new styles if you are not inheriting from either one of these themes. * For the themes based on bootstrapbase please also read theme/bootstrapbase/upgrade.txt * A new component action_menu is now used to display editing icons for courses and blocks within a drop down. If you have a theme that doesn't extend base, canvas, or clean then you will need to style for this new component within your theme. Renderer changes: * core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_edit_actions has two new optional arguments and now uses and action_menu component. * core_course_renderer::course_section_cm has been altered to call core_course_renderer::course_section_cm_edit_actions with the two new arguments. * core_renderer::block_controls has a new optional argument (the block id) and has been altered to use the new action_menu component. * core_renderer::block_header has been altered to give core_renderer::block_controls the new second argument, the block id. * core_renderer::action_link has a new argument, and optional icon that can be rendererd into the link. === 2.5.1 === Notes: * Block drag and drop functionality has been improved so that it works regardless of what block regions you use or how many block regions you have. In order to benefit from this improvement you must convert your calls from $OUTPUT->blocks_for_region() to $OUTPUT->blocks. Optional changes: * Theme config can nominate block regions to swap if the user is using a rtl languages such as Hebrew. $THEME->blockrtlmanipulations should be an associative array, the key is the original block region, and the value should be where the blocks in that region should be displayed. * New $OUTPUT methods to replace code that was previously using $PAGE. Converting to these methods is optional but highly recommended. Refer to the bootstrapbase layouts for examples. - $OUTPUT->body_attributes() returns a string you can use for the body id and classes. - $OUTPUT->blocks() returns HTML to display a block region and all of its blocks. This adds data attributes that ensure drag and drop of blocks will work no matter what block regions or how many you have. - $OUTPUT->page_heading() returns the page heading. Replaces $PAGE->heading. - $OUTPUT->page_heading_button() returns the button to display with the heading. Replaces $page->button. - $OUTPUT->page_doc_link() returns the link to moodle docs for the page. Replaces page_doc_link(). - $OUTPUT->page_heading_menu() returns the heading menu for the page. Replaces $PAGE->headingmenu. - $OUTPUT->page_title() Returns the title to use for the head section. - $OUTPUT->favicon() returns the URL to the favicon. Renderer changes: * core_renderer::navbar now returns an empty string if there are no navigation items to display. * core_renderer::custom_menu now adds a class "custom_menu" to the div that contains the HTML for the custom menu. === 2.5 === required changes: * Functions core_course_renderer::course_category_tree() and course_category_tree_category() are deprecated * Significant changes in rendering of courses and categories listings, lots of CSS classes changed, several functions such as print_courses(), print_whole_category_list(), print_category_info() are moved to course renderer. See DOM changes: * changed the h1 title in the help popup to a h2. * new setting $THEME->yuicssmodules = array('cssreset', 'cssfonts', 'cssgrids', 'cssbase'); which allows themes to use different CSS reset normalisers such as cssnormalize YUI module. * Re-wrote the user profile views to definition lists. * Re-wrote the table for the course completion status block to use html_table - added some CSS classes to the table in the process (see MDL-35608). * Cancel buttons have the class btn-cancel. * Added a z-index for the div#dateselector-calendar-panel so that the calendar pop-up renders above the filemanager when they overlap, ie. the course settings page (see MDL-39047). * Trivial change of CSS selectors used to display plugin status at the plugins overview screen (#plugins-control-panel). Renderer changes: * Mymobile theme changed to support more verbose move-block-here descriptions. === 2.4 === required changes: * output course and course content header/footer that may be returned by course format (see MDL-36048) * span.completionprogress has been changed to a