. /** * Various upgrade/install related functions and classes. * * @package core * @subpackage upgrade * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas (http://dougiamas.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL = 0 */ define('UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL', 0); /** UPGRADE_LOG_NOTICE = 1 */ define('UPGRADE_LOG_NOTICE', 1); /** UPGRADE_LOG_ERROR = 2 */ define('UPGRADE_LOG_ERROR', 2); /** * Exception indicating unknown error during upgrade. * * @package core * @subpackage upgrade * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class upgrade_exception extends moodle_exception { function __construct($plugin, $version, $debuginfo=NULL) { global $CFG; $a = (object)array('plugin'=>$plugin, 'version'=>$version); parent::__construct('upgradeerror', 'admin', "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php", $a, $debuginfo); } } /** * Exception indicating downgrade error during upgrade. * * @package core * @subpackage upgrade * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class downgrade_exception extends moodle_exception { function __construct($plugin, $oldversion, $newversion) { global $CFG; $plugin = is_null($plugin) ? 'moodle' : $plugin; $a = (object)array('plugin'=>$plugin, 'oldversion'=>$oldversion, 'newversion'=>$newversion); parent::__construct('cannotdowngrade', 'debug', "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php", $a); } } /** * @package core * @subpackage upgrade * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class upgrade_requires_exception extends moodle_exception { function __construct($plugin, $pluginversion, $currentmoodle, $requiremoodle) { global $CFG; $a = new stdClass(); $a->pluginname = $plugin; $a->pluginversion = $pluginversion; $a->currentmoodle = $currentmoodle; $a->requiremoodle = $requiremoodle; parent::__construct('pluginrequirementsnotmet', 'error', "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php", $a); } } /** * @package core * @subpackage upgrade * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class plugin_defective_exception extends moodle_exception { function __construct($plugin, $details) { global $CFG; parent::__construct('detectedbrokenplugin', 'error', "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php", $plugin, $details); } } /** * Misplaced plugin exception. * * Note: this should be used only from the upgrade/admin code. * * @package core * @subpackage upgrade * @copyright 2009 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class plugin_misplaced_exception extends moodle_exception { /** * Constructor. * @param string $component the component from version.php * @param string $expected expected directory, null means calculate * @param string $current plugin directory path */ public function __construct($component, $expected, $current) { global $CFG; if (empty($expected)) { list($type, $plugin) = core_component::normalize_component($component); $plugintypes = core_component::get_plugin_types(); if (isset($plugintypes[$type])) { $expected = $plugintypes[$type] . '/' . $plugin; } } if (strpos($expected, '$CFG->dirroot') !== 0) { $expected = str_replace($CFG->dirroot, '$CFG->dirroot', $expected); } if (strpos($current, '$CFG->dirroot') !== 0) { $current = str_replace($CFG->dirroot, '$CFG->dirroot', $current); } $a = new stdClass(); $a->component = $component; $a->expected = $expected; $a->current = $current; parent::__construct('detectedmisplacedplugin', 'core_plugin', "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php", $a); } } /** * Sets maximum expected time needed for upgrade task. * Please always make sure that upgrade will not run longer! * * The script may be automatically aborted if upgrade times out. * * @category upgrade * @param int $max_execution_time in seconds (can not be less than 60 s) */ function upgrade_set_timeout($max_execution_time=300) { global $CFG; if (!isset($CFG->upgraderunning) or $CFG->upgraderunning < time()) { $upgraderunning = get_config(null, 'upgraderunning'); } else { $upgraderunning = $CFG->upgraderunning; } if (!$upgraderunning) { if (CLI_SCRIPT) { // never stop CLI upgrades $upgraderunning = 0; } else { // web upgrade not running or aborted print_error('upgradetimedout', 'admin', "$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/"); } } if ($max_execution_time < 60) { // protection against 0 here $max_execution_time = 60; } $expected_end = time() + $max_execution_time; if ($expected_end < $upgraderunning + 10 and $expected_end > $upgraderunning - 10) { // no need to store new end, it is nearly the same ;-) return; } if (CLI_SCRIPT) { // there is no point in timing out of CLI scripts, admins can stop them if necessary core_php_time_limit::raise(); } else { core_php_time_limit::raise($max_execution_time); } set_config('upgraderunning', $expected_end); // keep upgrade locked until this time } /** * Upgrade savepoint, marks end of each upgrade block. * It stores new main version, resets upgrade timeout * and abort upgrade if user cancels page loading. * * Please do not make large upgrade blocks with lots of operations, * for example when adding tables keep only one table operation per block. * * @category upgrade * @param bool $result false if upgrade step failed, true if completed * @param string or float $version main version * @param bool $allowabort allow user to abort script execution here * @return void */ function upgrade_main_savepoint($result, $version, $allowabort=true) { global $CFG; //sanity check to avoid confusion with upgrade_mod_savepoint usage. if (!is_bool($allowabort)) { $errormessage = 'Parameter type mismatch. Are you mixing up upgrade_main_savepoint() and upgrade_mod_savepoint()?'; throw new coding_exception($errormessage); } if (!$result) { throw new upgrade_exception(null, $version); } if ($CFG->version >= $version) { // something really wrong is going on in main upgrade script throw new downgrade_exception(null, $CFG->version, $version); } set_config('version', $version); upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, null, 'Upgrade savepoint reached'); // reset upgrade timeout to default upgrade_set_timeout(); // this is a safe place to stop upgrades if user aborts page loading if ($allowabort and connection_aborted()) { die; } } /** * Module upgrade savepoint, marks end of module upgrade blocks * It stores module version, resets upgrade timeout * and abort upgrade if user cancels page loading. * * @category upgrade * @param bool $result false if upgrade step failed, true if completed * @param string or float $version main version * @param string $modname name of module * @param bool $allowabort allow user to abort script execution here * @return void */ function upgrade_mod_savepoint($result, $version, $modname, $allowabort=true) { global $DB; $component = 'mod_'.$modname; if (!$result) { throw new upgrade_exception($component, $version); } $dbversion = $DB->get_field('config_plugins', 'value', array('plugin'=>$component, 'name'=>'version')); if (!$module = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name'=>$modname))) { print_error('modulenotexist', 'debug', '', $modname); } if ($dbversion >= $version) { // something really wrong is going on in upgrade script throw new downgrade_exception($component, $dbversion, $version); } set_config('version', $version, $component); upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $component, 'Upgrade savepoint reached'); // reset upgrade timeout to default upgrade_set_timeout(); // this is a safe place to stop upgrades if user aborts page loading if ($allowabort and connection_aborted()) { die; } } /** * Blocks upgrade savepoint, marks end of blocks upgrade blocks * It stores block version, resets upgrade timeout * and abort upgrade if user cancels page loading. * * @category upgrade * @param bool $result false if upgrade step failed, true if completed * @param string or float $version main version * @param string $blockname name of block * @param bool $allowabort allow user to abort script execution here * @return void */ function upgrade_block_savepoint($result, $version, $blockname, $allowabort=true) { global $DB; $component = 'block_'.$blockname; if (!$result) { throw new upgrade_exception($component, $version); } $dbversion = $DB->get_field('config_plugins', 'value', array('plugin'=>$component, 'name'=>'version')); if (!$block = $DB->get_record('block', array('name'=>$blockname))) { print_error('blocknotexist', 'debug', '', $blockname); } if ($dbversion >= $version) { // something really wrong is going on in upgrade script throw new downgrade_exception($component, $dbversion, $version); } set_config('version', $version, $component); upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $component, 'Upgrade savepoint reached'); // reset upgrade timeout to default upgrade_set_timeout(); // this is a safe place to stop upgrades if user aborts page loading if ($allowabort and connection_aborted()) { die; } } /** * Plugins upgrade savepoint, marks end of blocks upgrade blocks * It stores plugin version, resets upgrade timeout * and abort upgrade if user cancels page loading. * * @category upgrade * @param bool $result false if upgrade step failed, true if completed * @param string or float $version main version * @param string $type name of plugin * @param string $dir location of plugin * @param bool $allowabort allow user to abort script execution here * @return void */ function upgrade_plugin_savepoint($result, $version, $type, $plugin, $allowabort=true) { global $DB; $component = $type.'_'.$plugin; if (!$result) { throw new upgrade_exception($component, $version); } $dbversion = $DB->get_field('config_plugins', 'value', array('plugin'=>$component, 'name'=>'version')); if ($dbversion >= $version) { // Something really wrong is going on in the upgrade script throw new downgrade_exception($component, $dbversion, $version); } set_config('version', $version, $component); upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $component, 'Upgrade savepoint reached'); // Reset upgrade timeout to default upgrade_set_timeout(); // This is a safe place to stop upgrades if user aborts page loading if ($allowabort and connection_aborted()) { die; } } /** * Detect if there are leftovers in PHP source files. * * During main version upgrades administrators MUST move away * old PHP source files and start from scratch (or better * use git). * * @return bool true means borked upgrade, false means previous PHP files were properly removed */ function upgrade_stale_php_files_present() { global $CFG; $someexamplesofremovedfiles = array( // Removed in 3.2. '/calendar/preferences.php', '/lib/alfresco/', '/lib/jquery/jquery-1.12.1.min.js', '/lib/password_compat/tests/', '/lib/phpunit/classes/unittestcase.php', // Removed in 3.1. '/lib/classes/log/sql_internal_reader.php', '/lib/zend/', '/mod/forum/pix/icon.gif', '/tag/templates/tagname.mustache', // Removed in 3.0. '/mod/lti/grade.php', '/tag/coursetagslib.php', // Removed in 2.9. '/lib/timezone.txt', // Removed in 2.8. '/course/delete_category_form.php', // Removed in 2.7. '/admin/tool/qeupgradehelper/version.php', // Removed in 2.6. '/admin/block.php', '/admin/oacleanup.php', // Removed in 2.5. '/backup/lib.php', '/backup/bb/README.txt', '/lib/excel/test.php', // Removed in 2.4. '/admin/tool/unittest/simpletestlib.php', // Removed in 2.3. '/lib/minify/builder/', // Removed in 2.2. '/lib/yui/3.4.1pr1/', // Removed in 2.2. '/search/cron_php5.php', '/course/report/log/indexlive.php', '/admin/report/backups/index.php', '/admin/generator.php', // Removed in 2.1. '/lib/yui/2.8.0r4/', // Removed in 2.0. '/blocks/admin/block_admin.php', '/blocks/admin_tree/block_admin_tree.php', ); foreach ($someexamplesofremovedfiles as $file) { if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.$file)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Upgrade plugins * @param string $type The type of plugins that should be updated (e.g. 'enrol', 'qtype') * return void */ function upgrade_plugins($type, $startcallback, $endcallback, $verbose) { global $CFG, $DB; /// special cases if ($type === 'mod') { return upgrade_plugins_modules($startcallback, $endcallback, $verbose); } else if ($type === 'block') { return upgrade_plugins_blocks($startcallback, $endcallback, $verbose); } $plugs = core_component::get_plugin_list($type); foreach ($plugs as $plug=>$fullplug) { // Reset time so that it works when installing a large number of plugins core_php_time_limit::raise(600); $component = clean_param($type.'_'.$plug, PARAM_COMPONENT); // standardised plugin name // check plugin dir is valid name if (empty($component)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($type.'_'.$plug, 'Invalid plugin directory name.'); } if (!is_readable($fullplug.'/version.php')) { continue; } $plugin = new stdClass(); $plugin->version = null; $module = $plugin; // Prevent some notices when plugin placed in wrong directory. require($fullplug.'/version.php'); // defines $plugin with version etc unset($module); if (empty($plugin->version)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Missing $plugin->version number in version.php.'); } if (empty($plugin->component)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Missing $plugin->component declaration in version.php.'); } if ($plugin->component !== $component) { throw new plugin_misplaced_exception($plugin->component, null, $fullplug); } $plugin->name = $plug; $plugin->fullname = $component; if (!empty($plugin->requires)) { if ($plugin->requires > $CFG->version) { throw new upgrade_requires_exception($component, $plugin->version, $CFG->version, $plugin->requires); } else if ($plugin->requires < 2010000000) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Plugin is not compatible with Moodle 2.x or later.'); } } // try to recover from interrupted install.php if needed if (file_exists($fullplug.'/db/install.php')) { if (get_config($plugin->fullname, 'installrunning')) { require_once($fullplug.'/db/install.php'); $recover_install_function = 'xmldb_'.$plugin->fullname.'_install_recovery'; if (function_exists($recover_install_function)) { $startcallback($component, true, $verbose); $recover_install_function(); unset_config('installrunning', $plugin->fullname); update_capabilities($component); log_update_descriptions($component); external_update_descriptions($component); events_update_definition($component); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($component); message_update_providers($component); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component($component); if ($type === 'message') { message_update_processors($plug); } upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component($component); $endcallback($component, true, $verbose); } } } $installedversion = $DB->get_field('config_plugins', 'value', array('name'=>'version', 'plugin'=>$component)); // No caching! if (empty($installedversion)) { // new installation $startcallback($component, true, $verbose); /// Install tables if defined if (file_exists($fullplug.'/db/install.xml')) { $DB->get_manager()->install_from_xmldb_file($fullplug.'/db/install.xml'); } /// store version upgrade_plugin_savepoint(true, $plugin->version, $type, $plug, false); /// execute post install file if (file_exists($fullplug.'/db/install.php')) { require_once($fullplug.'/db/install.php'); set_config('installrunning', 1, $plugin->fullname); $post_install_function = 'xmldb_'.$plugin->fullname.'_install'; $post_install_function(); unset_config('installrunning', $plugin->fullname); } /// Install various components update_capabilities($component); log_update_descriptions($component); external_update_descriptions($component); events_update_definition($component); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($component); message_update_providers($component); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component($component); if ($type === 'message') { message_update_processors($plug); } upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component($component); $endcallback($component, true, $verbose); } else if ($installedversion < $plugin->version) { // upgrade /// Run the upgrade function for the plugin. $startcallback($component, false, $verbose); if (is_readable($fullplug.'/db/upgrade.php')) { require_once($fullplug.'/db/upgrade.php'); // defines upgrading function $newupgrade_function = 'xmldb_'.$plugin->fullname.'_upgrade'; $result = $newupgrade_function($installedversion); } else { $result = true; } $installedversion = $DB->get_field('config_plugins', 'value', array('name'=>'version', 'plugin'=>$component)); // No caching! if ($installedversion < $plugin->version) { // store version if not already there upgrade_plugin_savepoint($result, $plugin->version, $type, $plug, false); } /// Upgrade various components update_capabilities($component); log_update_descriptions($component); external_update_descriptions($component); events_update_definition($component); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($component); message_update_providers($component); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component($component); if ($type === 'message') { // Ugly hack! message_update_processors($plug); } upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component($component); $endcallback($component, false, $verbose); } else if ($installedversion > $plugin->version) { throw new downgrade_exception($component, $installedversion, $plugin->version); } } } /** * Find and check all modules and load them up or upgrade them if necessary * * @global object * @global object */ function upgrade_plugins_modules($startcallback, $endcallback, $verbose) { global $CFG, $DB; $mods = core_component::get_plugin_list('mod'); foreach ($mods as $mod=>$fullmod) { if ($mod === 'NEWMODULE') { // Someone has unzipped the template, ignore it continue; } $component = clean_param('mod_'.$mod, PARAM_COMPONENT); // check module dir is valid name if (empty($component)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception('mod_'.$mod, 'Invalid plugin directory name.'); } if (!is_readable($fullmod.'/version.php')) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Missing version.php'); } $module = new stdClass(); $plugin = new stdClass(); $plugin->version = null; require($fullmod .'/version.php'); // Defines $plugin with version etc. // Check if the legacy $module syntax is still used. if (!is_object($module) or (count((array)$module) > 0)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Unsupported $module syntax detected in version.php'); } // Prepare the record for the {modules} table. $module = clone($plugin); unset($module->version); unset($module->component); unset($module->dependencies); unset($module->release); if (empty($plugin->version)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Missing $plugin->version number in version.php.'); } if (empty($plugin->component)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Missing $plugin->component declaration in version.php.'); } if ($plugin->component !== $component) { throw new plugin_misplaced_exception($plugin->component, null, $fullmod); } if (!empty($plugin->requires)) { if ($plugin->requires > $CFG->version) { throw new upgrade_requires_exception($component, $plugin->version, $CFG->version, $plugin->requires); } else if ($plugin->requires < 2010000000) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Plugin is not compatible with Moodle 2.x or later.'); } } if (empty($module->cron)) { $module->cron = 0; } // all modules must have en lang pack if (!is_readable("$fullmod/lang/en/$mod.php")) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Missing mandatory en language pack.'); } $module->name = $mod; // The name MUST match the directory $installedversion = $DB->get_field('config_plugins', 'value', array('name'=>'version', 'plugin'=>$component)); // No caching! if (file_exists($fullmod.'/db/install.php')) { if (get_config($module->name, 'installrunning')) { require_once($fullmod.'/db/install.php'); $recover_install_function = 'xmldb_'.$module->name.'_install_recovery'; if (function_exists($recover_install_function)) { $startcallback($component, true, $verbose); $recover_install_function(); unset_config('installrunning', $module->name); // Install various components too update_capabilities($component); log_update_descriptions($component); external_update_descriptions($component); events_update_definition($component); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($component); message_update_providers($component); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component($component); upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component($component); $endcallback($component, true, $verbose); } } } if (empty($installedversion)) { $startcallback($component, true, $verbose); /// Execute install.xml (XMLDB) - must be present in all modules $DB->get_manager()->install_from_xmldb_file($fullmod.'/db/install.xml'); /// Add record into modules table - may be needed in install.php already $module->id = $DB->insert_record('modules', $module); upgrade_mod_savepoint(true, $plugin->version, $module->name, false); /// Post installation hook - optional if (file_exists("$fullmod/db/install.php")) { require_once("$fullmod/db/install.php"); // Set installation running flag, we need to recover after exception or error set_config('installrunning', 1, $module->name); $post_install_function = 'xmldb_'.$module->name.'_install'; $post_install_function(); unset_config('installrunning', $module->name); } /// Install various components update_capabilities($component); log_update_descriptions($component); external_update_descriptions($component); events_update_definition($component); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($component); message_update_providers($component); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component($component); upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component($component); $endcallback($component, true, $verbose); } else if ($installedversion < $plugin->version) { /// If versions say that we need to upgrade but no upgrade files are available, notify and continue $startcallback($component, false, $verbose); if (is_readable($fullmod.'/db/upgrade.php')) { require_once($fullmod.'/db/upgrade.php'); // defines new upgrading function $newupgrade_function = 'xmldb_'.$module->name.'_upgrade'; $result = $newupgrade_function($installedversion, $module); } else { $result = true; } $installedversion = $DB->get_field('config_plugins', 'value', array('name'=>'version', 'plugin'=>$component)); // No caching! $currmodule = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name'=>$module->name)); if ($installedversion < $plugin->version) { // store version if not already there upgrade_mod_savepoint($result, $plugin->version, $mod, false); } // update cron flag if needed if ($currmodule->cron != $module->cron) { $DB->set_field('modules', 'cron', $module->cron, array('name' => $module->name)); } // Upgrade various components update_capabilities($component); log_update_descriptions($component); external_update_descriptions($component); events_update_definition($component); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($component); message_update_providers($component); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component($component); upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component($component); $endcallback($component, false, $verbose); } else if ($installedversion > $plugin->version) { throw new downgrade_exception($component, $installedversion, $plugin->version); } } } /** * This function finds all available blocks and install them * into blocks table or do all the upgrade process if newer. * * @global object * @global object */ function upgrade_plugins_blocks($startcallback, $endcallback, $verbose) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/moodleblock.class.php'); $blocktitles = array(); // we do not want duplicate titles //Is this a first install $first_install = null; $blocks = core_component::get_plugin_list('block'); foreach ($blocks as $blockname=>$fullblock) { if (is_null($first_install)) { $first_install = ($DB->count_records('block_instances') == 0); } if ($blockname === 'NEWBLOCK') { // Someone has unzipped the template, ignore it continue; } $component = clean_param('block_'.$blockname, PARAM_COMPONENT); // check block dir is valid name if (empty($component)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception('block_'.$blockname, 'Invalid plugin directory name.'); } if (!is_readable($fullblock.'/version.php')) { throw new plugin_defective_exception('block/'.$blockname, 'Missing version.php file.'); } $plugin = new stdClass(); $plugin->version = null; $plugin->cron = 0; $module = $plugin; // Prevent some notices when module placed in wrong directory. include($fullblock.'/version.php'); unset($module); $block = clone($plugin); unset($block->version); unset($block->component); unset($block->dependencies); unset($block->release); if (empty($plugin->version)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Missing block version number in version.php.'); } if (empty($plugin->component)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Missing $plugin->component declaration in version.php.'); } if ($plugin->component !== $component) { throw new plugin_misplaced_exception($plugin->component, null, $fullblock); } if (!empty($plugin->requires)) { if ($plugin->requires > $CFG->version) { throw new upgrade_requires_exception($component, $plugin->version, $CFG->version, $plugin->requires); } else if ($plugin->requires < 2010000000) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Plugin is not compatible with Moodle 2.x or later.'); } } if (!is_readable($fullblock.'/block_'.$blockname.'.php')) { throw new plugin_defective_exception('block/'.$blockname, 'Missing main block class file.'); } include_once($fullblock.'/block_'.$blockname.'.php'); $classname = 'block_'.$blockname; if (!class_exists($classname)) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Can not load main class.'); } $blockobj = new $classname; // This is what we'll be testing $blocktitle = $blockobj->get_title(); // OK, it's as we all hoped. For further tests, the object will do them itself. if (!$blockobj->_self_test()) { throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, 'Self test failed.'); } $block->name = $blockname; // The name MUST match the directory $installedversion = $DB->get_field('config_plugins', 'value', array('name'=>'version', 'plugin'=>$component)); // No caching! if (file_exists($fullblock.'/db/install.php')) { if (get_config('block_'.$blockname, 'installrunning')) { require_once($fullblock.'/db/install.php'); $recover_install_function = 'xmldb_block_'.$blockname.'_install_recovery'; if (function_exists($recover_install_function)) { $startcallback($component, true, $verbose); $recover_install_function(); unset_config('installrunning', 'block_'.$blockname); // Install various components update_capabilities($component); log_update_descriptions($component); external_update_descriptions($component); events_update_definition($component); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($component); message_update_providers($component); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component($component); upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component($component); $endcallback($component, true, $verbose); } } } if (empty($installedversion)) { // block not installed yet, so install it $conflictblock = array_search($blocktitle, $blocktitles); if ($conflictblock !== false) { // Duplicate block titles are not allowed, they confuse people // AND PHP's associative arrays ;) throw new plugin_defective_exception($component, get_string('blocknameconflict', 'error', (object)array('name'=>$block->name, 'conflict'=>$conflictblock))); } $startcallback($component, true, $verbose); if (file_exists($fullblock.'/db/install.xml')) { $DB->get_manager()->install_from_xmldb_file($fullblock.'/db/install.xml'); } $block->id = $DB->insert_record('block', $block); upgrade_block_savepoint(true, $plugin->version, $block->name, false); if (file_exists($fullblock.'/db/install.php')) { require_once($fullblock.'/db/install.php'); // Set installation running flag, we need to recover after exception or error set_config('installrunning', 1, 'block_'.$blockname); $post_install_function = 'xmldb_block_'.$blockname.'_install'; $post_install_function(); unset_config('installrunning', 'block_'.$blockname); } $blocktitles[$block->name] = $blocktitle; // Install various components update_capabilities($component); log_update_descriptions($component); external_update_descriptions($component); events_update_definition($component); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($component); message_update_providers($component); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component($component); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component($component); upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component); $endcallback($component, true, $verbose); } else if ($installedversion < $plugin->version) { $startcallback($component, false, $verbose); if (is_readable($fullblock.'/db/upgrade.php')) { require_once($fullblock.'/db/upgrade.php'); // defines new upgrading function $newupgrade_function = 'xmldb_block_'.$blockname.'_upgrade'; $result = $newupgrade_function($installedversion, $block); } else { $result = true; } $installedversion = $DB->get_field('config_plugins', 'value', array('name'=>'version', 'plugin'=>$component)); // No caching! $currblock = $DB->get_record('block', array('name'=>$block->name)); if ($installedversion < $plugin->version) { // store version if not already there upgrade_block_savepoint($result, $plugin->version, $block->name, false); } if ($currblock->cron != $block->cron) { // update cron flag if needed $DB->set_field('block', 'cron', $block->cron, array('id' => $currblock->id)); } // Upgrade various components update_capabilities($component); log_update_descriptions($component); external_update_descriptions($component); events_update_definition($component); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component($component); message_update_providers($component); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component($component); upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component($component); $endcallback($component, false, $verbose); } else if ($installedversion > $plugin->version) { throw new downgrade_exception($component, $installedversion, $plugin->version); } } // Finally, if we are in the first_install of BLOCKS setup frontpage and admin page blocks if ($first_install) { //Iterate over each course - there should be only site course here now if ($courses = $DB->get_records('course')) { foreach ($courses as $course) { blocks_add_default_course_blocks($course); } } blocks_add_default_system_blocks(); } } /** * Log_display description function used during install and upgrade. * * @param string $component name of component (moodle, mod_assignment, etc.) * @return void */ function log_update_descriptions($component) { global $DB; $defpath = core_component::get_component_directory($component).'/db/log.php'; if (!file_exists($defpath)) { $DB->delete_records('log_display', array('component'=>$component)); return; } // load new info $logs = array(); include($defpath); $newlogs = array(); foreach ($logs as $log) { $newlogs[$log['module'].'-'.$log['action']] = $log; // kind of unique name } unset($logs); $logs = $newlogs; $fields = array('module', 'action', 'mtable', 'field'); // update all log fist $dblogs = $DB->get_records('log_display', array('component'=>$component)); foreach ($dblogs as $dblog) { $name = $dblog->module.'-'.$dblog->action; if (empty($logs[$name])) { $DB->delete_records('log_display', array('id'=>$dblog->id)); continue; } $log = $logs[$name]; unset($logs[$name]); $update = false; foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($dblog->$field != $log[$field]) { $dblog->$field = $log[$field]; $update = true; } } if ($update) { $DB->update_record('log_display', $dblog); } } foreach ($logs as $log) { $dblog = (object)$log; $dblog->component = $component; $DB->insert_record('log_display', $dblog); } } /** * Web service discovery function used during install and upgrade. * @param string $component name of component (moodle, mod_assignment, etc.) * @return void */ function external_update_descriptions($component) { global $DB, $CFG; $defpath = core_component::get_component_directory($component).'/db/services.php'; if (!file_exists($defpath)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/externallib.php'); external_delete_descriptions($component); return; } // load new info $functions = array(); $services = array(); include($defpath); // update all function fist $dbfunctions = $DB->get_records('external_functions', array('component'=>$component)); foreach ($dbfunctions as $dbfunction) { if (empty($functions[$dbfunction->name])) { $DB->delete_records('external_functions', array('id'=>$dbfunction->id)); // do not delete functions from external_services_functions, beacuse // we want to notify admins when functions used in custom services disappear //TODO: this looks wrong, we have to delete it eventually (skodak) continue; } $function = $functions[$dbfunction->name]; unset($functions[$dbfunction->name]); $function['classpath'] = empty($function['classpath']) ? null : $function['classpath']; $update = false; if ($dbfunction->classname != $function['classname']) { $dbfunction->classname = $function['classname']; $update = true; } if ($dbfunction->methodname != $function['methodname']) { $dbfunction->methodname = $function['methodname']; $update = true; } if ($dbfunction->classpath != $function['classpath']) { $dbfunction->classpath = $function['classpath']; $update = true; } $functioncapabilities = array_key_exists('capabilities', $function)?$function['capabilities']:''; if ($dbfunction->capabilities != $functioncapabilities) { $dbfunction->capabilities = $functioncapabilities; $update = true; } if (isset($function['services']) and is_array($function['services'])) { sort($function['services']); $functionservices = implode(',', $function['services']); } else { // Force null values in the DB. $functionservices = null; } if ($dbfunction->services != $functionservices) { // Now, we need to check if services were removed, in that case we need to remove the function from them. $servicesremoved = array_diff(explode(",", $dbfunction->services), explode(",", $functionservices)); foreach ($servicesremoved as $removedshortname) { if ($externalserviceid = $DB->get_field('external_services', 'id', array("shortname" => $removedshortname))) { $DB->delete_records('external_services_functions', array('functionname' => $dbfunction->name, 'externalserviceid' => $externalserviceid)); } } $dbfunction->services = $functionservices; $update = true; } if ($update) { $DB->update_record('external_functions', $dbfunction); } } foreach ($functions as $fname => $function) { $dbfunction = new stdClass(); $dbfunction->name = $fname; $dbfunction->classname = $function['classname']; $dbfunction->methodname = $function['methodname']; $dbfunction->classpath = empty($function['classpath']) ? null : $function['classpath']; $dbfunction->component = $component; $dbfunction->capabilities = array_key_exists('capabilities', $function)?$function['capabilities']:''; if (isset($function['services']) and is_array($function['services'])) { sort($function['services']); $dbfunction->services = implode(',', $function['services']); } else { // Force null values in the DB. $dbfunction->services = null; } $dbfunction->id = $DB->insert_record('external_functions', $dbfunction); } unset($functions); // now deal with services $dbservices = $DB->get_records('external_services', array('component'=>$component)); foreach ($dbservices as $dbservice) { if (empty($services[$dbservice->name])) { $DB->delete_records('external_tokens', array('externalserviceid'=>$dbservice->id)); $DB->delete_records('external_services_functions', array('externalserviceid'=>$dbservice->id)); $DB->delete_records('external_services_users', array('externalserviceid'=>$dbservice->id)); $DB->delete_records('external_services', array('id'=>$dbservice->id)); continue; } $service = $services[$dbservice->name]; unset($services[$dbservice->name]); $service['enabled'] = empty($service['enabled']) ? 0 : $service['enabled']; $service['requiredcapability'] = empty($service['requiredcapability']) ? null : $service['requiredcapability']; $service['restrictedusers'] = !isset($service['restrictedusers']) ? 1 : $service['restrictedusers']; $service['downloadfiles'] = !isset($service['downloadfiles']) ? 0 : $service['downloadfiles']; $service['uploadfiles'] = !isset($service['uploadfiles']) ? 0 : $service['uploadfiles']; $service['shortname'] = !isset($service['shortname']) ? null : $service['shortname']; $update = false; if ($dbservice->requiredcapability != $service['requiredcapability']) { $dbservice->requiredcapability = $service['requiredcapability']; $update = true; } if ($dbservice->restrictedusers != $service['restrictedusers']) { $dbservice->restrictedusers = $service['restrictedusers']; $update = true; } if ($dbservice->downloadfiles != $service['downloadfiles']) { $dbservice->downloadfiles = $service['downloadfiles']; $update = true; } if ($dbservice->uploadfiles != $service['uploadfiles']) { $dbservice->uploadfiles = $service['uploadfiles']; $update = true; } //if shortname is not a PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT, fail (tested here for service update and creation) if (isset($service['shortname']) and (clean_param($service['shortname'], PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT) != $service['shortname'])) { throw new moodle_exception('installserviceshortnameerror', 'webservice', '', $service['shortname']); } if ($dbservice->shortname != $service['shortname']) { //check that shortname is unique if (isset($service['shortname'])) { //we currently accepts multiple shortname == null $existingservice = $DB->get_record('external_services', array('shortname' => $service['shortname'])); if (!empty($existingservice)) { throw new moodle_exception('installexistingserviceshortnameerror', 'webservice', '', $service['shortname']); } } $dbservice->shortname = $service['shortname']; $update = true; } if ($update) { $DB->update_record('external_services', $dbservice); } $functions = $DB->get_records('external_services_functions', array('externalserviceid'=>$dbservice->id)); foreach ($functions as $function) { $key = array_search($function->functionname, $service['functions']); if ($key === false) { $DB->delete_records('external_services_functions', array('id'=>$function->id)); } else { unset($service['functions'][$key]); } } foreach ($service['functions'] as $fname) { $newf = new stdClass(); $newf->externalserviceid = $dbservice->id; $newf->functionname = $fname; $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', $newf); } unset($functions); } foreach ($services as $name => $service) { //check that shortname is unique if (isset($service['shortname'])) { //we currently accepts multiple shortname == null $existingservice = $DB->get_record('external_services', array('shortname' => $service['shortname'])); if (!empty($existingservice)) { throw new moodle_exception('installserviceshortnameerror', 'webservice'); } } $dbservice = new stdClass(); $dbservice->name = $name; $dbservice->enabled = empty($service['enabled']) ? 0 : $service['enabled']; $dbservice->requiredcapability = empty($service['requiredcapability']) ? null : $service['requiredcapability']; $dbservice->restrictedusers = !isset($service['restrictedusers']) ? 1 : $service['restrictedusers']; $dbservice->downloadfiles = !isset($service['downloadfiles']) ? 0 : $service['downloadfiles']; $dbservice->uploadfiles = !isset($service['uploadfiles']) ? 0 : $service['uploadfiles']; $dbservice->shortname = !isset($service['shortname']) ? null : $service['shortname']; $dbservice->component = $component; $dbservice->timecreated = time(); $dbservice->id = $DB->insert_record('external_services', $dbservice); foreach ($service['functions'] as $fname) { $newf = new stdClass(); $newf->externalserviceid = $dbservice->id; $newf->functionname = $fname; $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', $newf); } } } /** * Allow plugins and subsystems to add external functions to other plugins or built-in services. * This function is executed just after all the plugins have been updated. */ function external_update_services() { global $DB; // Look for external functions that want to be added in existing services. $functions = $DB->get_records_select('external_functions', 'services IS NOT NULL'); $servicescache = array(); foreach ($functions as $function) { // Prevent edge cases. if (empty($function->services)) { continue; } $services = explode(',', $function->services); foreach ($services as $serviceshortname) { // Get the service id by shortname. if (!empty($servicescache[$serviceshortname])) { $serviceid = $servicescache[$serviceshortname]; } else if ($service = $DB->get_record('external_services', array('shortname' => $serviceshortname))) { // If the component is empty, it means that is not a built-in service. // We don't allow functions to inject themselves in services created by an user in Moodle. if (empty($service->component)) { continue; } $serviceid = $service->id; $servicescache[$serviceshortname] = $serviceid; } else { // Service not found. continue; } // Finally add the function to the service. $newf = new stdClass(); $newf->externalserviceid = $serviceid; $newf->functionname = $function->name; if (!$DB->record_exists('external_services_functions', (array)$newf)) { $DB->insert_record('external_services_functions', $newf); } } } } /** * upgrade logging functions */ function upgrade_handle_exception($ex, $plugin = null) { global $CFG; // rollback everything, we need to log all upgrade problems abort_all_db_transactions(); $info = get_exception_info($ex); // First log upgrade error upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_ERROR, $plugin, 'Exception: ' . get_class($ex), $info->message, $info->backtrace); // Always turn on debugging - admins need to know what is going on set_debugging(DEBUG_DEVELOPER, true); default_exception_handler($ex, true, $plugin); } /** * Adds log entry into upgrade_log table * * @param int $type UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, UPGRADE_LOG_NOTICE or UPGRADE_LOG_ERROR * @param string $plugin frankenstyle component name * @param string $info short description text of log entry * @param string $details long problem description * @param string $backtrace string used for errors only * @return void */ function upgrade_log($type, $plugin, $info, $details=null, $backtrace=null) { global $DB, $USER, $CFG; if (empty($plugin)) { $plugin = 'core'; } list($plugintype, $pluginname) = core_component::normalize_component($plugin); $component = is_null($pluginname) ? $plugintype : $plugintype . '_' . $pluginname; $backtrace = format_backtrace($backtrace, true); $currentversion = null; $targetversion = null; //first try to find out current version number if ($plugintype === 'core') { //main $currentversion = $CFG->version; $version = null; include("$CFG->dirroot/version.php"); $targetversion = $version; } else { $pluginversion = get_config($component, 'version'); if (!empty($pluginversion)) { $currentversion = $pluginversion; } $cd = core_component::get_component_directory($component); if (file_exists("$cd/version.php")) { $plugin = new stdClass(); $plugin->version = null; $module = $plugin; include("$cd/version.php"); $targetversion = $plugin->version; } } $log = new stdClass(); $log->type = $type; $log->plugin = $component; $log->version = $currentversion; $log->targetversion = $targetversion; $log->info = $info; $log->details = $details; $log->backtrace = $backtrace; $log->userid = $USER->id; $log->timemodified = time(); try { $DB->insert_record('upgrade_log', $log); } catch (Exception $ignored) { // possible during install or 2.0 upgrade } } /** * Marks start of upgrade, blocks any other access to site. * The upgrade is finished at the end of script or after timeout. * * @global object * @global object * @global object */ function upgrade_started($preinstall=false) { global $CFG, $DB, $PAGE, $OUTPUT; static $started = false; if ($preinstall) { ignore_user_abort(true); upgrade_setup_debug(true); } else if ($started) { upgrade_set_timeout(120); } else { if (!CLI_SCRIPT and !$PAGE->headerprinted) { $strupgrade = get_string('upgradingversion', 'admin'); $PAGE->set_pagelayout('maintenance'); upgrade_init_javascript(); $PAGE->set_title($strupgrade.' - Moodle '.$CFG->target_release); $PAGE->set_heading($strupgrade); $PAGE->navbar->add($strupgrade); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); echo $OUTPUT->header(); } ignore_user_abort(true); core_shutdown_manager::register_function('upgrade_finished_handler'); upgrade_setup_debug(true); set_config('upgraderunning', time()+300); $started = true; } } /** * Internal function - executed if upgrade interrupted. */ function upgrade_finished_handler() { upgrade_finished(); } /** * Indicates upgrade is finished. * * This function may be called repeatedly. * * @global object * @global object */ function upgrade_finished($continueurl=null) { global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT; if (!empty($CFG->upgraderunning)) { unset_config('upgraderunning'); // We have to forcefully purge the caches using the writer here. // This has to be done after we unset the config var. If someone hits the site while this is set they will // cause the config values to propogate to the caches. // Caches are purged after the last step in an upgrade but there is several code routines that exceute between // then and now that leaving a window for things to fall out of sync. cache_helper::purge_all(true); upgrade_setup_debug(false); ignore_user_abort(false); if ($continueurl) { echo $OUTPUT->continue_button($continueurl); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; } } } /** * @global object * @global object */ function upgrade_setup_debug($starting) { global $CFG, $DB; static $originaldebug = null; if ($starting) { if ($originaldebug === null) { $originaldebug = $DB->get_debug(); } if (!empty($CFG->upgradeshowsql)) { $DB->set_debug(true); } } else { $DB->set_debug($originaldebug); } } function print_upgrade_separator() { if (!CLI_SCRIPT) { echo '
'; } } /** * Default start upgrade callback * @param string $plugin * @param bool $installation true if installation, false means upgrade */ function print_upgrade_part_start($plugin, $installation, $verbose) { global $OUTPUT; if (empty($plugin) or $plugin == 'moodle') { upgrade_started($installation); // does not store upgrade running flag yet if ($verbose) { echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('coresystem')); } } else { upgrade_started(); if ($verbose) { echo $OUTPUT->heading($plugin); } } if ($installation) { if (empty($plugin) or $plugin == 'moodle') { // no need to log - log table not yet there ;-) } else { upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $plugin, 'Starting plugin installation'); } } else { if (empty($plugin) or $plugin == 'moodle') { upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $plugin, 'Starting core upgrade'); } else { upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $plugin, 'Starting plugin upgrade'); } } } /** * Default end upgrade callback * @param string $plugin * @param bool $installation true if installation, false means upgrade */ function print_upgrade_part_end($plugin, $installation, $verbose) { global $OUTPUT; upgrade_started(); if ($installation) { if (empty($plugin) or $plugin == 'moodle') { upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $plugin, 'Core installed'); } else { upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $plugin, 'Plugin installed'); } } else { if (empty($plugin) or $plugin == 'moodle') { upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $plugin, 'Core upgraded'); } else { upgrade_log(UPGRADE_LOG_NORMAL, $plugin, 'Plugin upgraded'); } } if ($verbose) { $notification = new \core\output\notification(get_string('success'), \core\output\notification::NOTIFY_SUCCESS); $notification->set_show_closebutton(false); echo $OUTPUT->render($notification); print_upgrade_separator(); } } /** * Sets up JS code required for all upgrade scripts. * @global object */ function upgrade_init_javascript() { global $PAGE; // scroll to the end of each upgrade page so that ppl see either error or continue button, // no need to scroll continuously any more, it is enough to jump to end once the footer is printed ;-) $js = "window.scrollTo(0, 5000000);"; $PAGE->requires->js_init_code($js); } /** * Try to upgrade the given language pack (or current language) * * @param string $lang the code of the language to update, defaults to the current language */ function upgrade_language_pack($lang = null) { global $CFG; if (!empty($CFG->skiplangupgrade)) { return; } if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/$CFG->admin/tool/langimport/lib.php")) { // weird, somebody uninstalled the import utility return; } if (!$lang) { $lang = current_language(); } if (!get_string_manager()->translation_exists($lang)) { return; } get_string_manager()->reset_caches(); if ($lang === 'en') { return; // Nothing to do } upgrade_started(false); require_once("$CFG->dirroot/$CFG->admin/tool/langimport/lib.php"); tool_langimport_preupgrade_update($lang); get_string_manager()->reset_caches(); print_upgrade_separator(); } /** * Install core moodle tables and initialize * @param float $version target version * @param bool $verbose * @return void, may throw exception */ function install_core($version, $verbose) { global $CFG, $DB; // We can not call purge_all_caches() yet, make sure the temp and cache dirs exist and are empty. remove_dir($CFG->cachedir.'', true); make_cache_directory('', true); remove_dir($CFG->localcachedir.'', true); make_localcache_directory('', true); remove_dir($CFG->tempdir.'', true); make_temp_directory('', true); remove_dir($CFG->dataroot.'/muc', true); make_writable_directory($CFG->dataroot.'/muc', true); try { core_php_time_limit::raise(600); print_upgrade_part_start('moodle', true, $verbose); // does not store upgrade running flag $DB->get_manager()->install_from_xmldb_file("$CFG->libdir/db/install.xml"); upgrade_started(); // we want the flag to be stored in config table ;-) // set all core default records and default settings require_once("$CFG->libdir/db/install.php"); xmldb_main_install(); // installs the capabilities too // store version upgrade_main_savepoint(true, $version, false); // Continue with the installation log_update_descriptions('moodle'); external_update_descriptions('moodle'); events_update_definition('moodle'); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component('moodle'); message_update_providers('moodle'); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component('moodle'); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component('moodle'); // Write default settings unconditionally admin_apply_default_settings(NULL, true); print_upgrade_part_end(null, true, $verbose); // Purge all caches. They're disabled but this ensures that we don't have any persistent data just in case something // during installation didn't use APIs. cache_helper::purge_all(); } catch (exception $ex) { upgrade_handle_exception($ex); } catch (Throwable $ex) { // Engine errors in PHP7 throw exceptions of type Throwable (this "catch" will be ignored in PHP5). upgrade_handle_exception($ex); } } /** * Upgrade moodle core * @param float $version target version * @param bool $verbose * @return void, may throw exception */ function upgrade_core($version, $verbose) { global $CFG, $SITE, $DB, $COURSE; raise_memory_limit(MEMORY_EXTRA); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/db/upgrade.php'); // Defines upgrades try { // Reset caches before any output. cache_helper::purge_all(true); purge_all_caches(); // Upgrade current language pack if we can upgrade_language_pack(); print_upgrade_part_start('moodle', false, $verbose); // Pre-upgrade scripts for local hack workarounds. $preupgradefile = "$CFG->dirroot/local/preupgrade.php"; if (file_exists($preupgradefile)) { core_php_time_limit::raise(); require($preupgradefile); // Reset upgrade timeout to default. upgrade_set_timeout(); } $result = xmldb_main_upgrade($CFG->version); if ($version > $CFG->version) { // store version if not already there upgrade_main_savepoint($result, $version, false); } // In case structure of 'course' table has been changed and we forgot to update $SITE, re-read it from db. $SITE = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $SITE->id)); $COURSE = clone($SITE); // perform all other component upgrade routines update_capabilities('moodle'); log_update_descriptions('moodle'); external_update_descriptions('moodle'); events_update_definition('moodle'); \core\task\manager::reset_scheduled_tasks_for_component('moodle'); message_update_providers('moodle'); \core\message\inbound\manager::update_handlers_for_component('moodle'); core_tag_area::reset_definitions_for_component('moodle'); // Update core definitions. cache_helper::update_definitions(true); // Purge caches again, just to be sure we arn't holding onto old stuff now. cache_helper::purge_all(true); purge_all_caches(); // Clean up contexts - more and more stuff depends on existence of paths and contexts context_helper::cleanup_instances(); context_helper::create_instances(null, false); context_helper::build_all_paths(false); $syscontext = context_system::instance(); $syscontext->mark_dirty(); print_upgrade_part_end('moodle', false, $verbose); } catch (Exception $ex) { upgrade_handle_exception($ex); } catch (Throwable $ex) { // Engine errors in PHP7 throw exceptions of type Throwable (this "catch" will be ignored in PHP5). upgrade_handle_exception($ex); } } /** * Upgrade/install other parts of moodle * @param bool $verbose * @return void, may throw exception */ function upgrade_noncore($verbose) { global $CFG; raise_memory_limit(MEMORY_EXTRA); // upgrade all plugins types try { // Reset caches before any output. cache_helper::purge_all(true); purge_all_caches(); $plugintypes = core_component::get_plugin_types(); foreach ($plugintypes as $type=>$location) { upgrade_plugins($type, 'print_upgrade_part_start', 'print_upgrade_part_end', $verbose); } // Upgrade services. // This function gives plugins and subsystems a chance to add functions to existing built-in services. external_update_services(); // Update cache definitions. Involves scanning each plugin for any changes. cache_helper::update_definitions(); // Mark the site as upgraded. set_config('allversionshash', core_component::get_all_versions_hash()); // Purge caches again, just to be sure we arn't holding onto old stuff now. cache_helper::purge_all(true); purge_all_caches(); } catch (Exception $ex) { upgrade_handle_exception($ex); } catch (Throwable $ex) { // Engine errors in PHP7 throw exceptions of type Throwable (this "catch" will be ignored in PHP5). upgrade_handle_exception($ex); } } /** * Checks if the main tables have been installed yet or not. * * Note: we can not use caches here because they might be stale, * use with care! * * @return bool */ function core_tables_exist() { global $DB; if (!$tables = $DB->get_tables(false) ) { // No tables yet at all. return false; } else { // Check for missing main tables $mtables = array('config', 'course', 'groupings'); // some tables used in 1.9 and 2.0, preferable something from the start and end of install.xml foreach ($mtables as $mtable) { if (!in_array($mtable, $tables)) { return false; } } return true; } } /** * upgrades the mnet rpc definitions for the given component. * this method doesn't return status, an exception will be thrown in the case of an error * * @param string $component the plugin to upgrade, eg auth_mnet */ function upgrade_plugin_mnet_functions($component) { global $DB, $CFG; list($type, $plugin) = core_component::normalize_component($component); $path = core_component::get_plugin_directory($type, $plugin); $publishes = array(); $subscribes = array(); if (file_exists($path . '/db/mnet.php')) { require_once($path . '/db/mnet.php'); // $publishes comes from this file } if (empty($publishes)) { $publishes = array(); // still need this to be able to disable stuff later } if (empty($subscribes)) { $subscribes = array(); // still need this to be able to disable stuff later } static $servicecache = array(); // rekey an array based on the rpc method for easy lookups later $publishmethodservices = array(); $subscribemethodservices = array(); foreach($publishes as $servicename => $service) { if (is_array($service['methods'])) { foreach($service['methods'] as $methodname) { $service['servicename'] = $servicename; $publishmethodservices[$methodname][] = $service; } } } // Disable functions that don't exist (any more) in the source // Should these be deleted? What about their permissions records? foreach ($DB->get_records('mnet_rpc', array('pluginname'=>$plugin, 'plugintype'=>$type), 'functionname ASC ') as $rpc) { if (!array_key_exists($rpc->functionname, $publishmethodservices) && $rpc->enabled) { $DB->set_field('mnet_rpc', 'enabled', 0, array('id' => $rpc->id)); } else if (array_key_exists($rpc->functionname, $publishmethodservices) && !$rpc->enabled) { $DB->set_field('mnet_rpc', 'enabled', 1, array('id' => $rpc->id)); } } // reflect all the services we're publishing and save them static $cachedclasses = array(); // to store reflection information in foreach ($publishes as $service => $data) { $f = $data['filename']; $c = $data['classname']; foreach ($data['methods'] as $method) { $dataobject = new stdClass(); $dataobject->plugintype = $type; $dataobject->pluginname = $plugin; $dataobject->enabled = 1; $dataobject->classname = $c; $dataobject->filename = $f; if (is_string($method)) { $dataobject->functionname = $method; } else if (is_array($method)) { // wants to override file or class $dataobject->functionname = $method['method']; $dataobject->classname = $method['classname']; $dataobject->filename = $method['filename']; } $dataobject->xmlrpcpath = $type.'/'.$plugin.'/'.$dataobject->filename.'/'.$method; $dataobject->static = false; require_once($path . '/' . $dataobject->filename); $functionreflect = null; // slightly different ways to get this depending on whether it's a class method or a function if (!empty($dataobject->classname)) { if (!class_exists($dataobject->classname)) { throw new moodle_exception('installnosuchmethod', 'mnet', '', (object)array('method' => $dataobject->functionname, 'class' => $dataobject->classname)); } $key = $dataobject->filename . '|' . $dataobject->classname; if (!array_key_exists($key, $cachedclasses)) { // look to see if we've already got a reflection object try { $cachedclasses[$key] = new ReflectionClass($dataobject->classname); } catch (ReflectionException $e) { // catch these and rethrow them to something more helpful throw new moodle_exception('installreflectionclasserror', 'mnet', '', (object)array('method' => $dataobject->functionname, 'class' => $dataobject->classname, 'error' => $e->getMessage())); } } $r =& $cachedclasses[$key]; if (!$r->hasMethod($dataobject->functionname)) { throw new moodle_exception('installnosuchmethod', 'mnet', '', (object)array('method' => $dataobject->functionname, 'class' => $dataobject->classname)); } $functionreflect = $r->getMethod($dataobject->functionname); $dataobject->static = (int)$functionreflect->isStatic(); } else { if (!function_exists($dataobject->functionname)) { throw new moodle_exception('installnosuchfunction', 'mnet', '', (object)array('method' => $dataobject->functionname, 'file' => $dataobject->filename)); } try { $functionreflect = new ReflectionFunction($dataobject->functionname); } catch (ReflectionException $e) { // catch these and rethrow them to something more helpful throw new moodle_exception('installreflectionfunctionerror', 'mnet', '', (object)array('method' => $dataobject->functionname, '' => $dataobject->filename, 'error' => $e->getMessage())); } } $dataobject->profile = serialize(admin_mnet_method_profile($functionreflect)); $dataobject->help = admin_mnet_method_get_help($functionreflect); if ($record_exists = $DB->get_record('mnet_rpc', array('xmlrpcpath'=>$dataobject->xmlrpcpath))) { $dataobject->id = $record_exists->id; $dataobject->enabled = $record_exists->enabled; $DB->update_record('mnet_rpc', $dataobject); } else { $dataobject->id = $DB->insert_record('mnet_rpc', $dataobject, true); } // TODO this API versioning must be reworked, here the recently processed method // sets the service API which may not be correct foreach ($publishmethodservices[$dataobject->functionname] as $service) { if ($serviceobj = $DB->get_record('mnet_service', array('name'=>$service['servicename']))) { $serviceobj->apiversion = $service['apiversion']; $DB->update_record('mnet_service', $serviceobj); } else { $serviceobj = new stdClass(); $serviceobj->name = $service['servicename']; $serviceobj->description = empty($service['description']) ? '' : $service['description']; $serviceobj->apiversion = $service['apiversion']; $serviceobj->offer = 1; $serviceobj->id = $DB->insert_record('mnet_service', $serviceobj); } $servicecache[$service['servicename']] = $serviceobj; if (!$DB->record_exists('mnet_service2rpc', array('rpcid'=>$dataobject->id, 'serviceid'=>$serviceobj->id))) { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->rpcid = $dataobject->id; $obj->serviceid = $serviceobj->id; $DB->insert_record('mnet_service2rpc', $obj, true); } } } } // finished with methods we publish, now do subscribable methods foreach($subscribes as $service => $methods) { if (!array_key_exists($service, $servicecache)) { if (!$serviceobj = $DB->get_record('mnet_service', array('name' => $service))) { debugging("TODO: skipping unknown service $service - somebody needs to fix MDL-21993"); continue; } $servicecache[$service] = $serviceobj; } else { $serviceobj = $servicecache[$service]; } foreach ($methods as $method => $xmlrpcpath) { if (!$rpcid = $DB->get_field('mnet_remote_rpc', 'id', array('xmlrpcpath'=>$xmlrpcpath))) { $remoterpc = (object)array( 'functionname' => $method, 'xmlrpcpath' => $xmlrpcpath, 'plugintype' => $type, 'pluginname' => $plugin, 'enabled' => 1, ); $rpcid = $remoterpc->id = $DB->insert_record('mnet_remote_rpc', $remoterpc, true); } if (!$DB->record_exists('mnet_remote_service2rpc', array('rpcid'=>$rpcid, 'serviceid'=>$serviceobj->id))) { $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->rpcid = $rpcid; $obj->serviceid = $serviceobj->id; $DB->insert_record('mnet_remote_service2rpc', $obj, true); } $subscribemethodservices[$method][] = $service; } } foreach ($DB->get_records('mnet_remote_rpc', array('pluginname'=>$plugin, 'plugintype'=>$type), 'functionname ASC ') as $rpc) { if (!array_key_exists($rpc->functionname, $subscribemethodservices) && $rpc->enabled) { $DB->set_field('mnet_remote_rpc', 'enabled', 0, array('id' => $rpc->id)); } else if (array_key_exists($rpc->functionname, $subscribemethodservices) && !$rpc->enabled) { $DB->set_field('mnet_remote_rpc', 'enabled', 1, array('id' => $rpc->id)); } } return true; } /** * Given some sort of reflection function/method object, return a profile array, ready to be serialized and stored * * @param ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function reflection function/method object from which to extract information * * @return array associative array with function/method information */ function admin_mnet_method_profile(ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function) { $commentlines = admin_mnet_method_get_docblock($function); $getkey = function($key) use ($commentlines) { return array_values(array_filter($commentlines, function($line) use ($key) { return $line[0] == $key; })); }; $returnline = $getkey('@return'); return array ( 'parameters' => array_map(function($line) { return array( 'name' => trim($line[2], " \t\n\r\0\x0B$"), 'type' => $line[1], 'description' => $line[3] ); }, $getkey('@param')), 'return' => array( 'type' => !empty($returnline[0][1]) ? $returnline[0][1] : 'void', 'description' => !empty($returnline[0][2]) ? $returnline[0][2] : '' ) ); } /** * Given some sort of reflection function/method object, return an array of docblock lines, where each line is an array of * keywords/descriptions * * @param ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function reflection function/method object from which to extract information * * @return array docblock converted in to an array */ function admin_mnet_method_get_docblock(ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function) { return array_map(function($line) { $text = trim($line, " \t\n\r\0\x0B*/"); if (strpos($text, '@param') === 0) { return preg_split('/\s+/', $text, 4); } if (strpos($text, '@return') === 0) { return preg_split('/\s+/', $text, 3); } return array($text); }, explode("\n", $function->getDocComment())); } /** * Given some sort of reflection function/method object, return just the help text * * @param ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function reflection function/method object from which to extract information * * @return string docblock help text */ function admin_mnet_method_get_help(ReflectionFunctionAbstract $function) { $helplines = array_map(function($line) { return implode(' ', $line); }, array_values(array_filter(admin_mnet_method_get_docblock($function), function($line) { return strpos($line[0], '@') !== 0 && !empty($line[0]); }))); return implode("\n", $helplines); } /** * Detect draft file areas with missing root directory records and add them. */ function upgrade_fix_missing_root_folders_draft() { global $DB; $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); $sql = "SELECT contextid, itemid, MAX(timecreated) AS timecreated, MAX(timemodified) AS timemodified FROM {files} WHERE (component = 'user' AND filearea = 'draft') GROUP BY contextid, itemid HAVING MAX(CASE WHEN filename = '.' AND filepath = '/' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 0"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); $defaults = array('component' => 'user', 'filearea' => 'draft', 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => '.', 'userid' => 0, // Don't rely on any particular user for these system records. 'filesize' => 0, 'contenthash' => sha1('')); foreach ($rs as $r) { $r->pathnamehash = sha1("/$r->contextid/user/draft/$r->itemid/."); $DB->insert_record('files', (array)$r + $defaults); } $rs->close(); $transaction->allow_commit(); } /** * This function verifies that the database is not using an unsupported storage engine. * * @param environment_results $result object to update, if relevant * @return environment_results|null updated results object, or null if the storage engine is supported */ function check_database_storage_engine(environment_results $result) { global $DB; // Check if MySQL is the DB family (this will also be the same for MariaDB). if ($DB->get_dbfamily() == 'mysql') { // Get the database engine we will either be using to install the tables, or what we are currently using. $engine = $DB->get_dbengine(); // Check if MyISAM is the storage engine that will be used, if so, do not proceed and display an error. if ($engine == 'MyISAM') { $result->setInfo('unsupported_db_storage_engine'); $result->setStatus(false); return $result; } } return null; } /** * Method used to check the usage of slasharguments config and display a warning message. * * @param environment_results $result object to update, if relevant. * @return environment_results|null updated results or null if slasharguments is disabled. */ function check_slasharguments(environment_results $result){ global $CFG; if (!during_initial_install() && empty($CFG->slasharguments)) { $result->setInfo('slasharguments'); $result->setStatus(false); return $result; } return null; } /** * This function verifies if the database has tables using innoDB Antelope row format. * * @param environment_results $result * @return environment_results|null updated results object, or null if no Antelope table has been found. */ function check_database_tables_row_format(environment_results $result) { global $DB; if ($DB->get_dbfamily() == 'mysql') { $generator = $DB->get_manager()->generator; foreach ($DB->get_tables(false) as $table) { $columns = $DB->get_columns($table, false); $size = $generator->guess_antelope_row_size($columns); $format = $DB->get_row_format($table); if ($size <= $generator::ANTELOPE_MAX_ROW_SIZE) { continue; } if ($format === 'Compact' or $format === 'Redundant') { $result->setInfo('unsupported_db_table_row_format'); $result->setStatus(false); return $result; } } } return null; } /** * Upgrade the minmaxgrade setting. * * This step should only be run for sites running 2.8 or later. Sites using 2.7 will be fine * using the new default system setting $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse. * * @return void */ function upgrade_minmaxgrade() { global $CFG, $DB; // 2 is a copy of GRADE_MIN_MAX_FROM_GRADE_GRADE. $settingvalue = 2; // Set the course setting when: // - The system setting does not exist yet. // - The system seeting is not set to what we'd set the course setting. $setcoursesetting = !isset($CFG->grade_minmaxtouse) || $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse != $settingvalue; // Identify the courses that have inconsistencies grade_item vs grade_grade. $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT(gi.courseid) FROM {grade_grades} gg JOIN {grade_items} gi ON gg.itemid = gi.id WHERE gi.itemtype NOT IN (?, ?) AND (gg.rawgrademax != gi.grademax OR gg.rawgrademin != gi.grademin)"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, array('course', 'category')); foreach ($rs as $record) { // Flag the course to show a notice in the gradebook. set_config('show_min_max_grades_changed_' . $record->courseid, 1); // Set the appropriate course setting so that grades displayed are not changed. $configname = 'minmaxtouse'; if ($setcoursesetting && !$DB->record_exists('grade_settings', array('courseid' => $record->courseid, 'name' => $configname))) { // Do not set the setting when the course already defines it. $data = new stdClass(); $data->courseid = $record->courseid; $data->name = $configname; $data->value = $settingvalue; $DB->insert_record('grade_settings', $data); } // Mark the grades to be regraded. $DB->set_field('grade_items', 'needsupdate', 1, array('courseid' => $record->courseid)); } $rs->close(); } /** * Assert the upgrade key is provided, if it is defined. * * The upgrade key can be defined in the main config.php as $CFG->upgradekey. If * it is defined there, then its value must be provided every time the site is * being upgraded, regardless the administrator is logged in or not. * * This is supposed to be used at certain places in /admin/index.php only. * * @param string|null $upgradekeyhash the SHA-1 of the value provided by the user */ function check_upgrade_key($upgradekeyhash) { global $CFG, $PAGE; if (isset($CFG->config_php_settings['upgradekey'])) { if ($upgradekeyhash === null or $upgradekeyhash !== sha1($CFG->config_php_settings['upgradekey'])) { if (!$PAGE->headerprinted) { $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin'); echo $output->upgradekey_form_page(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('cache' => 0))); die(); } else { // This should not happen. die('Upgrade locked'); } } } } /** * Helper procedure/macro for installing remote plugins at admin/index.php * * Does not return, always redirects or exits. * * @param array $installable list of \core\update\remote_info * @param bool $confirmed false: display the validation screen, true: proceed installation * @param string $heading validation screen heading * @param moodle_url|string|null $continue URL to proceed with installation at the validation screen * @param moodle_url|string|null $return URL to go back on cancelling at the validation screen */ function upgrade_install_plugins(array $installable, $confirmed, $heading='', $continue=null, $return=null) { global $CFG, $PAGE; if (empty($return)) { $return = $PAGE->url; } if (!empty($CFG->disableupdateautodeploy)) { redirect($return); } if (empty($installable)) { redirect($return); } $pluginman = core_plugin_manager::instance(); if ($confirmed) { // Installation confirmed at the validation results page. if (!$pluginman->install_plugins($installable, true, true)) { throw new moodle_exception('install_plugins_failed', 'core_plugin', $return); } // Always redirect to admin/index.php to perform the database upgrade. // Do not throw away the existing $PAGE->url parameters such as // confirmupgrade or confirmrelease if $PAGE->url is a superset of the // URL we must go to. $mustgoto = new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('cache' => 0, 'confirmplugincheck' => 0)); if ($mustgoto->compare($PAGE->url, URL_MATCH_PARAMS)) { redirect($PAGE->url); } else { redirect($mustgoto); } } else { $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin'); echo $output->header(); if ($heading) { echo $output->heading($heading, 3); } echo html_writer::start_tag('pre', array('class' => 'plugin-install-console')); $validated = $pluginman->install_plugins($installable, false, false); echo html_writer::end_tag('pre'); if ($validated) { echo $output->plugins_management_confirm_buttons($continue, $return); } else { echo $output->plugins_management_confirm_buttons(null, $return); } echo $output->footer(); die(); } } /** * Method used to check the installed unoconv version. * * @param environment_results $result object to update, if relevant. * @return environment_results|null updated results or null if unoconv path is not executable. */ function check_unoconv_version(environment_results $result) { global $CFG; if (!during_initial_install() && !empty($CFG->pathtounoconv) && file_is_executable(trim($CFG->pathtounoconv))) { $currentversion = 0; $supportedversion = 0.7; $unoconvbin = \escapeshellarg($CFG->pathtounoconv); $command = "$unoconvbin --version"; exec($command, $output); // If the command execution returned some output, then get the unoconv version. if ($output) { foreach ($output as $response) { if (preg_match('/unoconv (\\d+\\.\\d+)/', $response, $matches)) { $currentversion = (float)$matches[1]; } } } if ($currentversion < $supportedversion) { $result->setInfo('unoconv version not supported'); $result->setStatus(false); return $result; } } return null; } /** * Checks for up-to-date TLS libraries. NOTE: this is not currently used, see MDL-57262. * * @param environment_results $result object to update, if relevant. * @return environment_results|null updated results or null if unoconv path is not executable. */ function check_tls_libraries(environment_results $result) { global $CFG; if (!function_exists('curl_version')) { $result->setInfo('cURL PHP extension is not installed'); $result->setStatus(false); return $result; } if (!\core\upgrade\util::validate_php_curl_tls(curl_version(), PHP_ZTS)) { $result->setInfo('invalid ssl/tls configuration'); $result->setStatus(false); return $result; } if (!\core\upgrade\util::can_use_tls12(curl_version(), php_uname('r'))) { $result->setInfo('ssl/tls configuration not supported'); $result->setStatus(false); return $result; } return null; } /** * Check if recommended version of libcurl is installed or not. * * @param environment_results $result object to update, if relevant. * @return environment_results|null updated results or null. */ function check_libcurl_version(environment_results $result) { if (!function_exists('curl_version')) { $result->setInfo('cURL PHP extension is not installed'); $result->setStatus(false); return $result; } // Supported version and version number. $supportedversion = 0x071304; $supportedversionstring = "7.19.4"; // Installed version. $curlinfo = curl_version(); $currentversion = $curlinfo['version_number']; if ($currentversion < $supportedversion) { // Test fail. // Set info, we want to let user know how to resolve the problem. $result->setInfo('Libcurl version check'); $result->setNeededVersion($supportedversionstring); $result->setCurrentVersion($curlinfo['version']); $result->setStatus(false); return $result; } return null; }