get_record('course', array('id'=>$courseid))) { print_error('invalidcourseid'); } // Make sure that the user has permissions to manage groups. require_login($course); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid); $systemcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); require_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', $context); $returnurl = $CFG->wwwroot.'/group/index.php?id='.$course->id; $strgroups = get_string('groups'); $strparticipants = get_string('participants'); $strautocreategroups = get_string('autocreategroups', 'group'); // Print the page and form $navlinks = array(array('name'=>$strparticipants, 'link'=>$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/index.php?id='.$courseid, 'type'=>'misc'), array('name' => $strgroups, 'link' => "$CFG->wwwroot/group/index.php?id=$courseid", 'type' => 'misc'), array('name' => $strautocreategroups, 'link' => null, 'type' => 'misc')); $navigation = build_navigation($navlinks); $preview = ''; $error = ''; /// Get applicable roles $rolenames = array(); if ($roles = get_roles_used_in_context($context, true)) { $canviewroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/course:view', CAP_ALLOW, $context); $doanythingroles = get_roles_with_capability('moodle/site:doanything', CAP_ALLOW, $systemcontext); foreach ($roles as $role) { if (!isset($canviewroles[$role->id])) { // Avoid this role (eg course creator) continue; } if (isset($doanythingroles[$role->id])) { // Avoid this role (ie admin) continue; } $rolenames[$role->id] = strip_tags(role_get_name($role, $context)); // Used in menus etc later on } } /// Create the form $editform = new autogroup_form(null, array('roles' => $rolenames)); $editform->set_data(array('courseid' => $courseid, 'seed' => time())); /// Handle form submission if ($editform->is_cancelled()) { redirect($returnurl); } elseif ($data = $editform->get_data()) { /// Allocate members from the selected role to groups switch ($data->allocateby) { case 'no': case 'random': case 'lastname': $orderby = 'lastname, firstname'; break; case 'firstname': $orderby = 'firstname, lastname'; break; case 'idnumber': $orderby = 'idnumber'; break; default: print_error('unknoworder'); } $users = groups_get_potential_members($data->courseid, $data->roleid, $orderby); $usercnt = count($users); if ($data->allocateby == 'random') { srand($data->seed); shuffle($users); } $groups = array(); // Plan the allocation if ($data->groupby == 'groups') { $numgrps = $data->number; $userpergrp = floor($usercnt/$numgrps); } else { // members $numgrps = ceil($usercnt/$data->number); $userpergrp = $data->number; if (!empty($data->nosmallgroups) and $usercnt % $data->number != 0) { // If there would be one group with a small number of member reduce the number of groups $missing = $userpergrp * $numgrps - $usercnt; if ($missing > $userpergrp * (1-AUTOGROUP_MIN_RATIO)) { // spread the users from the last small group $numgrps--; $userpergrp = floor($usercnt/$numgrps); } } } // allocate the users - all groups equal count first for ($i=0; $i<$numgrps; $i++) { $groups[$i] = array(); $groups[$i]['name'] = groups_parse_name(trim($data->namingscheme), $i); $groups[$i]['members'] = array(); if ($data->allocateby == 'no') { continue; // do not allocate users } for ($j=0; $j<$userpergrp; $j++) { if (empty($users)) { break 2; } $user = array_shift($users); $groups[$i]['members'][$user->id] = $user; } } // now distribute the rest if ($data->allocateby != 'no') { for ($i=0; $i<$numgrps; $i++) { if (empty($users)) { break 1; } $user = array_shift($users); $groups[$i]['members'][$user->id] = $user; } } if (isset($data->preview)) { $table = new object(); if ($data->allocateby == 'no') { $table->head = array(get_string('groupscount', 'group', $numgrps)); $table->size = array('100%'); $table->align = array('left'); $table->width = '40%'; } else { $table->head = array(get_string('groupscount', 'group', $numgrps), get_string('groupmembers', 'group'), get_string('usercounttotal', 'group', $usercnt)); $table->size = array('20%', '70%', '10%'); $table->align = array('left', 'left', 'center'); $table->width = '90%'; } $table->data = array(); foreach ($groups as $group) { $line = array(); if (groups_get_group_by_name($courseid, $group['name'])) { $line[] = ''.get_string('groupnameexists', 'group', $group['name']).''; $error = get_string('groupnameexists', 'group', $group['name']); } else { $line[] = $group['name']; } if ($data->allocateby != 'no') { $unames = array(); foreach ($group['members'] as $user) { $unames[] = fullname($user, true); } $line[] = implode(', ', $unames); $line[] = count($group['members']); } $table->data[] = $line; } $preview .= print_table($table, true); } else { $grouping = null; $createdgrouping = null; $createdgroups = array(); $failed = false; // prepare grouping if (!empty($data->grouping)) { $groupingname = trim($data->groupingname); if ($data->grouping < 0) { $grouping = new object(); $grouping->courseid = $COURSE->id; $grouping->name = $groupingname; if (!$grouping->id = groups_create_grouping($grouping)) { $error = 'Can not create grouping'; //should not happen $failed = true; } $createdgrouping = $grouping->id; } else { $grouping = groups_get_grouping($data->grouping); } } // Save the groups data foreach ($groups as $key=>$group) { if (groups_get_group_by_name($courseid, $group['name'])) { $error = get_string('groupnameexists', 'group', $group['name']); $failed = true; break; } $newgroup = new object(); $newgroup->courseid = $data->courseid; $newgroup->name = $group['name']; if (!$groupid = groups_create_group($newgroup)) { $error = 'Can not create group!'; // should not happen $failed = true; break; } $createdgroups[] = $groupid; foreach($group['members'] as $user) { groups_add_member($groupid, $user->id); } if ($grouping) { groups_assign_grouping($grouping->id, $groupid); } } if ($failed) { foreach ($createdgroups as $groupid) { groups_delete_group($groupid); } if ($createdgrouping) { groups_delete_grouping($createdgrouping); } } else { redirect($returnurl); } } } /// Print header print_header_simple($strgroups, ': '.$strgroups, $navigation, '', '', true, '', navmenu($course)); print_heading($strautocreategroups); if ($error != '') { notify($error); } /// Display the form $editform->display(); if($preview !== '') { print_heading(get_string('groupspreview', 'group')); echo $preview; } print_footer($course); ?>