. * * @package core * @subpackage lib * @copyright Dan Poltawski * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * * Simple implementation of some Google API functions for Moodle. */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** Include essential file */ require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); /** * Base class for google authenticated http requests * * Most Google API Calls required that requests are sent with an * Authorization header + token. This class extends the curl class * to aid this * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage lib * @copyright Dan Poltawski * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class google_auth_request extends curl { protected $token = ''; private $persistantheaders = array(); // Must be overridden with the authorization header name public static function get_auth_header_name() { throw new coding_exception('get_auth_header_name() method needs to be overridden in each subclass of google_auth_request'); } protected function request($url, $options = array()){ if($this->token){ // Adds authorisation head to a request so that it can be authentcated $this->setHeader('Authorization: '. $this->get_auth_header_name().'"'.$this->token.'"'); } foreach($this->persistantheaders as $h){ $this->setHeader($h); } $ret = parent::request($url, $options); // reset headers for next request $this->header = array(); return $ret; } protected function multi($requests, $options = array()) { if($this->token){ // Adds authorisation head to a request so that it can be authentcated $this->setHeader('Authorization: '. $this->get_auth_header_name().'"'.$this->token.'"'); } foreach($this->persistantheaders as $h){ $this->setHeader($h); } $ret = parent::multi($requests, $options); // reset headers for next request $this->header = array(); return $ret; } public function get_sessiontoken(){ return $this->token; } public function add_persistant_header($header){ $this->persistantheaders[] = $header; } } /******* * The following two classes are usd to implement AuthSub google * authtentication, as documented here: * http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/AuthSub.html *******/ /** * Used to uprade a google AuthSubRequest one-time token into * a session token which can be used long term. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage lib * @copyright Dan Poltawski * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class google_authsub_request extends google_auth_request { const AUTHSESSION_URL = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubSessionToken'; /** * Constructor. Calls constructor of its parents * * @param string $authtoken The token to upgrade to a session token */ public function __construct($authtoken){ parent::__construct(); $this->token = $authtoken; } /** * Requests a long-term session token from google based on the * * @return string Sub-Auth token */ public function get_session_token(){ $content = $this->get(google_authsub_request::AUTHSESSION_URL); if( preg_match('/token=(.*)/i', $content, $matches) ){ return $matches[1]; }else{ throw new moodle_exception('could not upgrade google authtoken to session token'); } } public static function get_auth_header_name(){ return 'AuthSub token='; } } /** * Allows http calls using google subauth authorisation * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage lib * @copyright Dan Poltawski * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class google_authsub extends google_auth_request { const LOGINAUTH_URL = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubRequest'; const VERIFY_TOKEN_URL = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubTokenInfo'; const REVOKE_TOKEN_URL = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/AuthSubRevokeToken'; /** * Constructor, allows subauth requests using the response from an initial * AuthSubRequest or with the subauth long-term token. Note that constructing * this object without a valid token will cause an exception to be thrown. * * @param string $sessiontoken A long-term subauth session token * @param string $authtoken A one-time auth token wich is used to upgrade to session token * @param mixed @options Options to pass to the base curl object */ public function __construct($sessiontoken = '', $authtoken = '', $options = array()){ parent::__construct($options); if( $authtoken ){ $gauth = new google_authsub_request($authtoken); $sessiontoken = $gauth->get_session_token(); } $this->token = $sessiontoken; if(! $this->valid_token() ){ throw new moodle_exception('Invalid subauth token'); } } /** * Tests if a subauth token used is valid * * @return boolean true if token valid */ public function valid_token(){ $this->get(google_authsub::VERIFY_TOKEN_URL); if($this->info['http_code'] === 200){ return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * Calls googles api to revoke the subauth token * * @return boolean Returns true if token succesfully revoked */ public function revoke_session_token(){ $this->get(google_authsub::REVOKE_TOKEN_URL); if($this->info['http_code'] === 200){ $this->token = ''; return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * Creates a login url for subauth request * * @param string $returnaddr The address which the user should be redirected to recieve the token * @param string $realm The google realm which is access is being requested * @return string URL to bounce the user to */ public static function login_url($returnaddr, $realm){ $uri = google_authsub::LOGINAUTH_URL.'?next=' .urlencode($returnaddr) .'&scope=' .urlencode($realm) .'&session=1&secure=0'; return $uri; } public static function get_auth_header_name(){ return 'AuthSub token='; } } /** * Class for manipulating google documents through the google data api * Docs for this can be found here: * {@link http://code.google.com/apis/documents/docs/2.0/developers_guide_protocol.html} * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage lib * @copyright Dan Poltawski * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class google_docs { // need both docs and the spreadsheets realm const REALM = 'http://docs.google.com/feeds/ http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/ http://docs.googleusercontent.com/'; const DOCUMENTFEED_URL = 'http://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full'; const USER_PREF_NAME = 'google_authsub_sesskey'; private $google_curl = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param object A google_auth_request object which can be used to do http requests */ public function __construct($google_curl){ if(is_a($google_curl, 'google_auth_request')){ $this->google_curl = $google_curl; $this->google_curl->add_persistant_header('GData-Version: 3.0'); }else{ throw new moodle_exception('Google Curl Request object not given'); } } public static function get_sesskey($userid){ return get_user_preferences(google_docs::USER_PREF_NAME, false, $userid); } public static function set_sesskey($value, $userid){ return set_user_preference(google_docs::USER_PREF_NAME, $value, $userid); } public static function delete_sesskey($userid){ return unset_user_preference(google_docs::USER_PREF_NAME, $userid); } /** * Returns a list of files the user has formated for files api * * @param string $search A search string to do full text search on the documents * @return mixed Array of files formated for fileapoi */ #FIXME public function get_file_list($search = ''){ global $CFG, $OUTPUT; $url = google_docs::DOCUMENTFEED_URL; if($search){ $url.='?q='.urlencode($search); } $content = $this->google_curl->get($url); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content); $files = array(); foreach($xml->entry as $gdoc){ $docid = (string) $gdoc->children('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005')->resourceId; list($type, $docid) = explode(':', $docid); $title = ''; $source = ''; // FIXME: We're making hard-coded choices about format here. // If the repo api can support it, we could let the user // chose. switch($type){ case 'document': $title = $gdoc->title.'.rtf'; $source = 'http://docs.google.com/feeds/download/documents/Export?id='.$docid.'&exportFormat=rtf'; break; case 'presentation': $title = $gdoc->title.'.ppt'; $source = 'http://docs.google.com/feeds/download/presentations/Export?id='.$docid.'&exportFormat=ppt'; break; case 'spreadsheet': $title = $gdoc->title.'.xls'; $source = 'http://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/download/spreadsheets/Export?key='.$docid.'&exportFormat=xls'; break; case 'pdf': $title = (string)$gdoc->title; $source = (string)$gdoc->content[0]->attributes()->src; break; } if(!empty($source)){ $files[] = array( 'title' => $title, 'url' => "{$gdoc->link[0]->attributes()->href}", 'source' => $source, 'date' => usertime(strtotime($gdoc->updated)), 'thumbnail' => (string) $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_extension_icon($title, 32)) ); } } return $files; } /** * Sends a file object to google documents * * @param object $file File object * @return boolean True on success */ public function send_file($file){ $this->google_curl->setHeader("Content-Length: ". $file->get_filesize()); $this->google_curl->setHeader("Content-Type: ". $file->get_mimetype()); $this->google_curl->setHeader("Slug: ". $file->get_filename()); $this->google_curl->post(google_docs::DOCUMENTFEED_URL, $file->get_content()); if($this->google_curl->info['http_code'] === 201){ return true; }else{ return false; } } public function download_file($url, $fp){ return $this->google_curl->download(array( array('url'=>$url, 'file' => $fp) )); } } /** * Class for manipulating picasa through the google data api * Docs for this can be found here: * {@link http://code.google.com/apis/picasaweb/developers_guide_protocol.html} * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage lib * @copyright Dan Poltawski * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class google_picasa { const REALM = 'http://picasaweb.google.com/data/'; const USER_PREF_NAME = 'google_authsub_sesskey_picasa'; const UPLOAD_LOCATION = 'http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/default/albumid/default'; const ALBUM_PHOTO_LIST = 'http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/default/albumid/'; const PHOTO_SEARCH_URL = 'http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/default?kind=photo&q='; const LIST_ALBUMS_URL = 'http://picasaweb.google.com/data/feed/api/user/default'; private $google_curl = null; /** * Constructor. * * @param object A google_auth_request object which can be used to do http requests */ public function __construct($google_curl){ if(is_a($google_curl, 'google_auth_request')){ $this->google_curl = $google_curl; $this->google_curl->add_persistant_header('GData-Version: 2'); }else{ throw new moodle_exception('Google Curl Request object not given'); } } public static function get_sesskey($userid){ return get_user_preferences(google_picasa::USER_PREF_NAME, false, $userid); } public static function set_sesskey($value, $userid){ return set_user_preference(google_picasa::USER_PREF_NAME, $value, $userid); } public static function delete_sesskey($userid){ return unset_user_preference(google_picasa::USER_PREF_NAME, $userid); } /** * Sends a file object to picasaweb * * @param object $file File object * @return boolean True on success */ public function send_file($file){ $this->google_curl->setHeader("Content-Length: ". $file->get_filesize()); $this->google_curl->setHeader("Content-Type: ". $file->get_mimetype()); $this->google_curl->setHeader("Slug: ". $file->get_filename()); $this->google_curl->post(google_picasa::UPLOAD_LOCATION, $file->get_content()); if($this->google_curl->info['http_code'] === 201){ return true; }else{ return false; } } /** * Returns list of photos for file picker. * If top level then returns list of albums, otherwise * photos within an album. * * @param string $path The path to files (assumed to be albumid) * @return mixed $files A list of files for the file picker */ public function get_file_list($path = ''){ if(!$path){ return $this->get_albums(); }else{ return $this->get_album_photos($path); } } /** * Returns list of photos in album specified * * @param int $albumid Photo album to list photos from * @return mixed $files A list of files for the file picker */ public function get_album_photos($albumid){ $albumcontent = $this->google_curl->get(google_picasa::ALBUM_PHOTO_LIST.$albumid); return $this->get_photo_details($albumcontent); } /** * Does text search on the users photos and returns * matches in format for picasa api * * @param string $query Search terms * @return mixed $files A list of files for the file picker */ public function do_photo_search($query){ $content = $this->google_curl->get(google_picasa::PHOTO_SEARCH_URL.htmlentities($query)); return $this->get_photo_details($content); } /** * Gets all the users albums and returns them as a list of folders * for the file picker * * @return mixes $files Array in the format get_listing uses for folders */ public function get_albums(){ $content = $this->google_curl->get(google_picasa::LIST_ALBUMS_URL); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($content); $files = array(); foreach($xml->entry as $album){ $gphoto = $album->children('http://schemas.google.com/photos/2007'); $mediainfo = $album->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); //hacky... $thumbnailinfo = $mediainfo->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); $files[] = array( 'title' => (string) $gphoto->name, 'date' => userdate($gphoto->timestamp), 'size' => (int) $gphoto->bytesUsed, 'path' => (string) $gphoto->id, 'thumbnail' => (string) $thumbnailinfo['url'], 'thumbnail_width' => 160, // 160 is the native maximum dimension 'thumbnail_height' => 160, 'children' => array(), ); } return $files; } /** * Recieves XML from a picasa list of photos and returns * array in format for file picker. * * @param string $rawxml XML from picasa api * @return mixed $files A list of files for the file picker */ public function get_photo_details($rawxml){ $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($rawxml); $files = array(); foreach($xml->entry as $photo){ $gphoto = $photo->children('http://schemas.google.com/photos/2007'); $mediainfo = $photo->children('http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/'); $fullinfo = $mediainfo->group->content->attributes(); //hacky... $thumbnailinfo = $mediainfo->group->thumbnail[0]->attributes(); // Derive the nicest file name we can if (!empty($mediainfo->group->description)) { $title = shorten_text((string)$mediainfo->group->description, 20, false, ''); $title = clean_filename($title).'.jpg'; } else { $title = (string)$mediainfo->group->title; } $files[] = array( 'title' => $title, 'date' => userdate($gphoto->timestamp), 'size' => (int) $gphoto->size, 'path' => $gphoto->albumid.'/'.$gphoto->id, 'thumbnail' => (string) $thumbnailinfo['url'], 'thumbnail_width' => 72, // 72 is the native maximum dimension 'thumbnail_height' => 72, 'source' => (string) $fullinfo['url'], 'url' => (string) $fullinfo['url'] ); } return $files; } } /** * Beginings of an implementation of Clientogin authenticaton for google * accounts as documented here: * {@link http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps.html#ClientLogin} * * With this authentication we have to accept a username and password and to post * it to google. Retrieving a token for use afterwards. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage lib * @copyright Dan Poltawski * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class google_authclient extends google_auth_request { const LOGIN_URL = 'https://www.google.com/accounts/ClientLogin'; public function __construct($sessiontoken = '', $username = '', $password = '', $options = array() ){ parent::__construct($options); if($username and $password){ $param = array( 'accountType'=>'GOOGLE', 'Email'=>$username, 'Passwd'=>$password, 'service'=>'writely' ); $content = $this->post(google_authclient::LOGIN_URL, $param); if( preg_match('/auth=(.*)/i', $content, $matches) ){ $sessiontoken = $matches[1]; }else{ throw new moodle_exception('could not upgrade authtoken'); } } if($sessiontoken){ $this->token = $sessiontoken; }else{ throw new moodle_exception('no session token specified'); } } public static function get_auth_header_name(){ return 'GoogleLogin auth='; } }