libdir.'/componentlib.class.php'); // if ($cd = new component_installer('', 'lang16', // '', 'languages.md5', 'lang')) { // $status = $cd->install(); //returns COMPONENT_(ERROR | UPTODATE | INSTALLED) // switch ($status) { // case COMPONENT_ERROR: // if ($cd->get_error() == 'remotedownloaderror') { // $a = new stdClass(); // $a->url = ''; // $a->dest= $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; // error(get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error', $a)); // } else { // error(get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error')); // } // break; // case COMPONENT_UPTODATE: // //Print error string or whatever you want to do // break; // case COMPONENT_INSTALLED: // //Print/do whatever you want // break; // default: // //We shouldn't reach this point // } // } else { // //We shouldn't reach this point // } // // To switch of component (maintaining the rest of settings): // // $status = $cd->change_zip_file(''); //returns boolean false on error // // To retrieve all the components in one remote md5 file // // $components = $cd->get_all_components_md5(); //returns boolean false on error, array instead // // To check if current component needs to be updated // // $status = $cd->need_upgrade(); //returns COMPONENT_(ERROR | UPTODATE | NEEDUPDATE) // // To get the 3rd field of the md5 file (optional) // // $field = $cd->get_extra_md5_field(); //returns string (empty if not exists) // // For all the error situations the $cd->get_error() method should return always the key of the // error to be retrieved by one standard get_string() call against the error.php lang file. // // That's all! global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); // Some needed constants define('COMPONENT_ERROR', 0); define('COMPONENT_UPTODATE', 1); define('COMPONENT_NEEDUPDATE', 2); define('COMPONENT_INSTALLED', 3); /** * This class is used to check, download and install items from * to the moodledata directory. It always * return true/false in all their public methods to say if * execution has ended succesfuly or not. If there is any problem * its getError() method can be called, returning one error string * to be used with the standard get/print_string() functions. */ class component_installer { var $sourcebase; /// Full http URL, base for downloadable items var $zippath; /// Relative path (from sourcebase) where the /// downloadeable item resides. var $zipfilename; /// Name of the .zip file to be downloaded var $md5filename; /// Name of the .md5 file to be read var $componentname;/// Name of the component. Must be the zip name without /// the extension. And it defines a lot of things: /// the md5 line to search for, the default m5 file name /// and the name of the root dir stored inside the zip file var $destpath; /// Relative path (from moodledata) where the .zip /// file will be expanded. var $errorstring; /// Latest error produced. It will contain one lang string key. var $extramd5info; /// Contents of the optional third field in the .md5 file. var $requisitesok; /// Flag to see if requisites check has been passed ok. var $cachedmd5components; /// Array of cached components to avoid to /// download the same md5 file more than once per request. /** * Standard constructor of the class. It will initialize all attributes. * without performing any check at all. * * @param string Full http URL, base for downloadeable items * @param string Relative path (from sourcebase) where the * downloadeable item resides * @param string Name of the .zip file to be downloaded * @param string Name of the .md5 file to be read (default '' = same * than zipfilename) * @param string Relative path (from moodledata) where the .zip file will * be expanded (default='' = moodledataitself) * @return object */ function component_installer ($sourcebase, $zippath, $zipfilename, $md5filename='', $destpath='') { $this->sourcebase = $sourcebase; $this->zippath = $zippath; $this->zipfilename = $zipfilename; $this->md5filename = $md5filename; $this->componentname= ''; $this->destpath = $destpath; $this->errorstring = ''; $this->extramd5info = ''; $this->requisitesok = false; $this->cachedmd5components = array(); $this->check_requisites(); } /** * This function will check if everything is properly set to begin * one installation. Also, it will check for required settings * and will fill everything as needed. * * @return boolean true/false (plus detailed error in errorstring) */ function check_requisites() { global $CFG; $this->requisitesok = false; /// Check that everything we need is present if (empty($this->sourcebase) || empty($this->zippath) || empty($this->zipfilename)) { $this->errorstring='missingrequiredfield'; return false; } /// Check for correct sourcebase (this will be out in the future) if ($this->sourcebase != '') { $this->errorstring='wrongsourcebase'; return false; } /// Check the zip file is a correct one (by extension) if (stripos($this->zipfilename, '.zip') === false) { $this->errorstring='wrongzipfilename'; return false; } /// Check that exists under dataroot if (!empty($this->destpath)) { if (!file_exists($CFG->dataroot.'/'.$this->destpath)) { $this->errorstring='wrongdestpath'; return false; } } /// Calculate the componentname $pos = stripos($this->zipfilename, '.zip'); $this->componentname = substr($this->zipfilename, 0, $pos); /// Calculate md5filename if it's empty if (empty($this->md5filename)) { $this->md5filename = $this->componentname.'.md5'; } /// Set the requisites passed flag $this->requisitesok = true; return true; } /** * This function will perform the full installation if needed, i.e. * compare md5 values, download, unzip, install and regenerate * local md5 file * * @return int COMPONENT_(ERROR | UPTODATE | INSTALLED) */ function install() { global $CFG; /// Check requisites are passed if (!$this->requisitesok) { return COMPONENT_ERROR; } /// Confirm we need upgrade if ($this->need_upgrade() === COMPONENT_ERROR) { return COMPONENT_ERROR; } else if ($this->need_upgrade() === COMPONENT_UPTODATE) { $this->errorstring='componentisuptodate'; return COMPONENT_UPTODATE; } /// Create temp directory if necesary if (!make_upload_directory('temp', false)) { $this->errorstring='cannotcreatetempdir'; return COMPONENT_ERROR; } /// Download zip file and save it to temp $source = $this->sourcebase.'/'.$this->zippath.'/'.$this->zipfilename; $zipfile= $CFG->dataroot.'/temp/'.$this->zipfilename; if($contents = download_file_content($source)) { if ($file = fopen($zipfile, 'w')) { if (!fwrite($file, $contents)) { fclose($file); $this->errorstring='cannotsavezipfile'; return COMPONENT_ERROR; } } else { $this->errorstring='cannotsavezipfile'; return COMPONENT_ERROR; } fclose($file); } else { $this->errorstring='cannotdownloadzipfile'; return COMPONENT_ERROR; } /// Calculate its md5 $new_md5 = md5($contents); /// Compare it with the remote md5 to check if we have the correct zip file if (!$remote_md5 = $this->get_component_md5()) { return COMPONENT_ERROR; } if ($new_md5 != $remote_md5) { $this->errorstring='downloadedfilecheckfailed'; return COMPONENT_ERROR; } /// Move current revision to a safe place $destinationdir = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$this->destpath; $destinationcomponent = $destinationdir.'/'.$this->componentname; @remove_dir($destinationcomponent.'_old'); //Deleting possible old components before @rename ($destinationcomponent, $destinationcomponent.'_old'); //Moving to a safe place /// Unzip new version if (!unzip_file($zipfile, $destinationdir, false)) { /// Error so, go back to the older @remove_dir($destinationcomponent); @rename ($destinationcomponent.'_old', $destinationcomponent); $this->errorstring='cannotunzipfile'; return COMPONENT_ERROR; } /// Delete old component version @remove_dir($destinationcomponent.'_old'); /// Create local md5 if ($file = fopen($destinationcomponent.'/'.$this->componentname.'.md5', 'w')) { if (!fwrite($file, $new_md5)) { fclose($file); $this->errorstring='cannotsavemd5file'; return COMPONENT_ERROR; } } else { $this->errorstring='cannotsavemd5file'; return COMPONENT_ERROR; } fclose($file); /// Delete temp zip file @unlink($zipfile); return COMPONENT_INSTALLED; } /** * This function will detect if remote component needs to be installed * because it's different from the local one * * @return int COMPONENT_(ERROR | UPTODATE | NEEDUPDATE) */ function need_upgrade() { /// Check requisites are passed if (!$this->requisitesok) { return COMPONENT_ERROR; } /// Get local md5 $local_md5 = $this->get_local_md5(); /// Get remote md5 if (!$remote_md5 = $this->get_component_md5()) { return COMPONENT_ERROR; } /// Return result if ($local_md5 == $remote_md5) { return COMPONENT_UPTODATE; } else { return COMPONENT_NEEDUPDATE; } } /** * This function will change the zip file to install on the fly * to allow the class to process different components of the * same md5 file without intantiating more objects. * * @param string New zip filename to process * @return boolean true/false */ function change_zip_file($newzipfilename) { $this->zipfilename = $newzipfilename; return $this->check_requisites(); } /** * This function will get the local md5 value of the installed * component. * * @return string md5 of the local component (false on error) */ function get_local_md5() { global $CFG; /// Check requisites are passed if (!$this->requisitesok) { return false; } $return_value = 'needtobeinstalled'; /// Fake value to force new installation /// Calculate source to read $source = $CFG->dataroot.'/'.$this->destpath.'/'.$this->componentname.'/'.$this->componentname.'.md5'; /// Read md5 value stored (if exists) if (file_exists($source)) { if ($temp = file_get_contents($source)) { $return_value = $temp; } } return $return_value; } /** * This function will download the specified md5 file, looking for the * current componentname, returning its md5 field and storing extramd5info * if present. Also it caches results to cachedmd5components for better * performance in the same request. * * @return mixed md5 present in server (or false if error) */ function get_component_md5() { /// Check requisites are passed if (!$this->requisitesok) { return false; } /// Get all components of md5 file if (!$comp_arr = $this->get_all_components_md5()) { if (empty($this->errorstring)) { $this->errorstring='cannotdownloadcomponents'; } return false; } /// Search for the componentname component if (empty($comp_arr[$this->componentname]) || !$component = $comp_arr[$this->componentname]) { $this->errorstring='cannotfindcomponent'; return false; } /// Check we have a valid md5 if (empty($component[1]) || strlen($component[1]) != 32) { $this->errorstring='invalidmd5'; return false; } /// Set the extramd5info field if (!empty($component[2])) { $this->extramd5info = $component[2]; } return $component[1]; } /** * This function allows you to retrieve the complete array of components found in * the md5filename * * @return array array of components in md5 file or false if error */ function get_all_components_md5() { /// Check requisites are passed if (!$this->requisitesok) { return false; } /// Initialize components array $comp_arr = array(); /// Define and retrieve the full md5 file $source = $this->sourcebase.'/'.$this->zippath.'/'.$this->md5filename; /// Check if we have downloaded the md5 file before (per request cache) if (!empty($this->cachedmd5components[$source])) { $comp_arr = $this->cachedmd5components[$source]; } else { /// Not downloaded, let's do it now $availablecomponents = array(); if ($contents = download_file_content($source)) { /// Split text into lines $lines=preg_split('/\r?\n/',$contents); /// Each line will be one component foreach($lines as $line) { $availablecomponents[] = split(',', $line); } /// If no components have been found, return error if (empty($availablecomponents)) { $this->errorstring='cannotdownloadcomponents'; return false; } /// Build an associative array of components for easily search /// applying trim to avoid linefeeds and other... $comp_arr = array(); foreach ($availablecomponents as $component) { /// Avoid sometimes empty lines if (empty($component[0])) { continue; } $component[0]=trim($component[0]); $component[1]=trim($component[1]); if (!empty($component[2])) { $component[2]=trim($component[2]); } $comp_arr[$component[0]] = $component; } /// Cache components $this->cachedmd5components[$source] = $comp_arr; } else { /// Return error $this->errorstring='remotedownloaderror'; return false; } } /// If there is no commponents or erros found, error if (!empty($this->errorstring)) { return false; } else if (empty($comp_arr)) { $this->errorstring='cannotdownloadcomponents'; return false; } return $comp_arr; } /** * This function returns the errorstring * * @return string the error string */ function get_error() { return $this->errorstring; } /** This function returns the extramd5 field (optional in md5 file) * * @return string the extramd5 field */ function get_extra_md5_field() { return $this->extramd5info; } } /// End of component_installer class ?>