The first table on this screen shows how the the overall grades for the submissions are calculated. The overall grades are a weighted sum of two components.
These two components are weighted as deemed appropriate for the assignment. The teacher can, for example, weight the (initial) assessment grade (the grading grade) very low, even zero. In this case the student grade is determined largely by or entirely by the grades given to their submissions. The two weighting factors can be changed at any time during the exercise, the effect of any change on the grades seen in the Grades page and in the Final Grades list is immediate.
The Administration page also lists the teacher's submissions (the decriptions of the Exercise), the students' (initial) assessment of their own work, and the students' submissions. These tables allow all these items, where appropriate, to be re-titled, deleted, viewed or re-assessed. This part of the page can be used to monitor the students' progress throughout the course of the exercise.