. /** * Test output mail configuration page * * @copyright 2019 Victor Deniz , based on Michael Milette code * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once(__DIR__ . '/../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); // This is an admin page. admin_externalpage_setup('testoutgoingmailconf'); $headingtitle = get_string('testoutgoingmailconf', 'admin'); $homeurl = new moodle_url('/admin/category.php', array('category' => 'email')); $returnurl = new moodle_url('/admin/testoutgoingconf.php'); $form = new core_admin\form\testoutgoingmailconf_form(null, ['returnurl' => $returnurl]); if ($form->is_cancelled()) { redirect($homeurl); } // Display the page. echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading($headingtitle); $data = $form->get_data(); if ($data) { $emailuser = new stdClass(); $emailuser->email = $data->recipient; $emailuser->id = -99; $subject = get_string('testoutgoingmailconf_subject', 'admin', format_string($SITE->fullname, true, ['context' => context_system::instance()])); $messagetext = get_string('testoutgoingmailconf_message', 'admin'); // Manage Moodle debugging options. $debuglevel = $CFG->debug; $debugdisplay = $CFG->debugdisplay; $debugsmtp = $CFG->debugsmtp ?? null; // This might not be set as it's optional. $CFG->debugdisplay = true; $CFG->debugsmtp = true; $CFG->debug = 15; // Send test email. ob_start(); $success = email_to_user($emailuser, $USER, $subject, $messagetext); $smtplog = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // Restore Moodle debugging options. $CFG->debug = $debuglevel; $CFG->debugdisplay = $debugdisplay; // Restore the debugsmtp config, if it was set originally. unset($CFG->debugsmtp); if (!is_null($debugsmtp)) { $CFG->debugsmtp = $debugsmtp; } if ($success) { $msgparams = new stdClass(); $msgparams->fromemail = $USER->email; $msgparams->toemail = $emailuser->email; $msg = get_string('testoutgoingmailconf_sentmail', 'admin', $msgparams); $notificationtype = 'notifysuccess'; } else { $notificationtype = 'notifyproblem'; // No communication between Moodle and the SMTP server - no error output. if (trim($smtplog) == false) { $msg = get_string('testoutgoingmailconf_errorcommunications', 'admin'); } else { $msg = $smtplog; } } // Show result. echo $OUTPUT->notification($msg, $notificationtype); } $form->display(); echo $OUTPUT->footer();