prefix = ''; $this->reserved_words = $this->getReservedWords(); } /** * Given one XMLDB Type, lenght and decimals, returns the DB proper SQL type */ function getTypeSQL ($xmldb_type, $xmldb_length=null, $xmldb_decimals=null) { switch ($xmldb_type) { case XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER: // From if (empty($xmldb_length)) { $xmldb_length = 10; } $dbtype = 'NUMBER(' . $xmldb_length . ')'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER: $dbtype = $this->number_type; /// 38 is the max allowed if ($xmldb_length > 38) { $xmldb_length = 38; } if (!empty($xmldb_length)) { $dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length; if (!empty($xmldb_decimals)) { $dbtype .= ',' . $xmldb_decimals; } $dbtype .= ')'; } break; case XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT: $dbtype = 'NUMBER'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR: $dbtype = 'VARCHAR2'; if (empty($xmldb_length)) { $xmldb_length='255'; } $dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length . ')'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT: $dbtype = 'CLOB'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY: $dbtype = 'BLOB'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_DATETIME: $dbtype = 'DATE'; break; } return $dbtype; } /** * Returns the code needed to create one enum for the xmldb_table and xmldb_field passes */ function getEnumExtraSQL ($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { $sql = 'CONSTRAINT ' . $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), $xmldb_field->getName(), 'ck'); $sql.= ' CHECK (' . $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_field->getName()) . ' IN (' . implode(', ', $xmldb_field->getEnumValues()) . '))'; return $sql; } /** * Returns the code needed to create one sequence for the xmldb_table and xmldb_field passes */ function getCreateSequenceSQL ($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { $results = array(); $sequence_name = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), $xmldb_field->getName(), 'seq'); $sequence = "CREATE SEQUENCE " . $sequence_name; $sequence.= "\n START WITH 1"; $sequence.= "\n INCREMENT BY 1"; $sequence.= "\n NOMAXVALUE"; $results[] = $sequence; $results = array_merge($results, $this->getCreateTriggerSQL ($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)); return $results; } /** * Returns the code needed to create one trigger for the xmldb_table and xmldb_field passed */ function getCreateTriggerSQL ($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { $trigger_name = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), $xmldb_field->getName(), 'trg'); $sequence_name = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), $xmldb_field->getName(), 'seq'); $trigger = "CREATE TRIGGER " . $trigger_name; $trigger.= "\n BEFORE INSERT"; $trigger.= "\nON " . $this->getTableName($xmldb_table); $trigger.= "\n FOR EACH ROW"; $trigger.= "\nBEGIN"; $trigger.= "\n IF :new." . $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_field->getName()) . ' IS NULL THEN'; $trigger.= "\n SELECT " . $sequence_name . '.nextval INTO :new.' . $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_field->getName()) . " FROM dual;"; $trigger.= "\n END IF;"; $trigger.= "\nEND;"; return array($trigger); } /** * Returns the code needed to drop one sequence for the xmldb_table and xmldb_field passed * Can, optionally, specify if the underlying trigger will be also dropped */ function getDropSequenceSQL ($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $include_trigger=false) { $sequence_name = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), $xmldb_field->getName(), 'seq'); $sequence = "DROP SEQUENCE " . $sequence_name; $trigger_name = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), $xmldb_field->getName(), 'trg'); $trigger = "DROP TRIGGER " . $trigger_name; if ($include_trigger) { $result = array($sequence, $trigger); } else { $result = array($sequence); } return $result; } /** * Returns the code (in array) needed to add one comment to the table */ function getCommentSQL ($xmldb_table) { $comment = "COMMENT ON TABLE " . $this->getTableName($xmldb_table); $comment.= " IS '" . substr($xmldb_table->getComment(), 0, 250) . "'"; return array($comment); } /** * Returns the code (array of statements) needed to execute extra statements on field rename */ function getRenameFieldExtraSQL ($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $newname) { $results = array(); /// If the field is enum, drop and re-create the check constraint if ($xmldb_field->getEnum()) { /// Drop the current enum $results = array_merge($results, $this->getDropEnumSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)); /// Change field name (over a clone to avoid some potential problems later) $new_xmldb_field = clone($xmldb_field); $new_xmldb_field->setName($newname); /// Recreate the enum $results = array_merge($results, $this->getCreateEnumSQL($xmldb_table, $new_xmldb_field)); } return $results; } /** * Returns the code (array of statements) needed to execute extra statements on table drop */ function getDropTableExtraSQL ($xmldb_table) { $xmldb_field = new XMLDBField('id'); // Fields having sequences should be exclusively, id. return $this->getDropSequenceSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, false); } /** * Returns the code (array of statements) needed to execute extra statements on table rename */ function getRenameTableExtraSQL ($xmldb_table, $newname) { $results = array(); $xmldb_field = new XMLDBField('id'); // Fields having sequences should be exclusively, id. $oldseqname = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), $xmldb_field->getName(), 'seq'); $newseqname = $this->getNameForObject($newname, $xmldb_field->getName(), 'seq'); /// Rename de sequence $results[] = 'RENAME ' . $oldseqname . ' TO ' . $newseqname; $oldtriggername = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), $xmldb_field->getName(), 'trg'); $newtriggername = $this->getNameForObject($newname, $xmldb_field->getName(), 'trg'); /// Drop old trigger $results[] = "DROP TRIGGER " . $oldtriggername; $newt = new XMLDBTable($newname); /// Temp table for trigger code generation /// Create new trigger $results = array_merge($results, $this->getCreateTriggerSQL($newt, $xmldb_field)); /// Rename all the check constraints in the table $oldtablename = $this->getTableName($xmldb_table); $newtablename = $this->getTableName($newt); $oldconstraintprefix = $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), ''); $newconstraintprefix = $this->getNameForObject($newt->getName(), '', ''); if ($constraints = $this->getCheckConstraintsFromDB($xmldb_table)) { foreach ($constraints as $constraint) { /// Drop the old constraint $results[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $newtablename . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $constraint->name; /// Calculate the new constraint name $newconstraintname = str_replace($oldconstraintprefix, $newconstraintprefix, $constraint->name); /// Add the new constraint $results[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $newtablename . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $newconstraintname . ' CHECK (' . $constraint->description . ')'; } } return $results; } /** * Given one XMLDBTable and one XMLDBField, return the SQL statements needded to alter the field in the table * Oracle has some severe limits: * - clob and blob fields doesn't allow type to be specified * - error is dropped if the null/not null clause is specified and hasn't changed * - changes in precision/decimals of numeric fields drop an ORA-1440 error */ function getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { global $db; $results = array(); /// To store all the needed SQL commands /// Get the quoted name of the table and field $tablename = $this->getTableName($xmldb_table); $fieldname = $this->getEncQuoted($xmldb_field->getName()); /// Take a look to field metadata $meta = array_change_key_case($db->MetaColumns($tablename)); $metac = $meta[$fieldname]; $oldtype = strtolower($metac->type); $oldmetatype = column_type($xmldb_table->getName(), $fieldname); $oldlength = $metac->max_length; /// To calculate the oldlength if the field is numeric, we need to perform one extra query /// because ADOdb has one bug here. if ($oldmetatype == 'N') { $uppertablename = strtoupper($tablename); $upperfieldname = strtoupper($fieldname); if ($col = get_record_sql("SELECT cname, precision FROM col WHERE tname = '$uppertablename' AND cname = '$upperfieldname'")) { $oldlength = $col->precision; } } $olddecimals = empty($metac->scale) ? null : $metac->scale; $oldnotnull = empty($metac->not_null) ? false : $metac->not_null; $olddefault = empty($metac->default_value) || strtoupper($metac->default_value) == 'NULL' ? null : $metac->default_value; $typechanged = true; //By default, assume that the column type has changed $precisionchanged = true; //By default, assume that the column precision has changed $decimalchanged = true; //By default, assume that the column decimal has changed $defaultchanged = true; //By default, assume that the column default has changed $notnullchanged = true; //By default, assume that the column notnull has changed $from_temp_fields = false; //By default don't assume we are going to use temporal fields /// Detect if we are changing the type of the column if (($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER && substr($oldmetatype, 0, 1) == 'I') || ($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER && $oldmetatype == 'N') || ($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT && $oldmetatype == 'F') || ($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR && substr($oldmetatype, 0, 1) == 'C') || ($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT && substr($oldmetatype, 0, 1) == 'X') || ($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY && $oldmetatype == 'B')) { $typechanged = false; } /// Detect if precision has changed if (($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT) || ($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY) || ($oldlength == -1) || ($xmldb_field->getLength() == $oldlength)) { $precisionchanged = false; } /// Detect if decimal has changed if (($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER) || ($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR) || ($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT) || ($xmldb_field->getType() == XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY) || (!$xmldb_field->getDecimals()) || (!$olddecimals) || ($xmldb_field->getDecimals() == $olddecimals)) { $decimalchanged = false; } /// Detect if we are changing the default if (($xmldb_field->getDefault() === null && $olddefault === null) || ($xmldb_field->getDefault() === $olddefault) || //Check both equality and ("'" . $xmldb_field->getDefault() . "'" === $olddefault)) { //Equality with quotes because ADOdb returns the default with quotes $defaultchanged = false; } /// Detect if we are changing the nullability if (($xmldb_field->getNotnull() === $oldnotnull)) { $notnullchanged = false; } /// If type has changed or precision or decimal has changed and we are in one numeric field /// - create one temp column with the new specs /// - fill the new column with the values from the old one /// - drop the old column /// - rename the temp column to the original name if (($typechanged) || ($oldmetatype == 'N' && ($precisionchanged || $decimalchanged))) { $tempcolname = $xmldb_field->getName() . '_alter_column_tmp'; /// Prevent temp field to have both NULL/NOT NULL and DEFAULT constraints $this->alter_column_skip_notnull = true; $this->alter_column_skip_default = true; $xmldb_field->setName($tempcolname); /// Create the temporal column $results = array_merge($results, $this->getAddFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)); /// Copy contents from original col to the temporal one $results[] = 'UPDATE ' . $tablename . ' SET ' . $tempcolname . ' = ' . $fieldname; /// Drop the old column $xmldb_field->setName($fieldname); //Set back the original field name $results = array_merge($results, $this->getDropFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)); /// Rename the temp column to the original one $results[] = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $tablename . ' RENAME COLUMN ' . $tempcolname . ' TO ' . $fieldname; /// Mark we have performed one change based in temp fields $from_temp_fields = true; /// Re-enable the notnull and default sections so the general AlterFieldSQL can use it $this->alter_column_skip_notnull = false; $this->alter_column_skip_default = false; /// Dissable the type section because we have done it with the temp field $this->alter_column_skip_type = true; /// If new field is nullable, nullability hasn't changed if (!$xmldb_field->getNotnull()) { $notnullchanged = false; } /// If new field hasn't default, default hasn't changed if ($xmldb_field->getDefault() === null) { $defaultchanged = false; } } /// If type and precision and decimals hasn't changed, prevent the type clause if (!$typechanged && !$precisionchanged && !$decimalchanged) { $this->alter_column_skip_type = true; } /// If NULL/NOT NULL hasn't changed /// prevent null clause to be specified if (!$notnullchanged) { $this->alter_column_skip_notnull = true; /// Initially, prevent the notnull clause /// But, if we have used the temp field and the new field is not null, then enforce the not null clause if ($from_temp_fields && $xmldb_field->getNotnull()) { $this->alter_column_skip_notnull = false; } } /// If default hasn't changed /// prevent default clause to be specified if (!$defaultchanged) { $this->alter_column_skip_default = true; /// Initially, prevent the default clause /// But, if we have used the temp field and the new field has default clause, then enforce the default clause if ($from_temp_fields && $default_clause = $this->getDefaultClause($xmldb_field)) { $this->alter_column_skip_default = false; } } /// If arriving here, something is not being skiped (type, notnull, default), calculate the standar AlterFieldSQL if (!$this->alter_column_skip_type || !$this->alter_column_skip_notnull || !$this->alter_column_skip_default) { $results = array_merge($results, parent::getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)); return $results; } /// Finally return results return $results; } /** * Given one XMLDBTable and one XMLDBField, return the SQL statements needded to create its enum * (usually invoked from getModifyEnumSQL() */ function getCreateEnumSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { /// All we have to do is to create the check constraint return array('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->getTableName($xmldb_table) . ' ADD ' . $this->getEnumExtraSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field)); } /** * Given one XMLDBTable and one XMLDBField, return the SQL statements needded to drop its enum * (usually invoked from getModifyEnumSQL() */ function getDropEnumSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { /// All we have to do is to drop the check constraint return array('ALTER TABLE ' . $this->getTableName($xmldb_table) . ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' . $this->getNameForObject($xmldb_table->getName(), $xmldb_field->getName(), 'ck')); } /** * Given one XMLDBTable and one XMLDBField, return the SQL statements needded to create its default * (usually invoked from getModifyDefaultSQL() */ function getCreateDefaultSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { /// Just a wrapper over the getAlterFieldSQL() function for Oracle that /// is capable of handling defaults return $this->getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field); } /** * Given one XMLDBTable and one XMLDBField, return the SQL statements needded to drop its default * (usually invoked from getModifyDefaultSQL() */ function getDropDefaultSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { /// Just a wrapper over the getAlterFieldSQL() function for Oracle that /// is capable of handling defaults return $this->getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field); } /** * Given one XMLDBTable returns one array with all the check constrainsts * in the table (fetched from DB) * Each element contains the name of the constraint and its description * If no check constraints are found, returns an empty array */ function getCheckConstraintsFromDB($xmldb_table) { $results = array(); $tablename = strtoupper($this->getTableName($xmldb_table)); if ($constraints = get_records_sql("SELECT lower(c.constraint_name) AS name, c.search_condition AS description FROM user_constraints c WHERE c.table_name = '{$tablename}' AND c.constraint_type = 'C' AND c.constraint_name not like 'SYS%'")) { foreach ($constraints as $constraint) { $results[$constraint->name] = $constraint; } } return $results; } /** * Given one XMLDBTable returns one string with the sequence of the table * in the table (fetched from DB) * The sequence name for oracle is calculated by looking the corresponding * trigger and retrieving the sequence name from it (because sequences are * independent elements) * If no sequence is found, returns false */ function getSequenceFromDB($xmldb_table) { $tablename = strtoupper($this->getTableName($xmldb_table)); $sequencename = false; if ($trigger = get_record_sql("SELECT trigger_name, trigger_body FROM user_triggers WHERE table_name = '{$tablename}'")) { /// If trigger found, regexp it looking for the sequence name preg_match('/.*SELECT (.*)\.nextval/i', $trigger->trigger_body, $matches); if (isset($matches[1])) { $sequencename = $matches[1]; } } return $sequencename; } /** * Returns an array of reserved words (lowercase) for this DB */ function getReservedWords() { /// This file contains the reserved words for Oracle databases /// from $reserved_words = array ( 'access', 'add', 'all', 'alter', 'and', 'any', 'as', 'asc', 'audit', 'between', 'by', 'char', 'check', 'cluster', 'column', 'comment', 'compress', 'connect', 'create', 'current', 'date', 'decimal', 'default', 'delete', 'desc', 'distinct', 'drop', 'else', 'exclusive', 'exists', 'file', 'float', 'for', 'from', 'grant', 'group', 'having', 'identified', 'immediate', 'in', 'increment', 'index', 'initial', 'insert', 'integer', 'intersect', 'into', 'is', 'level', 'like', 'lock', 'long', 'maxextents', 'minus', 'mlslabel', 'mode', 'modify', 'noaudit', 'nocompress', 'not', 'nowait', 'null', 'number', 'of', 'offline', 'on', 'online', 'option', 'or', 'order', 'pctfree', 'prior', 'privileges', 'public', 'raw', 'rename', 'resource', 'revoke', 'row', 'rowid', 'rownum', 'rows', 'select', 'session', 'set', 'share', 'size', 'smallint', 'start', 'successful', 'synonym', 'sysdate', 'table', 'then', 'to', 'trigger', 'uid', 'union', 'unique', 'update', 'user', 'validate', 'values', 'varchar', 'varchar2', 'view', 'whenever', 'where', 'with' ); return $reserved_words; } } ?>