libdir . PATH_SEPARATOR . $CFG->libdir . '/pear/'); require_once('Console/Getopt.php'); /** * Check the validity of the language * return true or false * * @param string $lang (short code for language) * @return true/false */ function valid_language($lang) { global $DEFAULT; $langdir = dir($DEFAULT['dirroot'].'/install/lang'); $i=0; $validllangs = array(); while (false !== ($file=$langdir->read())) { if ($file[0] != '.' ) { $validllangs[$i++]=$file; } } if (in_array($lang,$validllangs)) { return true; } else { return false; } } //========================================================================================// /** * Read from array of language strings and return a array of string elements in which * both values and keys are set to input array's key * * @param array $lang string elements * @return array of string element */ function get_short_codes ($lang = array()) { $short_codes = array(); foreach ($lang as $key => $value) { $short_codes[$key] = $key; } return $short_codes; } //========================================================================================// /** * Check value for valid yes/no argument * Return true or false * * @param string $value * @return true/false */ function valid_yes_no($value){ $valid=array('yes','y','n','no'); $value=strtolower($value); if (in_array($value,$valid)) { if ($value[0]=='y') { return true; } else if ($value[0]=='n') { return true; } } else { return false; } } //========================================================================================// /** * Can value have a valid integer in the given range * Return true or false * @link valid_param() * * * @param mixedtype $value * @param int $start * @param int $end * @return true/false */ function valid_int_range($value,$start,$end) { if (valid_param($value,PARAM_INT)) { if ($value < $end && $value > $start) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * Take a value and and check it with the given set of values * If value if found in the set return true. False otherwise * * @param mixed type $value * @param array $set of valid elements * @return boolean */ function valid_element($value,$set) { if(!empty($set)) { //convert all the elements from set to lower case foreach ($set as $key=>$opt) { $set[$key]=strtolower($opt); } $value=strtolower($value); if (in_array($value,$set)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } /** * Take a value and Type of the value * If value match the type return true, false otherwise * uses {@link clean_param()} in moodlelib.php * @param mixedtype $value * @param int $type * @return boolean */ function valid_param($value,$type){ $clean_val = clean_param($value,$type); if ($clean_val == $value) { return true; }else { return false; } } //========================================================================================// /** * Creat long arument list for PEAR method invocation using LONGOPTOIN array * * @param long option array $long_opt * @return PEAR method compatible long option array */ function create_long_options($long_opt) { $opt=array(); $i=0; if (is_array($long_opt)) { foreach ($long_opt as $key=>$value) { if ($value == CLI_VAL_REQ) { $opt[$i++]=$key.'='; } else if ($value == CLI_VAL_OPT) { $opt[$i++]=$key.'=='; } } } return $opt; } //========================================================================================// /** * This funtion return an array of options with option as key containing the value of * respective option * * @param array of option arguments as defined by PEAR GetOpt calss $opt * @return return a options arguments with options as keys and values as respective value for key */ function get_options($opt=array()) { global $LONG_OPTIONS; $ret_arr=array(); //get the options from the defined list of arguments if (!empty($opt[0]) && is_array($opt[0])) { foreach ($opt[0] as $key=>$value) { if (substr($value[0],0,2)=='--') { //if the argument is a long option $input_option=substr($value[0],2); } else if (substr($value[0],0,1)=='-'){ //if the argument is a short option $input_option=substr($value[0],1); } //check with valid set of options if (in_array($input_option,$LONG_OPTIONS)) { $ret_arr[$input_option]=$value[1]; } } } //return array return $ret_arr; } //========================================================================================// //=========================================================================// /** * Validate options values * * @param array $options */ function validate_option_values($options){ $values=array(); $i=0; foreach ($options as $val) { $values[$i++]=$val; } if (isset($values['lang'])) { if (!valid_language($values['lang'])) { console_write_error('invalidvalueforlanguage'); console_write( "\n", '', false); } } if (isset($values['webdir'])) { /** * @todo check valid directory path */ } if (isset($values['webaddr'])) { /** * @todo check valid http url */ } if (isset($values['moodledir'])) { /** * @todo check valid directory path */ } if (isset($values['datadir'])) { /** * @todo check valid directory path */ } if (isset($values['dbtype'])) { $dbtypes=array('mysql','oci8po','postgres7','mssql','mssql_n','odbc_mssql'); if (!in_array($values['dbtype'],$dbtypes)) { console_write_error('invaliddbtype'); } } if (isset($values['dbhost'])) { /** * @todo check host? */ } if (isset($values['dbname'])) { /** * @todo check name for valid ones if required */ } if (isset($values['dbuser'])) { /** * @todo check validity of db user if required */ } if (isset($values['dbpass'])) { /** * @todo check validity of database password if required */ } if (isset($values['prefix'])) { /** * @todo check for valid prefix */ } if (isset($values['sitefullname'])) { /** * @todo check for valid fullname for site */ } if (isset($values['siteshortname'])) { /** * @todo check for valid short name for site */ } if (isset($values['sitesummary'])) { /** * @todo check for valid summary */ } if (isset($values['sitenewsitems'])) { /** * @todo check for valid news items */ } if (isset($values['adminfirstname'])) { /** * @todo check for valid admin first name */ } if (isset($values['adminlastname'])) { /** * @todo check for valid last name */ } if (isset($values['adminusername'])) { /** * @todo check for valid username */ } if (isset($values['adminpassword'])) { /** * @todo check for valid password */ } if (isset($values['adminemail'])) { /** * @todo check for valid email */ } if (isset($values['verbose'])) { if(!valid_int_range($values['verbose'],CLI_NO,CLI_FULL)){ console_write_error('invalidverbosevalue'); } } if (isset($values['interactivelevel'])) { if(!valid_int_range($values['verbose'],CLI_NO,CLI_FULL)){ console_write_error('invalidinteractivevalue'); } } if (isset($values['help'])) { /** * @todo nothing really */ } } //=========================================================================// /** * Read a mixed type * * @param stream $from * @param int $size * @return mixed type */ function read($from=STDIN,$size=1024) { $input= trim(fread($from,$size)); return $input; } /** * Read an integer * * @return integer */ function read_int() { $input=read(); if (valid_param($input,PARAM_INT)) { return $input; } else { console_write_error('invalidint'); console_write( "\n", '', false); } } //=========================================================================// /** * Read and integer value within range * * @param int $start * @param int $end * @return int */ function read_int_range($start,$end) { $input=read_int(); if (valid_int_range($input,$start,$end)) { return $input; } else { console_write_error('invalidintrange'); console_write( "\n", '', false); } } //=========================================================================// /** * Read yes/no argument * * @return string yes/no */ function read_yes_no() { $input=strtolower(read()); if (valid_yes_no($input)) { if ($input[0]=='y') { return 'yes'; } else if($input[0]=='n') { return 'no'; } } else { console_write_error('invalidyesno'); console_write( "\n", '', false); } } //=========================================================================// /** * Read a boolean parameter from the input * * @return boolean */ function read_boolean(){ $input=read_yes_no(); return clean_param($input,PARAM_BOOL); } //=========================================================================// /** * Reading an element from a given set * * @param mixed type array $set * @return mixed type */ function read_element($set=array()) { $input=read(); if (valid_element($input,$set)) { return $input; } else { console_write_error('invalidsetelement'); console_write( "\n", '', false); } } //=========================================================================// function read_url() { $input = read(); $localhost = false; if ( strpos($input,'localhost') !== false) { $input = str_replace('localhost','',$input); $localhost=true; } if (valid_param($input,PARAM_URL)) { if ($localhost) { return str_replace('','localhost',$input); } else { return $input; } } else { console_write_error('invalidurl'); } } //=========================================================================// /** * Enter description here... * * @return string */ function read_dir() { $input = read(); return $input; } //===========================================================================// /** * Print compatibility message to standard out, and errors to standard error * * @param boolean $success * @param string $testtext * @param string $errormessage * @param boolean $caution * @param boolean $silent * @return boolean */ function check_compatibility($success, $testtext,$errormessage,$caution=false,$silent=false) { if ($success) { if (!$silent) { console_write(get_string('pass', 'install'),'',false); } } else { if ($caution) { if (!$silent) { console_write(get_string('caution', 'install'),'',false); } } else { console_write(get_string('fail', 'install'),'',false); console_write_error($errormessage,'',false); } } if (!$silent) { console_write("\t\t",'',false); console_write($testtext,'',false); console_write("\n",'',false); } return $success; } //==========================================================================// /** * Print environment status to standard out * * @param array $env, of type object */ function print_environment_status($env = array()) { console_write( get_string('name') . "\t\t\t" . get_string('info') . "\t" . get_string('status') . "\n\r", '', false); //console_write("Status\t\tInfo\t\tPart\n\r",'',false); foreach ( $env as $object) { console_write($object->part,'',false); console_write("\t\t",'',false); if (!empty($object->info)) { console_write( $object->info, '', false); } else { console_write( "\t", '', false); } console_write( "\t\t", '', false); if ($object->status == 1 ) { console_write('ok','',false); } else { console_write('fail','',false); } console_write("\n\r",'',false); } } /** * Print environment status to standard out * * @param array $env, of type object */ function print_environment_status_detailed($env = array()) { console_write("Status\t\tLevel\t\tCurrent ver\tRequired ver\t\tPart\t\tInfo\n\r",'',false); foreach ( $env as $object) { if ($object->status == 1 ) { console_write('ok ','',false); } else if ($object->errorcode != 0) { console_write('fail ','',false); } else { console_write('----','',false); } console_write("\t\t",'',false); console_write($object->level,'',false); console_write("\t\t",'',false); console_write($object->current_version,'',false); console_write("\t",'',false); console_write($object->needed_version,'',false); console_write("\t\t",'',false); console_write($object->part,'',false); console_write("\t\t",'',false); console_write($object->info,'',false); console_write("\n\r",'',false); } } /** * Print a new line in the standard output * */ function print_newline() { console_write( "\n", '', false); } ?>