calendar_startwday) ? $CFG->calendar_startwday : get_string('firstdayofweek'); if(!is_numeric($firstday)) { define ('CALENDAR_STARTING_WEEKDAY', CALENDAR_DEFAULT_STARTING_WEEKDAY); } else { define ('CALENDAR_STARTING_WEEKDAY', intval($firstday) % 7); } define ('CALENDAR_UPCOMING_DAYS', isset($CFG->calendar_lookahead) ? intval($CFG->calendar_lookahead) : CALENDAR_DEFAULT_UPCOMING_LOOKAHEAD); define ('CALENDAR_UPCOMING_MAXEVENTS', isset($CFG->calendar_maxevents) ? intval($CFG->calendar_maxevents) : CALENDAR_DEFAULT_UPCOMING_MAXEVENTS); define ('CALENDAR_WEEKEND', isset($CFG->calendar_weekend) ? intval($CFG->calendar_weekend) : CALENDAR_DEFAULT_WEEKEND); define ('CALENDAR_URL', $CFG->wwwroot.'/calendar/'); define ('CALENDAR_TF_24', '%H:%M'); define ('CALENDAR_TF_12', '%I:%M %p'); $CALENDARDAYS = array('sunday','monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday'); function calendar_get_mini($courses, $groups, $users, $cal_month = false, $cal_year = false) { global $CFG, $USER; $display = &New stdClass; $display->minwday = get_user_preferences('calendar_startwday', CALENDAR_STARTING_WEEKDAY); $display->maxwday = $display->minwday + 6; $content = ''; if(!empty($cal_month) && !empty($cal_year)) { $thisdate = usergetdate(time()); // Date and time the user sees at his location if($cal_month == $thisdate['mon'] && $cal_year == $thisdate['year']) { // Navigated to this month $date = $thisdate; $display->thismonth = true; } else { // Navigated to other month, let's do a nice trick and save us a lot of work... if(!checkdate($cal_month, 1, $cal_year)) { $date = array('mday' => 1, 'mon' => $thisdate['mon'], 'year' => $thisdate['year']); $display->thismonth = true; } else { $date = array('mday' => 1, 'mon' => $cal_month, 'year' => $cal_year); $display->thismonth = false; } } } else { $date = usergetdate(time()); // Date and time the user sees at his location $display->thismonth = true; } // Fill in the variables we 're going to use, nice and tidy list($d, $m, $y) = array($date['mday'], $date['mon'], $date['year']); // This is what we want to display $display->maxdays = calendar_days_in_month($m, $y); if (get_user_timezone_offset() < 99) { // We 'll keep these values as GMT here, and offset them when the time comes to query the db $display->tstart = gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y); // This is GMT $display->tend = gmmktime(23, 59, 59, $m, $display->maxdays, $y); // GMT } else { // no timezone info specified $display->tstart = mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $y); $display->tend = mktime(23, 59, 59, $m, $display->maxdays, $y); } $startwday = dayofweek(1, $m, $y); // Align the starting weekday to fall in our display range // This is simple, not foolproof. if($startwday < $display->minwday) { $startwday += 7; } // TODO: THIS IS TEMPORARY CODE! // [pj] I was just reading through this and realized that I when writing this code I was probably // asking for trouble, as all these time manipulations seem to be unnecessary and a simple // make_timestamp would accomplish the same thing. So here goes a test: //$test_start = make_timestamp($y, $m, 1); //$test_end = make_timestamp($y, $m, $display->maxdays, 23, 59, 59); //if($test_start != usertime($display->tstart) - dst_offset_on($display->tstart)) { //notify('Failed assertion in calendar/lib.php line 126; display->tstart = '.$display->tstart.', dst_offset = '.dst_offset_on($display->tstart).', usertime = '.usertime($display->tstart).', make_t = '.$test_start); //} //if($test_end != usertime($display->tend) - dst_offset_on($display->tend)) { //notify('Failed assertion in calendar/lib.php line 130; display->tend = '.$display->tend.', dst_offset = '.dst_offset_on($display->tend).', usertime = '.usertime($display->tend).', make_t = '.$test_end); //} // Get the events matching our criteria. Don't forget to offset the timestamps for the user's TZ! $events = calendar_get_events( usertime($display->tstart) - dst_offset_on($display->tstart), usertime($display->tend) - dst_offset_on($display->tend), $users, $groups, $courses); // Set event course class for course events if (!empty($events)) { foreach ($events as $eventid => $event) { if (!empty($event->modulename)) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance($event->modulename, $event->instance); if (!groups_course_module_visible($cm)) { unset($events[$eventid]); } } } } // This is either a genius idea or an idiot idea: in order to not complicate things, we use this rule: if, after // possibly removing SITEID from $courses, there is only one course left, then clicking on a day in the month // will also set the $SESSION->cal_courses_shown variable to that one course. Otherwise, we 'd need to add extra // arguments to this function. $morehref = ''; if(!empty($courses)) { $courses = array_diff($courses, array(SITEID)); if(count($courses) == 1) { $morehref = '&course='.reset($courses); } } // We want to have easy access by day, since the display is on a per-day basis. // Arguments passed by reference. //calendar_events_by_day($events, $display->tstart, $eventsbyday, $durationbyday, $typesbyday); calendar_events_by_day($events, $m, $y, $eventsbyday, $durationbyday, $typesbyday, $courses); //Accessibility: added summary and elements. ///global $CALENDARDAYS; appears to be broken. $days_title = array('sunday','monday','tuesday','wednesday','thursday','friday','saturday'); $summary = get_string('calendarheading', 'calendar', userdate(make_timestamp($y, $m), get_string('strftimemonthyear'))); $summary = get_string('tabledata', 'access', $summary); $content .= ''; // Begin table $content .= ''; // Header row: day names // Print out the names of the weekdays $days = array('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'); for($i = $display->minwday; $i <= $display->maxwday; ++$i) { // This uses the % operator to get the correct weekday no matter what shift we have // applied to the $display->minwday : $display->maxwday range from the default 0 : 6 $content .= '\n"; } $content .= ''; // End of day names; prepare for day numbers // For the table display. $week is the row; $dayweek is the column. $dayweek = $startwday; // Paddding (the first week may have blank days in the beginning) for($i = $display->minwday; $i < $startwday; ++$i) { $content .= ''."\n"; } // Now display all the calendar for($day = 1; $day <= $display->maxdays; ++$day, ++$dayweek) { if($dayweek > $display->maxwday) { // We need to change week (table row) $content .= ''; $dayweek = $display->minwday; } // Reset vars $cell = ''; if(CALENDAR_WEEKEND & (1 << ($dayweek % 7))) { // Weekend. This is true no matter what the exact range is. $class = 'weekend day'; } else { // Normal working day. $class = 'day'; } // Special visual fx if an event is defined if(isset($eventsbyday[$day])) { $dayhref = calendar_get_link_href(CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day'.$morehref.'&', $day, $m, $y); // OverLib popup $popupcontent = ''; foreach($eventsbyday[$day] as $eventid) { if (!isset($events[$eventid])) { continue; } $event = $events[$eventid]; if(!empty($event->modulename)) { $popupicon = $CFG->modpixpath.'/'.$event->modulename.'/icon.gif'; $popupalt = $event->modulename; } else if ($event->courseid == SITEID) { // Site event $popupicon = $CFG->pixpath.'/c/site.gif'; $popupalt = ''; } else if ($event->courseid != 0 && $event->courseid != SITEID && $event->groupid == 0) { // Course event $popupicon = $CFG->pixpath.'/c/course.gif'; $popupalt = ''; } else if ($event->groupid) { // Group event $popupicon = $CFG->pixpath.'/c/group.gif'; $popupalt = ''; } else if ($event->userid) { // User event $popupicon = $CFG->pixpath.'/c/user.gif'; $popupalt = ''; } $popupcontent .= '
'.$popupalt.''.format_string($event->name, true).'
'; } //Accessibility: functionality moved to calendar_get_popup. if($display->thismonth && $day == $d) { $popup = calendar_get_popup(true, $events[$eventid]->timestart, $popupcontent); } else { $popup = calendar_get_popup(false, $events[$eventid]->timestart, $popupcontent); } // Class and cell content if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['startglobal'])) { $class .= ' event_global'; } else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['startcourse'])) { $class .= ' event_course'; } else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['startgroup'])) { $class .= ' event_group'; } else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['startuser'])) { $class .= ' event_user'; } $cell = ''.$day.''; } else { $cell = $day; } if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['durationglobal'])) { $class .= ' duration_global'; } else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['durationcourse'])) { $class .= ' duration_course'; } else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['durationgroup'])) { $class .= ' duration_group'; } else if(isset($typesbyday[$day]['durationuser'])) { $class .= ' duration_user'; } // If event has a class set then add it to the table day \n"; } // Paddding (the last week may have blank days at the end) for($i = $dayweek; $i <= $display->maxwday; ++$i) { $content .= ''; } $content .= ''; // Last row ends $content .= '
'. get_string($days[$i % 7], 'calendar') ."
tag // Note: only one colour for minicalendar if(isset($eventsbyday[$day])) { foreach($eventsbyday[$day] as $eventid) { if (!isset($events[$eventid])) { continue; } $event = $events[$eventid]; if (!empty($event->class)) { $class .= ' '.$event->class; } break; } } // Special visual fx for today //Accessibility: hidden text for today, and popup. if($display->thismonth && $day == $d) { $class .= ' today'; $today = get_string('today', 'calendar').' '.userdate(time(), get_string('strftimedayshort')); if(! isset($eventsbyday[$day])) { $class .= ' eventnone'; $popup = calendar_get_popup(true, false); $cell = ''.$day.''; } $cell = get_accesshide($today.' ').$cell; } // Just display it if(!empty($class)) { $class = ' class="'.$class.'"'; } $content .= ''.$cell." 
'; // Tabular display of days ends return $content; } /** * calendar_get_popup, called at multiple points in from calendar_get_mini. * Copied and modified from calendar_get_mini. * @uses OverLib popup. * @param $is_today bool, false except when called on the current day. * @param $event_timestart mixed, $events[$eventid]->timestart, OR false if there are no events. * @param $popupcontent string. * @return $popup string, contains onmousover and onmouseout events. */ function calendar_get_popup($is_today, $event_timestart, $popupcontent='') { $popupcaption = ''; if($is_today) { $popupcaption = get_string('today', 'calendar').' '; } if (false === $event_timestart) { $popupcaption .= userdate(time(), get_string('strftimedayshort')); $popupcontent = get_string('eventnone', 'calendar'); } else { $popupcaption .= get_string('eventsfor', 'calendar', userdate($event_timestart, get_string('strftimedayshort'))); } $popupcontent = str_replace("'", "\'", htmlspecialchars($popupcontent)); $popupcaption = str_replace("'", "\'", htmlspecialchars($popupcaption)); $popup = 'onmouseover="return overlib(\''.$popupcontent.'\', CAPTION, \''.$popupcaption.'\');" onmouseout="return nd();"'; return $popup; } function calendar_get_upcoming($courses, $groups, $users, $daysinfuture, $maxevents, $fromtime=0) { global $CFG; $display = &new stdClass; $display->range = $daysinfuture; // How many days in the future we 'll look $display->maxevents = $maxevents; $output = array(); // Prepare "course caching", since it may save us a lot of queries $coursecache = array(); $processed = 0; $now = time(); // We 'll need this later $usermidnighttoday = usergetmidnight($now); if ($fromtime) { $display->tstart = $fromtime; } else { $display->tstart = $usermidnighttoday; } // This works correctly with respect to the user's DST, but it is accurate // only because $fromtime is always the exact midnight of some day! $display->tend = usergetmidnight($display->tstart + DAYSECS * $display->range + 3 * HOURSECS) - 1; // Get the events matching our criteria $events = calendar_get_events($display->tstart, $display->tend, $users, $groups, $courses); // This is either a genius idea or an idiot idea: in order to not complicate things, we use this rule: if, after // possibly removing SITEID from $courses, there is only one course left, then clicking on a day in the month // will also set the $SESSION->cal_courses_shown variable to that one course. Otherwise, we 'd need to add extra // arguments to this function. $morehref = ''; if(!empty($courses)) { $courses = array_diff($courses, array(SITEID)); if(count($courses) == 1) { $morehref = '&course='.reset($courses); } } if($events !== false) { foreach($events as $event) { if(!empty($event->modulename)) { $mod = get_coursemodule_from_instance($event->modulename, $event->instance); if (!groups_course_module_visible($mod)) { continue; } } if ($event->modulename == 'assignment'){ if(!calendar_edit_event_allowed($event)){ // cannot manage entries, eg. student if(!$assignment = get_record('assignment','id',$event->instance)){ // error("assignment ID was incorrect"); continue; } // assign assignment to assignment object to use hidden_is_hidden method require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/assignment/lib.php'); if (!file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/assignment/type/'.$assignment->assignmenttype.'/assignment.class.php')) { continue; } require_once ($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/assignment/type/'.$assignment->assignmenttype.'/assignment.class.php'); $assignmentclass = 'assignment_'.$assignment->assignmenttype; $assignmentinstance = new $assignmentclass($mod->id,$assignment); if ($assignmentinstance->description_is_hidden()){//force not to show description before availability $event->description = get_string('notavailableyet', 'assignment'); } } } if($processed >= $display->maxevents) { break; } $event->time = calendar_format_event_time($event, $now, $morehref); $output[] = $event; ++$processed; } } return $output; } function calendar_add_event_metadata($event) { global $CFG; //Support multilang in event->name $event->name = format_string($event->name,true); if(!empty($event->modulename)) { // Activity event // The module name is set. I will assume that it has to be displayed, and // also that it is an automatically-generated event. And of course that the // fields for get_coursemodule_from_instance are set correctly. $module = calendar_get_module_cached($coursecache, $event->modulename, $event->instance); if ($module === false) { return; } $modulename = get_string('modulename', $event->modulename); $eventtype = get_string($event->eventtype, $event->modulename); $icon = $CFG->modpixpath.'/'.$event->modulename.'/icon.gif'; $event->icon = ''.$eventtype.''; $event->referer = ''.$event->name.''; $event->courselink = ''.$coursecache[$module->course]->fullname.''; $event->cmid = $module->id; } else if($event->courseid == SITEID) { // Site event $event->icon = ''.get_string('globalevent', 'calendar').''; $event->cssclass = 'event_global'; } else if($event->courseid != 0 && $event->courseid != SITEID && $event->groupid == 0) { // Course event calendar_get_course_cached($coursecache, $event->courseid); $event->icon = ''.get_string('courseevent', 'calendar').''; $event->courselink = ''.$coursecache[$event->courseid]->fullname.''; $event->cssclass = 'event_course'; } else if ($event->groupid) { // Group event $event->icon = ''.get_string('groupevent', 'calendar').''; $event->cssclass = 'event_group'; } else if($event->userid) { // User event $event->icon = ''.get_string('userevent', 'calendar').''; $event->cssclass = 'event_user'; } return $event; } function calendar_print_event($event) { global $CFG, $USER; static $strftimetime; $event = calendar_add_event_metadata($event); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; if (isset($event->cssclass)) { echo '
'; if (!empty($event->icon)) { echo $event->icon; } else { print_spacer(16,16); } echo ''; if (!empty($event->referer)) { echo '
'; } else { echo '
"; } if (!empty($event->courselink)) { echo '
'; } if (!empty($event->time)) { echo ''.$event->time.''; } else { echo ''.calendar_time_representation($event->timestart).''; } echo '
 '; } else { echo ''; } echo format_text($event->description, FORMAT_HTML); if (calendar_edit_event_allowed($event)) { echo '
'; $calendarcourseid = ''; if (!empty($event->calendarcourseid)) { $calendarcourseid = '&course='.$event->calendarcourseid; } if (empty($event->cmid)) { $editlink = CALENDAR_URL.'event.php?action=edit&id='.$event->id.$calendarcourseid; $deletelink = CALENDAR_URL.'event.php?action=delete&id='.$event->id.$calendarcourseid; } else { $editlink = $CFG->wwwroot.'/course/mod.php?update='.$event->cmid.'&return=true&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey; $deletelink = $CFG->wwwroot.'/course/mod.php?delete='.$event->cmid.'&sesskey='.$USER->sesskey;; } echo ' '.get_string('tt_editevent', 'calendar').''; echo ' '.get_string('tt_deleteevent', 'calendar').''; echo '
'; } echo '
'; } /** * Get calendar events * @param int $tstart Start time of time range for events * @param int $tend End time of time range for events * @param array/int/boolean $users array of users, user id or boolean for all/no user events * @param array/int/boolean $groups array of groups, group id or boolean for all/no group events * @param array/int/boolean $courses array of courses, course id or boolean for all/no course events * @param boolean $withduration whether only events starting within time range selected * or events in progress/already started selected as well * @param boolean $ignorehidden whether to select only visible events or all events * @return array of selected events or an empty array if there aren't any (or there was an error) */ function calendar_get_events($tstart, $tend, $users, $groups, $courses, $withduration=true, $ignorehidden=true) { $whereclause = ''; // Quick test if(is_bool($users) && is_bool($groups) && is_bool($courses)) { return array(); } if(is_array($users) && !empty($users)) { // Events from a number of users if(!empty($whereclause)) $whereclause .= ' OR'; $whereclause .= ' (userid IN ('.implode(',', $users).') AND courseid = 0 AND groupid = 0)'; } else if(is_numeric($users)) { // Events from one user if(!empty($whereclause)) $whereclause .= ' OR'; $whereclause .= ' (userid = '.$users.' AND courseid = 0 AND groupid = 0)'; } else if($users === true) { // Events from ALL users if(!empty($whereclause)) $whereclause .= ' OR'; $whereclause .= ' (userid != 0 AND courseid = 0 AND groupid = 0)'; } else if($users === false) { // No user at all, do nothing } if(is_array($groups) && !empty($groups)) { // Events from a number of groups if(!empty($whereclause)) $whereclause .= ' OR'; $whereclause .= ' groupid IN ('.implode(',', $groups).')'; } else if(is_numeric($groups)) { // Events from one group if(!empty($whereclause)) $whereclause .= ' OR '; $whereclause .= ' groupid = '.$groups; } else if($groups === true) { // Events from ALL groups if(!empty($whereclause)) $whereclause .= ' OR '; $whereclause .= ' groupid != 0'; } // boolean false (no groups at all): we don't need to do anything if(is_array($courses)) { // A number of courses (maybe none at all!) if(!empty($courses)) { if(!empty($whereclause)) { $whereclause .= ' OR'; } $whereclause .= ' (groupid = 0 AND courseid IN ('.implode(',', $courses).'))'; } else { // This means NO courses, not that we don't care! // No need to do anything } } else if(is_numeric($courses)) { // One course if(!empty($whereclause)) $whereclause .= ' OR'; $whereclause .= ' (groupid = 0 AND courseid = '.$courses.')'; } else if($courses === true) { // Events from ALL courses if(!empty($whereclause)) $whereclause .= ' OR'; $whereclause .= ' (groupid = 0 AND courseid != 0)'; } // Security check: if, by now, we have NOTHING in $whereclause, then it means // that NO event-selecting clauses were defined. Thus, we won't be returning ANY // events no matter what. Allowing the code to proceed might return a completely // valid query with only time constraints, thus selecting ALL events in that time frame! if(empty($whereclause)) { return array(); } if($withduration) { $timeclause = '(timestart >= '.$tstart.' OR timestart + timeduration > '.$tstart.') AND timestart <= '.$tend; } else { $timeclause = 'timestart >= '.$tstart.' AND timestart <= '.$tend; } if(!empty($whereclause)) { // We have additional constraints $whereclause = $timeclause.' AND ('.$whereclause.')'; } else { // Just basic time filtering $whereclause = $timeclause; } if ($ignorehidden) { $whereclause .= ' AND visible = 1'; } $events = get_records_select('event', $whereclause, 'timestart'); if ($events === false) { $events = array(); } return $events; } function calendar_top_controls($type, $data) { global $CFG, $CALENDARDAYS, $THEME; $content = ''; if(!isset($data['d'])) { $data['d'] = 1; } // Ensure course id passed if relevant // Required due to changes in view/lib.php mainly (calendar_session_vars()) $courseid = ''; if (!empty($data['id'])) { $courseid = '&course='.$data['id']; } if(!checkdate($data['m'], $data['d'], $data['y'])) { $time = time(); } else { $time = make_timestamp($data['y'], $data['m'], $data['d']); } $date = usergetdate($time); $data['m'] = $date['mon']; $data['y'] = $date['year']; //Accessibility: calendar block controls, replaced with
. //$nexttext = link_arrow_right(get_string('monthnext', 'access'), $url='', $accesshide=true); //$prevtext = link_arrow_left(get_string('monthprev', 'access'), $url='', $accesshide=true); switch($type) { case 'frontpage': list($prevmonth, $prevyear) = calendar_sub_month($data['m'], $data['y']); list($nextmonth, $nextyear) = calendar_add_month($data['m'], $data['y']); $nextlink = calendar_get_link_next(get_string('monthnext', 'access'), 'index.php?', 0, $nextmonth, $nextyear, $accesshide=true); $prevlink = calendar_get_link_previous(get_string('monthprev', 'access'), 'index.php?', 0, $prevmonth, $prevyear, true); $content .= "\n".'
'. $prevlink; $content .= ' | '.userdate($time, get_string('strftimemonthyear')).''; $content .= ' | '. $nextlink ."\n"; $content .= "
\n"; break; case 'course': list($prevmonth, $prevyear) = calendar_sub_month($data['m'], $data['y']); list($nextmonth, $nextyear) = calendar_add_month($data['m'], $data['y']); $nextlink = calendar_get_link_next(get_string('monthnext', 'access'), 'view.php?id='.$data['id'].'&', 0, $nextmonth, $nextyear, $accesshide=true); $prevlink = calendar_get_link_previous(get_string('monthprev', 'access'), 'view.php?id='.$data['id'].'&', 0, $prevmonth, $prevyear, true); $content .= "\n".'
'. $prevlink; $content .= ' | '.userdate($time, get_string('strftimemonthyear')).''; $content .= ' | '. $nextlink ."\n"; $content .= "
\n"; break; case 'upcoming': $content .= '
'.userdate($time, get_string('strftimemonthyear'))."
\n"; break; case 'display': $content .= '
'.userdate($time, get_string('strftimemonthyear'))."
\n"; break; case 'month': list($prevmonth, $prevyear) = calendar_sub_month($data['m'], $data['y']); list($nextmonth, $nextyear) = calendar_add_month($data['m'], $data['y']); $prevdate = make_timestamp($prevyear, $prevmonth, 1); $nextdate = make_timestamp($nextyear, $nextmonth, 1); $content .= "\n".'
'; $content .= calendar_get_link_previous(userdate($prevdate, get_string('strftimemonthyear')), 'view.php?view=month'.$courseid.'&', 1, $prevmonth, $prevyear); $content .= ' | '.userdate($time, get_string('strftimemonthyear'))."\n"; $content .= ' | '.calendar_get_link_next(userdate($nextdate, get_string('strftimemonthyear')), 'view.php?view=month'.$courseid.'&', 1, $nextmonth, $nextyear); $content .= "
\n"; break; case 'day': $data['d'] = $date['mday']; // Just for convenience $prevdate = usergetdate(make_timestamp($data['y'], $data['m'], $data['d'] - 1)); $nextdate = usergetdate(make_timestamp($data['y'], $data['m'], $data['d'] + 1)); $prevname = calendar_wday_name($CALENDARDAYS[$prevdate['wday']]); $nextname = calendar_wday_name($CALENDARDAYS[$nextdate['wday']]); $content .= "\n".'
'; $content .= calendar_get_link_previous($prevname, 'view.php?view=day'.$courseid.'&', $prevdate['mday'], $prevdate['mon'], $prevdate['year']); // Get the format string $text = get_string('strftimedaydate'); /* // Regexp hackery to make a link out of the month/year part $text = ereg_replace('(%B.+%Y|%Y.+%B|%Y.+%m[^ ]+)', '\\1', $text); $text = ereg_replace('(F.+Y|Y.+F|Y.+m[^ ]+)', '\\1', $text); */ // Replace with actual values and lose any day leading zero $text = userdate($time, $text); // Print the actual thing $content .= ' | '.$text.''; $content .= ' | '. calendar_get_link_next($nextname, 'view.php?view=day'.$courseid.'&', $nextdate['mday'], $nextdate['mon'], $nextdate['year']); $content .= "
\n"; break; } return $content; } function calendar_filter_controls($type, $vars = NULL, $course = NULL, $courses = NULL) { global $CFG, $SESSION, $USER; $groupevents = true; $getvars = ''; $id = optional_param( 'id',0,PARAM_INT ); switch($type) { case 'event': case 'upcoming': case 'day': case 'month': $getvars = '&from='.$type; break; case 'course': if ($id > 0) { $getvars = '&from=course&id='.$id; } else { $getvars = '&from=course'; } if (isset($course->groupmode) and $course->groupmode == NOGROUPS and $course->groupmodeforce) { $groupevents = false; } break; } if (!empty($vars)) { $getvars .= '&'.$vars; } $content = '
'; $content .= ''; if($SESSION->cal_show_global) { $content .= ''; $content .= ''."\n"; } else { $content .= ''; $content .= ''."\n"; } if($SESSION->cal_show_course) { $content .= ''; $content .= ''."\n"; } else { $content .= ''; $content .= ''."\n"; } if(!empty($USER->id) && !isguest()) { $content .= "\n"; if($groupevents) { // This course MIGHT have group events defined, so show the filter if($SESSION->cal_show_groups) { $content .= ''; $content .= ''."\n"; } else { $content .= ''; $content .= ''."\n"; } } else { // This course CANNOT have group events, so lose the filter $content .= ''."\n"; } if($SESSION->cal_show_user) { $content .= ''; $content .= ''."\n"; } else { $content .= ''; $content .= ''."\n"; } } $content .= "\n
'.get_string('hide').''.get_string('global', 'calendar').''.get_string('show').''.get_string('global', 'calendar').''.get_string('hide').''.get_string('course', 'calendar').''.get_string('hide').''.get_string('course', 'calendar').'
'.get_string('hide').''.get_string('group', 'calendar').''.get_string('show').''.get_string('group', 'calendar').' '.get_string('hide').''.get_string('user', 'calendar').''.get_string('show').''.get_string('user', 'calendar').'
\n"; return $content; } function calendar_day_representation($tstamp, $now = false, $usecommonwords = true) { static $shortformat; if(empty($shortformat)) { $shortformat = get_string('strftimedayshort'); } if($now === false) { $now = time(); } // To have it in one place, if a change is needed $formal = userdate($tstamp, $shortformat); $datestamp = usergetdate($tstamp); $datenow = usergetdate($now); if($usecommonwords == false) { // We don't want words, just a date return $formal; } else if($datestamp['year'] == $datenow['year'] && $datestamp['yday'] == $datenow['yday']) { // Today return get_string('today', 'calendar'); } else if( ($datestamp['year'] == $datenow['year'] && $datestamp['yday'] == $datenow['yday'] - 1 ) || ($datestamp['year'] == $datenow['year'] - 1 && $datestamp['mday'] == 31 && $datestamp['mon'] == 12 && $datenow['yday'] == 1) ) { // Yesterday return get_string('yesterday', 'calendar'); } else if( ($datestamp['year'] == $datenow['year'] && $datestamp['yday'] == $datenow['yday'] + 1 ) || ($datestamp['year'] == $datenow['year'] + 1 && $datenow['mday'] == 31 && $datenow['mon'] == 12 && $datestamp['yday'] == 1) ) { // Tomorrow return get_string('tomorrow', 'calendar'); } else { return $formal; } } function calendar_time_representation($time) { static $langtimeformat = NULL; if($langtimeformat === NULL) { $langtimeformat = get_string('strftimetime'); } $timeformat = get_user_preferences('calendar_timeformat'); if(empty($timeformat)){ $timeformat = get_config(NULL,'calendar_site_timeformat'); } // The ? is needed because the preference might be present, but empty return userdate($time, empty($timeformat) ? $langtimeformat : $timeformat); } /** * TODO document */ function calendar_get_link_href($linkbase, $d, $m, $y) { if(empty($linkbase)) return ''; $paramstr = ''; if(!empty($d)) $paramstr .= '&cal_d='.$d; if(!empty($m)) $paramstr .= '&cal_m='.$m; if(!empty($y)) $paramstr .= '&cal_y='.$y; if(!empty($paramstr)) $paramstr = substr($paramstr, 5); return $linkbase.$paramstr; } /** * TODO document */ function calendar_get_link_tag($text, $linkbase, $d, $m, $y) { $href = calendar_get_link_href($linkbase, $d, $m, $y); if(empty($href)) return $text; return ''.$text.''; } /** * Build and return a previous month HTML link, with an arrow. * @param string $text The text label. * @param string $linkbase The URL stub. * @param int $d $m $y Day of month, month and year numbers. * @param bool $accesshide Default visible, or hide from all except screenreaders. * @return string HTML string. */ function calendar_get_link_previous($text, $linkbase, $d, $m, $y, $accesshide=false) { $href = calendar_get_link_href($linkbase, $d, $m, $y); if(empty($href)) return $text; return link_arrow_left($text, $href, $accesshide, 'previous'); } /** * Build and return a next month HTML link, with an arrow. * @param string $text The text label. * @param string $linkbase The URL stub. * @param int $d $m $y Day of month, month and year numbers. * @param bool $accesshide Default visible, or hide from all except screenreaders. * @return string HTML string. */ function calendar_get_link_next($text, $linkbase, $d, $m, $y, $accesshide=false) { $href = calendar_get_link_href($linkbase, $d, $m, $y); if(empty($href)) return $text; return link_arrow_right($text, $href, $accesshide, 'next'); } function calendar_wday_name($englishname) { return get_string(strtolower($englishname), 'calendar'); } function calendar_days_in_month($month, $year) { return intval(date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year))); } function calendar_get_sideblock_upcoming($events, $linkhref = NULL) { $content = ''; $lines = count($events); if (!$lines) { return $content; } for ($i = 0; $i < $lines; ++$i) { if (!isset($events[$i]->time)) { // Just for robustness continue; } $events[$i] = calendar_add_event_metadata($events[$i]); $content .= '
'.$events[$i]->icon.' '; if (!empty($events[$i]->referer)) { // That's an activity event, so let's provide the hyperlink $content .= $events[$i]->referer; } else { if(!empty($linkhref)) { $ed = usergetdate($events[$i]->timestart); $href = calendar_get_link_href(CALENDAR_URL.$linkhref, $ed['mday'], $ed['mon'], $ed['year']); $content .= ''.$events[$i]->name.''; } else { $content .= $events[$i]->name; } } $events[$i]->time = str_replace('»', '
»', $events[$i]->time); $content .= '
'; if ($i < $lines - 1) $content .= '
'; } return $content; } function calendar_add_month($month, $year) { if($month == 12) { return array(1, $year + 1); } else { return array($month + 1, $year); } } function calendar_sub_month($month, $year) { if($month == 1) { return array(12, $year - 1); } else { return array($month - 1, $year); } } function calendar_events_by_day($events, $month, $year, &$eventsbyday, &$durationbyday, &$typesbyday, &$courses) { $eventsbyday = array(); $typesbyday = array(); $durationbyday = array(); if($events === false) { return; } foreach($events as $event) { $startdate = usergetdate($event->timestart); // Set end date = start date if no duration if ($event->timeduration) { $enddate = usergetdate($event->timestart + $event->timeduration - 1); } else { $enddate = $startdate; } // Simple arithmetic: $year * 13 + $month is a distinct integer for each distinct ($year, $month) pair if(!($startdate['year'] * 13 + $startdate['mon'] <= $year * 13 + $month) && ($enddate['year'] * 13 + $enddate['mon'] >= $year * 13 + $month)) { // Out of bounds continue; } $eventdaystart = intval($startdate['mday']); if($startdate['mon'] == $month && $startdate['year'] == $year) { // Give the event to its day $eventsbyday[$eventdaystart][] = $event->id; // Mark the day as having such an event if($event->courseid == SITEID && $event->groupid == 0) { $typesbyday[$eventdaystart]['startglobal'] = true; // Set event class for global event $events[$event->id]->class = 'event_global'; } else if($event->courseid != 0 && $event->courseid != SITEID && $event->groupid == 0) { $typesbyday[$eventdaystart]['startcourse'] = true; // Set event class for course event $events[$event->id]->class = 'event_course'; } else if($event->groupid) { $typesbyday[$eventdaystart]['startgroup'] = true; // Set event class for group event $events[$event->id]->class = 'event_group'; } else if($event->userid) { $typesbyday[$eventdaystart]['startuser'] = true; // Set event class for user event $events[$event->id]->class = 'event_user'; } } if($event->timeduration == 0) { // Proceed with the next continue; } // The event starts on $month $year or before. So... $lowerbound = $startdate['mon'] == $month && $startdate['year'] == $year ? intval($startdate['mday']) : 0; // Also, it ends on $month $year or later... $upperbound = $enddate['mon'] == $month && $enddate['year'] == $year ? intval($enddate['mday']) : calendar_days_in_month($month, $year); // Mark all days between $lowerbound and $upperbound (inclusive) as duration for($i = $lowerbound + 1; $i <= $upperbound; ++$i) { $durationbyday[$i][] = $event->id; if($event->courseid == SITEID && $event->groupid == 0) { $typesbyday[$i]['durationglobal'] = true; } else if($event->courseid != 0 && $event->courseid != SITEID && $event->groupid == 0) { $typesbyday[$i]['durationcourse'] = true; } else if($event->groupid) { $typesbyday[$i]['durationgroup'] = true; } else if($event->userid) { $typesbyday[$i]['durationuser'] = true; } } } return; } function calendar_get_module_cached(&$coursecache, $modulename, $instance) { $module = get_coursemodule_from_instance($modulename, $instance); if($module === false) return false; if(!calendar_get_course_cached($coursecache, $module->course)) { return false; } return $module; } function calendar_get_course_cached(&$coursecache, $courseid) { global $COURSE; if (!isset($coursecache[$courseid])) { if ($courseid == $COURSE->id) { $coursecache[$courseid] = $COURSE; } else { $coursecache[$courseid] = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid); } } return $coursecache[$courseid]; } function calendar_session_vars() { global $SESSION, $USER; if(!empty($USER->id) && isset($USER->realuser) && !isset($SESSION->cal_loggedinas)) { // We just logged in as someone else, update the filtering unset($SESSION->cal_users_shown); unset($SESSION->cal_courses_shown); $SESSION->cal_loggedinas = true; if(intval(get_user_preferences('calendar_persistflt', 0))) { calendar_set_filters_status(get_user_preferences('calendar_savedflt', 0xff)); } } else if(!empty($USER->id) && !isset($USER->realuser) && isset($SESSION->cal_loggedinas)) { // We just logged back to our real self, update again unset($SESSION->cal_users_shown); unset($SESSION->cal_courses_shown); unset($SESSION->cal_loggedinas); if(intval(get_user_preferences('calendar_persistflt', 0))) { calendar_set_filters_status(get_user_preferences('calendar_savedflt', 0xff)); } } if(!isset($SESSION->cal_course_referer)) { $SESSION->cal_course_referer = 0; } if(!isset($SESSION->cal_show_global)) { $SESSION->cal_show_global = true; } if(!isset($SESSION->cal_show_groups)) { $SESSION->cal_show_groups = true; } if(!isset($SESSION->cal_show_course)) { $SESSION->cal_show_course = true; } if(!isset($SESSION->cal_show_user)) { $SESSION->cal_show_user = true; } // if(empty($SESSION->cal_courses_shown)) { $SESSION->cal_courses_shown = calendar_get_default_courses(true); //} if(empty($SESSION->cal_users_shown)) { // The empty() instead of !isset() here makes a whole world of difference, // as it will automatically change to the user's id when the user first logs // in. With !isset(), it would never do that. $SESSION->cal_users_shown = !empty($USER->id) ? $USER->id : false; } else if(is_numeric($SESSION->cal_users_shown) && !empty($USER->id) && $SESSION->cal_users_shown != $USER->id) { // Follow the white rabbit, for example if a teacher logs in as a student $SESSION->cal_users_shown = $USER->id; } } function calendar_overlib_html() { return '' .''; } function calendar_set_referring_course($courseid) { global $SESSION; $SESSION->cal_course_referer = intval($courseid); } function calendar_set_filters(&$courses, &$group, &$user, $courseeventsfrom = NULL, $groupeventsfrom = NULL, $ignorefilters = false) { global $SESSION, $USER, $CFG; // Insidious bug-wannabe: setting $SESSION->cal_courses_shown to $course->id would cause // the code to function incorrectly UNLESS we convert it to an integer. One case where // PHP's loose type system works against us. if(is_string($SESSION->cal_courses_shown)) { $SESSION->cal_courses_shown = intval($SESSION->cal_courses_shown); } if($courseeventsfrom === NULL) { $courseeventsfrom = $SESSION->cal_courses_shown; } // MDL-9059, $courseeventsfrom can be an int, or an array of ints, or an array of course objects // convert all to array of objects // we probably should do some clean up and make sure that session is set to use the proper form if (is_int($courseeventsfrom)) { // case of an int, e.g. calendar view page $c = array(); $c[$courseeventsfrom] = get_record('course', 'id', $courseeventsfrom); $courseeventsfrom = $c; } else if (is_array($courseeventsfrom)) { // case of an array of ints, e.g. course home page foreach ($courseeventsfrom as $i=>$courseid) { if (is_int($courseid)) { $courseeventsfrom[$i] = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid); } } } if($groupeventsfrom === NULL) { $groupeventsfrom = $SESSION->cal_courses_shown; } if(($SESSION->cal_show_course && $SESSION->cal_show_global) || $ignorefilters) { if(is_int($courseeventsfrom)) { $courses = array(SITEID, $courseeventsfrom); } else if(is_array($courseeventsfrom)) { $courses = array_keys($courseeventsfrom); $courses[] = SITEID; } } else if($SESSION->cal_show_course) { if(is_int($courseeventsfrom)) { $courses = array($courseeventsfrom); } else if(is_array($courseeventsfrom)) { $courses = array_keys($courseeventsfrom); } $courses = array_diff($courses, array(SITEID)); } else if($SESSION->cal_show_global) { $courses = array(SITEID); } else { $courses = false; } //BUG 6130 clean $courses array as SESSION has bad entries. // [pj] TODO: See if this has to do with my new change in get_default_courses and can be taken out if (is_array($courses)) { foreach ($courses as $index => $value) { if (empty($value)) unset($courses[$index]); } // Sort courses for consistent colour highlighting // Effectively ignoring SITEID as setting as last course id $key = array_search(SITEID, $courses); if ($key !== false) { unset($courses[$key]); sort($courses); $courses[] = SITEID; } else { sort($courses); } } if($SESSION->cal_show_user || $ignorefilters) { // This doesn't work for arrays yet (maybe someday it will) $user = $SESSION->cal_users_shown; } else { $user = false; } if($SESSION->cal_show_groups || $ignorefilters) { if(is_int($groupeventsfrom)) { $groupcourses = array($groupeventsfrom); } else if(is_array($groupeventsfrom)) { $groupcourses = array_keys($groupeventsfrom); } // XXX TODO: not sure how to replace $CFG->calendar_adminseesall if(has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageentries', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID)) && !empty($CFG->calendar_adminseesall)) { $group = true; } else { $grouparray = array(); // We already have the courses to examine in $courses // For each course... foreach($groupcourses as $courseid) { if (!isset($courseeventsfrom[$courseid]->context)) { // SHOULD be set MDL-11221 if (is_object($courseeventsfrom[$courseid])) { $courseeventsfrom[$courseid]->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); } } // If the user is an editing teacher in there, if (!empty($USER->id) && isset($courseeventsfrom[$courseid]->context) && has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageentries', $courseeventsfrom[$courseid]->context)) { // If this course has groups, show events from all of them if(is_int($groupeventsfrom)) { if (is_object($courseeventsfrom[$courseid])) { // SHOULD be set MDL-11221 $courserecord = $courseeventsfrom[$courseid]; } else { $courserecord = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid); } $courserecord = get_record('course', 'id', $courseid); if ($courserecord->groupmode != NOGROUPS || !$courserecord->groupmodeforce) { $groupids[] = $courseid; } } else if(isset($SESSION->cal_courses_shown[$courseid]) && ($SESSION->cal_courses_shown[$courseid]->groupmode != NOGROUPS || !$SESSION->cal_courses_shown[$courseid]->groupmodeforce)) { $groupids[] = $courseid; } } // Otherwise (not editing teacher) show events from the group he is a member of else if(isset($USER->groupmember[$courseid])) { //changed to 2D array foreach ($USER->groupmember[$courseid] as $groupid){ $grouparray[] = $groupid; } } } if (!empty($groupids)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}groups WHERE courseid IN (".implode(',', $groupids).')'; if ($grouprecords= get_records_sql($sql)) { foreach ($grouprecords as $grouprecord) { $grouparray[] = $grouprecord->id; } } } if(empty($grouparray)) { $group = false; } else { $group = $grouparray; } } } else { $group = false; } } function calendar_edit_event_allowed($event) { global $USER; // can not be using guest account if ($USER->username == "guest") { return false; } $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID); // if user has manageentries at site level, return true if (has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageentries', $sitecontext)) { return true; } // if groupid is set, it's definitely a group event if ($event->groupid) { // Allow users to add/edit group events if: // 1) They have manageentries (= entries for whole course) // 2) They have managegroupentries AND are in the group $group = get_record('groups', 'id', $event->groupid); return $group && ( has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageentries', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $group->courseid)) || (has_capability('moodle/calendar:managegroupentries', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $group->courseid)) && groups_is_member($event->groupid))); } else if ($event->courseid) { // if groupid is not set, but course is set, // it's definiely a course event return has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageentries', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $event->courseid)); } else if ($event->userid && $event->userid == $USER->id) { // if course is not set, but userid id set, it's a user event return (has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageownentries', $sitecontext)); } return false; } function calendar_get_default_courses($ignoreref = false) { global $USER, $CFG, $SESSION; if(!empty($SESSION->cal_course_referer) && !$ignoreref) { return array($SESSION->cal_course_referer => 1); } if(empty($USER->id)) { return array(); } $courses = array(); if (has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageentries', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, SITEID))) { if (!empty($CFG->calendar_adminseesall)) { $courses = get_records_sql('SELECT id, 1 FROM '.$CFG->prefix.'course'); return $courses; } } if (isset($CFG->adminseesall)) { $courses = get_my_courses($USER->id, null, null, $CFG->adminseesall); } else { $courses = get_my_courses($USER->id, null, null, false); } return $courses; } function calendar_preferences_button() { global $CFG, $USER; // Guests have no preferences if (empty($USER->id) || isguest()) { return ''; } return "
frametarget method=\"get\" ". " action=\"$CFG->wwwroot/calendar/preferences.php\">". "
"; } function calendar_format_event_time($event, $now, $morehref, $usecommonwords = true, $showtime=0) { $startdate = usergetdate($event->timestart); $enddate = usergetdate($event->timestart + $event->timeduration); $usermidnightstart = usergetmidnight($event->timestart); if($event->timeduration) { // To avoid doing the math if one IF is enough :) $usermidnightend = usergetmidnight($event->timestart + $event->timeduration); } else { $usermidnightend = $usermidnightstart; } // OK, now to get a meaningful display... // First of all we have to construct a human-readable date/time representation if($event->timeduration) { // It has a duration if($usermidnightstart == $usermidnightend || ($event->timestart == $usermidnightstart) && ($event->timeduration == 86400 || $event->timeduration == 86399) || ($event->timestart + $event->timeduration <= $usermidnightstart + 86400)) { // But it's all on the same day $timestart = calendar_time_representation($event->timestart); $timeend = calendar_time_representation($event->timestart + $event->timeduration); $time = $timestart.' » '.$timeend; if ($event->timestart == $usermidnightstart && ($event->timeduration == 86400 || $event->timeduration == 86399)) { $time = get_string('allday', 'calendar'); } // Set printable representation if (!$showtime) { $day = calendar_day_representation($event->timestart, $now, $usecommonwords); $eventtime = calendar_get_link_tag($day, CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day'.$morehref.'&', $enddate['mday'], $enddate['mon'], $enddate['year']).', '.$time; } else { $eventtime = $time; } } else { // It spans two or more days $daystart = calendar_day_representation($event->timestart, $now, $usecommonwords).', '; if ($showtime == $usermidnightstart) { $daystart = ''; } $timestart = calendar_time_representation($event->timestart); $dayend = calendar_day_representation($event->timestart + $event->timeduration, $now, $usecommonwords).', '; if ($showtime == $usermidnightend) { $dayend = ''; } $timeend = calendar_time_representation($event->timestart + $event->timeduration); // Set printable representation if ($now >= $usermidnightstart && $now < ($usermidnightstart + 86400)) { $eventtime = $timestart.' » '.calendar_get_link_tag($dayend, CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day'.$morehref.'&', $enddate['mday'], $enddate['mon'], $enddate['year']). $timeend; } else { $eventtime = calendar_get_link_tag($daystart, CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day'.$morehref.'&', $startdate['mday'], $startdate['mon'], $startdate['year']). $timestart.' » '.calendar_get_link_tag($dayend, CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day'.$morehref.'&', $enddate['mday'], $enddate['mon'], $enddate['year']). $timeend; } } } else { $time = ' '; // Set printable representation if (!$showtime) { $day = calendar_day_representation($event->timestart, $now, $usecommonwords); $eventtime = calendar_get_link_tag($day, CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day'.$morehref.'&', $startdate['mday'], $startdate['mon'], $startdate['year']).trim($time); } else { $eventtime = $time; } } if($event->timestart + $event->timeduration < $now) { // It has expired $eventtime = ''.str_replace(' href=', ' class="dimmed" href=', $eventtime).''; } return $eventtime; } function calendar_print_month_selector($name, $selected) { $months = array(); for ($i=1; $i<=12; $i++) { $months[$i] = userdate(gmmktime(12, 0, 0, $i, 15, 2000), '%B'); } choose_from_menu($months, $name, $selected, ''); } function calendar_get_filters_status() { global $SESSION; $status = 0; if($SESSION->cal_show_global) { $status += 1; } if($SESSION->cal_show_course) { $status += 2; } if($SESSION->cal_show_groups) { $status += 4; } if($SESSION->cal_show_user) { $status += 8; } return $status; } function calendar_set_filters_status($packed_bitfield) { global $SESSION, $USER; if(!isset($USER) || empty($USER->id)) { return false; } $SESSION->cal_show_global = ($packed_bitfield & 1); $SESSION->cal_show_course = ($packed_bitfield & 2); $SESSION->cal_show_groups = ($packed_bitfield & 4); $SESSION->cal_show_user = ($packed_bitfield & 8); return true; } function calendar_get_allowed_types(&$allowed) { global $USER, $CFG, $SESSION; $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); $allowed->user = has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageownentries', $sitecontext); $allowed->groups = false; // This may change just below $allowed->courses = false; // This may change just below $allowed->site = has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageentries', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, SITEID)); if(!empty($SESSION->cal_course_referer) && $SESSION->cal_course_referer != SITEID) { $course = get_record('course', 'id', $SESSION->cal_course_referer); $coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $SESSION->cal_course_referer); if(has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageentries', $coursecontext)) { $allowed->courses = array($course->id => 1); if($course->groupmode != NOGROUPS || !$course->groupmodeforce) { $allowed->groups = groups_get_all_groups($SESSION->cal_course_referer); } } else if(has_capability('moodle/calendar:managegroupentries', $coursecontext)) { if($course->groupmode != NOGROUPS || !$course->groupmodeforce) { $allowed->groups = groups_get_all_groups($SESSION->cal_course_referer, $USER->id); } } } } /** * see if user can add calendar entries at all * used to print the "New Event" button * @return bool */ function calendar_user_can_add_event() { calendar_get_allowed_types($allowed); return (bool)($allowed->user || $allowed->groups || $allowed->courses || $allowed->site); } ?>