auth_fchost; $port = $CFG->auth_fcfppport; $retval = FALSE; if (!$username or !$password) { // Don't allow blank usernames or passwords return $retval; } $fpp = new fcFPP($hostname,$port); if ($fpp->open()) { if ($fpp->login($username,$password)){ $retval = TRUE; } } $fpp->close(); return $retval; } function auth_get_userinfo($username){ // Get user information from FirstCLass server and return it in an array. // Localize this routine to fit your needs. /* Moodle FirstCLass fieldID in UserInfo form ------ ----------------------------------- firstname 1202 lastname 1204 email 1252 icq - phone1 1206 phone2 1207 (Fax) institution - department - address 1205 city - country - lang - timezone 8030 (Not used yet. Need to figure out how FC codes timezones) description Get data from users resume. Pictures will be removed. */ global $CFG; $hostname = $CFG->auth_fchost; $port = $CFG->auth_fcfppport; $userid = $CFG->auth_fcuserid; $passwd = $CFG->auth_fcpasswd; $userinfo = array(); $fpp = new fcFPP($hostname,$port); if ($fpp->open()) { if ($fpp->login($userid,$passwd)){ $userinfo['firstname'] = $fpp->getUserInfo($username,"1202"); $userinfo['lastname'] = $fpp->getUserInfo($username,"1204"); $userinfo['email'] = strtok($fpp->getUserInfo($username,"1252"),','); $userinfo['phone1'] = $fpp->getUserInfo($username,"1206"); $userinfo['phone2'] = $fpp->getUserInfo($username,"1207"); $userinfo['description'] = $fpp->getResume($username); } } $fpp->close(); foreach($userinfo as $key => $value) { if (!$value) { unset($userinfo[$key]); } } return $userinfo; } function auth_iscreator($username=0) { //Get users group membership from the FirstClass server user and check if // user is member of one of the groups of creators. global $CFG, $USER; if (! $CFG->auth_fccreators) { return false; } if (! $username) { $username=$USER->username; } $fcgroups = array(); $hostname = $CFG->auth_fchost; $port = $CFG->auth_fcfppport; $userid = $CFG->auth_fcuserid; $passwd = $CFG->auth_fcpasswd; $fpp = new fcFPP($hostname,$port); if ($fpp->open()) { if ($fpp->login($userid,$passwd)){ $fcgroups = $fpp->getGroups($username); } } $fpp->close(); if ((! $fcgroups)) { return false; } $creators = explode(";",$CFG->auth_fccreators); foreach($creators as $creator) { If (in_array($creator, $fcgroups)) return true; } return false; }