. /** * Main administration script. * * @package core * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas (http://dougiamas.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ // Check that config.php exists, if not then call the install script if (!file_exists('../config.php')) { header('Location: ../install.php'); die(); } // Check that PHP is of a sufficient version as soon as possible if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.4') < 0) { $phpversion = phpversion(); // do NOT localise - lang strings would not work here and we CAN NOT move it to later place echo "Moodle 2.7 or later requires at least PHP 5.4.4 (currently using version $phpversion).
"; echo "Please upgrade your server software or install older Moodle version."; die(); } // make sure iconv is available and actually works if (!function_exists('iconv')) { // this should not happen, this must be very borked install echo 'Moodle requires the iconv PHP extension. Please install or enable the iconv extension.'; die(); } // Make sure php5-json is available. if (!function_exists('json_encode') || !function_exists('json_decode')) { // This also shouldn't happen. echo 'Moodle requires the json PHP extension. Please install or enable the json extension.'; die(); } define('NO_OUTPUT_BUFFERING', true); if ((isset($_GET['cache']) and $_GET['cache'] === '0') or (isset($_POST['cache']) and $_POST['cache'] === '0') or (!isset($_POST['cache']) and !isset($_GET['cache']) and empty($_GET['sesskey']) and empty($_POST['sesskey']))) { // Prevent caching at all cost when visiting this page directly, // we redirect to self once we known no upgrades are necessary. // Note: $_GET and $_POST are used here intentionally because our param cleaning is not loaded yet. // Note2: the sesskey is present in all block editing hacks, we can not redirect there, so enable caching. define('CACHE_DISABLE_ALL', true); // Force OPcache reset if used, we do not want any stale caches // when detecting if upgrade necessary or when running upgrade. if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) { opcache_reset(); } $cache = 0; } else { $cache = 1; } require('../config.php'); // Invalidate the cache of version.php in any circumstances to help core_component // detecting if the version has changed and component cache should be reset. if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) { opcache_invalidate($CFG->dirroot . '/version.php', true); } // Make sure the component cache gets rebuilt if necessary, any method that // indirectly calls the protected init() method is good here. core_component::get_core_subsystems(); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); // various admin-only functions require_once($CFG->libdir.'/upgradelib.php'); // general upgrade/install related functions $id = optional_param('id', '', PARAM_TEXT); $confirmupgrade = optional_param('confirmupgrade', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $confirmrelease = optional_param('confirmrelease', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $confirmplugins = optional_param('confirmplugincheck', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $showallplugins = optional_param('showallplugins', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $agreelicense = optional_param('agreelicense', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $fetchupdates = optional_param('fetchupdates', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $newaddonreq = optional_param('installaddonrequest', null, PARAM_RAW); // Set up PAGE. $url = new moodle_url('/admin/index.php'); $url->param('cache', $cache); $PAGE->set_url($url); unset($url); // Are we returning from an add-on installation request at moodle.org/plugins? if ($newaddonreq and !$cache and empty($CFG->disableonclickaddoninstall)) { $target = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/installaddon/index.php', array( 'installaddonrequest' => $newaddonreq, 'confirm' => 0)); if (!isloggedin() or isguestuser()) { // Login and go the the add-on tool page. $SESSION->wantsurl = $target->out(); redirect(get_login_url()); } redirect($target); } $PAGE->set_pagelayout('admin'); // Set a default pagelayout $documentationlink = 'Installation docs'; // Check some PHP server settings if (ini_get_bool('session.auto_start')) { print_error('phpvaroff', 'debug', '', (object)array('name'=>'session.auto_start', 'link'=>$documentationlink)); } if (!ini_get_bool('file_uploads')) { print_error('phpvaron', 'debug', '', (object)array('name'=>'file_uploads', 'link'=>$documentationlink)); } if (is_float_problem()) { print_error('phpfloatproblem', 'admin', '', $documentationlink); } // Set some necessary variables during set-up to avoid PHP warnings later on this page if (!isset($CFG->release)) { $CFG->release = ''; } if (!isset($CFG->version)) { $CFG->version = ''; } if (!isset($CFG->branch)) { $CFG->branch = ''; } $version = null; $release = null; $branch = null; require("$CFG->dirroot/version.php"); // defines $version, $release, $branch and $maturity $CFG->target_release = $release; // used during installation and upgrades if (!$version or !$release) { print_error('withoutversion', 'debug'); // without version, stop } if (!core_tables_exist()) { $PAGE->set_pagelayout('maintenance'); $PAGE->set_popup_notification_allowed(false); // fake some settings $CFG->docroot = 'http://docs.moodle.org'; $strinstallation = get_string('installation', 'install'); // remove current session content completely \core\session\manager::terminate_current(); if (empty($agreelicense)) { $strlicense = get_string('license'); $PAGE->navbar->add($strlicense); $PAGE->set_title($strinstallation.' - Moodle '.$CFG->target_release); $PAGE->set_heading($strinstallation); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); /** @var core_admin_renderer $output */ $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin'); echo $output->install_licence_page(); die(); } if (empty($confirmrelease)) { require_once($CFG->libdir.'/environmentlib.php'); list($envstatus, $environment_results) = check_moodle_environment(normalize_version($release), ENV_SELECT_RELEASE); $strcurrentrelease = get_string('currentrelease'); $PAGE->navbar->add($strcurrentrelease); $PAGE->set_title($strinstallation); $PAGE->set_heading($strinstallation . ' - Moodle ' . $CFG->target_release); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); /** @var core_admin_renderer $output */ $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin'); echo $output->install_environment_page($maturity, $envstatus, $environment_results, $release); die(); } // check plugin dependencies $failed = array(); if (!core_plugin_manager::instance()->all_plugins_ok($version, $failed)) { $PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('pluginscheck', 'admin')); $PAGE->set_title($strinstallation); $PAGE->set_heading($strinstallation . ' - Moodle ' . $CFG->target_release); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin'); $url = new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('agreelicense' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1, 'lang' => $CFG->lang)); echo $output->unsatisfied_dependencies_page($version, $failed, $url); die(); } unset($failed); //TODO: add a page with list of non-standard plugins here $strdatabasesetup = get_string('databasesetup'); upgrade_init_javascript(); $PAGE->navbar->add($strdatabasesetup); $PAGE->set_title($strinstallation.' - Moodle '.$CFG->target_release); $PAGE->set_heading($strinstallation); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin'); echo $output->header(); if (!$DB->setup_is_unicodedb()) { if (!$DB->change_db_encoding()) { // If could not convert successfully, throw error, and prevent installation print_error('unicoderequired', 'admin'); } } install_core($version, true); } // Check version of Moodle code on disk compared with database // and upgrade if possible. if (!$cache) { // Do not try to do anything fancy in non-cached mode, // this prevents themes from fetching data from non-existent tables. $PAGE->set_pagelayout('maintenance'); $PAGE->set_popup_notification_allowed(false); } $stradministration = get_string('administration'); $PAGE->set_context(context_system::instance()); if (empty($CFG->version)) { print_error('missingconfigversion', 'debug'); } // Detect config cache inconsistency, this happens when you switch branches on dev servers. if ($CFG->version != $DB->get_field('config', 'value', array('name'=>'version'))) { purge_all_caches(); redirect(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php'), 'Config cache inconsistency detected, resetting caches...'); } if (!$cache and $version > $CFG->version) { // upgrade // Warning about upgrading a test site. $testsite = false; if (defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING')) { $testsite = 'behat'; } // We purge all of MUC's caches here. // Caches are disabled for upgrade by CACHE_DISABLE_ALL so we must set the first arg to true. // This ensures a real config object is loaded and the stores will be purged. // This is the only way we can purge custom caches such as memcache or APC. // Note: all other calls to caches will still used the disabled API. cache_helper::purge_all(true); // We then purge the regular caches. purge_all_caches(); /** @var core_admin_renderer $output */ $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin'); if (upgrade_stale_php_files_present()) { $PAGE->set_title($stradministration); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); echo $output->upgrade_stale_php_files_page(); die(); } if (empty($confirmupgrade)) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->oldversion = "$CFG->release (".sprintf('%.2f', $CFG->version).")"; $a->newversion = "$release (".sprintf('%.2f', $version).")"; $strdatabasechecking = get_string('databasechecking', '', $a); $PAGE->set_title($stradministration); $PAGE->set_heading($strdatabasechecking); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); echo $output->upgrade_confirm_page($a->newversion, $maturity, $testsite); die(); } else if (empty($confirmrelease)){ require_once($CFG->libdir.'/environmentlib.php'); list($envstatus, $environment_results) = check_moodle_environment($release, ENV_SELECT_RELEASE); $strcurrentrelease = get_string('currentrelease'); $PAGE->navbar->add($strcurrentrelease); $PAGE->set_title($strcurrentrelease); $PAGE->set_heading($strcurrentrelease); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); echo $output->upgrade_environment_page($release, $envstatus, $environment_results); die(); } else if (empty($confirmplugins)) { $strplugincheck = get_string('plugincheck'); $PAGE->navbar->add($strplugincheck); $PAGE->set_title($strplugincheck); $PAGE->set_heading($strplugincheck); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); $reloadurl = new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('confirmupgrade' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1, 'cache' => 0)); if ($fetchupdates) { // No sesskey support guaranteed here, because sessions might not work yet. $updateschecker = \core\update\checker::instance(); if ($updateschecker->enabled()) { $updateschecker->fetch(); } redirect($reloadurl); } $deployer = \core\update\deployer::instance(); if ($deployer->enabled()) { $deployer->initialize($reloadurl, $reloadurl); $deploydata = $deployer->submitted_data(); if (!empty($deploydata)) { // No sesskey support guaranteed here, because sessions might not work yet. echo $output->upgrade_plugin_confirm_deploy_page($deployer, $deploydata); die(); } } echo $output->upgrade_plugin_check_page(core_plugin_manager::instance(), \core\update\checker::instance(), $version, $showallplugins, $reloadurl, new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('confirmupgrade'=>1, 'confirmrelease'=>1, 'confirmplugincheck'=>1, 'cache'=>0))); die(); } else { // Always verify plugin dependencies! $failed = array(); if (!core_plugin_manager::instance()->all_plugins_ok($version, $failed)) { $reloadurl = new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('confirmupgrade' => 1, 'confirmrelease' => 1, 'cache' => 0)); echo $output->unsatisfied_dependencies_page($version, $failed, $reloadurl); die(); } unset($failed); // Launch main upgrade. upgrade_core($version, true); } } else if ($version < $CFG->version) { // better stop here, we can not continue with plugin upgrades or anything else throw new moodle_exception('downgradedcore', 'error', new moodle_url('/admin/')); } // Updated human-readable release version if necessary if (!$cache and $release <> $CFG->release) { // Update the release version set_config('release', $release); } if (!$cache and $branch <> $CFG->branch) { // Update the branch set_config('branch', $branch); } if (!$cache and moodle_needs_upgrading()) { if (!$PAGE->headerprinted) { // means core upgrade or installation was not already done /** @var core_admin_renderer $output */ $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin'); if (!$confirmplugins) { $strplugincheck = get_string('plugincheck'); $PAGE->navbar->add($strplugincheck); $PAGE->set_title($strplugincheck); $PAGE->set_heading($strplugincheck); $PAGE->set_cacheable(false); if ($fetchupdates) { require_sesskey(); $updateschecker = \core\update\checker::instance(); if ($updateschecker->enabled()) { $updateschecker->fetch(); } redirect($PAGE->url); } $deployer = \core\update\deployer::instance(); if ($deployer->enabled()) { $deployer->initialize($PAGE->url, $PAGE->url); $deploydata = $deployer->submitted_data(); if (!empty($deploydata)) { require_sesskey(); echo $output->upgrade_plugin_confirm_deploy_page($deployer, $deploydata); die(); } } // Show plugins info. echo $output->upgrade_plugin_check_page(core_plugin_manager::instance(), \core\update\checker::instance(), $version, $showallplugins, new moodle_url($PAGE->url), new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('confirmplugincheck'=>1, 'cache'=>0))); die(); } // Make sure plugin dependencies are always checked. $failed = array(); if (!core_plugin_manager::instance()->all_plugins_ok($version, $failed)) { $reloadurl = new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('cache' => 0)); echo $output->unsatisfied_dependencies_page($version, $failed, $reloadurl); die(); } unset($failed); } // install/upgrade all plugins and other parts upgrade_noncore(true); } // If this is the first install, indicate that this site is fully configured // except the admin password if (during_initial_install()) { set_config('rolesactive', 1); // after this, during_initial_install will return false. set_config('adminsetuppending', 1); // we need this redirect to setup proper session upgrade_finished("index.php?sessionstarted=1&lang=$CFG->lang"); } // make sure admin user is created - this is the last step because we need // session to be working properly in order to edit admin account if (!empty($CFG->adminsetuppending)) { $sessionstarted = optional_param('sessionstarted', 0, PARAM_BOOL); if (!$sessionstarted) { redirect("index.php?sessionstarted=1&lang=$CFG->lang"); } else { $sessionverify = optional_param('sessionverify', 0, PARAM_BOOL); if (!$sessionverify) { $SESSION->sessionverify = 1; redirect("index.php?sessionstarted=1&sessionverify=1&lang=$CFG->lang"); } else { if (empty($SESSION->sessionverify)) { print_error('installsessionerror', 'admin', "index.php?sessionstarted=1&lang=$CFG->lang"); } unset($SESSION->sessionverify); } } // Cleanup SESSION to make sure other code does not complain in the future. unset($SESSION->has_timed_out); unset($SESSION->wantsurl); // at this stage there can be only one admin unless more were added by install - users may change username, so do not rely on that $adminids = explode(',', $CFG->siteadmins); $adminuser = get_complete_user_data('id', reset($adminids)); if ($adminuser->password === 'adminsetuppending') { // prevent installation hijacking if ($adminuser->lastip !== getremoteaddr()) { print_error('installhijacked', 'admin'); } // login user and let him set password and admin details $adminuser->newadminuser = 1; complete_user_login($adminuser); redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/user/editadvanced.php?id=$adminuser->id"); // Edit thyself } else { unset_config('adminsetuppending'); } } else { // just make sure upgrade logging is properly terminated upgrade_finished('upgradesettings.php'); } if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', context_system::instance())) { if ($fetchupdates) { require_sesskey(); $updateschecker = \core\update\checker::instance(); if ($updateschecker->enabled()) { $updateschecker->fetch(); } redirect(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('cache' => 0))); } } // Now we can be sure everything was upgraded and caches work fine, // redirect if necessary to make sure caching is enabled. if (!$cache) { redirect(new moodle_url('/admin/index.php', array('cache' => 1))); } // Check for valid admin user - no guest autologin require_login(0, false); if (isguestuser()) { // Login as real user! $SESSION->wantsurl = (string)new moodle_url('/admin/index.php'); redirect(get_login_url()); } $context = context_system::instance(); require_capability('moodle/site:config', $context); // check that site is properly customized $site = get_site(); if (empty($site->shortname)) { // probably new installation - lets return to frontpage after this step // remove settings that we want uninitialised unset_config('registerauth'); redirect('upgradesettings.php?return=site'); } // Check if we are returning from moodle.org registration and if so, we mark that fact to remove reminders if (!empty($id) and $id == $CFG->siteidentifier) { set_config('registered', time()); } // setup critical warnings before printing admin tree block $insecuredataroot = is_dataroot_insecure(true); $SESSION->admin_critical_warning = ($insecuredataroot==INSECURE_DATAROOT_ERROR); $adminroot = admin_get_root(); // Check if there are any new admin settings which have still yet to be set if (any_new_admin_settings($adminroot)){ redirect('upgradesettings.php'); } // Return to original page that started the plugin uninstallation if necessary. if (isset($SESSION->pluginuninstallreturn)) { $return = $SESSION->pluginuninstallreturn; unset($SESSION->pluginuninstallreturn); if ($return) { redirect($return); } } // Everything should now be set up, and the user is an admin // Print default admin page with notifications. $errorsdisplayed = defined('WARN_DISPLAY_ERRORS_ENABLED'); $lastcron = $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT MAX(lastcron) FROM {modules}'); $cronoverdue = ($lastcron < time() - 3600 * 24); $dbproblems = $DB->diagnose(); $maintenancemode = !empty($CFG->maintenance_enabled); // Available updates for Moodle core $updateschecker = \core\update\checker::instance(); $availableupdates = array(); $availableupdates['core'] = $updateschecker->get_update_info('core', array('minmaturity' => $CFG->updateminmaturity, 'notifybuilds' => $CFG->updatenotifybuilds)); // Available updates for contributed plugins $pluginman = core_plugin_manager::instance(); foreach ($pluginman->get_plugins() as $plugintype => $plugintypeinstances) { foreach ($plugintypeinstances as $pluginname => $plugininfo) { if (!empty($plugininfo->availableupdates)) { foreach ($plugininfo->availableupdates as $pluginavailableupdate) { if ($pluginavailableupdate->version > $plugininfo->versiondisk) { if (!isset($availableupdates[$plugintype.'_'.$pluginname])) { $availableupdates[$plugintype.'_'.$pluginname] = array(); } $availableupdates[$plugintype.'_'.$pluginname][] = $pluginavailableupdate; } } } } } // The timestamp of the most recent check for available updates $availableupdatesfetch = $updateschecker->get_last_timefetched(); $buggyiconvnomb = (!function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') and @iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', '100'.chr(130).'€') !== '100€'); //check if the site is registered on Moodle.org $registered = $DB->count_records('registration_hubs', array('huburl' => HUB_MOODLEORGHUBURL, 'confirmed' => 1)); admin_externalpage_setup('adminnotifications'); $output = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'admin'); echo $output->admin_notifications_page($maturity, $insecuredataroot, $errorsdisplayed, $cronoverdue, $dbproblems, $maintenancemode, $availableupdates, $availableupdatesfetch, $buggyiconvnomb, $registered);