15) and ($part[2] < 32)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } function stuffanalyze($stuff) { $stuff2[0] = array_values(preg_grep ("/CITY:/", $stuff)) or die("Sorry, but the lookup for this IP address failed! (CITY)"); $stuff2[1] = array_values(preg_grep ("/STATE:/", $stuff)) or die("Sorry, but the lookup for this IP address failed! (STATE)"); $stuff2[2] = array_values(preg_grep ("/COUNTRY:/", $stuff)) or die("Sorry, but the lookup for this IP address failed! (COUNTRY)"); $stuff2[3] = array_values(preg_grep ("/LAT:/", $stuff)) or die("Sorry, but the lookup for this IP address failed! (LAT)"); $stuff2[4] = array_values(preg_grep ("/LONG:/", $stuff)) or die("Sorry, but the lookup for this IP address failed! (LONG)"); // all the stuff2 values are actually arrays, making the following code look like crap // the power of $count if(isset($stuff2[0][0])) { for ($count = 0; $count < count($stuff2); $count++) { $stuff2[$count] = $stuff2[$count][0]; $stuff2[$count] = ucwords(strtolower(trim(substr(substr($stuff2[$count], 15), 0, -5)))); } } else { // if no data was found $stuff2 = array("bad", "bad", "bad", "bad", "bad"); } $count = 0; return $stuff2; } function getlatdata($ip) { global $firewall_host; global $firewall_port; global $use_firewall; $data = array(""); if ($use_firewall) { $fp = fsockopen ($firewall_host, $firewall_port, $errno, $errstr, 30) or die("Could not open socket to proxy"); if (!$fp) { echo "$errstr ($errno)
\n"; } else { fputs ($fp, "GET http://netgeo.caida.org/perl/netgeo.cgi?target=$ip HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: netgeo.caida.org\r\n\r\n") or die("Could not write to socket"); while (!feof($fp)) { $packet = fgets ($fp,128) or die("Could not read from socket"); array_push($data, $packet) or die("Could not push data into array"); } fclose ($fp); } } else { $fp = fsockopen ("netgeo.caida.org", 80, $errno, $errstr, 30) or die("Could not open socket to caida.org"); if (!$fp) { echo "$errstr ($errno)
\n"; } else { fputs ($fp, "GET /perl/netgeo.cgi?target=$ip HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: netgeo.caida.org\r\n\r\n") or die("Could not write to socket"); while (!feof($fp)) { $packet = fgets ($fp,128) or die("Could not read from socket"); array_push($data, $packet) or die("Could not push socket data into array"); } fclose ($fp); } } // make it an array return $data; } function finddot($name, $cssdots, $defaultdot) { foreach($cssdots as $x) { list($filename, , $width, $height) = split(":", $x); if($filename == $name) { $found = 1; $return = array($name, $width, $height); } } if(isset($found)) { return $return; } else { $dott = $cssdots[$defaultdot]; list($dott, , $width, $height) = split(":", $dott); return array($dott, $width, $height); } } function getlocationcoords($lat, $lon, $width, $height) { // some cartographers weren't mathematicians, up is apparently negative to them $lat = ($lat * -1); $lat = ($lat + 90); $lon = ($lon + 180); $x = ($lon * ($width / 360)); $y = ($lat * ($height / 180)); $x = round($x); $y = round($y); return array($x, $y); } function getimagecoords($earthimages, $image) { foreach($earthimages as $x) { list($file, , $width, $height) = split(":", $x); if($file == $image) { $coords = array("$width", "$height"); return $coords; } } } function validcookie($cookie) { if(preg_match("/.*.:.*.:.*.:.*.:.*./", $cookie)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } function isvalidimage($cookie, $earthimages, $defaultimage) { # list(, , , $setearthimage) = split(":", $cookie); $setearthimage = $cookie; if(isset($setearthimage)) { // check if the image is one actually defined, not a cookie edit foreach($earthimages as $image) { list($testearthimage, , , ) = split(":", $image); if($testearthimage == $setearthimage) { $found = 1; } } if(isset($found)) { return $setearthimage; } else { return $earthimages[$defaultimage]; } } else { return $earthimages[$defaultimage]; } } function istheregd() { global $trygd; if($trygd == 1) { if (@ImageTypes() & IMG_PNG) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } function checkbrowser($agent) { if (strstr($agent, "Mozilla/4.7") || strstr($agent, "Opera 6") || strstr($agent, "Opera/6")) { return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } } function shouldrun($agent) { // could cause probs... dunno global $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS; // check for new format of cookie with 6 parameters if(@preg_match("/.*.:.*.:.*.:.*.:.*.:.*./", $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["atlasprefs"])) { list( , , , , , $drawmode) = split(":", $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["atlasprefs"]); } else { $drawmode = ""; } // don't try to understand below, it figures out whether // to run it in css or gd based of prefs, server ability, and user agent. if(istheregd() && ($drawmode == "1")) { return TRUE; } elseif($drawmode == "0") { return FALSE; } elseif(checkbrowser($agent) && istheregd()) { return TRUE; } elseif(!checkbrowser($agent)) { return FALSE; } elseif (!istheregd()) { return FALSE; } } function s10_validate_ip($in) { if (is_string($in) && ereg('^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.' . '([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})$' , $in, $part)) { if ($part[1] <= 255 && $part[2] <= 255 && $part[3] <= 255 && $part[4] <= 255) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } function getstuff($address, $local) { $address = trim($address); # some people still think that urls are hostnames $address = str_replace("http://", "", $address); $address = preg_replace("/\/.*$/", "", $address); // Security checks $address = escapeshellcmd($address); $values = array(); $values["address"] = $address; if(eregi("[a-z]", $address)){ $ipaddress = gethostbyname($address); if($ipaddress == $address) { $values["validity"] = "no"; } $values["hostname"] = $address; $values["ishost"] = "yes"; } else { if(s10_validate_ip($address)) { $ipaddress = $address; $values["hostname"] = ""; } else { $values["validity"] = "no"; } } if(!isset($values["validity"])) { if(s10_rfc_1918_ip($ipaddress)) { $private = "yes"; } else { $private = "no"; } } else { $private = "no"; } if(!isset($ipaddress)) { $ipaddress = ""; } $values["ipaddress"] = $ipaddress; if(!isset($values["validity"]) && ($private == "no")) { $stuff = getlatdata($ipaddress); list( $values["city"], $values["state"], $values["country"], $values["lat"], $values["lon"] ) = stuffanalyze($stuff); $desc = ""; // check if it is the user's ip address if($local == 1) { $desc .= t("You at"); } // add the ip address and hostname $desc .= "$values[hostname] ($values[ipaddress]) "; // use "are" if it is the user's ip address if($local == 1) { $desc .= t("are"); } else { $desc .= t("is"); } $desc .= " ".t("located in")." "; // add the city if it's there if($values["city"]) { $desc .= "$values[city], "; } // add the state if its there if($values["state"]) { $desc .= "$values[state], "; } if($values["country"]) { // make the country code capital so its ready for lookup $values["country"] = strtoupper($values["country"]); // convert the country code to a country name $countries = file("countries.txt") or die("Could not open countries file"); $precountry = array_values(preg_grep("/$values[country] /", $countries)); $values["country"] = trim(substr($precountry[0], 4)); $desc .= "$values[country]."; } $desc .= " ($values[lat], $values[lon])"; $state = $values["state"]; $city = $values["city"]; // decide if address can't resolve, be located, or if it's fine if($values["lat"] == "0.00" && $values["lon"] == "0.00" && (@($state != "bad" && $city != "bad"))) { $values["desc"] = "$values[address] ".t("cannot be located."); $values["lat"] = ""; $values["lon"] = ""; } elseif($values["lat"] == "" && $values["lon"] == "") { $values["desc"] = "$values[address] ".t("cannot be located."); } else { $values["desc"] = $desc; } } else { // check if it was a host before and decide on an error message if($private == "yes") { $values["desc"] = "$address ".t("is a host in the private IP address range."); } elseif(@($values["state"] == "bad" && $values["city"] == "bad")) { $values["desc"] = t("Temporary lookup failure."); } elseif(isset($values["ishost"])) { $values["desc"] = "$address ".t("does not resolve."); } else { $values["desc"] = "$address ".t("is not a valid IP address."); } // some blank lat/lon for the image script or it will plot us in the center $values["lon"] = ""; $values["lat"] = ""; } return($values); } ?>