. /** * Utility functions to make unit testing easier. * * These functions, particularly the the database ones, are quick and * dirty methods for getting things done in test cases. None of these * methods should be used outside test code. * * Major Contirbutors * - T.J.Hunt@open.ac.uk * * @package core * @subpackage simpletestex * @copyright © 2006 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Includes */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/simpletestlib/simpletest.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/simpletestlib/unit_tester.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/simpletestlib/expectation.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/simpletestlib/reporter.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/simpletestlib/web_tester.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/simpletestlib/mock_objects.php'); /** * Recursively visit all the files in the source tree. Calls the callback * function with the pathname of each file found. * * @param $path the folder to start searching from. * @param $callback the function to call with the name of each file found. * @param $fileregexp a regexp used to filter the search (optional). * @param $exclude If true, pathnames that match the regexp will be ingored. If false, * only files that match the regexp will be included. (default false). * @param array $ignorefolders will not go into any of these folders (optional). */ function recurseFolders($path, $callback, $fileregexp = '/.*/', $exclude = false, $ignorefolders = array()) { $files = scandir($path); foreach ($files as $file) { $filepath = $path .'/'. $file; if (strpos($file, '.') === 0) { /// Don't check hidden files. continue; } else if (is_dir($filepath)) { if (!in_array($filepath, $ignorefolders)) { recurseFolders($filepath, $callback, $fileregexp, $exclude, $ignorefolders); } } else if ($exclude xor preg_match($fileregexp, $filepath)) { call_user_func($callback, $filepath); } } } /** * An expectation for comparing strings ignoring whitespace. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage simpletestex * @copyright © 2006 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class IgnoreWhitespaceExpectation extends SimpleExpectation { var $expect; function IgnoreWhitespaceExpectation($content, $message = '%s') { $this->SimpleExpectation($message); $this->expect=$this->normalise($content); } function test($ip) { return $this->normalise($ip)==$this->expect; } function normalise($text) { return preg_replace('/\s+/m',' ',trim($text)); } function testMessage($ip) { return "Input string [$ip] doesn't match the required value."; } } /** * An Expectation that two arrays contain the same list of values. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage simpletestex * @copyright © 2006 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class ArraysHaveSameValuesExpectation extends SimpleExpectation { var $expect; function ArraysHaveSameValuesExpectation($expected, $message = '%s') { $this->SimpleExpectation($message); if (!is_array($expected)) { trigger_error('Attempt to create an ArraysHaveSameValuesExpectation ' . 'with an expected value that is not an array.'); } $this->expect = $this->normalise($expected); } function test($actual) { return $this->normalise($actual) == $this->expect; } function normalise($array) { sort($array); return $array; } function testMessage($actual) { return 'Array [' . implode(', ', $actual) . '] does not contain the expected list of values [' . implode(', ', $this->expect) . '].'; } } /** * An Expectation that compares to objects, and ensures that for every field in the * expected object, there is a key of the same name in the actual object, with * the same value. (The actual object may have other fields to, but we ignore them.) * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage simpletestex * @copyright © 2006 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation extends SimpleExpectation { var $expect; function CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation($expected, $message = '%s') { $this->SimpleExpectation($message); if (!is_object($expected)) { trigger_error('Attempt to create a CheckSpecifiedFieldsExpectation ' . 'with an expected value that is not an object.'); } $this->expect = $expected; } function test($actual) { foreach ($this->expect as $key => $value) { if (isset($value) && isset($actual->$key) && $actual->$key == $value) { // OK } else if (is_null($value) && is_null($actual->$key)) { // OK } else { return false; } } return true; } function testMessage($actual) { $mismatches = array(); foreach ($this->expect as $key => $value) { if (isset($value) && isset($actual->$key) && $actual->$key == $value) { // OK } else if (is_null($value) && is_null($actual->$key)) { // OK } else { $mismatches[] = $key . ' (expected [' . $value . '] got [' . $actual->$key . '].'; } } return 'Actual object does not have all the same fields with the same values as the expected object (' . implode(', ', $mismatches) . ').'; } } abstract class XMLStructureExpectation extends SimpleExpectation { /** * Parse a string as XML and return a DOMDocument; * @param $html * @return unknown_type */ protected function load_xml($html) { $prevsetting = libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $parser = new DOMDocument(); if (!$parser->loadXML('' . $html . '')) { $parser = new DOMDocument(); } libxml_clear_errors(); libxml_use_internal_errors($prevsetting); return $parser; } } /** * An Expectation that looks to see whether some HMTL contains a tag with a certain attribute. * * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class ContainsTagWithAttribute extends XMLStructureExpectation { protected $tag; protected $attribute; protected $value; function __construct($tag, $attribute, $value, $message = '%s') { parent::__construct($message); $this->tag = $tag; $this->attribute = $attribute; $this->value = $value; } function test($html) { $parser = $this->load_xml($html); $list = $parser->getElementsByTagName($this->tag); foreach ($list as $node) { if ($node->attributes->getNamedItem($this->attribute)->nodeValue === (string) $this->value) { return true; } } return false; } function testMessage($html) { return 'Content [' . $html . '] does not contain the tag [' . $this->tag . '] with attribute [' . $this->attribute . '="' . $this->value . '"].'; } } /** * An Expectation that looks to see whether some HMTL contains a tag with an array of attributes. * All attributes must be present and their values must match the expected values. * A third parameter can be used to specify attribute=>value pairs which must not be present in a positive match. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class ContainsTagWithAttributes extends XMLStructureExpectation { /** * @var string $tag The name of the Tag to search */ protected $tag; /** * @var array $expectedvalues An associative array of parameters, all of which must be matched */ protected $expectedvalues = array(); /** * @var array $forbiddenvalues An associative array of parameters, none of which must be matched */ protected $forbiddenvalues = array(); /** * @var string $failurereason The reason why the test failed: nomatch or forbiddenmatch */ protected $failurereason = 'nomatch'; function __construct($tag, $expectedvalues, $forbiddenvalues=array(), $message = '%s') { parent::__construct($message); $this->tag = $tag; $this->expectedvalues = $expectedvalues; $this->forbiddenvalues = $forbiddenvalues; } function test($html) { $parser = $this->load_xml($html); $list = $parser->getElementsByTagName($this->tag); $foundamatch = false; // Iterating through inputs foreach ($list as $node) { if (empty($node->attributes) || !is_a($node->attributes, 'DOMNamedNodeMap')) { continue; } // For the current expected attribute under consideration, check that values match $allattributesmatch = true; foreach ($this->expectedvalues as $expectedattribute => $expectedvalue) { if ($node->getAttribute($expectedattribute) === '' && $expectedvalue !== '') { $this->failurereason = 'nomatch'; continue 2; // Skip this tag, it doesn't have all the expected attributes } if ($node->getAttribute($expectedattribute) !== (string) $expectedvalue) { $allattributesmatch = false; $this->failurereason = 'nomatch'; } } if ($allattributesmatch) { $foundamatch = true; // Now make sure this node doesn't have any of the forbidden attributes either $nodeattrlist = $node->attributes; foreach ($nodeattrlist as $domattrname => $domattr) { if (array_key_exists($domattrname, $this->forbiddenvalues) && $node->getAttribute($domattrname) === (string) $this->forbiddenvalues[$domattrname]) { $this->failurereason = "forbiddenmatch:$domattrname:" . $node->getAttribute($domattrname); $foundamatch = false; } } } } return $foundamatch; } function testMessage($html) { $output = 'Content [' . $html . '] '; if (preg_match('/forbiddenmatch:(.*):(.*)/', $this->failurereason, $matches)) { $output .= "contains the tag $this->tag with the forbidden attribute=>value pair: [$matches[1]=>$matches[2]]"; } else if ($this->failurereason == 'nomatch') { $output .= 'does not contain the tag [' . $this->tag . '] with attributes ['; foreach ($this->expectedvalues as $var => $val) { $output .= "$var=\"$val\" "; } $output = rtrim($output); $output .= '].'; } return $output; } } /** * An Expectation that looks to see whether some HMTL contains a tag with a certain text inside it. * * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class ContainsTagWithContents extends XMLStructureExpectation { protected $tag; protected $content; function __construct($tag, $content, $message = '%s') { parent::__construct($message); $this->tag = $tag; $this->content = $content; } function test($html) { $parser = $this->load_xml($html); $list = $parser->getElementsByTagName($this->tag); foreach ($list as $node) { if ($node->textContent == $this->content) { return true; } } return false; } function testMessage($html) { return 'Content [' . $html . '] does not contain the tag [' . $this->tag . '] with contents [' . $this->content . '].'; } } /** * An Expectation that looks to see whether some HMTL contains an empty tag of a specific type. * * @copyright 2009 Nicolas Connault * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class ContainsEmptyTag extends XMLStructureExpectation { protected $tag; function __construct($tag, $message = '%s') { parent::__construct($message); $this->tag = $tag; } function test($html) { $parser = $this->load_xml($html); $list = $parser->getElementsByTagName($this->tag); foreach ($list as $node) { if (!$node->hasAttributes() && !$node->hasChildNodes()) { return true; } } return false; } function testMessage($html) { return 'Content ['.$html.'] does not contain the empty tag ['.$this->tag.'].'; } } /** * This class lets you write unit tests that access a separate set of test * tables with a different prefix. Only those tables you explicitly ask to * be created will be. * * This class has failities for flipping $USER->id. * * The tear-down method for this class should automatically revert any changes * you make during test set-up using the metods defined here. That is, it will * drop tables for you automatically and revert to the real $DB and $USER->id. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage simpletestex * @copyright © 2006 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class UnitTestCaseUsingDatabase extends UnitTestCase { private $realdb; protected $testdb; private $realuserid = null; private $tables = array(); private $realcfg; protected $testcfg; public function __construct($label = false) { global $DB, $CFG; // Complain if we get this far and $CFG->unittestprefix is not set. if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { throw new coding_exception('You cannot use UnitTestCaseUsingDatabase unless you set $CFG->unittestprefix.'); } // Only do this after the above text. parent::UnitTestCase($label); // Create the test DB instance. $this->realdb = $DB; $this->testdb = moodle_database::get_driver_instance($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->dblibrary); $this->testdb->connect($CFG->dbhost, $CFG->dbuser, $CFG->dbpass, $CFG->dbname, $CFG->unittestprefix); // Set up test config $this->testcfg = (object)array( 'testcfg' => true, // Marker that this is a test config 'libdir' => $CFG->libdir, // Must use real one so require_once works 'dirroot' => $CFG->dirroot, // Must use real one 'dataroot' => $CFG->dataroot, // Use real one for now (maybe this should change?) 'ostype' => $CFG->ostype, // Real one 'wwwroot' => 'http://www.example.org', // Use fixed url 'siteadmins' => '0', // No admins 'siteguest' => '0' // No guest ); $this->realcfg = $CFG; } /** * Switch to using the test database for all queries until further notice. */ protected function switch_to_test_db() { global $DB; if ($DB === $this->testdb) { debugging('switch_to_test_db called when the test DB was already selected. This suggest you are doing something wrong and dangerous. Please review your code immediately.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } $DB = $this->testdb; } /** * Revert to using the test database for all future queries. */ protected function revert_to_real_db() { global $DB; if ($DB !== $this->testdb) { debugging('revert_to_real_db called when the test DB was not already selected. This suggest you are doing something wrong and dangerous. Please review your code immediately.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } $DB = $this->realdb; } /** * Switch to using the test $CFG for all queries until further notice. */ protected function switch_to_test_cfg() { global $CFG; if (isset($CFG->testcfg)) { debugging('switch_to_test_cfg called when the test CFG was already selected. This suggest you are doing something wrong and dangerous. Please review your code immediately.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } $CFG = $this->testcfg; } /** * Revert to using the real $CFG for all future queries. */ protected function revert_to_real_cfg() { global $CFG; if (!isset($CFG->testcfg)) { debugging('revert_to_real_cfg called when the test CFG was not already selected. This suggest you are doing something wrong and dangerous. Please review your code immediately.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } $CFG = $this->realcfg; } /** * Switch $USER->id to a test value. * * It might be worth making this method do more robuse $USER switching in future, * however, this is sufficient for my needs at present. */ protected function switch_global_user_id($userid) { global $USER; if (!is_null($this->realuserid)) { debugging('switch_global_user_id called when $USER->id was already switched to a different value. This suggest you are doing something wrong and dangerous. Please review your code immediately.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } else { $this->realuserid = $USER->id; } $USER->id = $userid; } /** * Revert $USER->id to the real value. */ protected function revert_global_user_id() { global $USER; if (is_null($this->realuserid)) { debugging('revert_global_user_id called without switch_global_user_id having been called first. This suggest you are doing something wrong and dangerous. Please review your code immediately.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } else { $USER->id = $this->realuserid; $this->realuserid = null; } } /** * Check that the user has not forgotten to clean anything up, and if they * have, display a rude message and clean it up for them. */ private function automatic_clean_up() { global $DB, $CFG; $cleanmore = false; // Drop any test tables that were created. foreach ($this->tables as $tablename => $notused) { $this->drop_test_table($tablename); } // Switch back to the real DB if necessary. if ($DB !== $this->realdb) { $this->revert_to_real_db(); $cleanmore = true; } // Switch back to the real CFG if necessary. if (isset($CFG->testcfg)) { $this->revert_to_real_cfg(); $cleanmore = true; } // revert_global_user_id if necessary. if (!is_null($this->realuserid)) { $this->revert_global_user_id(); $cleanmore = true; } if ($cleanmore) { accesslib_clear_all_caches_for_unit_testing(); } } public function tearDown() { $this->automatic_clean_up(); parent::tearDown(); } public function __destruct() { // Should not be necessary thanks to tearDown, but no harm in belt and braces. $this->automatic_clean_up(); } /** * Create a test table just like a real one, getting getting the definition from * the specified install.xml file. * @param string $tablename the name of the test table. * @param string $installxmlfile the install.xml file in which this table is defined. * $CFG->dirroot . '/' will be prepended, and '/db/install.xml' appended, * so you need only specify, for example, 'mod/quiz'. */ protected function create_test_table($tablename, $installxmlfile) { global $CFG; $dbman = $this->testdb->get_manager(); if (isset($this->tables[$tablename])) { debugging('You are attempting to create test table ' . $tablename . ' again. It already exists. Please review your code immediately.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return; } if ($dbman->table_exists($tablename)) { debugging('This table ' . $tablename . ' already exists from a previous execution. If the error persists you will need to review your code to ensure it is being created only once.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $dbman->drop_table(new xmldb_table($tablename)); } $dbman->install_one_table_from_xmldb_file($CFG->dirroot . '/' . $installxmlfile . '/db/install.xml', $tablename, true); // with structure cache enabled! $this->tables[$tablename] = 1; } /** * Convenience method for calling create_test_table repeatedly. * @param array $tablenames an array of table names. * @param string $installxmlfile the install.xml file in which this table is defined. * $CFG->dirroot . '/' will be prepended, and '/db/install.xml' appended, * so you need only specify, for example, 'mod/quiz'. */ protected function create_test_tables($tablenames, $installxmlfile) { foreach ($tablenames as $tablename) { $this->create_test_table($tablename, $installxmlfile); } } /** * Drop a test table. * @param $tablename the name of the test table. */ protected function drop_test_table($tablename) { if (!isset($this->tables[$tablename])) { debugging('You are attempting to drop test table ' . $tablename . ' but it does not exist. Please review your code immediately.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return; } $dbman = $this->testdb->get_manager(); $table = new xmldb_table($tablename); $dbman->drop_table($table); unset($this->tables[$tablename]); } /** * Convenience method for calling drop_test_table repeatedly. * @param array $tablenames an array of table names. */ protected function drop_test_tables($tablenames) { foreach ($tablenames as $tablename) { $this->drop_test_table($tablename); } } /** * Load a table with some rows of data. A typical call would look like: * * $config = $this->load_test_data('config_plugins', * array('plugin', 'name', 'value'), array( * array('frog', 'numlegs', 2), * array('frog', 'sound', 'croak'), * array('frog', 'action', 'jump'), * )); * * @param string $table the table name. * @param array $cols the columns to fill. * @param array $data the data to load. * @return array $objects corresponding to $data. */ protected function load_test_data($table, array $cols, array $data) { $results = array(); foreach ($data as $rowid => $row) { $obj = new stdClass; foreach ($cols as $key => $colname) { $obj->$colname = $row[$key]; } $obj->id = $this->testdb->insert_record($table, $obj); $results[$rowid] = $obj; } return $results; } /** * Clean up data loaded with load_test_data. The call corresponding to the * example load above would be: * * $this->delete_test_data('config_plugins', $config); * * @param string $table the table name. * @param array $rows the rows to delete. Actually, only $rows[$key]->id is used. */ protected function delete_test_data($table, array $rows) { $ids = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $ids[] = $row->id; } $this->testdb->delete_records_list($table, 'id', $ids); } } /** * @package moodlecore * @subpackage simpletestex * @copyright © 2006 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class FakeDBUnitTestCase extends UnitTestCase { public $tables = array(); public $pkfile; public $cfg; public $DB; /** * In the constructor, record the max(id) of each test table into a csv file. * If this file already exists, it means that a previous run of unit tests * did not complete, and has left data undeleted in the DB. This data is then * deleted and the file is retained. Otherwise it is created. * * throws moodle_exception if CSV file cannot be created */ public function __construct($label = false) { global $DB, $CFG; if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { return; } parent::UnitTestCase($label); // MDL-16483 Get PKs and save data to text file $this->pkfile = $CFG->dataroot.'/testtablespks.csv'; $this->cfg = $CFG; UnitTestDB::instantiate(); $tables = $DB->get_tables(); // The file exists, so use it to truncate tables (tests aborted before test data could be removed) if (file_exists($this->pkfile)) { $this->truncate_test_tables($this->get_table_data($this->pkfile)); } else { // Create the file $tabledata = ''; foreach ($tables as $table) { if ($table != 'sessions') { if (!$max_id = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT MAX(id) FROM {$CFG->unittestprefix}{$table}")) { $max_id = 0; } $tabledata .= "$table, $max_id\n"; } } if (!file_put_contents($this->pkfile, $tabledata)) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->filename = $this->pkfile; throw new moodle_exception('testtablescsvfileunwritable', 'simpletest', '', $a); } } } /** * Given an array of tables and their max id, truncates all test table records whose id is higher than the ones in the $tabledata array. * @param array $tabledata */ private function truncate_test_tables($tabledata) { global $CFG, $DB; if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { return; } $tables = $DB->get_tables(); foreach ($tables as $table) { if ($table != 'sessions' && isset($tabledata[$table])) { // $DB->delete_records_select($table, "id > ?", array($tabledata[$table])); } } } /** * Given a filename, opens it and parses the csv contained therein. It expects two fields per line: * 1. Table name * 2. Max id * * throws moodle_exception if file doesn't exist * * @param string $filename */ public function get_table_data($filename) { global $CFG; if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { return; } if (file_exists($this->pkfile)) { $handle = fopen($this->pkfile, 'r'); $tabledata = array(); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== false) { $tabledata[$data[0]] = $data[1]; } return $tabledata; } else { $a = new stdClass(); $a->filename = $this->pkfile; throw new moodle_exception('testtablescsvfilemissing', 'simpletest', '', $a); return false; } } /** * Method called before each test method. Replaces the real $DB with the one configured for unit tests (different prefix, $CFG->unittestprefix). * Also detects if this config setting is properly set, and if the user table exists. * @todo Improve detection of incorrectly built DB test tables (e.g. detect version discrepancy and offer to upgrade/rebuild) */ public function setUp() { global $DB, $CFG; if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { return; } parent::setUp(); $this->DB =& $DB; ob_start(); } /** * Method called after each test method. Doesn't do anything extraordinary except restore the global $DB to the real one. */ public function tearDown() { global $DB, $CFG; if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { return; } if (empty($DB)) { $DB = $this->DB; } $DB->cleanup(); parent::tearDown(); // Output buffering if (ob_get_length() > 0) { ob_end_flush(); } } /** * This will execute once all the tests have been run. It should delete the text file holding info about database contents prior to the tests * It should also detect if data is missing from the original tables. */ public function __destruct() { global $CFG, $DB; if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { return; } $CFG = $this->cfg; $this->tearDown(); UnitTestDB::restore(); fulldelete($this->pkfile); } /** * Load a table with some rows of data. A typical call would look like: * * $config = $this->load_test_data('config_plugins', * array('plugin', 'name', 'value'), array( * array('frog', 'numlegs', 2), * array('frog', 'sound', 'croak'), * array('frog', 'action', 'jump'), * )); * * @param string $table the table name. * @param array $cols the columns to fill. * @param array $data the data to load. * @return array $objects corresponding to $data. */ public function load_test_data($table, array $cols, array $data) { global $CFG, $DB; if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { return; } $results = array(); foreach ($data as $rowid => $row) { $obj = new stdClass; foreach ($cols as $key => $colname) { $obj->$colname = $row[$key]; } $obj->id = $DB->insert_record($table, $obj); $results[$rowid] = $obj; } return $results; } /** * Clean up data loaded with load_test_data. The call corresponding to the * example load above would be: * * $this->delete_test_data('config_plugins', $config); * * @param string $table the table name. * @param array $rows the rows to delete. Actually, only $rows[$key]->id is used. */ public function delete_test_data($table, array $rows) { global $CFG, $DB; if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { return; } $ids = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $ids[] = $row->id; } $DB->delete_records_list($table, 'id', $ids); } } /** * This is a Database Engine proxy class: It replaces the global object $DB with itself through a call to the * static instantiate() method, and restores the original global $DB through restore(). * Internally, it routes all calls to $DB to a real instance of the database engine (aggregated as a member variable), * except those that are defined in this proxy class. This makes it possible to add extra code to the database engine * without subclassing it. * * @package moodlecore * @subpackage simpletestex * @copyright © 2006 The Open University * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class UnitTestDB { public static $DB; private static $real_db; public $table_data = array(); /** * Call this statically to connect to the DB using the unittest prefix, instantiate * the unit test db, store it as a member variable, instantiate $this and use it as the new global $DB. */ public static function instantiate() { global $CFG, $DB; UnitTestDB::$real_db = clone($DB); if (empty($CFG->unittestprefix)) { print_error("prefixnotset", 'simpletest'); } if (empty(UnitTestDB::$DB)) { UnitTestDB::$DB = moodle_database::get_driver_instance($CFG->dbtype, $CFG->dblibrary); UnitTestDB::$DB->connect($CFG->dbhost, $CFG->dbuser, $CFG->dbpass, $CFG->dbname, $CFG->unittestprefix); } $manager = UnitTestDB::$DB->get_manager(); if (!$manager->table_exists('user')) { print_error('tablesnotsetup', 'simpletest'); } $DB = new UnitTestDB(); } public function __call($method, $args) { // Set args to null if they don't exist (up to 10 args should do) if (!method_exists($this, $method)) { return call_user_func_array(array(UnitTestDB::$DB, $method), $args); } else { call_user_func_array(array($this, $method), $args); } } public function __get($variable) { return UnitTestDB::$DB->$variable; } public function __set($variable, $value) { UnitTestDB::$DB->$variable = $value; } public function __isset($variable) { return isset(UnitTestDB::$DB->$variable); } public function __unset($variable) { unset(UnitTestDB::$DB->$variable); } /** * Overriding insert_record to keep track of the ids inserted during unit tests, so that they can be deleted afterwards */ public function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid=true, $bulk=false) { global $DB; $id = UnitTestDB::$DB->insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid, $bulk); $this->table_data[$table][] = $id; return $id; } /** * Overriding update_record: If we are updating a record that was NOT inserted by unit tests, * throw an exception and cancel update. * * throws moodle_exception If trying to update a record not inserted by unit tests. */ public function update_record($table, $dataobject, $bulk=false) { global $DB; if ((empty($this->table_data[$table]) || !in_array($dataobject->id, $this->table_data[$table])) && !($table == 'course_categories' && $dataobject->id == 1)) { // return UnitTestDB::$DB->update_record($table, $dataobject, $bulk); $a = new stdClass(); $a->id = $dataobject->id; $a->table = $table; throw new moodle_exception('updatingnoninsertedrecord', 'simpletest', '', $a); } else { return UnitTestDB::$DB->update_record($table, $dataobject, $bulk); } } /** * Overriding delete_record: If we are deleting a record that was NOT inserted by unit tests, * throw an exception and cancel delete. * * throws moodle_exception If trying to delete a record not inserted by unit tests. */ public function delete_records($table, array $conditions=array()) { global $DB; $tables_to_ignore = array('context_temp'); $a = new stdClass(); $a->table = $table; // Get ids matching conditions if (!$ids_to_delete = $DB->get_field($table, 'id', $conditions)) { return UnitTestDB::$DB->delete_records($table, $conditions); } $proceed_with_delete = true; if (!is_array($ids_to_delete)) { $ids_to_delete = array($ids_to_delete); } foreach ($ids_to_delete as $id) { if (!in_array($table, $tables_to_ignore) && (empty($this->table_data[$table]) || !in_array($id, $this->table_data[$table]))) { $proceed_with_delete = false; $a->id = $id; break; } } if ($proceed_with_delete) { return UnitTestDB::$DB->delete_records($table, $conditions); } else { throw new moodle_exception('deletingnoninsertedrecord', 'simpletest', '', $a); } } /** * Overriding delete_records_select: If we are deleting a record that was NOT inserted by unit tests, * throw an exception and cancel delete. * * throws moodle_exception If trying to delete a record not inserted by unit tests. */ public function delete_records_select($table, $select, array $params=null) { global $DB; $a = new stdClass(); $a->table = $table; // Get ids matching conditions if (!$ids_to_delete = $DB->get_field_select($table, 'id', $select, $params)) { return UnitTestDB::$DB->delete_records_select($table, $select, $params); } $proceed_with_delete = true; foreach ($ids_to_delete as $id) { if (!in_array($id, $this->table_data[$table])) { $proceed_with_delete = false; $a->id = $id; break; } } if ($proceed_with_delete) { return UnitTestDB::$DB->delete_records_select($table, $select, $params); } else { throw new moodle_exception('deletingnoninsertedrecord', 'simpletest', '', $a); } } /** * Removes from the test DB all the records that were inserted during unit tests, */ public function cleanup() { global $DB; foreach ($this->table_data as $table => $ids) { foreach ($ids as $id) { $DB->delete_records($table, array('id' => $id)); } } } /** * Restores the global $DB object. */ public static function restore() { global $DB; $DB = UnitTestDB::$real_db; } public function get_field($table, $return, array $conditions) { if (!is_array($conditions)) { throw new coding_exception('$conditions is not an array.'); } return UnitTestDB::$DB->get_field($table, $return, $conditions); } }