$value) { backup_set_config($name, $value); } //And now, we execute schedule_backup_next_execution() for each course in the server to have the next //execution time updated automatically everytime it's changed. $status = true; //get admin $admin = get_admin(); if (!$admin) { $status = false; } //get backup config if (! $backup_config = backup_get_config()) { $status = false; } if ($status) { //get courses if ($courses = get_records("course")) { //For each course, we check (insert, update) the backup_course table //with needed data foreach ($courses as $course) { //We check if the course exists in backup_course $backup_course = get_record("backup_courses","courseid",$course->id); //If it doesn't exist, create if (!$backup_course) { $temp_backup_course->courseid = $course->id; $newid = insert_record("backup_courses",$temp_backup_course); //And get it from db $backup_course = get_record("backup_courses","id",$newid); } //Now, calculate next execution of the course $nextstarttime = schedule_backup_next_execution ($backup_course,$backup_config,time(),$admin->timezone); //Save it to db set_field("backup_courses","nextstarttime",$nextstarttime,"courseid",$backup_course->courseid); } } } if (!$error) { redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php", get_string("changessaved"), 1); exit; } } /// Otherwise print the form. $stradmin = get_string("administration"); $strconfiguration = get_string("configuration"); $strbackup = get_string("backup"); print_header("$site->shortname: $strconfiguration: $strbackup", $site->fullname, "$stradmin -> ". "$strconfiguration -> ". $strbackup); echo "


"; print_heading($strbackup); print_simple_box("
", "center", "50%"); echo "
"; print_simple_box_start("center", "", "$THEME->cellheading"); //Check for required functions... if(!function_exists('utf8_encode')) { print_simple_box("You need to add XML support to your PHP installation", "center", "70%", "$THEME->cellheading", "20", "noticebox"); } include ("$CFG->dirroot/backup/config.html"); print_simple_box_end(); print_footer(); ?>