lang = (!empty($_POST['language'])) ? $_POST['language'] : $INSTALL['language']; $CFG->dirroot = $INSTALL['dirroot']; $CFG->dataroot = $INSTALL['dataroot']; $CFG->directorypermissions = 0777; require_once('./lib/moodlelib.php'); require_once('./lib/weblib.php'); require_once('./lib/adodb/'); /// guess the www root if ($INSTALL['wwwroot'] == '') { list($INSTALL['wwwroot'], $xtra) = explode('/install.php', qualified_me()); } $stagetext = array(1 => get_string('chooselanguage', 'install'), get_string('directorysettings', 'install'), get_string('databasesettings', 'install'), get_string('admindirsetting', 'install'), get_string('configurationcomplete', 'install') ); //==========================================================================// /// Was data submitted? if (!empty($_POST['stage'])) { /// Get the stage for which the form was set and the next stage we are going to if ( $goforward = (! empty( $_POST['next'] )) ) { $nextstage = $_POST['stage'] + 1; } else { $nextstage = $_POST['stage'] - 1; } if ($nextstage < 1) $nextstage = 1; /// Store any posted data foreach ($_POST as $setting=>$value) { $INSTALL[$setting] = $value; } } else { $goforward = true; $nextstage = 1; } //==========================================================================// /// Check the directory settings if ($INSTALL['stage'] == 2) { error_reporting(0); /// check wwwroot if (($fh = @fopen($INSTALL['wwwroot'].'/install.php', 'r')) === false) { $errormsg = get_string('wwwrooterror', 'install'); } else { fclose($fh); /// check dirroot if (($fh = @fopen($INSTALL['dirroot'].'/install.php', 'r')) === false ) { $CFG->dirroot = dirname(__FILE__); $INSTALL['dirroot'] = dirname(__FILE__); $errormsg = get_string('dirrooterror', 'install'); } else { fclose($fh); $CFG->dirroot = $INSTALL['dirroot']; /// check dataroot $CFG->dataroot = $INSTALL['dataroot']; if (make_upload_directory('sessions', false) === false ) { $errormsg = get_string('datarooterror', 'install'); } } } if (!empty($errormsg)) $nextstage = 2; error_reporting(7); } //==========================================================================// /// Check database settings if stage 3 data submitted /// Try to connect to the database. If that fails then try to create the database if ($INSTALL['stage'] == 3) { if (empty($INSTALL['dbname'])) { $INSTALL['dbname'] = 'moodle'; } /// different format for postgres7 if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'postgres7') { $INSTALL['dbhost'] = "user='{$INSTALL['dbuser']}' password='{$INSTALL['dbpass']}' dbname='{$INSTALL['dbname']}'"; if ($INSTALL['prefix'] == '') { /// must have a prefix $INSTALL['prefix'] = 'mdl_'; } } $db = &ADONewConnection($INSTALL['dbtype']); error_reporting(0); // Hide errors if (!($dbconnected = $db->Connect($INSTALL['dbhost'],$INSTALL['dbuser'],$INSTALL['dbpass'],$INSTALL['dbname']))) { /// The following doesn't seem to work but we're working on it /// If you come up with a solution for creating a database in MySQL /// feel free to put it in and let us know if ($dbconnected = $db->Connect($INSTALL['dbhost'],$INSTALL['dbuser'],$INSTALL['dbpass'])) { switch ($INSTALL['dbtype']) { /// Try to create a database case 'mysql': if ($db->Execute("CREATE DATABASE {$INSTALL['dbname']};")) { $dbconnected = $db->Connect($INSTALL['dbhost'],$INSTALL['dbuser'],$INSTALL['dbpass'],$INSTALL['dbname']); } else { $errormsg = get_string('dbcreationerror', 'install'); $nextstage = 3; } break; } } } error_reporting(7); if (($dbconnected === false) and (empty($errormsg)) ) { $errormsg = get_string('dbconnectionerror', 'install'); $nextstage = 3; } } //==========================================================================// /// If the next stage is admin directory settings OR we have just come from there then /// check the admin directory. /// If we can open a file then we know that the admin name is correct. if ($nextstage == 4 or $INSTALL['stage'] == 4) { if (($fh = @fopen($INSTALL['wwwroot'].'/'.$INSTALL['admindirname'].'/site.html', 'r')) !== false) { $nextstage = ($goforward) ? 5 : 3; fclose($fh); } else { if ($nextstage != 4) { $errormsg = get_string('admindirerror', 'install'); $nextstage = 4; } } } //==========================================================================// /// Display or print the data /// Put the data into a string /// Try to open config file for writing. if ($nextstage == 5) { $str = 'dbtype = \''.$INSTALL['dbtype']."';\n"; $str .= '$CFG->dbhost = \''.$INSTALL['dbhost']."';\n"; if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'mysql') { $str .= '$CFG->dbname = \''.$INSTALL['dbname']."';\n"; $str .= '$CFG->dbuser = \''.$INSTALL['dbuser']."';\n"; $str .= '$CFG->dbpass = \''.$INSTALL['dbpass']."';\n"; } $str .= '$CFG->dbpersist = false;'."\n"; $str .= '$CFG->prefix = \''.$INSTALL['prefix']."';\n"; $str .= "\n"; $str .= '$CFG->wwwroot = \''.$INSTALL['wwwroot']."';\n"; $str .= '$CFG->dirroot = \''.$INSTALL['dirroot']."';\n"; $str .= '$CFG->dataroot = \''.$INSTALL['dataroot']."';\n"; $str .= "\n"; $str .= '$CFG->directorypermissions = 0777;'."\n"; $str .= "\n"; $str .= 'require_once("$CFG->dirroot/lib/setup.php");'."\n"; $str .= '// MAKE SURE WHEN YOU EDIT THIS FILE THAT THERE ARE NO SPACES, BLANK LINES,'."\n"; $str .= '// RETURNS, OR ANYTHING ELSE AFTER THE TWO CHARACTERS ON THE NEXT LINE.'."\n"; $str .= '?>'; if (( $configsuccess = ($fh = @fopen($configfile, 'w')) ) !== false) { fwrite($fh, $str); fclose($fh); } } //==========================================================================// ?>
if ($nextstage == 5) {
if ($configsuccess) {
echo " ".get_string('configfilewritten', 'install')." \n"; } else { echo "".get_string('configfilenotwritten', 'install')." "; echo "\n"; echo " \n";
echo " \n";
echo "\n"; } echo " (Continue) \n"; } else { $formaction = (isset($_GET['configfile'])) ? "install.php?configfile=".$_GET['configfile'] : "install.php"; form_table($nextstage, $formaction); } ?> |