submissionid)) { error("Incorrect submission id"); } if (! $workshop = get_record("workshop", "id", $submission->workshopid)) { error("Submission is incorrect"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $workshop->course)) { error("Workshop is misconfigured"); } if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("workshop", $workshop->id, $course->id)) { error("No coursemodule found"); } if (!$redirect) { $redirect = urlencode($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"].'#sid='.$submission->id); } require_login($course->id, false, $cm); $strworkshops = get_string("modulenameplural", "workshop"); $strworkshop = get_string("modulename", "workshop"); $strassess = get_string("viewassessment", "workshop"); /// Now check whether we need to display a frameset if (empty($frameset)) { if ( get_string('thisdirection') == 'rtl' ) { $direction = ' dir="rtl"'; } else { $direction = ' dir="ltr"'; } echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "{$course->shortname}: ".format_string($workshop->name,true)."\n"; echo ""; echo " "; echo " "; echo ""; echo ""; exit; } /// top frame with the navigation bar and the assessment form if ($frameset == "top") { print_header_simple(format_string($workshop->name), "", "id\">$strworkshops -> id\">".format_string($workshop->name,true)." -> $strassess", "", '', true); // show assessment but don't allow changes workshop_print_assessment($workshop, $assessment, false, $allowcomments); if (workshop_is_teacher($workshop) and !workshop_is_teacher($workshop, $assessment->userid)) { print_heading_with_help(get_string("gradeassessment", "workshop"), "gradingassessments", "workshop"); include('assessment_grading_form.html'); } print_continue($redirect); print_footer($course); exit; } /// print bottom frame with the submission print_header('', '', '', '', ''); $title = '"'.$submission->title.'" '; if (workshop_is_teacher($workshop)) { $title .= ' '.get_string('by', 'workshop').' '.workshop_fullname($submission->userid, $course->id); } print_heading($title); workshop_print_submission($workshop, $submission); print_footer('none'); ?>