dirroot.'/lib/soaplib.php'); function lams_add_instance($lams) { /// Given an object containing all the necessary data, /// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function /// will create a new instance and return the id number /// of the new instance. global $USER; $lams->timemodified = time(); $lams->learning_session_id = lams_get_lesson($USER->username,$lams->sequence,$lams->course,$lams->name,$lams->introduction,"normal"); return insert_record("lams", $lams); } function lams_update_instance($lams) { /// Given an object containing all the necessary data, /// (defined by the form in mod.html) this function /// will update an existing instance with new data. //echo "enter lams_update_instance
"; $lams->timemodified = time(); $lams->id = $lams->instance; lams_delete_lesson($USER->username,$lams->learning_session_id); $lams->learning_session_id = lams_get_lesson($USER->username,$lams->sequence,$lams->course,$lams->name,$lams->introduction,"normal"); if(!$lams->learning_session_id){ return false; } # May have to add extra stuff in here # //echo $lams->id."
"; //echo $lams->sequence."
"; //echo $lams->course."
"; //echo $lams->name."
"; //echo $lams->introduction."
"; //echo $lams->learning_session_id."
"; //echo "exit lams_update_instance
"; return update_record("lams", $lams); } function lams_delete_instance($id) { /// Given an ID of an instance of this module, /// this function will permanently delete the instance /// and any data that depends on it. if (! $lams = get_record("lams", "id", "$id")) { return false; } $result = true; # Delete any dependent records here # lams_delete_lesson($USER->username,$lams->learning_session_id); if (! delete_records("lams", "id", "$lams->id")) { $result = false; } return $result; } function lams_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $lams) { /// Return a small object with summary information about what a /// user has done with a given particular instance of this module /// Used for user activity reports. /// $return->time = the time they did it /// $return->info = a short text description return $return; } function lams_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $lams) { /// Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with /// a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports. return true; } function lams_print_recent_activity($course, $isteacher, $timestart) { /// Given a course and a time, this module should find recent activity /// that has occurred in lams activities and print it out. /// Return true if there was output, or false is there was none. global $CFG; return false; // True if anything was printed, otherwise false } function lams_cron () { /// Function to be run periodically according to the moodle cron /// This function searches for things that need to be done, such /// as sending out mail, toggling flags etc ... global $CFG; return true; } function lams_grades($lamsid) { /// Must return an array of grades for a given instance of this module, /// indexed by user. It also returns a maximum allowed grade. /// /// $return->grades = array of grades; /// $return->maxgrade = maximum allowed grade; /// /// return $return; return NULL; } function lams_get_participants($lamsid) { //Must return an array of user records (all data) who are participants //for a given instance of lams. Must include every user involved //in the instance, independient of his role (student, teacher, admin...) //See other modules as example. return false; } function lams_scale_used ($lamsid,$scaleid) { //This function returns if a scale is being used by one lams //it it has support for grading and scales. Commented code should be //modified if necessary. See forum, glossary or journal modules //as reference. $return = false; //$rec = get_record("lams","id","$lamsid","scale","-$scaleid"); // //if (!empty($rec) && !empty($scaleid)) { // $return = true; //} return $return; } /** * Checks if scale is being used by any instance of lams * * This is used to find out if scale used anywhere * @param $scaleid int * @return boolean True if the scale is used by any lams */ function lams_scale_used_anywhere($scaleid) { return false; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Any other lams functions go here. Each of them must have a name that /// starts with lams_ function lams_get_soap_client($relativeurl) { global $CFG; if(!isset($CFG->lams_serverurl)) { return NULL; } $wsdl = $CFG->lams_serverurl.$relativeurl; $s = new soap_client($wsdl,true,false,false,false,false,2,3); return $s; } /** * Get sequences(learning designs) for the user in LAMS * * @param string $username The username of the user. Set this to "" if you would just like to get sequences for the currently logged in user. * @return Array sequence array * @TODO complete the documentation of this function */ function lams_get_sequences($username,$courseid) { global $CFG,$USER; if(!isset($CFG->lams_serverid)||!isset($CFG->lams_serverkey)||!isset($CFG->lams_serverurl)) { return get_string("notsetup", "lams"); } $relativeurl="/services/LearningDesignService?wsdl"; $s = lams_get_soap_client($relativeurl); if(is_null($s)){ return NULL; } $datetime = date("F d,Y g:i a"); /* $login = lams_get_user($username,$courseid); if(empty($login)){ return NULL; } */ if(!isset($username)){ $username = $USER->username; } $rawstring = trim($datetime).trim($username).trim($CFG->lams_serverid).trim($CFG->lams_serverkey); $hashvalue = sha1(strtolower($rawstring)); $parameters = array($CFG->lams_serverid,$datetime,$hashvalue,$username); $result = $s->call('getAllLearningDesigns',$parameters);//Array of simpleLearningDesign objects if($s->getError()){//if some exception happened $result = $s->getError();//return the string describing the error } unset($s); return $result; } /** * Get learning session(lesson) id from LAMS * * @param string $username The username of the user. Set this to "" if you would just like the currently logged in user to create the lesson * @param int $ldid The id of the learning design that the lesson is based on * @param int $courseid The id of the course that the lesson is associated with. * @param string $title The title of the lesson * @param string $desc The description of the lesson * @param string $type The type of the lesson. Two types: normal, preview * @return int lesson id */ function lams_get_lesson($username,$ldid,$courseid,$title,$desc,$type) { //echo "enter lams_get_lesson
"; global $CFG,$USER; if(!isset($CFG->lams_serverid)||!isset($CFG->lams_serverkey)) { //echo "serverid or serverkey is not set
"; return NULL; } $relativeurl="/services/LearningSessionService?wsdl"; $s = lams_get_soap_client($relativeurl); if(is_null($s)){ //echo "soap client is null
"; return NULL; } $datetime = date("F d,Y g:i a"); if(!isset($username)){ $username = $USER->username; } $plaintext = $datetime.$username.$CFG->lams_serverid.$CFG->lams_serverkey; //echo $plaintext; $hashvalue = sha1(strtolower($plaintext)); //echo $hashvalue; $parameters = array($CFG->lams_serverid,$datetime,$hashvalue,$username,$ldid,$courseid,$title,$desc,$type); $result = $s->call('createLearningSession',$parameters); //echo "result:".$result."
"; //echo "exit lams_get_lesson
"; if($s->getError()){ $result = $s->getError(); } unset($s); return $result; } /** * Delete learning session(lesson) from LAMS * * @param string $username The username of the user. Set this to "" if you would just like the currently logged in user to create the lesson * @param int $lsid The id of the learning session(lesson) * @return true or false */ function lams_delete_lesson($username,$lsid) { //echo "enter lams_get_lesson
"; global $CFG,$USER; if(!isset($CFG->lams_serverid)||!isset($CFG->lams_serverkey)) { return "The LAMS serverId and serverKey have not been set up"; } $relativeurl="/services/LearningSessionService?wsdl"; $s = lams_get_soap_client($relativeurl); if(is_null($s)){ return "Failed to get soap client based on:".$relativeurl; } $datetime = date("F d,Y g:i a"); if(!isset($username)){ $username = $USER->username; } $plaintext = $datetime.$username.$CFG->lams_serverid.$CFG->lams_serverkey; //echo $plaintext; $hashvalue = sha1(strtolower($plaintext)); //echo $hashvalue; $parameters = array($CFG->lams_serverid,$datetime,$hashvalue,$username,$lsid); $result = $s->call('deleteLearningSession',$parameters); if($s->getError()){ $result = $s->getError(); } unset($s); return $result; } /** * Get class in LAMS * @param int courseid * @return int class id * @TODO complete the documentation of this function */ /* function lams_get_class($courseid) { global $CFG,$USER; //echo "enter lams_get_class"."
"; $orgId = lams_get_organisation(); if(empty($orgId)){ return NULL; } $lams_course = get_record("lams_course","course", $courseid); if(empty($lams_course)){//LAMS class hasn't been created //create LAMS class $relativeurl="/services/UserManagementService?wsdl"; $s = lams_get_soap_client($relativeurl); if(is_null($s)){ return NULL; } $datetime = date("F d,Y g:i a"); $rawstring = $datetime.$CFG->lams_serverid.$CFG->lams_serverkey; $hashvalue = sha1(strtolower($rawstring)); $parameters = array($CFG->lams_serverid,$datetime,$hashvalue); $result = $s->call('createClass',$parameters); //echo "".$s->request.""; //echo "".$s->response.""; //echo "result:".$result."
"; $lams_course->course = $courseid; $lams_course->classid = $result; insert_record("lams_course",$lams_course); //echo "exit lams_get_class"."
"; return $result; }else{ //echo "exit lams_get_class"."
"; return $lams_course->classid; } } */ /** * Get organisation in LAMS * * @return int organisation id * @TODO complete the documentation of this function */ /* function lams_get_organisation() { global $CFG,$USER; //echo "enter lams_get_organisaiton"."
"; if(!isset($CFG->lams_serverid)||!isset($CFG->lams_serverkey)) { return NULL; } if(!isset($CFG->lams_orgid)){ $relativeurl="/services/UserManagementService?wsdl"; $s = lams_get_soap_client($relativeurl); if(empty($s)){ return NULL; } $datetime = date("F d,Y g:i a"); $rawstring = $datetime.$CFG->lams_serverid.$CFG->lams_serverkey; $hashvalue = sha1(strtolower($rawstring)); $parameters = array($CFG->lams_serverid,$datetime,$hashvalue); $result = $s->call('createOrganisation',$parameters); //echo "".$s->request.""; //echo "".$s->response.""; set_config("lams_orgid",$result); //echo "result:".$result."
"; //echo "exit lams_get_organisaiton"."
"; return $result; }else{ //echo "exit lams_get_organisaiton"."
"; return $CFG->lams_orgid; } } */ /** * Get user in LAMS * * @param string $username The username of the user. Set this to "" if you would just like to create LAMS user for the currently logged in user * @param string $roles The user's roles in LAMS * @param int $classid The id of the class that the user belongs to. The class should be already created in LAMS by calling lams_create_class() * @param int $orgid The id of the organisation that the user belongs to. The organisation should be already created in LAMS by calling lams_create_organisation() * @return user login in LAMS if the user is successfully created * @TODO complete the documentation of this function */ /* function lams_get_user($username,$courseid) { global $CFG,$USER; //echo "enter lams_get_user"."
"; if(!isset($CFG->lams_serverid)||!isset($CFG->lams_serverkey)) { return NULL; } $lams_user = get_record("lams_user","username",$username); if(empty($lams_user)){//LAMS user hasn't been created $classid = lams_get_class($courseid); if(empty($classid)){//Can't get class id from lams_course table. Something wrong! return NULL; } $orgid = lams_get_organisation();//It won't be NULL. See lams_get_class function $user = get_record("user","username",$username); if(empty($user)){//Something wrong return NULL; } $roles = lams_get_user_roles($user->id,$courseid); $relativeurl="/services/UserManagementService?wsdl"; $s = lams_get_soap_client($relativeurl); if(empty($s)){ return NULL; } $datetime = date("F d,Y g:i a"); $login = $username; $rawstring = $datetime.$login.$CFG->lams_serverid.$CFG->lams_serverkey; $hashvalue = sha1(strtolower($rawstring)); $parameters = array($CFG->lams_serverid,$datetime,$hashvalue,$login,"password",$roles,$classid,$orgid); $result = $s->call('createUser',$parameters); //echo "".$s->request.""; //echo "".$s->response.""; $lams_user->username = $username; $lams_user->login = $result; insert_record("lams_user",$lams_user); //echo "result:".$result."
"; //echo "exit lams_get_user"."
"; return $result; }else{ //echo "exit lams_get_user"."
"; return $lams_user->login; } } */ /** * Mapping moodle roles to LAMS roles * * @param int $courseid The id of the course that is being viewed * @param int $userid The id of the user that is being tested against. Set this to 0 if you would just like to test against the currently logged in user. * @return formatted string describing LAMS roles * @TODO fill the gap of roles mapping between moodle and LAMS */ /* function lams_get_user_roles($userid=0, $courseid){ $roles = ""; if(isadmin($userid)){ $roles = "administrator"."|"."auhtor"."|"."staff"; }else if(isteacheredit($courseid,$userid)){ $roles = "auhtor"."|"."staff"; }else if(isteacher($courseid,$userid)){ $roles = "staff"; } if(isstudent($courseid,$userid)){ if(empty($roles)){ $roles = "learner"; }else{ $roles .= "|"."learner"; } } //echo $roles."
"; return $roles; } */ ?>