never set this lower than 2 * chat_refresh_room.';
$string['configrefreshroom'] = 'How often should the chat room itself be refreshed? (in seconds). Setting this low will make the chat room seem quicker, but it may place a higher load on your web server when many people are chatting';
$string['configrefreshuserlist'] = 'How often should the list of users be refreshed? (in seconds)';
$string['configserverhost'] = 'The hostname of the computer where the server daemon is';
$string['configserverip'] = 'The numerical IP address that matches the above hostname';
$string['configservermax'] = 'Max number of clients allowed';
$string['configserverport'] = 'Port to use on the server for the daemon';
$string['currentchats'] = 'Active chat sessions';
$string['currentusers'] = 'Current users';
$string['deletesession'] = 'Delete this session';
$string['deletesessionsure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this session?';
$string['donotusechattime'] = 'Don\'t publish any chat times';
$string['enterchat'] = 'Click here to enter the chat now';
$string['errornousers'] = 'Could not find any users!';
$string['explaingeneralconfig'] = 'These settings are always into effect';
$string['explainmethoddaemon'] = 'These settings matter only if you have selected \"Chat server daemon\" for chat_method';
$string['explainmethodnormal'] = 'These settings matter only if you have selected \"Normal method\" for chat_method';
$string['generalconfig'] = 'General configuration';
$string['helpchatting'] = 'Help with chatting';
$string['idle'] = 'Idle';
$string['messagebeepseveryone'] = '$a beeps everyone!';
$string['messagebeepsyou'] = '$a has just beeped you!';
$string['messageenter'] = '$a has just entered this chat';
$string['messageexit'] = '$a has left this chat';
$string['messages'] = 'Messages';
$string['methodnormal'] = 'Normal method';
$string['methoddaemon'] = 'Chat server daemon';
$string['modulename'] = 'Chat';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Chats';
$string['neverdeletemessages'] = 'Never delete messages';
$string['nextsession'] = 'Next scheduled session';
$string['noguests'] = 'The chat is not open to guests';
$string['nomessages'] = 'No messages yet';
$string['noscheduledsession'] = 'No scheduled session';
$string['repeatdaily'] = 'At the same time every day';
$string['repeatnone'] = 'No repeats - publish the specified time only';
$string['repeattimes'] = 'Repeat sessions';
$string['repeatweekly'] = 'At the same time every week';
$string['savemessages'] = 'Save past sessions';
$string['seesession'] = 'See this session';
$string['sessions'] = 'Chat sessions';
$string['strftimemessage'] = '%%H:%%M';
$string['studentseereports'] = 'Everyone can view past sessions';
$string['viewreport'] = 'View past chat sessions';