displayerrors) { echo "
Could not find a {"; } return false; } $answerfinish = strpos($text, "}"); if ($answerfinish === false) { if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
Could not find a }"; } return false; } $answerlength = $answerfinish - $answerstart; $answertext = substr($text, $answerstart + 1, $answerlength - 1); /// Save the new question text $question->questiontext = addslashes(substr_replace($text, "_____", $answerstart, $answerlength+1)); $question->name = substr($question->questiontext, 0, 60)." ..."; /// Parse the answers $answers = explode("~", $answertext); $countanswers = count($answers); switch ($countanswers) { case 0: // invalid question if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
No answers found in $answertext"; } return false; case 1: $question->qtype = SHORTANSWER; $answer = trim($answers[0]); if ($answer[0] == "=") { $answer = substr($answer, 1); } $question->answer[] = addslashes($answer); $question->fraction[] = 1; $question->feedback[] = ""; $question->usecase = 0; // Ignore case $question->defaultgrade = 1; $question->image = ""; // No images with this format return $question; default: $question->qtype = MULTICHOICE; $answers = swapshuffle($answers); foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $answer = trim($answer); if ($answer[0] == "=") { $question->fraction[$key] = 1; $answer = substr($answer, 1); } else { $question->fraction[$key] = 0; } $question->answer[$key] = addslashes($answer); $question->feedback[$key] = ""; } $question->defaultgrade = 1; $question->single = 1; // Only one answer is allowed $question->image = ""; // No images with this format return $question; } } function importpostprocess() { /// Goes through the questionids, looking for shortanswer questions /// and converting random groups of 4 into matching questions. /// Doesn't handle shortanswer questions with more than one answer global $CFG; print_heading(count($this->questionids)." ".get_string("questions", "quiz")); $questionids = implode(',', $this->questionids); if (!$shortanswers = get_records_select("quiz_questions", "id IN ($questionids) AND qtype = ".SHORTANSWER, "", "id,qtype")) { return true; } $shortanswerids = array(); foreach ($shortanswers as $key => $shortanswer) { $shortanswerids[] = $key; } $strmatch = get_string("match", "quiz")." (".$this->category->name.")"; $shortanswerids = swapshuffle($shortanswerids); $count = $shortanswercount = count($shortanswerids); $i = 1; $matchcount = 0; $question->category = $this->category->id; $question->qtype = MATCH; $question->questiontext = get_string("randomsamatchintro", "quiz"); $question->image = ""; while ($count > 4) { $matchcount++; $question->name = "$strmatch $i"; $question->subquestions = array(); $question->subanswers = array(); $extractids = implode(',', array_splice($shortanswerids, -4)); $count = count($shortanswerids); $extracts = get_records_sql("SELECT q.questiontext, a.answer FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions q, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_shortanswer sa, {$CFG->prefix}quiz_answers a WHERE q.id in ($extractids) AND sa.question = q.id AND a.id = sa.answers"); if (count($extracts) != 4) { print_object($extracts); notify("Could not find exactly four shortanswer questions with ids: $extractids"); continue; } $question->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); // Set the unique code (not to be changed) $question->version = 1; // Original version of this question if (!$question->id = insert_record("quiz_questions", $question)) { error("Could not insert new question!"); } foreach ($extracts as $shortanswer) { $question->subquestions[] = addslashes($shortanswer->questiontext); $question->subanswers[] = addslashes($shortanswer->answer); } $result = quiz_save_question_options($question); if (!empty($result->error)) { notify("Error: $result->error"); } if (!empty($result->notice)) { notify($result->notice); } /// Delete the old short-answer questions execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_questions WHERE id IN ($extractids)", false); execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_shortanswer WHERE question IN ($extractids)", false); execute_sql("DELETE FROM {$CFG->prefix}quiz_answers WHERE question IN ($extractids)", false); } if ($count) { /// Delete the remaining ones foreach ($shortanswerids as $shortanswerid) { delete_records("quiz_questions", "id", $shortanswerid); delete_records("quiz_shortanswer", "question", $shortanswerid); delete_records("quiz_answers", "question", $shortanswerid); } } $info = "$shortanswercount ".get_string("shortanswer", "quiz"). " => $matchcount ".get_string("match", "quiz"); print_heading($info); $options['category'] = $this->category->id; echo "