@core @core_admin @_only_local Feature: Upload users In order to add users to the system As an admin I need to upload files containing the users data @javascript Scenario: Upload users enrolling them on courses and groups Given the following "courses" exists: | fullname | shortname | category | | Maths | math102 | 0 | And the following "groups" exists: | name | course | idnumber | | Section 1 | math102 | S1 | | Section 3 | math102 | S3 | And I log in as "admin" And I collapse "Front page settings" node And I expand "Site administration" node And I expand "Users" node And I expand "Accounts" node And I follow "Upload users" When I upload "lib/tests/fixtures/upload_users.csv" file to "File" filepicker And I press "Upload users" Then I should see "Upload users preview" And I should see "Tom" And I should see "Jones" And I should see "verysecret" And I should see "jonest@someplace.edu" And I should see "Reznor" And I should see "course1" And I should see "math102" And I should see "group1" And I should see "Section 1" And I press "Upload users" And I press "Continue" And I follow "Browse list of users" And I should see "Tom Jones" And I should see "Trent Reznor" And I should see "reznor@someplace.edu" And I am on homepage And I follow "Maths" And I expand "Users" node And I follow "Groups" And I select "Section 1 (1)" from "groups" And I wait "4" seconds And the "members" select box should contain "Tom Jones"