Usersync is quite heavy process, it could be good idea to place that script outside of webroot and run it with cron. Any feedback is wellcome, Petri Asikainen */ function auth_user_login ($username, $password) { /// Returns true if the username and password work /// and false if they don't global $CFG; if (!$username or !$password) { // Don't allow blank usernames or passwords return false; } $ldap_connection = auth_ldap_connect(); if ($ldap_connection) { $ldap_user_dn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldap_connection, $username); //if ldap_user_dn is empty, user does not exist if(!$ldap_user_dn){ ldap_close($ldap_connection); return false; } // Try to bind with current username and password $ldap_login = @ldap_bind($ldap_connection, $ldap_user_dn, $password); ldap_close($ldap_connection); if ($ldap_login) { return true; } } else { @ldap_close($ldap_connection); error("LDAP-module cannot connect to server: $CFG->ldap_host_url"); } return false; } function auth_get_userinfo($username){ /// reads userinformation from ldap and return it in array() global $CFG; $config = (array)$CFG; $attrmap = auth_ldap_attributes(); $ldap_connection=auth_ldap_connect(); $result = array(); $search_attribs = array(); foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value) { if (!in_array($value, $search_attribs)) { array_push($search_attribs, $value); } } $user_dn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldap_connection, $username); if (! isset($CFG->ldap_objectclass)) { $CFG->ldap_objectclass="objectClass=*"; } $user_info_result = ldap_read($ldap_connection,$user_dn,$CFG->ldap_objectclass, $search_attribs); if ($user_info_result) { $user_entry = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $user_info_result); foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value){ if(isset($user_entry[0][strtolower($value)][0])){ $result[$key]=$user_entry[0][strtolower($value)][0]; } } $result['guid']='ldap'; } @ldap_close($ldap_connection); return $result; } function auth_get_userlist () { global $CFG; return auth_ldap_get_userlist("($CFG->ldap_user_attribute=*)"); } function auth_user_exists ($username) { global $CFG; //returns true if given usernname exist on ldap $users = auth_ldap_get_userlist("($CFG->ldap_user_attribute=$username)"); return count($users); } function auth_user_create ($userobject,$plainpass) { //create new user to ldap //use auth_user_exists to prevent dublicate usernames //return true if user is created, false on error global $CFG; $attrmap = auth_ldap_attributes(); $ldapconnect = auth_ldap_connect(); $ldapbind = auth_ldap_bind($ldapconnect); $newuser = array(); foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value){ if(isset($userobject->$key) ){ $newuser[$value]=utf8_encode($userobject->$key); } } //Following sets all mandatory and other forced attribute values //this should be moved to config inteface ASAP $newuser['objectClass']= array("inetOrgPerson","organizationalPerson","person","top"); $newuser['uniqueId']= $userobject->username; $newuser['logindisabled']="TRUE"; $newuser['userpassword']=$plainpass; unset($newuser[country]); $uadd = ldap_add($ldapconnect, $CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=$userobject->username,".$CFG->ldap_create_context, $newuser); ldap_close($ldapconnect); return $uadd; } function auth_get_users($filter='*') { //returns all userobjects from external database global $CFG; $fresult = array(); $ldap_connection = auth_ldap_connect(); auth_ldap_bind($ldap_connection); if (! isset($CFG->ldap_objectclass)) { $CFG->ldap_objectclass="objectClass=*"; } if ($filter=="*") { $filter = "(&(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=*)(".$CFG->ldap_objectclass."))"; } $contexts = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_contexts); if (!empty($CFG->ldap_create_context)){ array_push($contexts, $CFG->ldap_create_context); } $attrmap = auth_ldap_attributes(); $search_attribs = array(); foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value) { if (!in_array($value, $search_attribs)) { array_push($search_attribs, $value); } } foreach ($contexts as $context) { if ($CFG->ldap_search_sub) { //use ldap_search to find first user from subtree $ldap_result = ldap_search($ldap_connection, $context, $filter, $search_attribs); } else { //search only in this context $ldap_result = ldap_list($ldap_connection, $context, $filter, $search_attribs); } $users = auth_ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_result); //add found users to list foreach ($users as $ldapuser=>$attribs) { $user = new object(); foreach ($attrmap as $key=>$value){ if(isset($users[$ldapuser][$value][0])){ $user->$key=$users[$ldapuser][$value][0]; } } //quick way to get around binarystrings $user->guid=bin2hex($user->guid); //add authentication source stamp $user->auth='ldap'; $fresult[$user->username]=$user; } } return $fresult; } function auth_sync_users () { //Syncronizes userdb with ldap //This will add, rename global $CFG ; $users = auth_get_users(); $usedguids = Array(); foreach ($users as $user) { $usedguids[] = $user->guid; //we will need all used guids later //update modified time $user->modified = time(); //All users are confirmed $user->confirmed = 1; // if user does not exist create it if (!record_exists('user','auth', 'ldap', 'guid', $user->guid)) { if (insert_record ('user',$user)) { echo "inserted user $user->username with guid $user->guid \n"; } else { echo "error inserting user $user->username with guid $user->guid \n"; } continue ; } else { //update username set_field('user', 'username', $user->username , 'auth', 'ldap', 'guid', $user->guid); //no id-information in ldap so get now $userid = get_field('user', 'id', 'auth', 'ldap', 'guid', $user->guid); if (auth_iscreator($user->username)) { if (! record_exists("user_coursecreators", "userid", $userid)) { $cdata['userid']=$userid; $creator = insert_record("user_coursecreators",$cdata); if (! $creator) { error("Cannot add user to course creators."); } } } else { if ( record_exists("user_coursecreators", "userid", $userid)) { $creator = delete_records("user_coursecreators", "userid", $userid); if (! $creator) { error("Cannot remove user from course creators."); } } } } } //find nonexisting users from moodles userdb $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$CFG->prefix."user WHERE deleted = '0' AND auth = 'ldap' AND guid NOT IN ('".implode('\' , \'',$usedguids)."');" ; $result = get_records_sql($sql); if (!empty($result)){ foreach ($result as $user) { //following is copy pasted from admin/user.php //maybe this should moved to function in lib/datalib.php unset($updateuser); $updateuser->id = $user->id; $updateuser->deleted = "1"; $updateuser->username = "$user->email.".time(); // Remember it just in case $updateuser->email = ""; // Clear this field to free it up $updateuser->timemodified = time(); if (update_record("user", $updateuser)) { unenrol_student($user->id); // From all courses remove_teacher($user->id); // From all courses remove_admin($user->id); notify(get_string("deletedactivity", "", fullname($user, true)) ); } else { notify(get_string("deletednot", "", fullname($user, true))); } //copy pasted part ends } } } function auth_user_activate ($username) { //activate new ldap-user after email-address is confirmed global $CFG; $ldapconnect = auth_ldap_connect(); $ldapbind = auth_ldap_bind($ldapconnect); $userdn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnect, $username); $newinfo['loginDisabled']="FALSE"; $result = ldap_modify($ldapconnect, $userdn, $newinfo); ldap_close($ldapconnect); return $result; } function auth_user_disable ($username) { //activate new ldap-user after email-address is confirmed global $CFG; $ldapconnect = auth_ldap_connect(); $ldapbind = auth_ldap_bind($ldapconnect); $userdn = auth_ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnect, $username); $newinfo['loginDisabled']="TRUE"; $result = ldap_modify($ldapconnect, $userdn, $newinfo); ldap_close($ldapconnect); return $result; } function auth_iscreator($username=0) { ///if user is member of creator group return true global $USER , $CFG; if (! $username) { $username=$USER->username; } if ((! $CFG->ldap_creators) OR (! $CFG->ldap_memberattribute)) { return false; } return auth_ldap_isgroupmember($username, $CFG->ldap_creators); } //PRIVATE FUNCTIONS starts //private functions are named as auth_ldap* function auth_ldap_isgroupmember ($username='', $groupdns='') { // Takes username and groupdn(s) , separated by ; // Returns true if user is member of any given groups global $CFG, $USER; $ldapconnect = auth_ldap_connect(); $ldapbind = auth_ldap_bind($ldapconnect); if (empty($username) OR empty($groupdns)) { return false; } $groups = explode(";",$groupdns); //build filter $filter = "(& ($CFG->ldap_user_attribute=$username)(|"; foreach ($groups as $group){ $filter .= "($CFG->ldap_memberattribute=$group)"; } $filter .= "))"; //search $result = auth_ldap_get_userlist($filter); return count($result); } function auth_ldap_connect(){ /// connects to ldap-server global $CFG; $result = ldap_connect($CFG->ldap_host_url); if ($result) { if (!empty($CFG->ldap_version)) { ldap_set_option($result, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $CFG->ldap_version); } return $result; } else { error("LDAP-module cannot connect to server: $CFG->ldap_host_url"); return false; } } function auth_ldap_bind($ldap_connection){ /// makes bind to ldap for searching users /// uses ldap_bind_dn or anonymous bind global $CFG; if ($CFG->ldap_bind_dn){ //bind with search-user if (!ldap_bind($ldap_connection, $CFG->ldap_bind_dn,$CFG->ldap_bind_pw)){ error("Error: could not bind ldap with ldap_bind_dn/pw"); return false; } } else { //bind anonymously if ( !ldap_bind($ldap_connection)){ error("Error: could not bind ldap anonymously"); return false; } } return true; } function auth_ldap_find_userdn ($ldap_connection, $username){ /// return dn of username /// like: cn=username,ou=suborg,o=org /// or false if username not found global $CFG; //default return value $ldap_user_dn = FALSE; auth_ldap_bind($ldap_connection); //get all contexts and look for first matching user $ldap_contexts = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_contexts); if (!empty($CFG->ldap_create_context)){ array_push($ldap_contexts, $CFG->ldap_create_context); } foreach ($ldap_contexts as $context) { $context == trim($context); if ($CFG->ldap_search_sub){ //use ldap_search to find first user from subtree $ldap_result = ldap_search($ldap_connection, $context, "(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=".$username.")",array($CFG->ldap_user_attribute)); } else { //search only in this context $ldap_result = ldap_list($ldap_connection, $context, "(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=".$username.")",array($CFG->ldap_user_attribute)); } $entry = ldap_first_entry($ldap_connection,$ldap_result); if ($entry){ $ldap_user_dn = ldap_get_dn($ldap_connection, $entry); break ; } } return $ldap_user_dn; } function auth_ldap_attributes (){ //returns array containg attribute mappings between Moodle and ldap global $CFG; $config = (array)$CFG; $fields = array("firstname", "lastname", "email", "phone1", "phone2", "department", "address", "city", "country", "description", "idnumber", "lang", "guid"); $moodleattributes = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($config["auth_user_$field"]) { $moodleattributes[$field] = $config["auth_user_$field"]; } } $moodleattributes['username']=$config["ldap_user_attribute"]; return $moodleattributes; } function auth_ldap_get_userlist($filter="*") { /// returns all users from ldap servers global $CFG; $fresult = array(); $ldap_connection = auth_ldap_connect(); auth_ldap_bind($ldap_connection); if (! isset($CFG->ldap_objectclass)) { $CFG->ldap_objectclass="objectClass=*"; } if ($filter=="*") { $filter = "(&(".$CFG->ldap_user_attribute."=*)(".$CFG->ldap_objectclass."))"; } $contexts = explode(";",$CFG->ldap_contexts); if (!empty($CFG->ldap_create_context)){ array_push($contexts, $CFG->ldap_create_context); } foreach ($contexts as $context) { if ($CFG->ldap_search_sub) { //use ldap_search to find first user from subtree $ldap_result = ldap_search($ldap_connection, $context, $filter, array($CFG->ldap_user_attribute)); } else { //search only in this context $ldap_result = ldap_list($ldap_connection, $context, $filter, array($CFG->ldap_user_attribute)); } $users = ldap_get_entries($ldap_connection, $ldap_result); //add found users to list for ($i=0;$i<$users['count'];$i++) { array_push($fresult, ($users[$i][$CFG->ldap_user_attribute][0]) ); } } return $fresult; } function auth_ldap_get_entries($conn, $searchresult){ //Returns values like ldap_get_entries but is //binary compatible $i=0; $fresult=array(); $entry = ldap_first_entry($conn, $searchresult); do { $attributes = ldap_get_attributes($conn, $entry); for($j=0; $j<$attributes['count']; $j++) { $values = ldap_get_values_len($conn, $entry,$attributes[$j]); $fresult[$i][$attributes[$j]] = $values; } $i++; } while ($entry = ldap_next_entry($conn, $entry)); //we're done return ($fresult); } ?>