. /** * This plugin is used to access files on server file system * * @since 2.0 * @package repository_filesystem * @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/repository/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php'); /** * repository_filesystem class * * Create a repository from your local filesystem * *NOTE* for security issue, we use a fixed repository path * which is %moodledata%/repository * * @package repository * @copyright 2009 Dongsheng Cai {@link http://dongsheng.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class repository_filesystem extends repository { /** * The subdirectory of the instance. * * @var string */ protected $subdir; /** * Constructor * * @param int $repositoryid repository ID * @param int $context context ID * @param array $options */ public function __construct($repositoryid, $context = SYSCONTEXTID, $options = array()) { parent::__construct($repositoryid, $context, $options); $this->subdir = $this->get_option('fs_path'); } /** * Get the list of files and directories in that repository. * * @param string $path to browse. * @param string $page page number. * @return array list of files and folders. */ public function get_listing($path = '', $page = '') { global $OUTPUT; $list = array(); $list['list'] = array(); $list['manage'] = false; $list['dynload'] = true; $list['nologin'] = true; $list['nosearch'] = true; $list['path'] = array( array('name' => get_string('root', 'repository_filesystem'), 'path' => '') ); $path = trim($path, '/'); if (!$this->is_in_repository($path)) { // In case of doubt on the path, reset to default. $path = ''; } $abspath = rtrim($this->get_rootpath() . $path, '/') . '/'; // Construct the breadcrumb. $trail = ''; if ($path !== '') { $parts = explode('/', $path); if (count($parts) > 1) { foreach ($parts as $part) { if (!empty($part)) { $trail .= '/' . $part; $list['path'][] = array('name' => $part, 'path' => $trail); } } } else { $list['path'][] = array('name' => $path, 'path' => $path); } } // Retrieve list of files and directories and sort them. $fileslist = array(); $dirslist = array(); if ($dh = opendir($abspath)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) != false) { if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') { if (is_file($abspath . $file)) { $fileslist[] = $file; } else { $dirslist[] = $file; } } } } core_collator::asort($fileslist, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL); core_collator::asort($dirslist, core_collator::SORT_NATURAL); // Fill the $list['list']. foreach ($dirslist as $file) { $list['list'][] = array( 'title' => $file, 'children' => array(), 'datecreated' => filectime($abspath . $file), 'datemodified' => filemtime($abspath . $file), 'thumbnail' => $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_folder_icon(90))->out(false), 'path' => $path . '/' . $file ); } foreach ($fileslist as $file) { $node = array( 'title' => $file, 'source' => $path . '/' . $file, 'size' => filesize($abspath . $file), 'datecreated' => filectime($abspath . $file), 'datemodified' => filemtime($abspath . $file), 'thumbnail' => $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_extension_icon($file, 90))->out(false), 'icon' => $OUTPUT->pix_url(file_extension_icon($file, 24))->out(false) ); if (file_extension_in_typegroup($file, 'image') && ($imageinfo = @getimagesize($abspath . $file))) { // This means it is an image and we can return dimensions and try to generate thumbnail/icon. $token = $node['datemodified'] . $node['size']; // To prevent caching by browser. $node['realthumbnail'] = $this->get_thumbnail_url($path . '/' . $file, 'thumb', $token)->out(false); $node['realicon'] = $this->get_thumbnail_url($path . '/' . $file, 'icon', $token)->out(false); $node['image_width'] = $imageinfo[0]; $node['image_height'] = $imageinfo[1]; } $list['list'][] = $node; } $list['list'] = array_filter($list['list'], array($this, 'filter')); return $list; } /** * To check whether the user is logged in. * * @return bool */ public function check_login() { return true; } /** * Show the login screen, if required. * * @return string */ public function print_login() { return true; } /** * Is it possible to do a global search? * * @return bool */ public function global_search() { return false; } /** * Return file path. * @return array */ public function get_file($file, $title = '') { global $CFG; $file = ltrim($file, '/'); if (!$this->is_in_repository($file)) { throw new repository_exception('Invalid file requested.'); } $file = $this->get_rootpath() . $file; // This is a hack to prevent move_to_file deleting files in local repository. $CFG->repository_no_delete = true; return array('path' => $file, 'url' => ''); } /** * Return the source information * * @param stdClass $filepath * @return string|null */ public function get_file_source_info($filepath) { return $filepath; } /** * Logout from repository instance * * @return string */ public function logout() { return true; } /** * Return names of the instance options. * * @return array */ public static function get_instance_option_names() { return array('fs_path', 'relativefiles'); } /** * Save settings for repository instance * * @param array $options settings * @return bool */ public function set_option($options = array()) { $options['fs_path'] = clean_param($options['fs_path'], PARAM_PATH); $options['relativefiles'] = clean_param($options['relativefiles'], PARAM_INT); $ret = parent::set_option($options); return $ret; } /** * Edit/Create Instance Settings Moodle form * * @param moodleform $mform Moodle form (passed by reference) */ public static function instance_config_form($mform) { global $CFG; if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', context_system::instance())) { $path = $CFG->dataroot . '/repository/'; if (!is_dir($path)) { mkdir($path, $CFG->directorypermissions, true); } if ($handle = opendir($path)) { $fieldname = get_string('path', 'repository_filesystem'); $choices = array(); while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (is_dir($path . $file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { $choices[$file] = $file; $fieldname = ''; } } if (empty($choices)) { $mform->addElement('static', '', '', get_string('nosubdir', 'repository_filesystem', $path)); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'fs_path', ''); $mform->setType('fs_path', PARAM_PATH); } else { $mform->addElement('select', 'fs_path', $fieldname, $choices); $mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('information', 'repository_filesystem', $path)); } closedir($handle); } $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'relativefiles', get_string('relativefiles', 'repository_filesystem'), get_string('relativefiles_desc', 'repository_filesystem')); $mform->setType('relativefiles', PARAM_INT); } else { $mform->addElement('static', null, '', get_string('nopermissions', 'error', get_string('configplugin', 'repository_filesystem'))); return false; } } /** * Create an instance for this plug-in * * @static * @param string $type the type of the repository * @param int $userid the user id * @param stdClass $context the context * @param array $params the options for this instance * @param int $readonly whether to create it readonly or not (defaults to not) * @return mixed */ public static function create($type, $userid, $context, $params, $readonly=0) { if (has_capability('moodle/site:config', context_system::instance())) { return parent::create($type, $userid, $context, $params, $readonly); } else { require_capability('moodle/site:config', context_system::instance()); return false; } } /** * Validate repository plugin instance form * * @param moodleform $mform moodle form * @param array $data form data * @param array $errors errors * @return array errors */ public static function instance_form_validation($mform, $data, $errors) { $fspath = clean_param(trim($data['fs_path'], '/'), PARAM_PATH); if (empty($fspath) && !is_numeric($fspath)) { $errors['fs_path'] = get_string('invalidadminsettingname', 'error', 'fs_path'); } return $errors; } /** * User cannot use the external link to dropbox * * @return int */ public function supported_returntypes() { return FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_REFERENCE; } /** * Return human readable reference information * * @param string $reference value of DB field files_reference.reference * @param int $filestatus status of the file, 0 - ok, 666 - source missing * @return string */ public function get_reference_details($reference, $filestatus = 0) { $details = $this->get_name().': '.$reference; if ($filestatus) { return get_string('lostsource', 'repository', $details); } else { return $details; } } public function sync_reference(stored_file $file) { if ($file->get_referencelastsync() + 60 > time()) { // Does not cost us much to synchronise within our own filesystem, check every 1 minute. return false; } static $issyncing = false; if ($issyncing) { // Avoid infinite recursion when calling $file->get_filesize() and get_contenthash(). return; } $filepath = $this->get_rootpath() . ltrim($file->get_reference(), '/'); if ($this->is_in_repository($file->get_reference()) && file_exists($filepath) && is_readable($filepath)) { $fs = get_file_storage(); $issyncing = true; if (file_extension_in_typegroup($filepath, 'web_image')) { $contenthash = sha1_file($filepath); if ($file->get_contenthash() == $contenthash) { // File did not change since the last synchronisation. $filesize = filesize($filepath); } else { // Copy file into moodle filepool (used to generate an image thumbnail). list($contenthash, $filesize, $newfile) = $fs->add_file_to_pool($filepath); } } else { // Update only file size so file will NOT be copied into moodle filepool. $contenthash = null; $filesize = filesize($filepath); } $issyncing = false; $file->set_synchronized($contenthash, $filesize); } else { $file->set_missingsource(); } return true; } /** * Repository method to serve the referenced file * * @see send_stored_file * * @param stored_file $storedfile the file that contains the reference * @param int $lifetime Number of seconds before the file should expire from caches (null means $CFG->filelifetime) * @param int $filter 0 (default)=no filtering, 1=all files, 2=html files only * @param bool $forcedownload If true (default false), forces download of file rather than view in browser/plugin * @param array $options additional options affecting the file serving */ public function send_file($storedfile, $lifetime=null , $filter=0, $forcedownload=false, array $options = null) { $reference = $storedfile->get_reference(); $file = $this->get_rootpath() . ltrim($reference, '/'); if ($this->is_in_repository($reference) && is_readable($file)) { $filename = $storedfile->get_filename(); if ($options && isset($options['filename'])) { $filename = $options['filename']; } $dontdie = ($options && isset($options['dontdie'])); send_file($file, $filename, $lifetime , $filter, false, $forcedownload, '', $dontdie); } else { send_file_not_found(); } } /** * Is this repository accessing private data? * * @return bool */ public function contains_private_data() { return false; } /** * Return the rootpath of this repository instance. * * Trim() is a necessary step to ensure that the subdirectory is not '/'. * * @return string path * @throws repository_exception If the subdir is unsafe, or invalid. */ public function get_rootpath() { global $CFG; $subdir = clean_param(trim($this->subdir, '/'), PARAM_PATH); $path = $CFG->dataroot . '/repository/' . $this->subdir . '/'; if ((empty($this->subdir) && !is_numeric($this->subdir)) || $subdir != $this->subdir || !is_dir($path)) { throw new repository_exception('The instance is not properly configured, invalid path.'); } return $path; } /** * Checks if $path is part of this repository. * * Try to prevent $path hacks such as ../ . * * We do not use clean_param(, PARAM_PATH) here because it also trims down some * characters that are allowed, like < > ' . But we do ensure that the directory * is safe by checking that it starts with $rootpath. * * @param string $path relative path to a file or directory in the repo. * @return boolean false when not. */ protected function is_in_repository($path) { $rootpath = $this->get_rootpath(); if (strpos(realpath($rootpath . $path), realpath($rootpath)) !== 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns url of thumbnail file. * * @param string $filepath current path in repository (dir and filename) * @param string $thumbsize 'thumb' or 'icon' * @param string $token identifier of the file contents - to prevent browser from caching changed file * @return moodle_url */ protected function get_thumbnail_url($filepath, $thumbsize, $token) { return moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($this->context->id, 'repository_filesystem', $thumbsize, $this->id, '/' . trim($filepath, '/') . '/', $token); } /** * Returns the stored thumbnail file, generates it if not present. * * @param string $filepath current path in repository (dir and filename) * @param string $thumbsize 'thumb' or 'icon' * @return null|stored_file */ public function get_thumbnail($filepath, $thumbsize) { global $CFG; $filepath = trim($filepath, '/'); $origfile = $this->get_rootpath() . $filepath; // As thumbnail filename we use original file content hash. if (!$this->is_in_repository($filepath) || !($filecontents = @file_get_contents($origfile))) { // File is not found or is not readable. return null; } $filename = sha1($filecontents); unset($filecontents); // Try to get generated thumbnail for this file. $fs = get_file_storage(); if (!($file = $fs->get_file(SYSCONTEXTID, 'repository_filesystem', $thumbsize, $this->id, '/' . $filepath . '/', $filename))) { // Thumbnail not found . Generate and store thumbnail. require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gdlib.php'); if ($thumbsize === 'thumb') { $size = 90; } else { $size = 24; } if (!$data = @generate_image_thumbnail($origfile, $size, $size)) { // Generation failed. return null; } $record = array( 'contextid' => SYSCONTEXTID, 'component' => 'repository_filesystem', 'filearea' => $thumbsize, 'itemid' => $this->id, 'filepath' => '/' . $filepath . '/', 'filename' => $filename, ); $file = $fs->create_file_from_string($record, $data); } return $file; } /** * Run in cron for particular repository instance. Removes thumbnails for deleted/modified files. * * @param stored_file[] $storedfiles */ public function remove_obsolete_thumbnails($storedfiles) { // Group found files by filepath ('filepath' in Moodle file storage is dir+name in filesystem repository). $files = array(); foreach ($storedfiles as $file) { if (!isset($files[$file->get_filepath()])) { $files[$file->get_filepath()] = array(); } $files[$file->get_filepath()][] = $file; } // Loop through all files and make sure the original exists and has the same contenthash. $deletedcount = 0; foreach ($files as $filepath => $filesinpath) { if ($filecontents = @file_get_contents($this->get_rootpath() . trim($filepath, '/'))) { // The 'filename' in Moodle file storage is contenthash of the file in filesystem repository. $filename = sha1($filecontents); foreach ($filesinpath as $file) { if ($file->get_filename() !== $filename && $file->get_filename() !== '.') { // Contenthash does not match, this is an old thumbnail. $deletedcount++; $file->delete(); } } } else { // Thumbnail exist but file not. foreach ($filesinpath as $file) { if ($file->get_filename() !== '.') { $deletedcount++; } $file->delete(); } } } if ($deletedcount) { mtrace(" instance {$this->id}: deleted $deletedcount thumbnails"); } } /** * Gets a file relative to this file in the repository and sends it to the browser. * * @param stored_file $mainfile The main file we are trying to access relative files for. * @param string $relativepath the relative path to the file we are trying to access. */ public function send_relative_file(stored_file $mainfile, $relativepath) { global $CFG; // Check if this repository is allowed to use relative linking. $allowlinks = $this->supports_relative_file(); if (!empty($allowlinks)) { // Get path to the mainfile. $mainfilepath = $mainfile->get_source(); // Strip out filename from the path. $filename = $mainfile->get_filename(); $basepath = strstr($mainfilepath, $filename, true); $fullrelativefilepath = realpath($this->get_rootpath().$basepath.$relativepath); // Sanity check to make sure this path is inside this repository and the file exists. if (strpos($fullrelativefilepath, $this->get_rootpath()) === 0 && file_exists($fullrelativefilepath)) { send_file($fullrelativefilepath, basename($relativepath), null, 0); } } send_file_not_found(); } /** * helper function to check if the repository supports send_relative_file. * * @return true|false */ public function supports_relative_file() { return $this->get_option('relativefiles'); } } /** * Generates and sends the thumbnail for an image in filesystem. * * @param stdClass $course course object * @param stdClass $cm course module object * @param stdClass $context context object * @param string $filearea file area * @param array $args extra arguments * @param bool $forcedownload whether or not force download * @param array $options additional options affecting the file serving * @return bool */ function repository_filesystem_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array()) { global $OUTPUT, $CFG; // Allowed filearea is either thumb or icon - size of the thumbnail. if ($filearea !== 'thumb' && $filearea !== 'icon') { return false; } // As itemid we pass repository instance id. $itemid = array_shift($args); // Filename is some token that we can ignore (used only to make sure browser does not serve cached copy when file is changed). array_pop($args); // As filepath we use full filepath (dir+name) of the file in this instance of filesystem repository. $filepath = implode('/', $args); // Make sure file exists in the repository and is accessible. $repo = repository::get_repository_by_id($itemid, $context); $repo->check_capability(); // Find stored or generated thumbnail. if (!($file = $repo->get_thumbnail($filepath, $filearea))) { // Generation failed, redirect to default icon for file extension. redirect($OUTPUT->pix_url(file_extension_icon($file, 90))); } // The thumbnails should not be changing much, but maybe the default lifetime is too long. $lifetime = $CFG->filelifetime; if ($lifetime > 60*10) { $lifetime = 60*10; } send_stored_file($file, $lifetime, 0, $forcedownload, $options); } /** * Cron callback for repository_filesystem. Deletes the thumbnails for deleted or changed files. */ function repository_filesystem_cron() { $fs = get_file_storage(); // Find all generated thumbnails and group them in array by itemid (itemid == repository instance id). $allfiles = array_merge( $fs->get_area_files(SYSCONTEXTID, 'repository_filesystem', 'thumb'), $fs->get_area_files(SYSCONTEXTID, 'repository_filesystem', 'icon') ); $filesbyitem = array(); foreach ($allfiles as $file) { if (!isset($filesbyitem[$file->get_itemid()])) { $filesbyitem[$file->get_itemid()] = array(); } $filesbyitem[$file->get_itemid()][] = $file; } // Find all instances of repository_filesystem. $instances = repository::get_instances(array('type' => 'filesystem')); // Loop through all itemids of generated thumbnails. foreach ($filesbyitem as $itemid => $files) { if (!isset($instances[$itemid]) || !($instances[$itemid] instanceof repository_filesystem)) { // Instance was deleted. $fs->delete_area_files(SYSCONTEXTID, 'repository_filesystem', 'thumb', $itemid); $fs->delete_area_files(SYSCONTEXTID, 'repository_filesystem', 'icon', $itemid); mtrace(" instance $itemid does not exist: deleted all thumbnails"); } else { // Instance has some generated thumbnails, check that they are not outdated. $instances[$itemid]->remove_obsolete_thumbnails($files); } } }