// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see . /** * Javascript helper function for SCORM module. * * @package mod-scorm * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ mod_scorm_launch_next_sco = null; mod_scorm_launch_prev_sco = null; mod_scorm_activate_item = null; mod_scorm_parse_toc_tree = null; scorm_layout_widget = null; window.scorm_current_node = null; function underscore(str) { str = String(str).replace(/.N/g,"."); return str.replace(/\./g,"__"); } M.mod_scorm = {}; M.mod_scorm.init = function(Y, nav_display, navposition_left, navposition_top, hide_toc, collapsetocwinsize, toc_title, window_name, launch_sco, scoes_nav) { var scorm_disable_toc = false; var scorm_hide_nav = true; var scorm_hide_toc = true; if (hide_toc == 0) { if (nav_display !== 0) { scorm_hide_nav = false; } scorm_hide_toc = false; } else if (hide_toc == 3) { scorm_disable_toc = true; } scoes_nav = Y.JSON.parse(scoes_nav); var scorm_buttons = []; var scorm_bloody_labelclick = false; var scorm_nav_panel; Y.use('button', 'dd-plugin', 'panel', 'resize', 'gallery-sm-treeview', function(Y) { Y.TreeView.prototype.getNodeByAttribute = function(attribute, value) { var node = null, domnode = Y.one('a[' + attribute + '="' + value + '"]'); if (domnode !== null) { node = scorm_tree_node.getNodeById(domnode.ancestor('li').get('id')); } return node; }; Y.TreeView.prototype.openAll = function () { this.get('container').all('.yui3-treeview-can-have-children').each(function(target) { this.getNodeById(target.get('id')).open(); }, this); }; Y.TreeView.prototype.closeAll = function () { this.get('container').all('.yui3-treeview-can-have-children').each(function(target) { this.getNodeById(target.get('id')).close(); }, this); } var scorm_parse_toc_tree = function(srcNode) { var SELECTORS = { child: '> li', label: '> li, > a', textlabel : '> li, > span', subtree: '> ul, > li' }, children = []; srcNode.all(SELECTORS.child).each(function(childNode) { var child = {}, labelNode = childNode.one(SELECTORS.label), textNode = childNode.one(SELECTORS.textlabel), subTreeNode = childNode.one(SELECTORS.subtree); if (labelNode) { var title = labelNode.getAttribute('title'); var scoid = labelNode.getData('scoid'); child.label = labelNode.get('outerHTML'); // Will be good to change to url instead of title. if (title && title !== '#') { child.title = title; } if (typeof scoid !== 'undefined') { child.scoid = scoid; } } else if (textNode) { // The selector did not find a label node with anchor. child.label = textNode.get('outerHTML'); } if (subTreeNode) { child.children = scorm_parse_toc_tree(subTreeNode); } children.push(child); }); return children; }; mod_scorm_parse_toc_tree = scorm_parse_toc_tree; var scorm_activate_item = function(node) { if (!node) { return; } // Check if the item is already active, avoid recursive calls. var content = Y.one('#scorm_content'); var old = Y.one('#scorm_object'); if (old) { var scorm_active_url = Y.one('#scorm_object').getAttribute('src'); var node_full_url = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/mod/scorm/loadSCO.php?' + node.title; if (node_full_url === scorm_active_url) { return; } // Start to unload iframe here if(!window_name){ content.removeChild(old); old = null; } } // End of - Avoid recursive calls. scorm_current_node = node; if (!scorm_current_node.state.selected) { scorm_current_node.select(); } scorm_tree_node.closeAll(); var url_prefix = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/mod/scorm/loadSCO.php?'; var el_old_api = document.getElementById('scormapi123'); if (el_old_api) { el_old_api.parentNode.removeChild(el_old_api); } var obj = document.createElement('iframe'); obj.setAttribute('id', 'scorm_object'); obj.setAttribute('type', 'text/html'); obj.setAttribute('allowfullscreen', 'allowfullscreen'); obj.setAttribute('webkitallowfullscreen', 'webkitallowfullscreen'); obj.setAttribute('mozallowfullscreen', 'mozallowfullscreen'); if (!window_name && node.title != null) { obj.setAttribute('src', url_prefix + node.title); } if (window_name) { var mine = window.open('','','width=1,height=1,left=0,top=0,scrollbars=no'); if(! mine) { alert(M.util.get_string('popupsblocked', 'scorm')); } mine.close(); } if (old) { if(window_name) { var cwidth = scormplayerdata.cwidth; var cheight = scormplayerdata.cheight; var poptions = scormplayerdata.popupoptions; poptions = poptions + ',resizable=yes'; // Added for IE (MDL-32506). scorm_openpopup(M.cfg.wwwroot + "/mod/scorm/loadSCO.php?" + node.title, window_name, poptions, cwidth, cheight); } } else { content.prepend(obj); } if (scorm_hide_nav == false) { if (nav_display === 1 && navposition_left > 0 && navposition_top > 0) { Y.one('#scorm_object').addClass(cssclasses.scorm_nav_under_content); } scorm_fixnav(); } scorm_tree_node.openAll(); }; mod_scorm_activate_item = scorm_activate_item; /** * Enables/disables navigation buttons as needed. * @return void */ var scorm_fixnav = function() { var skipprevnode = scorm_skipprev(scorm_current_node); var prevnode = scorm_prev(scorm_current_node); var skipnextnode = scorm_skipnext(scorm_current_node); var nextnode = scorm_next(scorm_current_node); var upnode = scorm_up(scorm_current_node); scorm_buttons[0].set('disabled', ((skipprevnode === null) || (typeof(skipprevnode.scoid) === 'undefined') || (scoes_nav[skipprevnode.scoid].isvisible === "false") || (skipprevnode.title === null) || (scoes_nav[launch_sco].hideprevious === 1))); scorm_buttons[1].set('disabled', ((prevnode === null) || (typeof(prevnode.scoid) === 'undefined') || (scoes_nav[prevnode.scoid].isvisible === "false") || (prevnode.title === null) || (scoes_nav[launch_sco].hideprevious === 1))); scorm_buttons[2].set('disabled', (upnode === null) || (typeof(upnode.scoid) === 'undefined') || (scoes_nav[upnode.scoid].isvisible === "false") || (upnode.title === null)); scorm_buttons[3].set('disabled', ((nextnode === null) || ((nextnode.title === null) && (scoes_nav[launch_sco].flow !== 1)) || (typeof(nextnode.scoid) === 'undefined') || (scoes_nav[nextnode.scoid].isvisible === "false") || (scoes_nav[launch_sco].hidecontinue === 1))); scorm_buttons[4].set('disabled', ((skipnextnode === null) || (skipnextnode.title === null) || (typeof(skipnextnode.scoid) === 'undefined') || (scoes_nav[skipnextnode.scoid].isvisible === "false") || scoes_nav[launch_sco].hidecontinue === 1)); }; var scorm_toggle_toc = function(windowresize) { var toc = Y.one('#scorm_toc'); var scorm_content = Y.one('#scorm_content'); var scorm_toc_toggle_btn = Y.one('#scorm_toc_toggle_btn'); var toc_disabled = toc.hasClass('disabled'); var disabled_by = toc.getAttribute('disabled-by'); // Remove width element style from resize handle. toc.setStyle('width', null); scorm_content.setStyle('width', null); if (windowresize === true) { if (disabled_by === 'user') { return; } var body = Y.one('body'); if (body.get('winWidth') < collapsetocwinsize) { toc.addClass(cssclasses.disabled) .setAttribute('disabled-by', 'screen-size'); scorm_toc_toggle_btn.setHTML('>') .set('title', M.util.get_string('show', 'moodle')); scorm_content.removeClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_visible) .addClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_hidden); } else if (body.get('winWidth') > collapsetocwinsize) { toc.removeClass(cssclasses.disabled) .removeAttribute('disabled-by'); scorm_toc_toggle_btn.setHTML('<') .set('title', M.util.get_string('hide', 'moodle')); scorm_content.removeClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_hidden) .addClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_visible); } return; } if (toc_disabled) { toc.removeClass(cssclasses.disabled) .removeAttribute('disabled-by'); scorm_toc_toggle_btn.setHTML('<') .set('title', M.util.get_string('hide', 'moodle')); scorm_content.removeClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_hidden) .addClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_visible); } else { toc.addClass(cssclasses.disabled) .setAttribute('disabled-by', 'user'); scorm_toc_toggle_btn.setHTML('>') .set('title', M.util.get_string('show', 'moodle')); scorm_content.removeClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_visible) .addClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_hidden); } }; var scorm_resize_layout = function() { if (window_name) { return; } // make sure that the max width of the TOC doesn't go to far var scorm_toc_node = Y.one('#scorm_toc'); var maxwidth = parseInt(Y.one('#scorm_layout').getComputedStyle('width'), 10); scorm_toc_node.setStyle('maxWidth', (maxwidth - 200)); var cwidth = parseInt(scorm_toc_node.getComputedStyle('width'), 10); if (cwidth > (maxwidth - 1)) { scorm_toc_node.setStyle('width', (maxwidth - 50)); } // Calculate the rough new height from the viewport height. var newheight = Y.one('body').get('winHeight') - 5 - Y.one('#scorm_layout').getY() - window.pageYOffset; if (newheight < 680 || isNaN(newheight)) { newheight = 680; } Y.one('#scorm_layout').setStyle('height', newheight); }; // Handle AJAX Request var scorm_ajax_request = function(url, datastring) { var myRequest = NewHttpReq(); var result = DoRequest(myRequest, url + datastring); return result; }; var scorm_up = function(node, update_launch_sco) { if (node.parent && node.parent.parent && typeof scoes_nav[launch_sco].parentscoid !== 'undefined') { var parentscoid = scoes_nav[launch_sco].parentscoid; var parent = node.parent; if (parent.title !== scoes_nav[parentscoid].url) { parent = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[parentscoid].url); if (parent === null) { parent = scorm_tree_node.rootNode.children[0]; parent.title = scoes_nav[parentscoid].url; } } if (update_launch_sco) { launch_sco = parentscoid; } return parent; } return null; }; var scorm_lastchild = function(node) { if (node.children.length) { return scorm_lastchild(node.children[node.children.length - 1]); } else { return node; } }; var scorm_prev = function(node, update_launch_sco) { if (node.previous() && node.previous().children.length && typeof scoes_nav[launch_sco].prevscoid !== 'undefined') { node = scorm_lastchild(node.previous()); if (node) { var prevscoid = scoes_nav[launch_sco].prevscoid; if (node.title !== scoes_nav[prevscoid].url) { node = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[prevscoid].url); if (node === null) { node = scorm_tree_node.rootNode.children[0]; node.title = scoes_nav[prevscoid].url; } } if (update_launch_sco) { launch_sco = prevscoid; } return node; } else { return null; } } return scorm_skipprev(node, update_launch_sco); }; var scorm_skipprev = function(node, update_launch_sco) { if (node.previous() && typeof scoes_nav[launch_sco].prevsibling !== 'undefined') { var prevsibling = scoes_nav[launch_sco].prevsibling; var previous = node.previous(); var prevscoid = scoes_nav[launch_sco].prevscoid; if (previous.title !== scoes_nav[prevscoid].url) { previous = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[prevsibling].url); if (previous === null) { previous = scorm_tree_node.rootNode.children[0]; previous.title = scoes_nav[prevsibling].url; } } if (update_launch_sco) { launch_sco = prevsibling; } return previous; } else if (node.parent && node.parent.parent && typeof scoes_nav[launch_sco].parentscoid !== 'undefined') { var parentscoid = scoes_nav[launch_sco].parentscoid; var parent = node.parent; if (parent.title !== scoes_nav[parentscoid].url) { parent = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[parentscoid].url); if (parent === null) { parent = scorm_tree_node.rootNode.children[0]; parent.title = scoes_nav[parentscoid].url; } } if (update_launch_sco) { launch_sco = parentscoid; } return parent; } return null; }; var scorm_next = function(node, update_launch_sco) { if (node === false) { return scorm_tree_node.children[0]; } if (node.children.length && typeof scoes_nav[launch_sco].nextscoid != 'undefined') { node = node.children[0]; var nextscoid = scoes_nav[launch_sco].nextscoid; if (node.title !== scoes_nav[nextscoid].url) { node = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[nextscoid].url); if (node === null) { node = scorm_tree_node.rootNode.children[0]; node.title = scoes_nav[nextscoid].url; } } if (update_launch_sco) { launch_sco = nextscoid; } return node; } return scorm_skipnext(node, update_launch_sco); }; var scorm_skipnext = function(node, update_launch_sco) { var next = node.next(); if (next && next.title && typeof scoes_nav[launch_sco] !== 'undefined' && typeof scoes_nav[launch_sco].nextsibling !== 'undefined') { var nextsibling = scoes_nav[launch_sco].nextsibling; if (next.title !== scoes_nav[nextsibling].url) { next = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[nextsibling].url); if (next === null) { next = scorm_tree_node.rootNode.children[0]; next.title = scoes_nav[nextsibling].url; } } if (update_launch_sco) { launch_sco = nextsibling; } return next; } else if (node.parent && node.parent.parent && typeof scoes_nav[launch_sco].parentscoid !== 'undefined') { var parentscoid = scoes_nav[launch_sco].parentscoid; var parent = node.parent; if (parent.title !== scoes_nav[parentscoid].url) { parent = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[parentscoid].url); if (parent === null) { parent = scorm_tree_node.rootNode.children[0]; } } if (update_launch_sco) { launch_sco = parentscoid; } return scorm_skipnext(parent, update_launch_sco); } return null; }; // Launch prev sco var scorm_launch_prev_sco = function() { var result = null; if (scoes_nav[launch_sco].flow === 1) { var datastring = scoes_nav[launch_sco].url + '&function=scorm_seq_flow&request=backward'; result = scorm_ajax_request(M.cfg.wwwroot + '/mod/scorm/datamodels/sequencinghandler.php?', datastring); if (result === false) { // Either the outcome was a failure, or we are unloading and simply just don't know // what the outcome actually was. result = {}; } else { result = Y.JSON.parse(result); } if (typeof result.nextactivity !== 'undefined' && typeof result.nextactivity.id !== 'undefined') { var node = scorm_prev(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0]); if (node == null) { // Avoid use of TreeView for Navigation. node = scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0]; } if (node.title !== scoes_nav[result.nextactivity.id].url) { node = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[result.nextactivity.id].url); if (node === null) { node = scorm_tree_node.rootNode.children[0]; node.title = scoes_nav[result.nextactivity.id].url; } } launch_sco = result.nextactivity.id; scorm_activate_item(node); scorm_fixnav(); } else { scorm_activate_item(scorm_prev(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); } } else { scorm_activate_item(scorm_prev(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); } }; // Launch next sco var scorm_launch_next_sco = function () { var result = null; if (scoes_nav[launch_sco].flow === 1) { var datastring = scoes_nav[launch_sco].url + '&function=scorm_seq_flow&request=forward'; result = scorm_ajax_request(M.cfg.wwwroot + '/mod/scorm/datamodels/sequencinghandler.php?', datastring); if (result === false) { // Either the outcome was a failure, or we are unloading and simply just don't know // what the outcome actually was. result = {}; } else { result = Y.JSON.parse(result); } if (typeof result.nextactivity !== 'undefined' && typeof result.nextactivity.id !== 'undefined') { var node = scorm_next(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0]); if (node === null) { // Avoid use of TreeView for Navigation. node = scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0]; } node = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[result.nextactivity.id].url); if (node === null) { node = scorm_tree_node.rootNode.children[0]; node.title = scoes_nav[result.nextactivity.id].url; } launch_sco = result.nextactivity.id; scorm_activate_item(node); scorm_fixnav(); } else { scorm_activate_item(scorm_next(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); } } else { scorm_activate_item(scorm_next(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); } }; mod_scorm_launch_prev_sco = scorm_launch_prev_sco; mod_scorm_launch_next_sco = scorm_launch_next_sco; var cssclasses = { // YUI grid class: use 100% of the available width to show only content, TOC hidden. scorm_grid_content_toc_hidden: 'yui3-u-1', // YUI grid class: use 1/5 of the available width to show TOC. scorm_grid_toc: 'yui3-u-1-5', // YUI grid class: use 1/24 of the available width to show TOC toggle button. scorm_grid_toggle: 'yui3-u-1-24', // YUI grid class: use 3/4 of the available width to show content, TOC visible. scorm_grid_content_toc_visible: 'yui3-u-3-4', // Reduce height of #scorm_object to accomodate nav buttons under content. scorm_nav_under_content: 'scorm_nav_under_content', disabled: 'disabled' }; // layout Y.one('#scorm_toc_title').setHTML(toc_title); if (scorm_disable_toc) { Y.one('#scorm_toc').addClass(cssclasses.disabled); Y.one('#scorm_toc_toggle').addClass(cssclasses.disabled); Y.one('#scorm_content').addClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_hidden); } else { Y.one('#scorm_toc').addClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_toc); Y.one('#scorm_toc_toggle').addClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_toggle); Y.one('#scorm_toc_toggle_btn') .setHTML('<') .setAttribute('title', M.util.get_string('hide', 'moodle')); Y.one('#scorm_content').addClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_visible); scorm_toggle_toc(true); } // hide the TOC if that is the default if (!scorm_disable_toc) { if (scorm_hide_toc == true) { Y.one('#scorm_toc').addClass(cssclasses.disabled); Y.one('#scorm_toc_toggle_btn') .setHTML('>') .setAttribute('title', M.util.get_string('show', 'moodle')); Y.one('#scorm_content') .removeClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_visible) .addClass(cssclasses.scorm_grid_content_toc_hidden); } } // Basic initialization completed, show the elements. Y.one('#scorm_toc').removeClass('loading'); Y.one('#scorm_toc_toggle').removeClass('loading'); // TOC Resize handle. var layout_width = parseInt(Y.one('#scorm_layout').getComputedStyle('width'), 10); var scorm_resize_handle = new Y.Resize({ node: '#scorm_toc', handles: 'r', defMinWidth: 0.2 * layout_width }); // TOC tree var toc_source = Y.one('#scorm_tree > ul'); var toc = scorm_parse_toc_tree(toc_source); // Empty container after parsing toc. var el = document.getElementById('scorm_tree'); el.innerHTML = ''; var tree = new Y.TreeView({ container: '#scorm_tree', nodes: toc, multiSelect: false }); scorm_tree_node = tree; // Trigger after instead of on, avoid recursive calls. tree.after('select', function(e) { var node = e.node; if (node.title == '' || node.title == null) { return; //this item has no navigation } // If item is already active, return; avoid recursive calls. if (obj = Y.one('#scorm_object')) { var scorm_active_url = obj.getAttribute('src'); var node_full_url = M.cfg.wwwroot + '/mod/scorm/loadSCO.php?' + node.title; if (node_full_url === scorm_active_url) { return; } } else if(scorm_current_node == node){ return; } // Update launch_sco. if (typeof node.scoid !== 'undefined') { launch_sco = node.scoid; } scorm_activate_item(node); if (node.children.length) { scorm_bloody_labelclick = true; } }); if (!scorm_disable_toc) { tree.on('close', function(e) { if (scorm_bloody_labelclick) { scorm_bloody_labelclick = false; return false; } }); tree.subscribe('open', function(e) { if (scorm_bloody_labelclick) { scorm_bloody_labelclick = false; return false; } }); } tree.render(); tree.openAll(); // On getting the window, always set the focus on the current item Y.one(Y.config.win).on('focus', function (e) { var current = scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0]; var toc_disabled = Y.one('#scorm_toc').hasClass('disabled'); if (current.id && !toc_disabled) { Y.one('#' + current.id).focus(); } }); // navigation if (scorm_hide_nav == false) { // TODO: make some better&accessible buttons. var navbuttonshtml = ' ' + '  ' + ' '; if (nav_display === 1) { Y.one('#scorm_navpanel').setHTML(navbuttonshtml); } else { // Nav panel is floating type. var navposition = null; if (navposition_left < 0 && navposition_top < 0) { // Set default XY. navposition = Y.one('#scorm_toc').getXY(); navposition[1] += 200; } else { // Set user defined XY. navposition = []; navposition[0] = parseInt(navposition_left, 10); navposition[1] = parseInt(navposition_top, 10); } scorm_nav_panel = new Y.Panel({ fillHeight: "body", headerContent: M.util.get_string('navigation', 'scorm'), visible: true, xy: navposition, zIndex: 999 }); scorm_nav_panel.set('bodyContent', navbuttonshtml); scorm_nav_panel.removeButton('close'); scorm_nav_panel.plug(Y.Plugin.Drag, {handles: ['.yui3-widget-hd']}); scorm_nav_panel.render(); } scorm_buttons[0] = new Y.Button({ srcNode: '#nav_skipprev', render: true, on: { 'click' : function(ev) { scorm_activate_item(scorm_skipprev(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); }, 'keydown' : function(ev) { if (ev.domEvent.keyCode === 13 || ev.domEvent.keyCode === 32) { scorm_activate_item(scorm_skipprev(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); } } } }); scorm_buttons[1] = new Y.Button({ srcNode: '#nav_prev', render: true, on: { 'click' : function(ev) { scorm_launch_prev_sco(); }, 'keydown' : function(ev) { if (ev.domEvent.keyCode === 13 || ev.domEvent.keyCode === 32) { scorm_launch_prev_sco(); } } } }); scorm_buttons[2] = new Y.Button({ srcNode: '#nav_up', render: true, on: { 'click' : function(ev) { scorm_activate_item(scorm_up(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); }, 'keydown' : function(ev) { if (ev.domEvent.keyCode === 13 || ev.domEvent.keyCode === 32) { scorm_activate_item(scorm_up(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); } } } }); scorm_buttons[3] = new Y.Button({ srcNode: '#nav_next', render: true, on: { 'click' : function(ev) { scorm_launch_next_sco(); }, 'keydown' : function(ev) { if (ev.domEvent.keyCode === 13 || ev.domEvent.keyCode === 32) { scorm_launch_next_sco(); } } } }); scorm_buttons[4] = new Y.Button({ srcNode: '#nav_skipnext', render: true, on: { 'click' : function(ev) { scorm_activate_item(scorm_skipnext(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); }, 'keydown' : function(ev) { if (ev.domEvent.keyCode === 13 || ev.domEvent.keyCode === 32) { scorm_activate_item(scorm_skipnext(scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0], true)); } } } }); } // finally activate the chosen item var scorm_first_url = null; if (typeof tree.rootNode.children[0] !== 'undefined') { if (tree.rootNode.children[0].title !== scoes_nav[launch_sco].url) { var node = tree.getNodeByAttribute('title', scoes_nav[launch_sco].url); if (node !== null) { scorm_first_url = node; } } else { scorm_first_url = tree.rootNode.children[0]; } } if (scorm_first_url == null) { // This is probably a single sco with no children (AICC Direct uses this). scorm_first_url = tree.rootNode; } scorm_first_url.title = scoes_nav[launch_sco].url; scorm_activate_item(scorm_first_url); // resizing scorm_resize_layout(); // Collapse/expand TOC. Y.one('#scorm_toc_toggle').on('click', scorm_toggle_toc); Y.one('#scorm_toc_toggle').on('key', scorm_toggle_toc, 'down:enter,32'); // fix layout if window resized Y.on("windowresize", function() { scorm_resize_layout(); var toc_displayed = Y.one('#scorm_toc').getComputedStyle('display') !== 'none'; if ((!scorm_disable_toc && !scorm_hide_toc) || toc_displayed) { scorm_toggle_toc(true); } // Set 20% as minWidth constrain of TOC. var layout_width = parseInt(Y.one('#scorm_layout').getComputedStyle('width'), 10); scorm_resize_handle.set('defMinWidth', 0.2 * layout_width); }); // On resize drag, change width of scorm_content. scorm_resize_handle.on('resize:resize', function() { var tocwidth = parseInt(Y.one('#scorm_toc').getComputedStyle('width'), 10); var layoutwidth = parseInt(Y.one('#scorm_layout').getStyle('width'), 10); Y.one('#scorm_content').setStyle('width', (layoutwidth - tocwidth - 60)); }); }); }; M.mod_scorm.connectPrereqCallback = { success: function(id, o) { if (o.responseText !== undefined) { var snode = null, stitle = null; if (scorm_tree_node && o.responseText) { snode = scorm_tree_node.getSelectedNodes()[0]; stitle = null; if (snode) { stitle = snode.title; } // All gone with clear, add new root node. scorm_tree_node.clear(scorm_tree_node.createNode()); } // Make sure the temporary tree element is not there. var el_old_tree = document.getElementById('scormtree123'); if (el_old_tree) { el_old_tree.parentNode.removeChild(el_old_tree); } var el_new_tree = document.createElement('div'); var pagecontent = document.getElementById("page-content"); if (!pagecontent) { pagecontent = document.getElementById("content"); } el_new_tree.setAttribute('id','scormtree123'); el_new_tree.innerHTML = o.responseText; // Make sure it does not show. el_new_tree.style.display = 'none'; pagecontent.appendChild(el_new_tree); // Ignore the first level element as this is the title. var startNode = el_new_tree.firstChild.firstChild; if (startNode.tagName == 'LI') { // Go back to the beginning. startNode = el_new_tree; } var toc_source = Y.one('#scormtree123 > ul'); var toc = mod_scorm_parse_toc_tree(toc_source); scorm_tree_node.appendNode(scorm_tree_node.rootNode, toc); var el = document.getElementById('scormtree123'); el.parentNode.removeChild(el); scorm_tree_node.render(); scorm_tree_node.openAll(); if (stitle !== null) { snode = scorm_tree_node.getNodeByAttribute('title', stitle); // Do not let destroyed node to be selected. if (snode && !snode.state.destroyed) { snode.select(); var toc_disabled = Y.one('#scorm_toc').hasClass('disabled'); if (!toc_disabled) { if (!snode.state.selected) { snode.select(); } } } } } }, failure: function(id, o) { // TODO: do some sort of error handling. } };