. /** * Local library file for Lesson. These are non-standard functions that are used * only by Lesson. * * @package mod * @subpackage lesson * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or late **/ /** Make sure this isn't being directly accessed */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** Include the files that are required by this module */ require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/course/moodleform_mod.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lesson/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php'); /** This page */ define('LESSON_THISPAGE', 0); /** Next page -> any page not seen before */ define("LESSON_UNSEENPAGE", 1); /** Next page -> any page not answered correctly */ define("LESSON_UNANSWEREDPAGE", 2); /** Jump to Next Page */ define("LESSON_NEXTPAGE", -1); /** End of Lesson */ define("LESSON_EOL", -9); /** Jump to an unseen page within a branch and end of branch or end of lesson */ define("LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE", -50); /** Jump to Previous Page */ define("LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE", -40); /** Jump to a random page within a branch and end of branch or end of lesson */ define("LESSON_RANDOMPAGE", -60); /** Jump to a random Branch */ define("LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH", -70); /** Cluster Jump */ define("LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP", -80); /** Undefined */ define("LESSON_UNDEFINED", -99); /** LESSON_MAX_EVENT_LENGTH = 432000 ; 5 days maximum */ define("LESSON_MAX_EVENT_LENGTH", "432000"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Any other lesson functions go here. Each of them must have a name that /// starts with lesson_ /** * Checks to see if a LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP or * a LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE is used in a lesson. * * This function is only executed when a teacher is * checking the navigation for a lesson. * * @param stdClass $lesson Id of the lesson that is to be checked. * @return boolean True or false. **/ function lesson_display_teacher_warning($lesson) { global $DB; // get all of the lesson answers $params = array ("lessonid" => $lesson->id); if (!$lessonanswers = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_answers", "lessonid = :lessonid", $params)) { // no answers, then not using cluster or unseen return false; } // just check for the first one that fulfills the requirements foreach ($lessonanswers as $lessonanswer) { if ($lessonanswer->jumpto == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP || $lessonanswer->jumpto == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { return true; } } // if no answers use either of the two jumps return false; } /** * Interprets the LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE jump. * * will return the pageid of a random unseen page that is within a branch * * @param lesson $lesson * @param int $userid Id of the user. * @param int $pageid Id of the page from which we are jumping. * @return int Id of the next page. **/ function lesson_unseen_question_jump($lesson, $user, $pageid) { global $DB; // get the number of retakes if (!$retakes = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$lesson->id, "userid"=>$user))) { $retakes = 0; } // get all the lesson_attempts aka what the user has seen if ($viewedpages = $DB->get_records("lesson_attempts", array("lessonid"=>$lesson->id, "userid"=>$user, "retry"=>$retakes), "timeseen DESC")) { foreach($viewedpages as $viewed) { $seenpages[] = $viewed->pageid; } } else { $seenpages = array(); } // get the lesson pages $lessonpages = $lesson->load_all_pages(); if ($pageid == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { // this only happens when a student leaves in the middle of an unseen question within a branch series $pageid = $seenpages[0]; // just change the pageid to the last page viewed inside the branch table } // go up the pages till branch table while ($pageid != 0) { // this condition should never be satisfied... only happens if there are no branch tables above this page if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE) { break; } $pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->prevpageid; } $pagesinbranch = $lesson->get_sub_pages_of($pageid, array(LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE, LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFBRANCH)); // this foreach loop stores all the pages that are within the branch table but are not in the $seenpages array $unseen = array(); foreach($pagesinbranch as $page) { if (!in_array($page->id, $seenpages)) { $unseen[] = $page->id; } } if(count($unseen) == 0) { if(isset($pagesinbranch)) { $temp = end($pagesinbranch); $nextpage = $temp->nextpageid; // they have seen all the pages in the branch, so go to EOB/next branch table/EOL } else { // there are no pages inside the branch, so return the next page $nextpage = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; } if ($nextpage == 0) { return LESSON_EOL; } else { return $nextpage; } } else { return $unseen[rand(0, count($unseen)-1)]; // returns a random page id for the next page } } /** * Handles the unseen branch table jump. * * @param lesson $lesson * @param int $userid User id. * @return int Will return the page id of a branch table or end of lesson **/ function lesson_unseen_branch_jump($lesson, $userid) { global $DB; if (!$retakes = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$lesson->id, "userid"=>$userid))) { $retakes = 0; } $params = array ("lessonid" => $lesson->id, "userid" => $userid, "retry" => $retakes); if (!$seenbranches = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_branch", "lessonid = :lessonid AND userid = :userid AND retry = :retry", $params, "timeseen DESC")) { print_error('cannotfindrecords', 'lesson'); } // get the lesson pages $lessonpages = $lesson->load_all_pages(); // this loads all the viewed branch tables into $seen until it finds the branch table with the flag // which is the branch table that starts the unseenbranch function $seen = array(); foreach ($seenbranches as $seenbranch) { if (!$seenbranch->flag) { $seen[$seenbranch->pageid] = $seenbranch->pageid; } else { $start = $seenbranch->pageid; break; } } // this function searches through the lesson pages to find all the branch tables // that follow the flagged branch table $pageid = $lessonpages[$start]->nextpageid; // move down from the flagged branch table $branchtables = array(); while ($pageid != 0) { // grab all of the branch table till eol if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE) { $branchtables[] = $lessonpages[$pageid]->id; } $pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; } $unseen = array(); foreach ($branchtables as $branchtable) { // load all of the unseen branch tables into unseen if (!array_key_exists($branchtable, $seen)) { $unseen[] = $branchtable; } } if (count($unseen) > 0) { return $unseen[rand(0, count($unseen)-1)]; // returns a random page id for the next page } else { return LESSON_EOL; // has viewed all of the branch tables } } /** * Handles the random jump between a branch table and end of branch or end of lesson (LESSON_RANDOMPAGE). * * @param lesson $lesson * @param int $pageid The id of the page that we are jumping from (?) * @return int The pageid of a random page that is within a branch table **/ function lesson_random_question_jump($lesson, $pageid) { global $DB; // get the lesson pages $params = array ("lessonid" => $lesson->id); if (!$lessonpages = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = :lessonid", $params)) { print_error('cannotfindpages', 'lesson'); } // go up the pages till branch table while ($pageid != 0) { // this condition should never be satisfied... only happens if there are no branch tables above this page if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE) { break; } $pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->prevpageid; } // get the pages within the branch $pagesinbranch = $lesson->get_sub_pages_of($pageid, array(LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE, LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFBRANCH)); if(count($pagesinbranch) == 0) { // there are no pages inside the branch, so return the next page return $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; } else { return $pagesinbranch[rand(0, count($pagesinbranch)-1)]->id; // returns a random page id for the next page } } /** * Calculates a user's grade for a lesson. * * @param object $lesson The lesson that the user is taking. * @param int $retries The attempt number. * @param int $userid Id of the user (optional, default current user). * @return object { nquestions => number of questions answered attempts => number of question attempts total => max points possible earned => points earned by student grade => calculated percentage grade nmanual => number of manually graded questions manualpoints => point value for manually graded questions } */ function lesson_grade($lesson, $ntries, $userid = 0) { global $USER, $DB; if (empty($userid)) { $userid = $USER->id; } // Zero out everything $ncorrect = 0; $nviewed = 0; $score = 0; $nmanual = 0; $manualpoints = 0; $thegrade = 0; $nquestions = 0; $total = 0; $earned = 0; $params = array ("lessonid" => $lesson->id, "userid" => $userid, "retry" => $ntries); if ($useranswers = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_attempts", "lessonid = :lessonid AND userid = :userid AND retry = :retry", $params, "timeseen")) { // group each try with its page $attemptset = array(); foreach ($useranswers as $useranswer) { $attemptset[$useranswer->pageid][] = $useranswer; } // Drop all attempts that go beyond max attempts for the lesson foreach ($attemptset as $key => $set) { $attemptset[$key] = array_slice($set, 0, $lesson->maxattempts); } // get only the pages and their answers that the user answered list($usql, $parameters) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($attemptset)); array_unshift($parameters, $lesson->id); $pages = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = ? AND id $usql", $parameters); $answers = $DB->get_records_select("lesson_answers", "lessonid = ? AND pageid $usql", $parameters); // Number of pages answered $nquestions = count($pages); foreach ($attemptset as $attempts) { $page = lesson_page::load($pages[end($attempts)->pageid], $lesson); if ($lesson->custom) { $attempt = end($attempts); // If essay question, handle it, otherwise add to score if ($page->requires_manual_grading()) { $useranswerobj = unserialize($attempt->useranswer); if (isset($useranswerobj->score)) { $earned += $useranswerobj->score; } $nmanual++; $manualpoints += $answers[$attempt->answerid]->score; } else if (!empty($attempt->answerid)) { $earned += $page->earned_score($answers, $attempt); } } else { foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { $earned += $attempt->correct; } $attempt = end($attempts); // doesn't matter which one // If essay question, increase numbers if ($page->requires_manual_grading()) { $nmanual++; $manualpoints++; } } // Number of times answered $nviewed += count($attempts); } if ($lesson->custom) { $bestscores = array(); // Find the highest possible score per page to get our total foreach ($answers as $answer) { if(!isset($bestscores[$answer->pageid])) { $bestscores[$answer->pageid] = $answer->score; } else if ($bestscores[$answer->pageid] < $answer->score) { $bestscores[$answer->pageid] = $answer->score; } } $total = array_sum($bestscores); } else { // Check to make sure the student has answered the minimum questions if ($lesson->minquestions and $nquestions < $lesson->minquestions) { // Nope, increase number viewed by the amount of unanswered questions $total = $nviewed + ($lesson->minquestions - $nquestions); } else { $total = $nviewed; } } } if ($total) { // not zero $thegrade = round(100 * $earned / $total, 5); } // Build the grade information object $gradeinfo = new stdClass; $gradeinfo->nquestions = $nquestions; $gradeinfo->attempts = $nviewed; $gradeinfo->total = $total; $gradeinfo->earned = $earned; $gradeinfo->grade = $thegrade; $gradeinfo->nmanual = $nmanual; $gradeinfo->manualpoints = $manualpoints; return $gradeinfo; } /** * Determines if a user can view the left menu. The determining factor * is whether a user has a grade greater than or equal to the lesson setting * of displayleftif * * @param object $lesson Lesson object of the current lesson * @return boolean 0 if the user cannot see, or $lesson->displayleft to keep displayleft unchanged **/ function lesson_displayleftif($lesson) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB; if (!empty($lesson->displayleftif)) { // get the current user's max grade for this lesson $params = array ("userid" => $USER->id, "lessonid" => $lesson->id); if ($maxgrade = $DB->get_record_sql('SELECT userid, MAX(grade) AS maxgrade FROM {lesson_grades} WHERE userid = :userid AND lessonid = :lessonid GROUP BY userid', $params)) { if ($maxgrade->maxgrade < $lesson->displayleftif) { return 0; // turn off the displayleft } } else { return 0; // no grades } } // if we get to here, keep the original state of displayleft lesson setting return $lesson->displayleft; } /** * * @param $cm * @param $lesson * @param $page * @return unknown_type */ function lesson_add_fake_blocks($page, $cm, $lesson, $timer = null) { $bc = lesson_menu_block_contents($cm->id, $lesson); if (!empty($bc)) { $regions = $page->blocks->get_regions(); $firstregion = reset($regions); $page->blocks->add_fake_block($bc, $firstregion); } $bc = lesson_mediafile_block_contents($cm->id, $lesson); if (!empty($bc)) { $page->blocks->add_fake_block($bc, $page->blocks->get_default_region()); } if (!empty($timer)) { $bc = lesson_clock_block_contents($cm->id, $lesson, $timer, $page); if (!empty($bc)) { $page->blocks->add_fake_block($bc, $page->blocks->get_default_region()); } } } /** * If there is a media file associated with this * lesson, return a block_contents that displays it. * * @param int $cmid Course Module ID for this lesson * @param object $lesson Full lesson record object * @return block_contents **/ function lesson_mediafile_block_contents($cmid, $lesson) { global $OUTPUT; if (empty($lesson->mediafile)) { return null; } $options = array(); $options['menubar'] = 0; $options['location'] = 0; $options['left'] = 5; $options['top'] = 5; $options['scrollbars'] = 1; $options['resizable'] = 1; $options['width'] = $lesson->mediawidth; $options['height'] = $lesson->mediaheight; $link = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/mediafile.php?id='.$cmid); $action = new popup_action('click', $link, 'lessonmediafile', $options); $content = $OUTPUT->action_link($link, get_string('mediafilepopup', 'lesson'), $action, array('title'=>get_string('mediafilepopup', 'lesson'))); $bc = new block_contents(); $bc->title = get_string('linkedmedia', 'lesson'); $bc->attributes['class'] = 'mediafile'; $bc->content = $content; return $bc; } /** * If a timed lesson and not a teacher, then * return a block_contents containing the clock. * * @param int $cmid Course Module ID for this lesson * @param object $lesson Full lesson record object * @param object $timer Full timer record object * @return block_contents **/ function lesson_clock_block_contents($cmid, $lesson, $timer, $page) { // Display for timed lessons and for students only $context = context_module::instance($cmid); if(!$lesson->timed || has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) { return null; } $content = '
'; $content .= $lesson->time_remaining($timer->starttime); $content .= '
'; $clocksettings = array('starttime'=>$timer->starttime, 'servertime'=>time(),'testlength'=>($lesson->maxtime * 60)); $page->requires->data_for_js('clocksettings', $clocksettings); $page->requires->js('/mod/lesson/timer.js'); $page->requires->js_function_call('show_clock'); $bc = new block_contents(); $bc->title = get_string('timeremaining', 'lesson'); $bc->attributes['class'] = 'clock block'; $bc->content = $content; return $bc; } /** * If left menu is turned on, then this will * print the menu in a block * * @param int $cmid Course Module ID for this lesson * @param lesson $lesson Full lesson record object * @return void **/ function lesson_menu_block_contents($cmid, $lesson) { global $CFG, $DB; if (!$lesson->displayleft) { return null; } $pages = $lesson->load_all_pages(); foreach ($pages as $page) { if ((int)$page->prevpageid === 0) { $pageid = $page->id; break; } } $currentpageid = optional_param('pageid', $pageid, PARAM_INT); if (!$pageid || !$pages) { return null; } $content = '\n
\n"; $bc = new block_contents(); $bc->title = get_string('lessonmenu', 'lesson'); $bc->attributes['class'] = 'menu block'; $bc->content = $content; return $bc; } /** * Adds header buttons to the page for the lesson * * @param object $cm * @param object $context * @param bool $extraeditbuttons * @param int $lessonpageid */ function lesson_add_header_buttons($cm, $context, $extraeditbuttons=false, $lessonpageid=null) { global $CFG, $PAGE, $OUTPUT; if (has_capability('mod/lesson:edit', $context) && $extraeditbuttons) { if ($lessonpageid === null) { print_error('invalidpageid', 'lesson'); } if (!empty($lessonpageid) && $lessonpageid != LESSON_EOL) { $url = new moodle_url('/mod/lesson/editpage.php', array('id'=>$cm->id, 'pageid'=>$lessonpageid, 'edit'=>1)); $PAGE->set_button($OUTPUT->single_button($url, get_string('editpagecontent', 'lesson'))); } } } /** * This is a function used to detect media types and generate html code. * * @global object $CFG * @global object $PAGE * @param object $lesson * @param object $context * @return string $code the html code of media */ function lesson_get_media_html($lesson, $context) { global $CFG, $PAGE, $OUTPUT; require_once("$CFG->libdir/resourcelib.php"); // get the media file link if (strpos($lesson->mediafile, '://') !== false) { $url = new moodle_url($lesson->mediafile); } else { // the timemodified is used to prevent caching problems, instead of '/' we should better read from files table and use sortorder $url = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($context->id, 'mod_lesson', 'mediafile', $lesson->timemodified, '/', ltrim($lesson->mediafile, '/')); } $title = $lesson->mediafile; $clicktoopen = html_writer::link($url, get_string('download')); $mimetype = resourcelib_guess_url_mimetype($url); $extension = resourcelib_get_extension($url->out(false)); $mediarenderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'media'); $embedoptions = array( core_media::OPTION_TRUSTED => true, core_media::OPTION_BLOCK => true ); // find the correct type and print it out if (in_array($mimetype, array('image/gif','image/jpeg','image/png'))) { // It's an image $code = resourcelib_embed_image($url, $title); } else if ($mediarenderer->can_embed_url($url, $embedoptions)) { // Media (audio/video) file. $code = $mediarenderer->embed_url($url, $title, 0, 0, $embedoptions); } else { // anything else - just try object tag enlarged as much as possible $code = resourcelib_embed_general($url, $title, $clicktoopen, $mimetype); } return $code; } /** * Abstract class that page type's MUST inherit from. * * This is the abstract class that ALL add page type forms must extend. * You will notice that all but two of the methods this class contains are final. * Essentially the only thing that extending classes can do is extend custom_definition. * OR if it has a special requirement on creation it can extend construction_override * * @abstract * @copyright 2009 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class lesson_add_page_form_base extends moodleform { /** * This is the classic define that is used to identify this pagetype. * Will be one of LESSON_* * @var int */ public $qtype; /** * The simple string that describes the page type e.g. truefalse, multichoice * @var string */ public $qtypestring; /** * An array of options used in the htmleditor * @var array */ protected $editoroptions = array(); /** * True if this is a standard page of false if it does something special. * Questions are standard pages, branch tables are not * @var bool */ protected $standard = true; /** * Each page type can and should override this to add any custom elements to * the basic form that they want */ public function custom_definition() {} /** * Used to determine if this is a standard page or a special page * @return bool */ public final function is_standard() { return (bool)$this->standard; } /** * Add the required basic elements to the form. * * This method adds the basic elements to the form including title and contents * and then calls custom_definition(); */ public final function definition() { $mform = $this->_form; $editoroptions = $this->_customdata['editoroptions']; $mform->addElement('header', 'qtypeheading', get_string('createaquestionpage', 'lesson', get_string($this->qtypestring, 'lesson'))); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id'); $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('hidden', 'pageid'); $mform->setType('pageid', PARAM_INT); if ($this->standard === true) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'qtype'); $mform->setType('qtype', PARAM_INT); $mform->addElement('text', 'title', get_string('pagetitle', 'lesson'), array('size'=>70)); $mform->setType('title', PARAM_TEXT); $mform->addRule('title', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client'); $this->editoroptions = array('noclean'=>true, 'maxfiles'=>EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'maxbytes'=>$this->_customdata['maxbytes']); $mform->addElement('editor', 'contents_editor', get_string('pagecontents', 'lesson'), null, $this->editoroptions); $mform->setType('contents_editor', PARAM_RAW); $mform->addRule('contents_editor', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client'); } $this->custom_definition(); if ($this->_customdata['edit'] === true) { $mform->addElement('hidden', 'edit', 1); $mform->setType('edit', PARAM_BOOL); $this->add_action_buttons(get_string('cancel'), get_string('savepage', 'lesson')); } else if ($this->qtype === 'questiontype') { $this->add_action_buttons(get_string('cancel'), get_string('addaquestionpage', 'lesson')); } else { $this->add_action_buttons(get_string('cancel'), get_string('savepage', 'lesson')); } } /** * Convenience function: Adds a jumpto select element * * @param string $name * @param string|null $label * @param int $selected The page to select by default */ protected final function add_jumpto($name, $label=null, $selected=LESSON_NEXTPAGE) { $title = get_string("jump", "lesson"); if ($label === null) { $label = $title; } if (is_int($name)) { $name = "jumpto[$name]"; } $this->_form->addElement('select', $name, $label, $this->_customdata['jumpto']); $this->_form->setDefault($name, $selected); $this->_form->addHelpButton($name, 'jumps', 'lesson'); } /** * Convenience function: Adds a score input element * * @param string $name * @param string|null $label * @param mixed $value The default value */ protected final function add_score($name, $label=null, $value=null) { if ($label === null) { $label = get_string("score", "lesson"); } if (is_int($name)) { $name = "score[$name]"; } $this->_form->addElement('text', $name, $label, array('size'=>5)); $this->_form->setType($name, PARAM_INT); if ($value !== null) { $this->_form->setDefault($name, $value); } } /** * Convenience function: Adds an answer editor * * @param int $count The count of the element to add * @param string $label, null means default * @param bool $required * @return void */ protected final function add_answer($count, $label = null, $required = false) { if ($label === null) { $label = get_string('answer', 'lesson'); } $this->_form->addElement('editor', 'answer_editor['.$count.']', $label, array('rows'=>'4', 'columns'=>'80'), array('noclean'=>true)); $this->_form->setDefault('answer_editor['.$count.']', array('text'=>'', 'format'=>FORMAT_MOODLE)); if ($required) { $this->_form->addRule('answer_editor['.$count.']', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client'); } } /** * Convenience function: Adds an response editor * * @param int $count The count of the element to add * @param string $label, null means default * @param bool $required * @return void */ protected final function add_response($count, $label = null, $required = false) { if ($label === null) { $label = get_string('response', 'lesson'); } $this->_form->addElement('editor', 'response_editor['.$count.']', $label, array('rows'=>'4', 'columns'=>'80'), array('noclean'=>true)); $this->_form->setDefault('response_editor['.$count.']', array('text'=>'', 'format'=>FORMAT_MOODLE)); if ($required) { $this->_form->addRule('response_editor['.$count.']', get_string('required'), 'required', null, 'client'); } } /** * A function that gets called upon init of this object by the calling script. * * This can be used to process an immediate action if required. Currently it * is only used in special cases by non-standard page types. * * @return bool */ public function construction_override($pageid, lesson $lesson) { return true; } } /** * Class representation of a lesson * * This class is used the interact with, and manage a lesson once instantiated. * If you need to fetch a lesson object you can do so by calling * * * lesson::load($lessonid); * // or * $lessonrecord = $DB->get_record('lesson', $lessonid); * $lesson = new lesson($lessonrecord); * * * The class itself extends lesson_base as all classes within the lesson module should * * These properties are from the database * @property int $id The id of this lesson * @property int $course The ID of the course this lesson belongs to * @property string $name The name of this lesson * @property int $practice Flag to toggle this as a practice lesson * @property int $modattempts Toggle to allow the user to go back and review answers * @property int $usepassword Toggle the use of a password for entry * @property string $password The password to require users to enter * @property int $dependency ID of another lesson this lesson is dependent on * @property string $conditions Conditions of the lesson dependency * @property int $grade The maximum grade a user can achieve (%) * @property int $custom Toggle custom scoring on or off * @property int $ongoing Toggle display of an ongoing score * @property int $usemaxgrade How retakes are handled (max=1, mean=0) * @property int $maxanswers The max number of answers or branches * @property int $maxattempts The maximum number of attempts a user can record * @property int $review Toggle use or wrong answer review button * @property int $nextpagedefault Override the default next page * @property int $feedback Toggles display of default feedback * @property int $minquestions Sets a minimum value of pages seen when calculating grades * @property int $maxpages Maximum number of pages this lesson can contain * @property int $retake Flag to allow users to retake a lesson * @property int $activitylink Relate this lesson to another lesson * @property string $mediafile File to pop up to or webpage to display * @property int $mediaheight Sets the height of the media file popup * @property int $mediawidth Sets the width of the media file popup * @property int $mediaclose Toggle display of a media close button * @property int $slideshow Flag for whether branch pages should be shown as slideshows * @property int $width Width of slideshow * @property int $height Height of slideshow * @property string $bgcolor Background colour of slideshow * @property int $displayleft Display a left menu * @property int $displayleftif Sets the condition on which the left menu is displayed * @property int $progressbar Flag to toggle display of a lesson progress bar * @property int $highscores Flag to toggle collection of high scores * @property int $maxhighscores Number of high scores to limit to * @property int $available Timestamp of when this lesson becomes available * @property int $deadline Timestamp of when this lesson is no longer available * @property int $timemodified Timestamp when lesson was last modified * * These properties are calculated * @property int $firstpageid Id of the first page of this lesson (prevpageid=0) * @property int $lastpageid Id of the last page of this lesson (nextpageid=0) * * @copyright 2009 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class lesson extends lesson_base { /** * The id of the first page (where prevpageid = 0) gets set and retrieved by * {@see get_firstpageid()} by directly calling $lesson->firstpageid; * @var int */ protected $firstpageid = null; /** * The id of the last page (where nextpageid = 0) gets set and retrieved by * {@see get_lastpageid()} by directly calling $lesson->lastpageid; * @var int */ protected $lastpageid = null; /** * An array used to cache the pages associated with this lesson after the first * time they have been loaded. * A note to developers: If you are going to be working with MORE than one or * two pages from a lesson you should probably call {@see $lesson->load_all_pages()} * in order to save excess database queries. * @var array An array of lesson_page objects */ protected $pages = array(); /** * Flag that gets set to true once all of the pages associated with the lesson * have been loaded. * @var bool */ protected $loadedallpages = false; /** * Simply generates a lesson object given an array/object of properties * Overrides {@see lesson_base->create()} * @static * @param object|array $properties * @return lesson */ public static function create($properties) { return new lesson($properties); } /** * Generates a lesson object from the database given its id * @static * @param int $lessonid * @return lesson */ public static function load($lessonid) { global $DB; if (!$lesson = $DB->get_record('lesson', array('id' => $lessonid))) { print_error('invalidcoursemodule'); } return new lesson($lesson); } /** * Deletes this lesson from the database */ public function delete() { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/gradelib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/calendar/lib.php'); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('lesson', $this->properties->id, $this->properties->course); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); $DB->delete_records("lesson", array("id"=>$this->properties->id)); $DB->delete_records("lesson_pages", array("lessonid"=>$this->properties->id)); $DB->delete_records("lesson_answers", array("lessonid"=>$this->properties->id)); $DB->delete_records("lesson_attempts", array("lessonid"=>$this->properties->id)); $DB->delete_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$this->properties->id)); $DB->delete_records("lesson_timer", array("lessonid"=>$this->properties->id)); $DB->delete_records("lesson_branch", array("lessonid"=>$this->properties->id)); $DB->delete_records("lesson_high_scores", array("lessonid"=>$this->properties->id)); if ($events = $DB->get_records('event', array("modulename"=>'lesson', "instance"=>$this->properties->id))) { foreach($events as $event) { $event = calendar_event::load($event); $event->delete(); } } // Delete files associated with this module. $fs = get_file_storage(); $fs->delete_area_files($context->id); grade_update('mod/lesson', $this->properties->course, 'mod', 'lesson', $this->properties->id, 0, null, array('deleted'=>1)); return true; } /** * Fetches messages from the session that may have been set in previous page * actions. * * * // Do not call this method directly instead use * $lesson->messages; * * * @return array */ protected function get_messages() { global $SESSION; $messages = array(); if (!empty($SESSION->lesson_messages) && is_array($SESSION->lesson_messages) && array_key_exists($this->properties->id, $SESSION->lesson_messages)) { $messages = $SESSION->lesson_messages[$this->properties->id]; unset($SESSION->lesson_messages[$this->properties->id]); } return $messages; } /** * Get all of the attempts for the current user. * * @param int $retries * @param bool $correct Optional: only fetch correct attempts * @param int $pageid Optional: only fetch attempts at the given page * @param int $userid Optional: defaults to the current user if not set * @return array|false */ public function get_attempts($retries, $correct=false, $pageid=null, $userid=null) { global $USER, $DB; $params = array("lessonid"=>$this->properties->id, "userid"=>$userid, "retry"=>$retries); if ($correct) { $params['correct'] = 1; } if ($pageid !== null) { $params['pageid'] = $pageid; } if ($userid === null) { $params['userid'] = $USER->id; } return $DB->get_records('lesson_attempts', $params, 'timeseen ASC'); } /** * Returns the first page for the lesson or false if there isn't one. * * This method should be called via the magic method __get(); * * $firstpage = $lesson->firstpage; * * * @return lesson_page|bool Returns the lesson_page specialised object or false */ protected function get_firstpage() { $pages = $this->load_all_pages(); if (count($pages) > 0) { foreach ($pages as $page) { if ((int)$page->prevpageid === 0) { return $page; } } } return false; } /** * Returns the last page for the lesson or false if there isn't one. * * This method should be called via the magic method __get(); * * $lastpage = $lesson->lastpage; * * * @return lesson_page|bool Returns the lesson_page specialised object or false */ protected function get_lastpage() { $pages = $this->load_all_pages(); if (count($pages) > 0) { foreach ($pages as $page) { if ((int)$page->nextpageid === 0) { return $page; } } } return false; } /** * Returns the id of the first page of this lesson. (prevpageid = 0) * @return int */ protected function get_firstpageid() { global $DB; if ($this->firstpageid == null) { if (!$this->loadedallpages) { $firstpageid = $DB->get_field('lesson_pages', 'id', array('lessonid'=>$this->properties->id, 'prevpageid'=>0)); if (!$firstpageid) { print_error('cannotfindfirstpage', 'lesson'); } $this->firstpageid = $firstpageid; } else { $firstpage = $this->get_firstpage(); $this->firstpageid = $firstpage->id; } } return $this->firstpageid; } /** * Returns the id of the last page of this lesson. (nextpageid = 0) * @return int */ public function get_lastpageid() { global $DB; if ($this->lastpageid == null) { if (!$this->loadedallpages) { $lastpageid = $DB->get_field('lesson_pages', 'id', array('lessonid'=>$this->properties->id, 'nextpageid'=>0)); if (!$lastpageid) { print_error('cannotfindlastpage', 'lesson'); } $this->lastpageid = $lastpageid; } else { $lastpageid = $this->get_lastpage(); $this->lastpageid = $lastpageid->id; } } return $this->lastpageid; } /** * Gets the next page id to display after the one that is provided. * @param int $nextpageid * @return bool */ public function get_next_page($nextpageid) { global $USER, $DB; $allpages = $this->load_all_pages(); if ($this->properties->nextpagedefault) { // in Flash Card mode...first get number of retakes $nretakes = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid" => $this->properties->id, "userid" => $USER->id)); shuffle($allpages); $found = false; if ($this->properties->nextpagedefault == LESSON_UNSEENPAGE) { foreach ($allpages as $nextpage) { if (!$DB->count_records("lesson_attempts", array("pageid" => $nextpage->id, "userid" => $USER->id, "retry" => $nretakes))) { $found = true; break; } } } elseif ($this->properties->nextpagedefault == LESSON_UNANSWEREDPAGE) { foreach ($allpages as $nextpage) { if (!$DB->count_records("lesson_attempts", array('pageid' => $nextpage->id, 'userid' => $USER->id, 'correct' => 1, 'retry' => $nretakes))) { $found = true; break; } } } if ($found) { if ($this->properties->maxpages) { // check number of pages viewed (in the lesson) if ($DB->count_records("lesson_attempts", array("lessonid" => $this->properties->id, "userid" => $USER->id, "retry" => $nretakes)) >= $this->properties->maxpages) { return LESSON_EOL; } } return $nextpage->id; } } // In a normal lesson mode foreach ($allpages as $nextpage) { if ((int)$nextpage->id === (int)$nextpageid) { return $nextpage->id; } } return LESSON_EOL; } /** * Sets a message against the session for this lesson that will displayed next * time the lesson processes messages * * @param string $message * @param string $class * @param string $align * @return bool */ public function add_message($message, $class="notifyproblem", $align='center') { global $SESSION; if (empty($SESSION->lesson_messages) || !is_array($SESSION->lesson_messages)) { $SESSION->lesson_messages = array(); $SESSION->lesson_messages[$this->properties->id] = array(); } else if (!array_key_exists($this->properties->id, $SESSION->lesson_messages)) { $SESSION->lesson_messages[$this->properties->id] = array(); } $SESSION->lesson_messages[$this->properties->id][] = array($message, $class, $align); return true; } /** * Check if the lesson is accessible at the present time * @return bool True if the lesson is accessible, false otherwise */ public function is_accessible() { $available = $this->properties->available; $deadline = $this->properties->deadline; return (($available == 0 || time() >= $available) && ($deadline == 0 || time() < $deadline)); } /** * Starts the lesson time for the current user * @return bool Returns true */ public function start_timer() { global $USER, $DB; $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('lesson', $this->properties()->id, $this->properties()->course, false, MUST_EXIST); // Trigger lesson started event. $event = \mod_lesson\event\lesson_started::create(array( 'objectid' => $this->properties()->id, 'context' => context_module::instance($cm->id), 'courseid' => $this->properties()->course )); $event->trigger(); $USER->startlesson[$this->properties->id] = true; $startlesson = new stdClass; $startlesson->lessonid = $this->properties->id; $startlesson->userid = $USER->id; $startlesson->starttime = time(); $startlesson->lessontime = time(); $DB->insert_record('lesson_timer', $startlesson); if ($this->properties->timed) { $this->add_message(get_string('maxtimewarning', 'lesson', $this->properties->maxtime), 'center'); } return true; } /** * Updates the timer to the current time and returns the new timer object * @param bool $restart If set to true the timer is restarted * @param bool $continue If set to true AND $restart=true then the timer * will continue from a previous attempt * @return stdClass The new timer */ public function update_timer($restart=false, $continue=false) { global $USER, $DB; // clock code // get time information for this user if (!$timer = $DB->get_records('lesson_timer', array ("lessonid" => $this->properties->id, "userid" => $USER->id), 'starttime DESC', '*', 0, 1)) { print_error('cannotfindtimer', 'lesson'); } else { $timer = current($timer); // this will get the latest start time record } if ($restart) { if ($continue) { // continue a previous test, need to update the clock (think this option is disabled atm) $timer->starttime = time() - ($timer->lessontime - $timer->starttime); } else { // starting over, so reset the clock $timer->starttime = time(); } } $timer->lessontime = time(); $DB->update_record('lesson_timer', $timer); return $timer; } /** * Updates the timer to the current time then stops it by unsetting the user var * @return bool Returns true */ public function stop_timer() { global $USER, $DB; unset($USER->startlesson[$this->properties->id]); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('lesson', $this->properties()->id, $this->properties()->course, false, MUST_EXIST); // Trigger lesson ended event. $event = \mod_lesson\event\lesson_ended::create(array( 'objectid' => $this->properties()->id, 'context' => context_module::instance($cm->id), 'courseid' => $this->properties()->course )); $event->trigger(); return $this->update_timer(false, false); } /** * Checks to see if the lesson has pages */ public function has_pages() { global $DB; $pagecount = $DB->count_records('lesson_pages', array('lessonid'=>$this->properties->id)); return ($pagecount>0); } /** * Returns the link for the related activity * @return array|false */ public function link_for_activitylink() { global $DB; $module = $DB->get_record('course_modules', array('id' => $this->properties->activitylink)); if ($module) { $modname = $DB->get_field('modules', 'name', array('id' => $module->module)); if ($modname) { $instancename = $DB->get_field($modname, 'name', array('id' => $module->instance)); if ($instancename) { return html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/'.$modname.'/view.php', array('id'=>$this->properties->activitylink)), get_string('activitylinkname', 'lesson', $instancename), array('class'=>'centerpadded lessonbutton standardbutton')); } } } return ''; } /** * Loads the requested page. * * This function will return the requested page id as either a specialised * lesson_page object OR as a generic lesson_page. * If the page has been loaded previously it will be returned from the pages * array, otherwise it will be loaded from the database first * * @param int $pageid * @return lesson_page A lesson_page object or an object that extends it */ public function load_page($pageid) { if (!array_key_exists($pageid, $this->pages)) { $manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($this); $this->pages[$pageid] = $manager->load_page($pageid, $this); } return $this->pages[$pageid]; } /** * Loads ALL of the pages for this lesson * * @return array An array containing all pages from this lesson */ public function load_all_pages() { if (!$this->loadedallpages) { $manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($this); $this->pages = $manager->load_all_pages($this); $this->loadedallpages = true; } return $this->pages; } /** * Determines if a jumpto value is correct or not. * * returns true if jumpto page is (logically) after the pageid page or * if the jumpto value is a special value. Returns false in all other cases. * * @param int $pageid Id of the page from which you are jumping from. * @param int $jumpto The jumpto number. * @return boolean True or false after a series of tests. **/ public function jumpto_is_correct($pageid, $jumpto) { global $DB; // first test the special values if (!$jumpto) { // same page return false; } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) { return true; } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { return true; } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_RANDOMPAGE) { return true; } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP) { return true; } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_EOL) { return true; } $pages = $this->load_all_pages(); $apageid = $pages[$pageid]->nextpageid; while ($apageid != 0) { if ($jumpto == $apageid) { return true; } $apageid = $pages[$apageid]->nextpageid; } return false; } /** * Returns the time a user has remaining on this lesson * @param int $starttime Starttime timestamp * @return string */ public function time_remaining($starttime) { $timeleft = $starttime + $this->maxtime * 60 - time(); $hours = floor($timeleft/3600); $timeleft = $timeleft - ($hours * 3600); $minutes = floor($timeleft/60); $secs = $timeleft - ($minutes * 60); if ($minutes < 10) { $minutes = "0$minutes"; } if ($secs < 10) { $secs = "0$secs"; } $output = array(); $output[] = $hours; $output[] = $minutes; $output[] = $secs; $output = implode(':', $output); return $output; } /** * Interprets LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP jumpto value. * * This will select a page randomly * and the page selected will be inbetween a cluster page and end of clutter or end of lesson * and the page selected will be a page that has not been viewed already * and if any pages are within a branch table or end of branch then only 1 page within * the branch table or end of branch will be randomly selected (sub clustering). * * @param int $pageid Id of the current page from which we are jumping from. * @param int $userid Id of the user. * @return int The id of the next page. **/ public function cluster_jump($pageid, $userid=null) { global $DB, $USER; if ($userid===null) { $userid = $USER->id; } // get the number of retakes if (!$retakes = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$this->properties->id, "userid"=>$userid))) { $retakes = 0; } // get all the lesson_attempts aka what the user has seen $seenpages = array(); if ($attempts = $this->get_attempts($retakes)) { foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { $seenpages[$attempt->pageid] = $attempt->pageid; } } // get the lesson pages $lessonpages = $this->load_all_pages(); // find the start of the cluster while ($pageid != 0) { // this condition should not be satisfied... should be a cluster page if ($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_CLUSTER) { break; } $pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->prevpageid; } $clusterpages = array(); $clusterpages = $this->get_sub_pages_of($pageid, array(LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFCLUSTER)); $unseen = array(); foreach ($clusterpages as $key=>$cluster) { if ($cluster->type !== lesson_page::TYPE_QUESTION) { unset($clusterpages[$key]); } elseif ($cluster->is_unseen($seenpages)) { $unseen[] = $cluster; } } if (count($unseen) > 0) { // it does not contain elements, then use exitjump, otherwise find out next page/branch $nextpage = $unseen[rand(0, count($unseen)-1)]; if ($nextpage->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE) { // if branch table, then pick a random page inside of it $branchpages = $this->get_sub_pages_of($nextpage->id, array(LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE, LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFBRANCH)); return $branchpages[rand(0, count($branchpages)-1)]->id; } else { // otherwise, return the page's id return $nextpage->id; } } else { // seen all there is to see, leave the cluster if (end($clusterpages)->nextpageid == 0) { return LESSON_EOL; } else { $clusterendid = $pageid; while ($clusterendid != 0) { // this condition should not be satisfied... should be a cluster page if ($lessonpages[$clusterendid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_CLUSTER) { break; } $clusterendid = $lessonpages[$clusterendid]->prevpageid; } $exitjump = $DB->get_field("lesson_answers", "jumpto", array("pageid" => $clusterendid, "lessonid" => $this->properties->id)); if ($exitjump == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) { $exitjump = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; } if ($exitjump == 0) { return LESSON_EOL; } else if (in_array($exitjump, array(LESSON_EOL, LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE))) { return $exitjump; } else { if (!array_key_exists($exitjump, $lessonpages)) { $found = false; foreach ($lessonpages as $page) { if ($page->id === $clusterendid) { $found = true; } else if ($page->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFCLUSTER) { $exitjump = $DB->get_field("lesson_answers", "jumpto", array("pageid" => $page->id, "lessonid" => $this->properties->id)); break; } } } if (!array_key_exists($exitjump, $lessonpages)) { return LESSON_EOL; } return $exitjump; } } } } /** * Finds all pages that appear to be a subtype of the provided pageid until * an end point specified within $ends is encountered or no more pages exist * * @param int $pageid * @param array $ends An array of LESSON_PAGE_* types that signify an end of * the subtype * @return array An array of specialised lesson_page objects */ public function get_sub_pages_of($pageid, array $ends) { $lessonpages = $this->load_all_pages(); $pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; // move to the first page after the branch table $pages = array(); while (true) { if ($pageid == 0 || in_array($lessonpages[$pageid]->qtype, $ends)) { break; } $pages[] = $lessonpages[$pageid]; $pageid = $lessonpages[$pageid]->nextpageid; } return $pages; } /** * Checks to see if the specified page[id] is a subpage of a type specified in * the $types array, until either there are no more pages of we find a type * corresponding to that of a type specified in $ends * * @param int $pageid The id of the page to check * @param array $types An array of types that would signify this page was a subpage * @param array $ends An array of types that mean this is not a subpage * @return bool */ public function is_sub_page_of_type($pageid, array $types, array $ends) { $pages = $this->load_all_pages(); $pageid = $pages[$pageid]->prevpageid; // move up one array_unshift($ends, 0); // go up the pages till branch table while (true) { if ($pageid==0 || in_array($pages[$pageid]->qtype, $ends)) { return false; } else if (in_array($pages[$pageid]->qtype, $types)) { return true; } $pageid = $pages[$pageid]->prevpageid; } } } /** * Abstract class to provide a core functions to the all lesson classes * * This class should be abstracted by ALL classes with the lesson module to ensure * that all classes within this module can be interacted with in the same way. * * This class provides the user with a basic properties array that can be fetched * or set via magic methods, or alternatively by defining methods get_blah() or * set_blah() within the extending object. * * @copyright 2009 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class lesson_base { /** * An object containing properties * @var stdClass */ protected $properties; /** * The constructor * @param stdClass $properties */ public function __construct($properties) { $this->properties = (object)$properties; } /** * Magic property method * * Attempts to call a set_$key method if one exists otherwise falls back * to simply set the property * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value */ public function __set($key, $value) { if (method_exists($this, 'set_'.$key)) { $this->{'set_'.$key}($value); } $this->properties->{$key} = $value; } /** * Magic get method * * Attempts to call a get_$key method to return the property and ralls over * to return the raw property * * @param str $key * @return mixed */ public function __get($key) { if (method_exists($this, 'get_'.$key)) { return $this->{'get_'.$key}(); } return $this->properties->{$key}; } /** * Stupid PHP needs an isset magic method if you use the get magic method and * still want empty calls to work.... blah ~! * * @param string $key * @return bool */ public function __isset($key) { if (method_exists($this, 'get_'.$key)) { $val = $this->{'get_'.$key}(); return !empty($val); } return !empty($this->properties->{$key}); } //NOTE: E_STRICT does not allow to change function signature! /** * If implemented should create a new instance, save it in the DB and return it */ //public static function create() {} /** * If implemented should load an instance from the DB and return it */ //public static function load() {} /** * Fetches all of the properties of the object * @return stdClass */ public function properties() { return $this->properties; } } /** * Abstract class representation of a page associated with a lesson. * * This class should MUST be extended by all specialised page types defined in * mod/lesson/pagetypes/. * There are a handful of abstract methods that need to be defined as well as * severl methods that can optionally be defined in order to make the page type * operate in the desired way * * Database properties * @property int $id The id of this lesson page * @property int $lessonid The id of the lesson this page belongs to * @property int $prevpageid The id of the page before this one * @property int $nextpageid The id of the next page in the page sequence * @property int $qtype Identifies the page type of this page * @property int $qoption Used to record page type specific options * @property int $layout Used to record page specific layout selections * @property int $display Used to record page specific display selections * @property int $timecreated Timestamp for when the page was created * @property int $timemodified Timestamp for when the page was last modified * @property string $title The title of this page * @property string $contents The rich content shown to describe the page * @property int $contentsformat The format of the contents field * * Calculated properties * @property-read array $answers An array of answers for this page * @property-read bool $displayinmenublock Toggles display in the left menu block * @property-read array $jumps An array containing all the jumps this page uses * @property-read lesson $lesson The lesson this page belongs to * @property-read int $type The type of the page [question | structure] * @property-read typeid The unique identifier for the page type * @property-read typestring The string that describes this page type * * @abstract * @copyright 2009 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ abstract class lesson_page extends lesson_base { /** * A reference to the lesson this page belongs to * @var lesson */ protected $lesson = null; /** * Contains the answers to this lesson_page once loaded * @var null|array */ protected $answers = null; /** * This sets the type of the page, can be one of the constants defined below * @var int */ protected $type = 0; /** * Constants used to identify the type of the page */ const TYPE_QUESTION = 0; const TYPE_STRUCTURE = 1; /** * This method should return the integer used to identify the page type within * the database and throughout code. This maps back to the defines used in 1.x * @abstract * @return int */ abstract protected function get_typeid(); /** * This method should return the string that describes the pagetype * @abstract * @return string */ abstract protected function get_typestring(); /** * This method gets called to display the page to the user taking the lesson * @abstract * @param object $renderer * @param object $attempt * @return string */ abstract public function display($renderer, $attempt); /** * Creates a new lesson_page within the database and returns the correct pagetype * object to use to interact with the new lesson * * @final * @static * @param object $properties * @param lesson $lesson * @return lesson_page Specialised object that extends lesson_page */ final public static function create($properties, lesson $lesson, $context, $maxbytes) { global $DB; $newpage = new stdClass; $newpage->title = $properties->title; $newpage->contents = $properties->contents_editor['text']; $newpage->contentsformat = $properties->contents_editor['format']; $newpage->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newpage->timecreated = time(); $newpage->qtype = $properties->qtype; $newpage->qoption = (isset($properties->qoption))?1:0; $newpage->layout = (isset($properties->layout))?1:0; $newpage->display = (isset($properties->display))?1:0; $newpage->prevpageid = 0; // this is a first page $newpage->nextpageid = 0; // this is the only page if ($properties->pageid) { $prevpage = $DB->get_record("lesson_pages", array("id" => $properties->pageid), 'id, nextpageid'); if (!$prevpage) { print_error('cannotfindpages', 'lesson'); } $newpage->prevpageid = $prevpage->id; $newpage->nextpageid = $prevpage->nextpageid; } else { $nextpage = $DB->get_record('lesson_pages', array('lessonid'=>$lesson->id, 'prevpageid'=>0), 'id'); if ($nextpage) { // This is the first page, there are existing pages put this at the start $newpage->nextpageid = $nextpage->id; } } $newpage->id = $DB->insert_record("lesson_pages", $newpage); $editor = new stdClass; $editor->id = $newpage->id; $editor->contents_editor = $properties->contents_editor; $editor = file_postupdate_standard_editor($editor, 'contents', array('noclean'=>true, 'maxfiles'=>EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'maxbytes'=>$maxbytes), $context, 'mod_lesson', 'page_contents', $editor->id); $DB->update_record("lesson_pages", $editor); if ($newpage->prevpageid > 0) { $DB->set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $newpage->id, array("id" => $newpage->prevpageid)); } if ($newpage->nextpageid > 0) { $DB->set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $newpage->id, array("id" => $newpage->nextpageid)); } $page = lesson_page::load($newpage, $lesson); $page->create_answers($properties); $lesson->add_message(get_string('insertedpage', 'lesson').': '.format_string($newpage->title, true), 'notifysuccess'); return $page; } /** * This method loads a page object from the database and returns it as a * specialised object that extends lesson_page * * @final * @static * @param int $id * @param lesson $lesson * @return lesson_page Specialised lesson_page object */ final public static function load($id, lesson $lesson) { global $DB; if (is_object($id) && !empty($id->qtype)) { $page = $id; } else { $page = $DB->get_record("lesson_pages", array("id" => $id)); if (!$page) { print_error('cannotfindpages', 'lesson'); } } $manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($lesson); $class = 'lesson_page_type_'.$manager->get_page_type_idstring($page->qtype); if (!class_exists($class)) { $class = 'lesson_page'; } return new $class($page, $lesson); } /** * Deletes a lesson_page from the database as well as any associated records. * @final * @return bool */ final public function delete() { global $DB; // first delete all the associated records... $DB->delete_records("lesson_attempts", array("pageid" => $this->properties->id)); // ...now delete the answers... $DB->delete_records("lesson_answers", array("pageid" => $this->properties->id)); // ..and the page itself $DB->delete_records("lesson_pages", array("id" => $this->properties->id)); // Delete files associated with this page. $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('lesson', $this->lesson->id, $this->lesson->course); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); $fs = get_file_storage(); $fs->delete_area_files($context->id, 'mod_lesson', 'page_contents', $this->properties->id); // repair the hole in the linkage if (!$this->properties->prevpageid && !$this->properties->nextpageid) { //This is the only page, no repair needed } elseif (!$this->properties->prevpageid) { // this is the first page... $page = $this->lesson->load_page($this->properties->nextpageid); $page->move(null, 0); } elseif (!$this->properties->nextpageid) { // this is the last page... $page = $this->lesson->load_page($this->properties->prevpageid); $page->move(0); } else { // page is in the middle... $prevpage = $this->lesson->load_page($this->properties->prevpageid); $nextpage = $this->lesson->load_page($this->properties->nextpageid); $prevpage->move($nextpage->id); $nextpage->move(null, $prevpage->id); } return true; } /** * Moves a page by updating its nextpageid and prevpageid values within * the database * * @final * @param int $nextpageid * @param int $prevpageid */ final public function move($nextpageid=null, $prevpageid=null) { global $DB; if ($nextpageid === null) { $nextpageid = $this->properties->nextpageid; } if ($prevpageid === null) { $prevpageid = $this->properties->prevpageid; } $obj = new stdClass; $obj->id = $this->properties->id; $obj->prevpageid = $prevpageid; $obj->nextpageid = $nextpageid; $DB->update_record('lesson_pages', $obj); } /** * Returns the answers that are associated with this page in the database * * @final * @return array */ final public function get_answers() { global $DB; if ($this->answers === null) { $this->answers = array(); $answers = $DB->get_records('lesson_answers', array('pageid'=>$this->properties->id, 'lessonid'=>$this->lesson->id), 'id'); if (!$answers) { // It is possible that a lesson upgraded from Moodle 1.9 still // contains questions without any answers [MDL-25632]. // debugging(get_string('cannotfindanswer', 'lesson')); return array(); } foreach ($answers as $answer) { $this->answers[count($this->answers)] = new lesson_page_answer($answer); } } return $this->answers; } /** * Returns the lesson this page is associated with * @final * @return lesson */ final protected function get_lesson() { return $this->lesson; } /** * Returns the type of page this is. Not to be confused with page type * @final * @return int */ final protected function get_type() { return $this->type; } /** * Records an attempt at this page * * @final * @global moodle_database $DB * @param stdClass $context * @return stdClass Returns the result of the attempt */ final public function record_attempt($context) { global $DB, $USER, $OUTPUT; /** * This should be overridden by each page type to actually check the response * against what ever custom criteria they have defined */ $result = $this->check_answer(); $result->attemptsremaining = 0; $result->maxattemptsreached = false; if ($result->noanswer) { $result->newpageid = $this->properties->id; // display same page again $result->feedback = get_string('noanswer', 'lesson'); } else { if (!has_capability('mod/lesson:manage', $context)) { $nretakes = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$this->lesson->id, "userid"=>$USER->id)); // record student's attempt $attempt = new stdClass; $attempt->lessonid = $this->lesson->id; $attempt->pageid = $this->properties->id; $attempt->userid = $USER->id; $attempt->answerid = $result->answerid; $attempt->retry = $nretakes; $attempt->correct = $result->correctanswer; if($result->userresponse !== null) { $attempt->useranswer = $result->userresponse; } $attempt->timeseen = time(); // if allow modattempts, then update the old attempt record, otherwise, insert new answer record if (isset($USER->modattempts[$this->lesson->id])) { $attempt->retry = $nretakes - 1; // they are going through on review, $nretakes will be too high } if ($this->lesson->retake || (!$this->lesson->retake && $nretakes == 0)) { $DB->insert_record("lesson_attempts", $attempt); } // "number of attempts remaining" message if $this->lesson->maxattempts > 1 // displaying of message(s) is at the end of page for more ergonomic display if (!$result->correctanswer && ($result->newpageid == 0)) { // wrong answer and student is stuck on this page - check how many attempts // the student has had at this page/question $nattempts = $DB->count_records("lesson_attempts", array("pageid"=>$this->properties->id, "userid"=>$USER->id, "retry" => $attempt->retry)); // retreive the number of attempts left counter for displaying at bottom of feedback page if ($nattempts >= $this->lesson->maxattempts) { if ($this->lesson->maxattempts > 1) { // don't bother with message if only one attempt $result->maxattemptsreached = true; } $result->newpageid = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; } else if ($this->lesson->maxattempts > 1) { // don't bother with message if only one attempt $result->attemptsremaining = $this->lesson->maxattempts - $nattempts; } } } // TODO: merge this code with the jump code below. Convert jumpto page into a proper page id if ($result->newpageid == 0) { $result->newpageid = $this->properties->id; } elseif ($result->newpageid == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) { $result->newpageid = $this->lesson->get_next_page($this->properties->nextpageid); } // Determine default feedback if necessary if (empty($result->response)) { if (!$this->lesson->feedback && !$result->noanswer && !($this->lesson->review & !$result->correctanswer && !$result->isessayquestion)) { // These conditions have been met: // 1. The lesson manager has not supplied feedback to the student // 2. Not displaying default feedback // 3. The user did provide an answer // 4. We are not reviewing with an incorrect answer (and not reviewing an essay question) $result->nodefaultresponse = true; // This will cause a redirect below } else if ($result->isessayquestion) { $result->response = get_string('defaultessayresponse', 'lesson'); } else if ($result->correctanswer) { $result->response = get_string('thatsthecorrectanswer', 'lesson'); } else { $result->response = get_string('thatsthewronganswer', 'lesson'); } } if ($result->response) { if ($this->lesson->review && !$result->correctanswer && !$result->isessayquestion) { $nretakes = $DB->count_records("lesson_grades", array("lessonid"=>$this->lesson->id, "userid"=>$USER->id)); $qattempts = $DB->count_records("lesson_attempts", array("userid"=>$USER->id, "retry"=>$nretakes, "pageid"=>$this->properties->id)); if ($qattempts == 1) { $result->feedback = $OUTPUT->box(get_string("firstwrong", "lesson"), 'feedback'); } else { $result->feedback = $OUTPUT->BOX(get_string("secondpluswrong", "lesson"), 'feedback'); } } else { $class = 'response'; if ($result->correctanswer) { $class .= ' correct'; //CSS over-ride this if they exist (!important) } else if (!$result->isessayquestion) { $class .= ' incorrect'; //CSS over-ride this if they exist (!important) } $options = new stdClass; $options->noclean = true; $options->para = true; $options->overflowdiv = true; $result->feedback = $OUTPUT->box(format_text($this->get_contents(), $this->properties->contentsformat, $options), 'generalbox boxaligncenter'); $result->feedback .= '
'.get_string("youranswer", "lesson").' : '.$result->studentanswer; // already in clean html $result->feedback .= $OUTPUT->box($result->response, $class); // already conerted to HTML $result->feedback .= '
'; } } } return $result; } /** * Returns the string for a jump name * * @final * @param int $jumpto Jump code or page ID * @return string **/ final protected function get_jump_name($jumpto) { global $DB; static $jumpnames = array(); if (!array_key_exists($jumpto, $jumpnames)) { if ($jumpto == LESSON_THISPAGE) { $jumptitle = get_string('thispage', 'lesson'); } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) { $jumptitle = get_string('nextpage', 'lesson'); } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_EOL) { $jumptitle = get_string('endoflesson', 'lesson'); } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { $jumptitle = get_string('unseenpageinbranch', 'lesson'); } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE) { $jumptitle = get_string('previouspage', 'lesson'); } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_RANDOMPAGE) { $jumptitle = get_string('randompageinbranch', 'lesson'); } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH) { $jumptitle = get_string('randombranch', 'lesson'); } elseif ($jumpto == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP) { $jumptitle = get_string('clusterjump', 'lesson'); } else { if (!$jumptitle = $DB->get_field('lesson_pages', 'title', array('id' => $jumpto))) { $jumptitle = ''.get_string('notdefined', 'lesson').''; } } $jumpnames[$jumpto] = format_string($jumptitle,true); } return $jumpnames[$jumpto]; } /** * Constructor method * @param object $properties * @param lesson $lesson */ public function __construct($properties, lesson $lesson) { parent::__construct($properties); $this->lesson = $lesson; } /** * Returns the score for the attempt * This may be overridden by page types that require manual grading * @param array $answers * @param object $attempt * @return int */ public function earned_score($answers, $attempt) { return $answers[$attempt->answerid]->score; } /** * This is a callback method that can be override and gets called when ever a page * is viewed * * @param bool $canmanage True if the user has the manage cap * @return mixed */ public function callback_on_view($canmanage) { return true; } /** * Updates a lesson page and its answers within the database * * @param object $properties * @return bool */ public function update($properties, $context = null, $maxbytes = null) { global $DB, $PAGE; $answers = $this->get_answers(); $properties->id = $this->properties->id; $properties->lessonid = $this->lesson->id; if (empty($properties->qoption)) { $properties->qoption = '0'; } if (empty($context)) { $context = $PAGE->context; } if ($maxbytes === null) { $maxbytes = get_user_max_upload_file_size($context); } $properties->timemodified = time(); $properties = file_postupdate_standard_editor($properties, 'contents', array('noclean'=>true, 'maxfiles'=>EDITOR_UNLIMITED_FILES, 'maxbytes'=>$maxbytes), $context, 'mod_lesson', 'page_contents', $properties->id); $DB->update_record("lesson_pages", $properties); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->lesson->maxanswers; $i++) { if (!array_key_exists($i, $this->answers)) { $this->answers[$i] = new stdClass; $this->answers[$i]->lessonid = $this->lesson->id; $this->answers[$i]->pageid = $this->id; $this->answers[$i]->timecreated = $this->timecreated; } if (!empty($properties->answer_editor[$i]) && is_array($properties->answer_editor[$i])) { $this->answers[$i]->answer = $properties->answer_editor[$i]['text']; $this->answers[$i]->answerformat = $properties->answer_editor[$i]['format']; } if (!empty($properties->response_editor[$i]) && is_array($properties->response_editor[$i])) { $this->answers[$i]->response = $properties->response_editor[$i]['text']; $this->answers[$i]->responseformat = $properties->response_editor[$i]['format']; } // we don't need to check for isset here because properties called it's own isset method. if ($this->answers[$i]->answer != '') { if (isset($properties->jumpto[$i])) { $this->answers[$i]->jumpto = $properties->jumpto[$i]; } if ($this->lesson->custom && isset($properties->score[$i])) { $this->answers[$i]->score = $properties->score[$i]; } if (!isset($this->answers[$i]->id)) { $this->answers[$i]->id = $DB->insert_record("lesson_answers", $this->answers[$i]); } else { $DB->update_record("lesson_answers", $this->answers[$i]->properties()); } } else if (isset($this->answers[$i]->id)) { $DB->delete_records('lesson_answers', array('id'=>$this->answers[$i]->id)); unset($this->answers[$i]); } } return true; } /** * Can be set to true if the page requires a static link to create a new instance * instead of simply being included in the dropdown * @param int $previd * @return bool */ public function add_page_link($previd) { return false; } /** * Returns true if a page has been viewed before * * @param array|int $param Either an array of pages that have been seen or the * number of retakes a user has had * @return bool */ public function is_unseen($param) { global $USER, $DB; if (is_array($param)) { $seenpages = $param; return (!array_key_exists($this->properties->id, $seenpages)); } else { $nretakes = $param; if (!$DB->count_records("lesson_attempts", array("pageid"=>$this->properties->id, "userid"=>$USER->id, "retry"=>$nretakes))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks to see if a page has been answered previously * @param int $nretakes * @return bool */ public function is_unanswered($nretakes) { global $DB, $USER; if (!$DB->count_records("lesson_attempts", array('pageid'=>$this->properties->id, 'userid'=>$USER->id, 'correct'=>1, 'retry'=>$nretakes))) { return true; } return false; } /** * Creates answers within the database for this lesson_page. Usually only ever * called when creating a new page instance * @param object $properties * @return array */ public function create_answers($properties) { global $DB; // now add the answers $newanswer = new stdClass; $newanswer->lessonid = $this->lesson->id; $newanswer->pageid = $this->properties->id; $newanswer->timecreated = $this->properties->timecreated; $answers = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $this->lesson->maxanswers; $i++) { $answer = clone($newanswer); if (!empty($properties->answer_editor[$i]) && is_array($properties->answer_editor[$i])) { $answer->answer = $properties->answer_editor[$i]['text']; $answer->answerformat = $properties->answer_editor[$i]['format']; } if (!empty($properties->response_editor[$i]) && is_array($properties->response_editor[$i])) { $answer->response = $properties->response_editor[$i]['text']; $answer->responseformat = $properties->response_editor[$i]['format']; } if (isset($answer->answer) && $answer->answer != '') { if (isset($properties->jumpto[$i])) { $answer->jumpto = $properties->jumpto[$i]; } if ($this->lesson->custom && isset($properties->score[$i])) { $answer->score = $properties->score[$i]; } $answer->id = $DB->insert_record("lesson_answers", $answer); $answers[$answer->id] = new lesson_page_answer($answer); } else { break; } } $this->answers = $answers; return $answers; } /** * This method MUST be overridden by all question page types, or page types that * wish to score a page. * * The structure of result should always be the same so it is a good idea when * overriding this method on a page type to call * * $result = parent::check_answer(); * * before modifying it as required. * * @return stdClass */ public function check_answer() { $result = new stdClass; $result->answerid = 0; $result->noanswer = false; $result->correctanswer = false; $result->isessayquestion = false; // use this to turn off review button on essay questions $result->response = ''; $result->newpageid = 0; // stay on the page $result->studentanswer = ''; // use this to store student's answer(s) in order to display it on feedback page $result->userresponse = null; $result->feedback = ''; $result->nodefaultresponse = false; // Flag for redirecting when default feedback is turned off return $result; } /** * True if the page uses a custom option * * Should be override and set to true if the page uses a custom option. * * @return bool */ public function has_option() { return false; } /** * Returns the maximum number of answers for this page given the maximum number * of answers permitted by the lesson. * * @param int $default * @return int */ public function max_answers($default) { return $default; } /** * Returns the properties of this lesson page as an object * @return stdClass; */ public function properties() { $properties = clone($this->properties); if ($this->answers === null) { $this->get_answers(); } if (count($this->answers)>0) { $count = 0; $qtype = $properties->qtype; foreach ($this->answers as $answer) { $properties->{'answer_editor['.$count.']'} = array('text' => $answer->answer, 'format' => $answer->answerformat); if ($qtype != LESSON_PAGE_MATCHING) { $properties->{'response_editor['.$count.']'} = array('text' => $answer->response, 'format' => $answer->responseformat); } else { $properties->{'response_editor['.$count.']'} = $answer->response; } $properties->{'jumpto['.$count.']'} = $answer->jumpto; $properties->{'score['.$count.']'} = $answer->score; $count++; } } return $properties; } /** * Returns an array of options to display when choosing the jumpto for a page/answer * @static * @param int $pageid * @param lesson $lesson * @return array */ public static function get_jumptooptions($pageid, lesson $lesson) { global $DB; $jump = array(); $jump[0] = get_string("thispage", "lesson"); $jump[LESSON_NEXTPAGE] = get_string("nextpage", "lesson"); $jump[LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE] = get_string("previouspage", "lesson"); $jump[LESSON_EOL] = get_string("endoflesson", "lesson"); if ($pageid == 0) { return $jump; } $pages = $lesson->load_all_pages(); if ($pages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE || $lesson->is_sub_page_of_type($pageid, array(LESSON_PAGE_BRANCHTABLE), array(LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFBRANCH, LESSON_PAGE_CLUSTER))) { $jump[LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE] = get_string("unseenpageinbranch", "lesson"); $jump[LESSON_RANDOMPAGE] = get_string("randompageinbranch", "lesson"); } if($pages[$pageid]->qtype == LESSON_PAGE_CLUSTER || $lesson->is_sub_page_of_type($pageid, array(LESSON_PAGE_CLUSTER), array(LESSON_PAGE_ENDOFCLUSTER))) { $jump[LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP] = get_string("clusterjump", "lesson"); } if (!optional_param('firstpage', 0, PARAM_INT)) { $apageid = $DB->get_field("lesson_pages", "id", array("lessonid" => $lesson->id, "prevpageid" => 0)); while (true) { if ($apageid) { $title = $DB->get_field("lesson_pages", "title", array("id" => $apageid)); $jump[$apageid] = strip_tags(format_string($title,true)); $apageid = $DB->get_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", array("id" => $apageid)); } else { // last page reached break; } } } return $jump; } /** * Returns the contents field for the page properly formatted and with plugin * file url's converted * @return string */ public function get_contents() { global $PAGE; if (!empty($this->properties->contents)) { if (!isset($this->properties->contentsformat)) { $this->properties->contentsformat = FORMAT_HTML; } $context = context_module::instance($PAGE->cm->id); $contents = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($this->properties->contents, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'mod_lesson', 'page_contents', $this->properties->id); // Must do this BEFORE format_text()! return format_text($contents, $this->properties->contentsformat, array('context' => $context, 'noclean' => true, 'overflowdiv' => true)); // Page edit is marked with XSS, we want all content here. } else { return ''; } } /** * Set to true if this page should display in the menu block * @return bool */ protected function get_displayinmenublock() { return false; } /** * Get the string that describes the options of this page type * @return string */ public function option_description_string() { return ''; } /** * Updates a table with the answers for this page * @param html_table $table * @return html_table */ public function display_answers(html_table $table) { $answers = $this->get_answers(); $i = 1; foreach ($answers as $answer) { $cells = array(); $cells[] = "".get_string("jump", "lesson")." $i: "; $cells[] = $this->get_jump_name($answer->jumpto); $table->data[] = new html_table_row($cells); if ($i === 1){ $table->data[count($table->data)-1]->cells[0]->style = 'width:20%;'; } $i++; } return $table; } /** * Determines if this page should be grayed out on the management/report screens * @return int 0 or 1 */ protected function get_grayout() { return 0; } /** * Adds stats for this page to the &pagestats object. This should be defined * for all page types that grade * @param array $pagestats * @param int $tries * @return bool */ public function stats(array &$pagestats, $tries) { return true; } /** * Formats the answers of this page for a report * * @param object $answerpage * @param object $answerdata * @param object $useranswer * @param array $pagestats * @param int $i Count of first level answers * @param int $n Count of second level answers * @return object The answer page for this */ public function report_answers($answerpage, $answerdata, $useranswer, $pagestats, &$i, &$n) { $answers = $this->get_answers(); $formattextdefoptions = new stdClass; $formattextdefoptions->para = false; //I'll use it widely in this page foreach ($answers as $answer) { $data = get_string('jumpsto', 'lesson', $this->get_jump_name($answer->jumpto)); $answerdata->answers[] = array($data, ""); $answerpage->answerdata = $answerdata; } return $answerpage; } /** * Gets an array of the jumps used by the answers of this page * * @return array */ public function get_jumps() { global $DB; $jumps = array(); $params = array ("lessonid" => $this->lesson->id, "pageid" => $this->properties->id); if ($answers = $this->get_answers()) { foreach ($answers as $answer) { $jumps[] = $this->get_jump_name($answer->jumpto); } } else { $jumps[] = $this->get_jump_name($this->properties->nextpageid); } return $jumps; } /** * Informs whether this page type require manual grading or not * @return bool */ public function requires_manual_grading() { return false; } /** * A callback method that allows a page to override the next page a user will * see during when this page is being completed. * @return false|int */ public function override_next_page() { return false; } /** * This method is used to determine if this page is a valid page * * @param array $validpages * @param array $pageviews * @return int The next page id to check */ public function valid_page_and_view(&$validpages, &$pageviews) { $validpages[$this->properties->id] = 1; return $this->properties->nextpageid; } } /** * Class used to represent an answer to a page * * @property int $id The ID of this answer in the database * @property int $lessonid The ID of the lesson this answer belongs to * @property int $pageid The ID of the page this answer belongs to * @property int $jumpto Identifies where the user goes upon completing a page with this answer * @property int $grade The grade this answer is worth * @property int $score The score this answer will give * @property int $flags Used to store options for the answer * @property int $timecreated A timestamp of when the answer was created * @property int $timemodified A timestamp of when the answer was modified * @property string $answer The answer itself * @property string $response The response the user sees if selecting this answer * * @copyright 2009 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class lesson_page_answer extends lesson_base { /** * Loads an page answer from the DB * * @param int $id * @return lesson_page_answer */ public static function load($id) { global $DB; $answer = $DB->get_record("lesson_answers", array("id" => $id)); return new lesson_page_answer($answer); } /** * Given an object of properties and a page created answer(s) and saves them * in the database. * * @param stdClass $properties * @param lesson_page $page * @return array */ public static function create($properties, lesson_page $page) { return $page->create_answers($properties); } } /** * A management class for page types * * This class is responsible for managing the different pages. A manager object can * be retrieved by calling the following line of code: * * $manager = lesson_page_type_manager::get($lesson); * * The first time the page type manager is retrieved the it includes all of the * different page types located in mod/lesson/pagetypes. * * @copyright 2009 Sam Hemelryk * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class lesson_page_type_manager { /** * An array of different page type classes * @var array */ protected $types = array(); /** * Retrieves the lesson page type manager object * * If the object hasn't yet been created it is created here. * * @staticvar lesson_page_type_manager $pagetypemanager * @param lesson $lesson * @return lesson_page_type_manager */ public static function get(lesson $lesson) { static $pagetypemanager; if (!($pagetypemanager instanceof lesson_page_type_manager)) { $pagetypemanager = new lesson_page_type_manager(); $pagetypemanager->load_lesson_types($lesson); } return $pagetypemanager; } /** * Finds and loads all lesson page types in mod/lesson/pagetypes * * @param lesson $lesson */ public function load_lesson_types(lesson $lesson) { global $CFG; $basedir = $CFG->dirroot.'/mod/lesson/pagetypes/'; $dir = dir($basedir); while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { if (strpos($entry, '.')===0 || !preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z]+\.php#i', $entry)) { continue; } require_once($basedir.$entry); $class = 'lesson_page_type_'.strtok($entry,'.'); if (class_exists($class)) { $pagetype = new $class(new stdClass, $lesson); $this->types[$pagetype->typeid] = $pagetype; } } } /** * Returns an array of strings to describe the loaded page types * * @param int $type Can be used to return JUST the string for the requested type * @return array */ public function get_page_type_strings($type=null, $special=true) { $types = array(); foreach ($this->types as $pagetype) { if (($type===null || $pagetype->type===$type) && ($special===true || $pagetype->is_standard())) { $types[$pagetype->typeid] = $pagetype->typestring; } } return $types; } /** * Returns the basic string used to identify a page type provided with an id * * This string can be used to instantiate or identify the page type class. * If the page type id is unknown then 'unknown' is returned * * @param int $id * @return string */ public function get_page_type_idstring($id) { foreach ($this->types as $pagetype) { if ((int)$pagetype->typeid === (int)$id) { return $pagetype->idstring; } } return 'unknown'; } /** * Loads a page for the provided lesson given it's id * * This function loads a page from the lesson when given both the lesson it belongs * to as well as the page's id. * If the page doesn't exist an error is thrown * * @param int $pageid The id of the page to load * @param lesson $lesson The lesson the page belongs to * @return lesson_page A class that extends lesson_page */ public function load_page($pageid, lesson $lesson) { global $DB; if (!($page =$DB->get_record('lesson_pages', array('id'=>$pageid, 'lessonid'=>$lesson->id)))) { print_error('cannotfindpages', 'lesson'); } $pagetype = get_class($this->types[$page->qtype]); $page = new $pagetype($page, $lesson); return $page; } /** * This function detects errors in the ordering between 2 pages and updates the page records. * * @param stdClass $page1 Either the first of 2 pages or null if the $page2 param is the first in the list. * @param stdClass $page1 Either the second of 2 pages or null if the $page1 param is the last in the list. */ protected function check_page_order($page1, $page2) { global $DB; if (empty($page1)) { if ($page2->prevpageid != 0) { debugging("***prevpageid of page " . $page2->id . " set to 0***"); $page2->prevpageid = 0; $DB->set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", 0, array("id" => $page2->id)); } } else if (empty($page2)) { if ($page1->nextpageid != 0) { debugging("***nextpageid of page " . $page1->id . " set to 0***"); $page1->nextpageid = 0; $DB->set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", 0, array("id" => $page1->id)); } } else { if ($page1->nextpageid != $page2->id) { debugging("***nextpageid of page " . $page1->id . " set to " . $page2->id . "***"); $page1->nextpageid = $page2->id; $DB->set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $page2->id, array("id" => $page1->id)); } if ($page2->prevpageid != $page1->id) { debugging("***prevpageid of page " . $page2->id . " set to " . $page1->id . "***"); $page2->prevpageid = $page1->id; $DB->set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $page1->id, array("id" => $page2->id)); } } } /** * This function loads ALL pages that belong to the lesson. * * @param lesson $lesson * @return array An array of lesson_page_type_* */ public function load_all_pages(lesson $lesson) { global $DB; if (!($pages =$DB->get_records('lesson_pages', array('lessonid'=>$lesson->id)))) { print_error('cannotfindpages', 'lesson'); } foreach ($pages as $key=>$page) { $pagetype = get_class($this->types[$page->qtype]); $pages[$key] = new $pagetype($page, $lesson); } $orderedpages = array(); $lastpageid = 0; $morepages = true; while ($morepages) { $morepages = false; foreach ($pages as $page) { if ((int)$page->prevpageid === (int)$lastpageid) { // Check for errors in page ordering and fix them on the fly. $prevpage = null; if ($lastpageid !== 0) { $prevpage = $orderedpages[$lastpageid]; } $this->check_page_order($prevpage, $page); $morepages = true; $orderedpages[$page->id] = $page; unset($pages[$page->id]); $lastpageid = $page->id; if ((int)$page->nextpageid===0) { break 2; } else { break 1; } } } } // Add remaining pages and fix the nextpageid links for each page. foreach ($pages as $page) { // Check for errors in page ordering and fix them on the fly. $prevpage = null; if ($lastpageid !== 0) { $prevpage = $orderedpages[$lastpageid]; } $this->check_page_order($prevpage, $page); $orderedpages[$page->id] = $page; unset($pages[$page->id]); $lastpageid = $page->id; } if ($lastpageid !== 0) { $this->check_page_order($orderedpages[$lastpageid], null); } return $orderedpages; } /** * Fetches an mform that can be used to create/edit an page * * @param int $type The id for the page type * @param array $arguments Any arguments to pass to the mform * @return lesson_add_page_form_base */ public function get_page_form($type, $arguments) { $class = 'lesson_add_page_form_'.$this->get_page_type_idstring($type); if (!class_exists($class) || get_parent_class($class)!=='lesson_add_page_form_base') { debugging('Lesson page type unknown class requested '.$class, DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $class = 'lesson_add_page_form_selection'; } else if ($class === 'lesson_add_page_form_unknown') { $class = 'lesson_add_page_form_selection'; } return new $class(null, $arguments); } /** * Returns an array of links to use as add page links * @param int $previd The id of the previous page * @return array */ public function get_add_page_type_links($previd) { global $OUTPUT; $links = array(); foreach ($this->types as $key=>$type) { if ($link = $type->add_page_link($previd)) { $links[$key] = $link; } } return $links; } }