. /** * Create or update contents through the specific content type editor * * @package core_contentbank * @copyright 2020 Victor Deniz * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require('../config.php'); require_login(); $contextid = required_param('contextid', PARAM_INT); $pluginname = required_param('plugin', PARAM_PLUGIN); $id = optional_param('id', null, PARAM_INT); $context = context::instance_by_id($contextid, MUST_EXIST); $cb = new \core_contentbank\contentbank(); if (!$cb->is_context_allowed($context)) { print_error('contextnotallowed', 'core_contentbank'); } require_capability('moodle/contentbank:access', $context); $returnurl = new \moodle_url('/contentbank/view.php', ['id' => $id]); if (!empty($id)) { $record = $DB->get_record('contentbank_content', ['id' => $id], '*', MUST_EXIST); $contentclass = "$record->contenttype\\content"; $content = new $contentclass($record); // Set the heading title. $heading = $content->get_name(); // The content type of the content overwrites the pluginname param value. $contenttypename = $content->get_content_type(); } else { $contenttypename = "contenttype_$pluginname"; $heading = get_string('addinganew', 'moodle', get_string('description', $contenttypename)); $content = null; } // Check plugin is enabled. $plugin = core_plugin_manager::instance()->get_plugin_info($contenttypename); if (!$plugin || !$plugin->is_enabled()) { print_error('unsupported', 'core_contentbank', $returnurl); } // Create content type instance. $contenttypeclass = "$contenttypename\\contenttype"; if (class_exists($contenttypeclass)) { $contenttype = new $contenttypeclass($context); } else { print_error('unsupported', 'core_contentbank', $returnurl); } // Checks the user can edit this content and content type. if (!$contenttype->can_edit($content)) { print_error('contenttypenoedit', 'core_contentbank', $returnurl); } $values = [ 'contextid' => $contextid, 'plugin' => $pluginname, 'id' => $id ]; $title = get_string('contentbank'); \core_contentbank\helper::get_page_ready($context, $title, true); if ($PAGE->course) { require_login($PAGE->course->id); } $PAGE->set_url(new \moodle_url('/contentbank/edit.php', $values)); $PAGE->set_context($context); $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('edit')); $PAGE->set_title($title); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('incourse'); $PAGE->set_heading($heading); // Instantiate the content type form. $editorclass = "$contenttypename\\form\\editor"; if (!class_exists($editorclass)) { print_error('noformdesc'); } $editorform = new $editorclass(null, $values); if ($editorform->is_cancelled()) { if (empty($id)) { $returnurl = new \moodle_url('/contentbank/index.php', ['contextid' => $context->id]); } redirect($returnurl); } else if ($data = $editorform->get_data()) { $id = $editorform->save_content($data); // Just in case we've created a new content. $returnurl->param('id', $id); redirect($returnurl); } echo $OUTPUT->header(); $editorform->display(); echo $OUTPUT->footer();