. /** * This file is responsible for serving the fonts used in CSS. * * Note: it is recommended to use only WOFF2 (Web Open Font Format v2) fonts. * * @package core * @copyright 2013 Petr Skoda (skodak) {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ // Disable moodle specific debug messages and any errors in output, // comment out when debugging or better look into error log! define('NO_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true); define('ABORT_AFTER_CONFIG', true); require('../config.php'); if ($slashargument = min_get_slash_argument()) { $slashargument = ltrim($slashargument, '/'); if (substr_count($slashargument, '/') < 3) { font_not_found(); } list($themename, $component, $rev, $font) = explode('/', $slashargument, 4); $themename = min_clean_param($themename, 'SAFEDIR'); $component = min_clean_param($component, 'SAFEDIR'); $rev = min_clean_param($rev, 'INT'); $font = min_clean_param($font, 'RAW'); } else { $themename = min_optional_param('theme', 'standard', 'SAFEDIR'); $component = min_optional_param('component', 'core', 'SAFEDIR'); $rev = min_optional_param('rev', -1, 'INT'); $font = min_optional_param('font', '', 'RAW'); } if (!min_is_revision_valid_and_current($rev)) { // If the rev is invalid, normalise it to -1 to disable all caching. $rev = -1; } if (!$font) { font_not_found(); } if ($to = strpos($font, '?')) { $font = substr($font, 0, $to); } if (empty($component) or $component === 'moodle' or $component === 'core') { $component = 'core'; } if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_-]+\.woff2$/i', $font, $matches)) { $font = $matches[0]; $mimetype = 'font/woff2'; } else if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_-]+\.woff$/i', $font, $matches)) { // This is the real standard! $font = $matches[0]; $mimetype = 'font/woff'; } else if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_-]+\.ttf$/i', $font, $matches)) { $font = $matches[0]; $mimetype = 'font/ttf'; } else if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_-]+\.otf$/i', $font, $matches)) { $font = $matches[0]; $mimetype = 'font/otf'; } else if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_-]+\.eot$/i', $font, $matches)) { // IE8 must die!!! $font = $matches[0]; $mimetype = 'application/vnd.ms-fontobject'; } else if (preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_-]+\.svg$/i', $font, $matches)) { $font = $matches[0]; $mimetype = 'image/svg+xml'; } else { font_not_found(); } if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/theme/$themename/config.php")) { // Normal theme exists. } else if (!empty($CFG->themedir) and file_exists("$CFG->themedir/$themename/config.php")) { // Theme exists in alternative location. } else { font_not_found(); } $candidatelocation = "$CFG->localcachedir/theme/$rev/$themename/fonts/$component"; $etag = sha1("$rev/$themename/$component/$font"); if ($rev > 0) { if (file_exists("$candidatelocation/$font.error")) { font_not_found(); } if (file_exists("$candidatelocation/$font")) { if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH']) || !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE'])) { // We do not actually need to verify the etag value because our files // never change in cache because we increment the rev parameter. // 90 days only - based on Moodle point release cadence being every 3 months. $lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 90; header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $lifetime) .' GMT'); header('Cache-Control: public, max-age='.$lifetime); header('Content-Type: '.$mimetype); header('Etag: "'.$etag.'"'); die; } send_cached_font("$candidatelocation/$font", $etag, $font, $mimetype); } } // Ok, now we need to start normal moodle script, we need to load all libs and $DB. define('ABORT_AFTER_CONFIG_CANCEL', true); define('NO_MOODLE_COOKIES', true); // Session not used here. define('NO_UPGRADE_CHECK', true); // Ignore upgrade check. require("$CFG->dirroot/lib/setup.php"); $theme = theme_config::load($themename); $themerev = theme_get_revision(); $fontfile = $theme->resolve_font_location($font, $component); if ($themerev <= 0 or $rev != $themerev) { // Do not send caching headers if they do not request current revision, // we do not want to pollute browser caches with outdated fonts. if (empty($fontfile) or !is_readable($fontfile)) { font_not_found(); } send_uncached_font($fontfile, $font, $mimetype); } make_localcache_directory('theme', false); if (empty($fontfile) or !is_readable($fontfile)) { if (!file_exists($candidatelocation)) { @mkdir($candidatelocation, $CFG->directorypermissions, true); } // Make note we can not find this file. $cachefont = "$candidatelocation/$font.error"; $fp = fopen($cachefont, 'w'); fclose($fp); font_not_found(); } $cachefont = cache_font($font, $fontfile, $candidatelocation); if (connection_aborted()) { die; } // Make sure nothing failed. clearstatcache(); if (file_exists($cachefont)) { send_cached_font($cachefont, $etag, $font, $mimetype); } send_uncached_font($fontfile, $font, $mimetype); // Utility functions. function send_cached_font($fontpath, $etag, $font, $mimetype) { global $CFG; require("$CFG->dirroot/lib/xsendfilelib.php"); // 90 days only - based on Moodle point release cadence being every 3 months. $lifetime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 90; header('Etag: "'.$etag.'"'); header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$font.'"'); header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', filemtime($fontpath)) .' GMT'); header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + $lifetime) .' GMT'); header('Pragma: '); header('Cache-Control: public, max-age='.$lifetime.', immutable'); header('Accept-Ranges: none'); header('Content-Type: '.$mimetype); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($fontpath)); if (xsendfile($fontpath)) { die; } // No need to gzip already compressed fonts. readfile($fontpath); die; } function send_uncached_font($fontpath, $font, $mimetype) { header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="'.$font.'"'); header('Last-Modified: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) .' GMT'); header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 15) .' GMT'); header('Pragma: '); header('Accept-Ranges: none'); header('Content-Type: '.$mimetype); header('Content-Length: '.filesize($fontpath)); readfile($fontpath); die; } function font_not_found() { header('HTTP/1.0 404 not found'); die('font was not found, sorry.'); } /** * Caches a given font file. * * @param string $font The name of the font that was requested. * @param string $fontfile The location of the font file we want to cache. * @param string $candidatelocation The location to cache it in. * @return string The path to the cached font. */ function cache_font($font, $fontfile, $candidatelocation) { global $CFG; $cachefont = "$candidatelocation/$font"; clearstatcache(); if (!file_exists($candidatelocation)) { @mkdir($candidatelocation, $CFG->directorypermissions, true); } // Prevent serving of incomplete file from concurrent request, // the rename() should be more atomic than copy(). ignore_user_abort(true); if (@copy($fontfile, $cachefont.'.tmp')) { rename($cachefont.'.tmp', $cachefont); @chmod($cachefont, $CFG->filepermissions); @unlink($cachefont.'.tmp'); // Just in case anything fails. } return $cachefont; }