category)) { error("This question doesn't belong to a valid category!"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $category->course)) { error("This question category doesn't belong to a valid course!"); } require_login($course->id); if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("You can't modify these questions!"); } $question = extractMultiAnswerQuestion($form->questiontext); $question->id = $form->id; $question->qtype = $form->qtype; $question->name = $form->name; $question->category = $form->category; if (empty($form->image)) { $question->image = ""; } else { $question->image = $form->image; } // Formcheck $err = array(); if (empty($question->name)) { $err["name"] = get_string("missingname", "quiz"); } if (empty($question->questiontext)) { $err["questiontext"] = get_string("missingquestiontext", "quiz"); } if ($err) { // Formcheck failed $category = $form->category; notify(get_string("someerrorswerefound")); unset($_POST); require('question.php'); exit; } else { if (!empty($question->id)) { // Question already exists if (!update_record("quiz_questions", $question)) { error("Could not update question!"); } } else { // Question is a new one $question->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); // Set the unique code (not to be changed) if (!$question->id = insert_record("quiz_questions", $question)) { error("Could not insert new question!"); } } // Now to save all the answers and type-specific options $result = quiz_save_question_options($question); if (!empty($result->error)) { error($result->error); } if (!empty($result->notice)) { notice_yesno($result->notice, "question.php?id=$question->id", "edit.php"); print_footer($course); exit; } redirect("edit.php"); } } else if ($question->questiontext and $question->id) { $answers = quiz_get_answers($question); foreach ($answers as $multianswer) { $parsableanswerdef = '{' . $multianswer->norm . ':'; switch ($multianswer->answertype) { case MULTICHOICE: $parsableanswerdef .= 'MULTICHOICE:'; break; case SHORTANSWER: $parsableanswerdef .= 'SHORTANSWER:'; break; case NUMERICAL: $parsableanswerdef .= 'NUMERICAL:'; break; default: error("answertype $multianswer->answertype not recognized"); } $separator= ''; foreach ($multianswer->subanswers as $subanswer) { $parsableanswerdef .= $separator . '%' . round(100*$subanswer->fraction) . '%'; $parsableanswerdef .= $subanswer->answer; if (isset($subanswer->min) && isset($subanswer->max) and $subanswer->min || $subanswer->max) { // Special for numerical answers: $errormargin = $subanswer->answer - $subanswer->min; $parsableanswerdef .= ":$errormargin"; } if ($subanswer->feedback) { $parsableanswerdef .= "#$subanswer->feedback"; } $separator = '~'; } $parsableanswerdef .= '}'; $question->questiontext = str_replace ("{#$multianswer->positionkey}", $parsableanswerdef, $question->questiontext); } } ?>


category", ""); ?>



"; } print_textarea($usehtmleditor, 15, 60, 630, 300, "questiontext", $question->questiontext); if ($usehtmleditor) { helpbutton("richtext", get_string("helprichtext"), "moodle"); } else { helpbutton("text", get_string("helptext"), "moodle"); } ?>


image", get_string("none"),"",""); } ?>