. /** * Classes to enforce the various access rules that can apply to a activity. * * @package block_activity_results * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @copyright 2015 Stephen Bourget * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/grade/constants.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/course/lib.php'); define('B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_FULL', 1); define('B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ID', 2); define('B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ANON', 3); define('B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_PCT', 1); define('B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_FRA', 2); define('B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_ABS', 3); define('B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_SCALE', 4); /** * Block activity_results class definition. * * This block can be added to a course page or a activity page to display of list of * the best/worst students/groups in a particular activity. * * @package block_activity_results * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @copyright 2015 Stephen Bourget * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class block_activity_results extends block_base { /** * Core function used to initialize the block. */ public function init() { $this->title = get_string('pluginname', 'block_activity_results'); } /** * Allow the block to have a configuration page * * @return boolean */ public function has_config() { return true; } /** * Core function, specifies where the block can be used. * @return array */ public function applicable_formats() { return array('course-view' => true, 'mod' => true); } /** * If this block belongs to a activity context, then return that activity's id. * Otherwise, return 0. * @return stdclass the activity record. */ public function get_owning_activity() { global $DB; // Set some defaults. $result = new stdClass(); $result->id = 0; if (empty($this->instance->parentcontextid)) { return $result; } $parentcontext = context::instance_by_id($this->instance->parentcontextid); if ($parentcontext->contextlevel != CONTEXT_MODULE) { return $result; } $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id($this->page->cm->modname, $parentcontext->instanceid); if (!$cm) { return $result; } // Get the grade_items id. $rec = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('iteminstance' => $cm->instance, 'itemmodule' => $this->page->cm->modname)); if (!$rec) { return $result; } // See if it is a gradable activity. if (($rec->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE) && ($rec->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE)) { return $result; } return $rec; } /** * Used to save the form config data * @param stdclass $data * @param bool $nolongerused */ public function instance_config_save($data, $nolongerused = false) { global $DB; if (empty($data->activitygradeitemid)) { // Figure out info about parent module. $info = $this->get_owning_activity(); $data->activitygradeitemid = $info->id; if ($info->id < 1) { // No activity was selected. $info->itemmodule = ''; $info->iteminstance = ''; } else { $data->activityparent = $info->itemmodule; $data->activityparentid = $info->iteminstance; } } else { // Lookup info about the parent module (we have the id from mdl_grade_items. $info = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('id' => $data->activitygradeitemid)); $data->activityparent = $info->itemmodule; $data->activityparentid = $info->iteminstance; } parent::instance_config_save($data); } /** * Used to generate the content for the block. * @return string */ public function get_content() { global $USER, $CFG, $DB; if ($this->content !== null) { return $this->content; } $this->content = new stdClass; $this->content->text = ''; $this->content->footer = ''; if (empty($this->instance)) { return $this->content; } // We are configured so use the configuration. if (!empty($this->config->activitygradeitemid)) { // We are configured. $activitygradeitemid = $this->config->activitygradeitemid; // Lookup the module in the grade_items table. $activity = $DB->get_record('grade_items', array('id' => $activitygradeitemid)); if (empty($activity)) { // Activity does not exist. $this->content->text = get_string('error_emptyactivityrecord', 'block_activity_results'); return $this->content; } $courseid = $activity->courseid; $inactivity = false; } else { // Not configured. $activitygradeitemid = 0; } // Check to see if we are in the moule we are displaying results for. if (!empty($this->config->activitygradeitemid)) { if ($this->get_owning_activity()->id == $this->config->activitygradeitemid) { $inactivity = true; } else { $inactivity = false; } } // Activity ID is missing. if (empty($activitygradeitemid)) { $this->content->text = get_string('error_emptyactivityid', 'block_activity_results'); return $this->content; } // Check to see if we are configured. if (empty($this->config->showbest) && empty($this->config->showworst)) { $this->content->text = get_string('configuredtoshownothing', 'block_activity_results'); return $this->content; } // Check to see if it is a supported grade type. if (empty($activity->gradetype) || ($activity->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_VALUE && $activity->gradetype != GRADE_TYPE_SCALE)) { $this->content->text = get_string('error_unsupportedgradetype', 'block_activity_results'); return $this->content; } // Get the grades for this activity. $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {grade_grades} WHERE itemid = ? AND finalgrade is not NULL ORDER BY finalgrade, timemodified DESC'; $grades = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array( $activitygradeitemid)); if (empty($grades) || $activity->hidden) { // No grades available, The block will hide itself in this case. return $this->content; } // Set up results. $groupmode = NOGROUPS; $best = array(); $worst = array(); if (!empty($this->config->nameformat)) { $nameformat = $this->config->nameformat; } else { $nameformat = B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_FULL; } // Get $cm and context. if ($inactivity) { $cm = $this->page->cm; $context = $this->page->context; } else { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($activity->itemmodule, $activity->iteminstance, $courseid); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); } if (!empty($this->config->usegroups)) { $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm); if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS && has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) { // If you have the ability to see all groups then lets show them. $groupmode = VISIBLEGROUPS; } } switch ($groupmode) { case VISIBLEGROUPS: // Display group-mode results. $groups = groups_get_all_groups($courseid); if (empty($groups)) { // No groups exist, sorry. $this->content->text = get_string('error_nogroupsexist', 'block_activity_results'); return $this->content; } // Find out all the userids which have a submitted grade. $userids = array(); $gradeforuser = array(); foreach ($grades as $grade) { $userids[] = $grade->userid; $gradeforuser[$grade->userid] = (float)$grade->finalgrade; } // Now find which groups these users belong in. list($usertest, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($userids); $params[] = $courseid; $usergroups = $DB->get_records_sql(' SELECT gm.id, gm.userid, gm.groupid, g.name FROM {groups} g LEFT JOIN {groups_members} gm ON g.id = gm.groupid WHERE gm.userid ' . $usertest . ' AND g.courseid = ?', $params); // Now, iterate the grades again and sum them up for each group. $groupgrades = array(); foreach ($usergroups as $usergroup) { if (!isset($groupgrades[$usergroup->groupid])) { $groupgrades[$usergroup->groupid] = array( 'sum' => (float)$gradeforuser[$usergroup->userid], 'number' => 1, 'group' => $usergroup->name); } else { $groupgrades[$usergroup->groupid]['sum'] += $gradeforuser[$usergroup->userid]; $groupgrades[$usergroup->groupid]['number'] += 1; } } foreach ($groupgrades as $groupid => $groupgrade) { $groupgrades[$groupid]['average'] = $groupgrades[$groupid]['sum'] / $groupgrades[$groupid]['number']; } // Sort groupgrades according to average grade, ascending. uasort($groupgrades, function($a, $b) { if ($a["average"] == $b["average"]) { return 0; } return ($a["average"] > $b["average"] ? 1 : -1); }); // How many groups do we have with graded member submissions to show? $numbest = empty($this->config->showbest) ? 0 : min($this->config->showbest, count($groupgrades)); $numworst = empty($this->config->showworst) ? 0 : min($this->config->showworst, count($groupgrades) - $numbest); // Collect all the group results we are going to use in $best and $worst. $remaining = $numbest; $groupgrade = end($groupgrades); while ($remaining--) { $best[key($groupgrades)] = $groupgrade['average']; $groupgrade = prev($groupgrades); } $remaining = $numworst; $groupgrade = reset($groupgrades); while ($remaining--) { $worst[key($groupgrades)] = $groupgrade['average']; $groupgrade = next($groupgrades); } // Ready for output! if ($activity->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) { // We must display the results using scales. $gradeformat = B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_SCALE; // Preload the scale. $scale = $this->get_scale($activity->scaleid); } else if (intval(empty($this->config->gradeformat))) { $gradeformat = B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_PCT; } else { $gradeformat = $this->config->gradeformat; } // Generate the header. $this->content->text .= $this->activity_link($activity, $cm); if ($nameformat == B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_FULL) { if (has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', $context)) { $grouplink = $CFG->wwwroot.'/group/overview.php?id='.$courseid.'&group='; } else if (course_can_view_participants($context)) { $grouplink = $CFG->wwwroot.'/user/index.php?id='.$courseid.'&group='; } else { $grouplink = ''; } } $rank = 0; if (!empty($best)) { $this->content->text .= ''; $this->content->text .= ''; foreach ($best as $groupid => $averagegrade) { switch ($nameformat) { case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ANON: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ID: $thisname = get_string('group'); break; default: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_FULL: if ($grouplink) { $thisname = ''.$groupgrades[$groupid]['group'].''; } else { $thisname = $groupgrades[$groupid]['group']; } break; } $this->content->text .= ''; } $this->content->text .= '
'; if ($numbest == 1) { $this->content->text .= get_string('bestgroupgrade', 'block_activity_results'); } else { $this->content->text .= get_string('bestgroupgrades', 'block_activity_results', $numbest); } $this->content->text .= '
'.(++$rank).'.'.$thisname.''; switch ($gradeformat) { case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_SCALE: // Round answer up and locate appropriate scale. $answer = (round($averagegrade, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) - 1); if (isset($scale[$answer])) { $this->content->text .= $scale[$answer]; } else { // Value is not in the scale. $this->content->text .= get_string('unknown', 'block_activity_results'); } break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_FRA: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade($averagegrade) . '/' . $this->activity_format_grade($activity->grademax); break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_ABS: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade($averagegrade); break; default: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_PCT: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade((float)$averagegrade / (float)$activity->grademax * 100).'%'; break; } $this->content->text .= '
'; } $rank = 0; if (!empty($worst)) { $worst = array_reverse($worst, true); $this->content->text .= ''; $this->content->text .= ''; foreach ($worst as $groupid => $averagegrade) { switch ($nameformat) { case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ANON: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ID: $thisname = get_string('group'); break; default: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_FULL: if ($grouplink) { $thisname = ''.$groupgrades[$groupid]['group'].''; } else { $thisname = $groupgrades[$groupid]['group']; } break; } $this->content->text .= ''; } $this->content->text .= '
'; if ($numworst == 1) { $this->content->text .= get_string('worstgroupgrade', 'block_activity_results'); } else { $this->content->text .= get_string('worstgroupgrades', 'block_activity_results', $numworst); } $this->content->text .= '
'.(++$rank).'.'.$thisname.''; switch ($gradeformat) { case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_SCALE: // Round answer up and locate appropriate scale. $answer = (round($averagegrade, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) - 1); if (isset($scale[$answer])) { $this->content->text .= $scale[$answer]; } else { // Value is not in the scale. $this->content->text .= get_string('unknown', 'block_activity_results'); } break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_FRA: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade($averagegrade) . '/' . $this->activity_format_grade($activity->grademax); break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_ABS: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade($averagegrade); break; default: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_PCT: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade((float)$averagegrade / (float)$activity->grademax * 100).'%'; break; } $this->content->text .= '
'; } break; case SEPARATEGROUPS: // This is going to be just like no-groups mode, only we 'll filter // out the grades from people not in our group. if (!isloggedin()) { // Not logged in, so show nothing. return $this->content; } $mygroups = groups_get_all_groups($courseid, $USER->id); if (empty($mygroups)) { // Not member of a group, show nothing. return $this->content; } // Get users from the same groups as me. list($grouptest, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($mygroups)); $mygroupsusers = $DB->get_records_sql_menu( 'SELECT DISTINCT userid, 1 FROM {groups_members} WHERE groupid ' . $grouptest, $params); // Filter out the grades belonging to other users, and proceed as if there were no groups. foreach ($grades as $key => $grade) { if (!isset($mygroupsusers[$grade->userid])) { unset($grades[$key]); } } // No break, fall through to the default case now we have filtered the $grades array. default: case NOGROUPS: // Single user mode. $numbest = empty($this->config->showbest) ? 0 : min($this->config->showbest, count($grades)); $numworst = empty($this->config->showworst) ? 0 : min($this->config->showworst, count($grades) - $numbest); // Collect all the usernames we are going to need. $remaining = $numbest; $grade = end($grades); while ($remaining--) { $best[$grade->userid] = $grade->id; $grade = prev($grades); } $remaining = $numworst; $grade = reset($grades); while ($remaining--) { $worst[$grade->userid] = $grade->id; $grade = next($grades); } if (empty($best) && empty($worst)) { // Nothing to show, for some reason... return $this->content; } // Now grab all the users from the database. $userids = array_merge(array_keys($best), array_keys($worst)); $fields = array_merge(array('id', 'idnumber'), \core_user\fields::get_name_fields()); $fields = implode(',', $fields); $users = $DB->get_records_list('user', 'id', $userids, '', $fields); // If configured to view user idnumber, ensure current user can see it. $extrafields = \core_user\fields::for_identity($this->context)->get_required_fields(); $canviewidnumber = (array_search('idnumber', $extrafields) !== false); // Ready for output! if ($activity->gradetype == GRADE_TYPE_SCALE) { // We must display the results using scales. $gradeformat = B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_SCALE; // Preload the scale. $scale = $this->get_scale($activity->scaleid); } else if (intval(empty($this->config->gradeformat))) { $gradeformat = B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_PCT; } else { $gradeformat = $this->config->gradeformat; } // Generate the header. $this->content->text .= $this->activity_link($activity, $cm); $rank = 0; if (!empty($best)) { $this->content->text .= ''; $this->content->text .= ''; foreach ($best as $userid => $gradeid) { switch ($nameformat) { case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ID: $thisname = get_string('user'); if ($canviewidnumber) { $thisname .= ' ' . s($users[$userid]->idnumber); } break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ANON: $thisname = get_string('user'); break; default: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_FULL: if (has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $context)) { $thisname = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $userid, 'course' => $courseid)), fullname($users[$userid])); } else { $thisname = fullname($users[$userid]); } break; } $this->content->text .= ''; } $this->content->text .= '
'; if ($numbest == 1) { $this->content->text .= get_string('bestgrade', 'block_activity_results'); } else { $this->content->text .= get_string('bestgrades', 'block_activity_results', $numbest); } $this->content->text .= '
'.(++$rank).'.'.$thisname.''; switch ($gradeformat) { case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_SCALE: // Round answer up and locate appropriate scale. $answer = (round($grades[$gradeid]->finalgrade, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) - 1); if (isset($scale[$answer])) { $this->content->text .= $scale[$answer]; } else { // Value is not in the scale. $this->content->text .= get_string('unknown', 'block_activity_results'); } break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_FRA: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade($grades[$gradeid]->finalgrade); $this->content->text .= '/'.$this->activity_format_grade($activity->grademax); break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_ABS: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade($grades[$gradeid]->finalgrade); break; default: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_PCT: if ($activity->grademax) { $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade((float)$grades[$gradeid]->finalgrade / (float)$activity->grademax * 100).'%'; } else { $this->content->text .= '--%'; } break; } $this->content->text .= '
'; } $rank = 0; if (!empty($worst)) { $worst = array_reverse($worst, true); $this->content->text .= ''; $this->content->text .= ''; foreach ($worst as $userid => $gradeid) { switch ($nameformat) { case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ID: $thisname = get_string('user'); if ($canviewidnumber) { $thisname .= ' ' . s($users[$userid]->idnumber); }; break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_ANON: $thisname = get_string('user'); break; default: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_NAME_FORMAT_FULL: if (has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $context)) { $thisname = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $userid, 'course' => $courseid)), fullname($users[$userid])); } else { $thisname = fullname($users[$userid]); } break; } $this->content->text .= ''; } $this->content->text .= '
'; if ($numbest == 1) { $this->content->text .= get_string('worstgrade', 'block_activity_results'); } else { $this->content->text .= get_string('worstgrades', 'block_activity_results', $numworst); } $this->content->text .= '
'.(++$rank).'.'.$thisname.''; switch ($gradeformat) { case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_SCALE: // Round answer up and locate appropriate scale. $answer = (round($grades[$gradeid]->finalgrade, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_UP) - 1); if (isset($scale[$answer])) { $this->content->text .= $scale[$answer]; } else { // Value is not in the scale. $this->content->text .= get_string('unknown', 'block_activity_results'); } break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_FRA: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade($grades[$gradeid]->finalgrade); $this->content->text .= '/'.$this->activity_format_grade($activity->grademax); break; case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_ABS: $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade($grades[$gradeid]->finalgrade); break; default: case B_ACTIVITYRESULTS_GRADE_FORMAT_PCT: if ($activity->grademax) { $this->content->text .= $this->activity_format_grade((float)$grades[$gradeid]->finalgrade / (float)$activity->grademax * 100).'%'; } else { $this->content->text .= '--%'; } break; } $this->content->text .= '
'; } break; } return $this->content; } /** * Allows the block to be added multiple times to a single page * @return boolean */ public function instance_allow_multiple() { return true; } /** * Formats the grade to the specified decimal points * @param float $grade * @return string */ private function activity_format_grade($grade) { if (is_null($grade)) { return get_string('notyetgraded', 'block_activity_results'); } return format_float($grade, $this->config->decimalpoints); } /** * Generates the Link to the activity module when displayed outside of the module. * @param stdclass $activity * @param stdclass $cm * @return string */ private function activity_link($activity, $cm) { $o = html_writer::start_tag('h5'); $o .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/'.$activity->itemmodule.'/view.php', array('id' => $cm->id)), format_string(($activity->itemname), true, ['context' => context_module::instance($cm->id)])); $o .= html_writer::end_tag('h5'); return $o; } /** * Generates a numeric array of scale entries * @param int $scaleid * @return array */ private function get_scale($scaleid) { global $DB; $scaletext = $DB->get_field('scale', 'scale', array('id' => $scaleid), IGNORE_MISSING); $scale = explode ( ',', $scaletext); return $scale; } /** * Return the plugin config settings for external functions. * * @return stdClass the configs for both the block instance and plugin * @since Moodle 3.8 */ public function get_config_for_external() { // Return all settings for all users since it is safe (no private keys, etc..). $instanceconfigs = !empty($this->config) ? $this->config : new stdClass(); $pluginconfigs = get_config('block_activity_results'); return (object) [ 'instance' => $instanceconfigs, 'plugin' => $pluginconfigs, ]; } }