function get_module_from_cmid($cmid){
global $CFG, $DB;
if (!$cmrec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT cm.*, as modname
FROM {course_modules} cm,
{modules} md
WHERE = ? AND = cm.module", array($cmid))){
} elseif (!$modrec =$DB->get_record($cmrec->modname, array('id' => $cmrec->instance))) {
$modrec->instance = $modrec->id;
$modrec->cmid = $cmrec->id;
$cmrec->name = $modrec->name;
return array($modrec, $cmrec);
* Function to read all questions for category into big array
* @param int $category category number
* @param bool $noparent if true only questions with NO parent will be selected
* @param bool $recurse include subdirectories
* @param bool $export set true if this is called by questionbank export
* @author added by Howard Miller June 2004
function get_questions_category( $category, $noparent=false, $recurse=true, $export=true ) {
global $QTYPES, $DB;
// questions will be added to an array
$qresults = array();
// build sql bit for $noparent
$npsql = '';
if ($noparent) {
$npsql = " and parent='0' ";
// get (list) of categories
if ($recurse) {
$categorylist = question_categorylist( $category->id );
else {
$categorylist = $category->id;
// get the list of questions for the category
list ($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $categorylist));
if ($questions = $DB->get_records_select("question","category $usql $npsql", $params, "qtype, name ASC")) {
// iterate through questions, getting stuff we need
foreach($questions as $question) {
$questiontype = $QTYPES[$question->qtype];
$question->export_process = $export;
$questiontype->get_question_options( $question );
$qresults[] = $question;
return $qresults;
function question_can_delete_cat($todelete){
global $CFG, $DB;
$record = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT count(*) as count, c1.contextid as contextid FROM {question_categories} c1,
{question_categories} c2 WHERE = ?
AND c1.contextid = c2.contextid GROUP BY c1.contextid", array($todelete));
$contextid = $record->contextid;
$count = $record->count;
if ($count < 2) {
print_error('cannotdeletecate', 'question');
} else {
require_capability('moodle/question:managecategory', get_context_instance_by_id($contextid));
* prints a form to choose categories
function question_category_form($contexts, $pageurl, $current, $recurse=1, $showhidden=false, $showquestiontext=false) {
global $CFG;
/// Get all the existing categories now
$catmenu = question_category_options($contexts, false, 0, true);
$strcategory = get_string('category', 'quiz');
$strshow = get_string('show', 'quiz');
$streditcats = get_string('editcategories', 'quiz');
popup_form ('edit.php?'.$pageurl->get_query_string().'&category=', $catmenu, 'catmenu', $current, '', '', '', false, 'self', "$strcategory");
echo '
* Private funciton to help the preceeding function.
function question_category_form_checkbox($name, $checked) {
echo '
echo '';
echo '
* Prints the table of questions in a category with interactions
* @param object $course The course object
* @param int $categoryid The id of the question category to be displayed
* @param int $cm The course module record if we are in the context of a particular module, 0 otherwise
* @param int $recurse This is 1 if subcategories should be included, 0 otherwise
* @param int $page The number of the page to be displayed
* @param int $perpage Number of questions to show per page
* @param boolean $showhidden True if also hidden questions should be displayed
* @param boolean $showquestiontext whether the text of each question should be shown in the list
function question_list($contexts, $pageurl, $categoryandcontext, $cm = null,
$recurse=1, $page=0, $perpage=100, $showhidden=false, $sortorder='typename', $sortorderdecoded='qtype, name ASC',
$showquestiontext = false, $addcontexts = array()) {
global $USER, $CFG, $THEME, $COURSE, $DB;
list($categoryid, $contextid)= explode(',', $categoryandcontext);
$qtypemenu = question_type_menu();
$strcategory = get_string("category", "quiz");
$strquestion = get_string("question", "quiz");
$straddquestions = get_string("addquestions", "quiz");
$strimportquestions = get_string("importquestions", "quiz");
$strexportquestions = get_string("exportquestions", "quiz");
$strnoquestions = get_string("noquestions", "quiz");
$strselect = get_string("select", "quiz");
$strselectall = get_string("selectall", "quiz");
$strselectnone = get_string("selectnone", "quiz");
$strcreatenewquestion = get_string("createnewquestion", "quiz");
$strquestionname = get_string("questionname", "quiz");
$strdelete = get_string("delete");
$stredit = get_string("edit");
$strmove = get_string('moveqtoanothercontext', 'question');
$strview = get_string("view");
$straction = get_string("action");
$strrestore = get_string('restore');
$strtype = get_string("type", "quiz");
$strcreatemultiple = get_string("createmultiple", "quiz");
$strpreview = get_string("preview","quiz");
if (!$categoryid) {
echo "
if (!$questions = $DB->get_records_select('question', "category $usql AND parent = '0' $showhidden", $params, $sortorderdecoded, '*', $page*$perpage, $perpage)) {
// There are no questions on the requested page.
$page = 0;
if (!$questions = $DB->get_records_select('question', "category $usql AND parent = '0' $showhidden", $params, $sortorderdecoded, '*', 0, $perpage)) {
// There are no questions at all
echo "
return $html;
function question_showbank_actions($pageurl, $cm){
global $CFG, $COURSE, $DB;
/// Now, check for commands on this page and modify variables as necessary
if (optional_param('move', false, PARAM_BOOL) and confirm_sesskey()) { /// Move selected questions to new category
$category = required_param('category', PARAM_SEQUENCE);
list($tocategoryid, $contextid) = explode(',', $category);
if (! $tocategory = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $tocategoryid, 'contextid' => $contextid))) {
print_error('cannotfindcate', 'question');
$tocontext = get_context_instance_by_id($contextid);
require_capability('moodle/question:add', $tocontext);
$rawdata = (array) data_submitted();
$questionids = array();
foreach ($rawdata as $key => $value) { // Parse input for question ids
if (preg_match('!^q([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
$key = $matches[1];
$questionids[] = $key;
if ($questionids){
list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($questionids);
$sql = "SELECT q.*, c.contextid FROM {question} q, {question_categories} c WHERE $usql AND = q.category";
if (!$questions = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params)){
print_error('questiondoesnotexist', 'question', $pageurl->out());
$checkforfiles = false;
foreach ($questions as $question){
//check capabilities
question_require_capability_on($question, 'move');
$fromcontext = get_context_instance_by_id($question->contextid);
if (get_filesdir_from_context($fromcontext) != get_filesdir_from_context($tocontext)){
$checkforfiles = true;
$returnurl = $pageurl->out(false, array('category'=>"$tocategoryid,$contextid"));
if (!$checkforfiles){
if (!question_move_questions_to_category(implode(',', $questionids), $tocategory->id)) {
print_error('errormovingquestions', 'question', $returnurl, $questionids);
} else {
$movecontexturl = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot.'/question/contextmoveq.php',
array('returnurl' => $returnurl,
'tocatid'=> $tocategoryid));
if ($cm){
$movecontexturl->param('cmid', $cm->id);
} else {
$movecontexturl->param('courseid', $COURSE->id);
if (optional_param('deleteselected', false, PARAM_BOOL)) { // delete selected questions from the category
if (($confirm = optional_param('confirm', '', PARAM_ALPHANUM)) and confirm_sesskey()) { // teacher has already confirmed the action
$deleteselected = required_param('deleteselected');
if ($confirm == md5($deleteselected)) {
if ($questionlist = explode(',', $deleteselected)) {
// for each question either hide it if it is in use or delete it
foreach ($questionlist as $questionid) {
question_require_capability_on($questionid, 'edit');
if ($DB->record_exists('quiz_question_instances', array('question' => $questionid))) {
if (!$DB->set_field('question', 'hidden', 1, array('id', $questionid))) {
question_require_capability_on($questionid, 'edit');
print_error('cannothidequestion', 'question');
} else {
} else {
print_error('invalidconfirm', 'question');
// Unhide a question
if(($unhide = optional_param('unhide', '', PARAM_INT)) and confirm_sesskey()) {
question_require_capability_on($unhide, 'edit');
if(!$DB->set_field('question', 'hidden', 0, array('id', $unhide))) {
print_error('cannotunhidequestion', 'question');
* Shows the question bank editing interface.
* The function also processes a number of actions:
* Actions affecting the question pool:
* move Moves a question to a different category
* deleteselected Deletes the selected questions from the category
* Other actions:
* category Chooses the category
* displayoptions Sets display options
* @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. This has recently been extensively
* rewritten by Gustav Delius and other members of the Serving Mathematics project
* {@link}
* @param moodle_url $pageurl object representing this pages url.
function question_showbank($tabname, $contexts, $pageurl, $cm, $page, $perpage, $sortorder, $sortorderdecoded, $cat, $recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext){
global $COURSE, $DB;
if (optional_param('deleteselected', false, PARAM_BOOL)){ // teacher still has to confirm
// make a list of all the questions that are selected
$rawquestions = $_REQUEST; // This code is called by both POST forms and GET links, so cannot use data_submitted.
$questionlist = ''; // comma separated list of ids of questions to be deleted
$questionnames = ''; // string with names of questions separated by with
// an asterix in front of those that are in use
$inuse = false; // set to true if at least one of the questions is in use
foreach ($rawquestions as $key => $value) { // Parse input for question ids
if (preg_match('!^q([0-9]+)$!', $key, $matches)) {
$key = $matches[1];
$questionlist .= $key.',';
question_require_capability_on($key, 'edit');
if ($DB->record_exists('quiz_question_instances', array('question' => $key))) {
$questionnames .= '* ';
$inuse = true;
$questionnames .= $DB->get_field('question', 'name', array('id' => $key)).' ';
if (!$questionlist) { // no questions were selected
$questionlist = rtrim($questionlist, ',');
// Add an explanation about questions in use
if ($inuse) {
$questionnames .= ' '.get_string('questionsinuse', 'quiz');
notice_yesno(get_string("deletequestionscheck", "quiz", $questionnames),
$pageurl->out_action(array('deleteselected'=>$questionlist, 'confirm'=>md5($questionlist))),
echo '';
echo '';
// starts with category selection form
print_box_start('generalbox questionbank');
print_heading(get_string('questionbank', 'question'), '', 2);
question_category_form($contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname), $pageurl, $cat, $recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext);
// continues with list of questions
question_list($contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname), $pageurl, $cat, isset($cm) ? $cm : null,
$recurse, $page, $perpage, $showhidden, $sortorder, $sortorderdecoded, $showquestiontext,
* Common setup for all pages for editing questions.
* @param string $edittab code for this edit tab
* @param boolean $requirecmid require cmid? default false
* @param boolean $requirecourseid require courseid, if cmid is not given? default true
* @return array $thispageurl, $contexts, $cmid, $cm, $module, $pagevars
function question_edit_setup($edittab, $requirecmid = false, $requirecourseid = true){
//$thispageurl is used to construct urls for all question edit pages we link to from this page. It contains an array
//of parameters that are passed from page to page.
$thispageurl = new moodle_url();
if ($requirecmid){
$cmid =required_param('cmid', PARAM_INT);
} else {
$cmid = optional_param('cmid', 0, PARAM_INT);
if ($cmid){
list($module, $cm) = get_module_from_cmid($cmid);
$courseid = $cm->course;
require_login($courseid, false, $cm);
$thiscontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cmid);
} else {
$module = null;
$cm = null;
if ($requirecourseid){
$courseid = required_param('courseid', PARAM_INT);
} else {
$courseid = optional_param('courseid', 0, PARAM_INT);
if ($courseid){
require_login($courseid, false);
$thiscontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid);
} else {
$thiscontext = null;
if ($thiscontext){
$contexts = new question_edit_contexts($thiscontext);
} else {
$contexts = null;
$pagevars['qpage'] = optional_param('qpage', -1, PARAM_INT);
//pass 'cat' from page to page and when 'category' comes from a drop down menu
//then we also reset the qpage so we go to page 1 of
//a new cat.
$pagevars['cat'] = optional_param('cat', 0, PARAM_SEQUENCE);// if empty will be set up later
if ($category = optional_param('category', 0, PARAM_SEQUENCE)){
if ($pagevars['cat'] != $category){ // is this a move to a new category?
$pagevars['cat'] = $category;
$pagevars['qpage'] = 0;
if ($pagevars['cat']){
$thispageurl->param('cat', $pagevars['cat']);
if ($pagevars['qpage'] > -1) {
$thispageurl->param('qpage', $pagevars['qpage']);
} else {
$pagevars['qpage'] = 0;
$pagevars['qperpage'] = optional_param('qperpage', -1, PARAM_INT);
if ($pagevars['qperpage'] > -1) {
$thispageurl->param('qperpage', $pagevars['qperpage']);
} else {
$pagevars['qperpage'] = DEFAULT_QUESTIONS_PER_PAGE;
$sortoptions = array('alpha' => 'name, qtype ASC',
'typealpha' => 'qtype, name ASC',
'age' => 'id ASC');
if ($sortorder = optional_param('qsortorder', '', PARAM_ALPHA)) {
$pagevars['qsortorderdecoded'] = $sortoptions[$sortorder];
$pagevars['qsortorder'] = $sortorder;
$thispageurl->param('qsortorder', $sortorder);
} else {
$pagevars['qsortorderdecoded'] = $sortoptions['typealpha'];
$pagevars['qsortorder'] = 'typealpha';
$defaultcategory = question_make_default_categories($contexts->all());
$contextlistarr = array();
foreach ($contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($edittab) as $context){
$contextlistarr[] = "'$context->id'";
$contextlist = join($contextlistarr, ' ,');
if (!empty($pagevars['cat'])){
$catparts = explode(',', $pagevars['cat']);
if (!$catparts[0] || (FALSE !== array_search($catparts[1], $contextlistarr)) ||
!$DB->count_records_select("question_categories", "id = ? AND contextid = ?", array($catparts[0], $catparts[1]))) {
print_error('invalidcategory', 'quiz');
} else {
$category = $defaultcategory;
$pagevars['cat'] = "$category->id,$category->contextid";
if(($recurse = optional_param('recurse', -1, PARAM_BOOL)) != -1) {
$pagevars['recurse'] = $recurse;
$thispageurl->param('recurse', $recurse);
} else {
$pagevars['recurse'] = 1;
if(($showhidden = optional_param('showhidden', -1, PARAM_BOOL)) != -1) {
$pagevars['showhidden'] = $showhidden;
$thispageurl->param('showhidden', $showhidden);
} else {
$pagevars['showhidden'] = 0;
if(($showquestiontext = optional_param('showquestiontext', -1, PARAM_BOOL)) != -1) {
$pagevars['showquestiontext'] = $showquestiontext;
$thispageurl->param('showquestiontext', $showquestiontext);
} else {
$pagevars['showquestiontext'] = 0;
//category list page
$pagevars['cpage'] = optional_param('cpage', 1, PARAM_INT);
if ($pagevars['cpage'] != 1){
$thispageurl->param('cpage', $pagevars['cpage']);
return array($thispageurl, $contexts, $cmid, $cm, $module, $pagevars);
class question_edit_contexts{
var $allcontexts;
* @param current context
function question_edit_contexts($thiscontext){
$pcontextids = get_parent_contexts($thiscontext);
$contexts = array($thiscontext);
foreach ($pcontextids as $pcontextid){
$contexts[] = get_context_instance_by_id($pcontextid);
$this->allcontexts = $contexts;
* @return array all parent contexts
function all(){
return $this->allcontexts;
* @return object lowest context which must be either the module or course context
function lowest(){
return $this->allcontexts[0];
* @param string $cap capability
* @return array parent contexts having capability, zero based index
function having_cap($cap){
$contextswithcap = array();
foreach ($this->allcontexts as $context){
if (has_capability($cap, $context)){
$contextswithcap[] = $context;
return $contextswithcap;
* @param array $caps capabilities
* @return array parent contexts having at least one of $caps, zero based index
function having_one_cap($caps){
$contextswithacap = array();
foreach ($this->allcontexts as $context){
foreach ($caps as $cap){
if (has_capability($cap, $context)){
$contextswithacap[] = $context;
break; //done with caps loop
return $contextswithacap;
* @param string $tabname edit tab name
* @return array parent contexts having at least one of $caps, zero based index
function having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname){
return $this->having_one_cap($QUESTION_EDITTABCAPS[$tabname]);
* Has at least one parent context got the cap $cap?
* @param string $cap capability
* @return boolean
function have_cap($cap){
return (count($this->having_cap($cap)));
* Has at least one parent context got one of the caps $caps?
* @param string $cap capability
* @return boolean
function have_one_cap($caps){
foreach ($caps as $cap){
if ($this->have_cap($cap)){
return true;
return false;
* Has at least one parent context got one of the caps for actions on $tabname
* @param string $tabname edit tab name
* @return boolean
function have_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname){
return $this->have_one_cap($QUESTION_EDITTABCAPS[$tabname]);
* Throw error if at least one parent context hasn't got the cap $cap
* @param string $cap capability
function require_cap($cap){
if (!$this->have_cap($cap)){
print_error('nopermissions', '', '', $cap);
* Throw error if at least one parent context hasn't got one of the caps $caps
* @param array $cap capabilities
function require_one_cap($caps){
if (!$this->have_one_cap($caps)){
$capsstring = join($caps, ', ');
print_error('nopermissions', '', '', $capsstring);
* Throw error if at least one parent context hasn't got one of the caps $caps
* @param string $tabname edit tab name
function require_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname){
if (!$this->have_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname)){
print_error('nopermissions', '', '', 'access question edit tab '.$tabname);
//capabilities for each page of edit tab.
//this determines which contexts' categories are available. At least one
//page is displayed if user has one of the capability on at least one context
'editq' => array('moodle/question:add',
'export'=>array('moodle/question:viewall', 'moodle/question:viewmine'));
* Make sure user is logged in as required in this context.
function require_login_in_context($contextorid = null){
global $DB;
if (!is_object($contextorid)){
$context = get_context_instance_by_id($contextorid);
} else {
$context = $contextorid;
if ($context && ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE)) {
} else if ($context && ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE)) {
if ($cm = $DB->get_record('course_modules',array('id' =>$context->instanceid))) {
if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $cm->course))) {
require_course_login($course, true, $cm);
} else {
} else if ($context && ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_SYSTEM)) {
if (!empty($CFG->forcelogin)) {
} else {