* Display profile for a particular user
* @package core_user
* @copyright 1999 Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/filelib.php');
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/badgeslib.php');
$id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // User id.
$courseid = optional_param('course', SITEID, PARAM_INT); // course id (defaults to Site).
// See your own profile by default.
if (empty($id)) {
$id = $USER->id;
if ($courseid == SITEID) { // Since Moodle 2.0 all site-level profiles are shown by profile.php.
redirect($CFG->wwwroot.'/user/profile.php?id='.$id); // Immediate redirect.
$PAGE->set_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $id, 'course' => $courseid));
$user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $id), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
$currentuser = ($user->id == $USER->id);
$systemcontext = context_system::instance();
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
$usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id, IGNORE_MISSING);
// Require login first.
if (isguestuser($user)) {
// Can not view profile of guest - thre is nothing to see there.
if (!empty($CFG->forceloginforprofiles)) {
require_login(); // We can not log in to course due to the parent hack below.
// Guests do not have permissions to view anyone's profile if forceloginforprofiles is set.
if (isguestuser()) {
$SESSION->wantsurl = $PAGE->url->out(false);
$PAGE->set_pagetype('course-view-' . $course->format); // To get the blocks exactly like the course.
$PAGE->add_body_class('path-user'); // So we can style it independently.
$isparent = false;
if (!$currentuser and !$user->deleted
and $DB->record_exists('role_assignments', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'contextid' => $usercontext->id))
and has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext)) {
// TODO: very ugly hack - do not force "parents" to enrol into course their child is enrolled in,
// this way they may access the profile where they get overview of grades and child activity in course,
// please note this is just a guess!
$isparent = true;
} else {
// Normal course.
// What to do with users temporary accessing this course? should they see the details?
$strpersonalprofile = get_string('personalprofile');
$strparticipants = get_string("participants");
$struser = get_string("user");
$fullname = fullname($user, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $coursecontext));
// Now test the actual capabilities and enrolment in course.
if ($currentuser) {
if (!is_viewing($coursecontext) && !is_enrolled($coursecontext)) {
// Need to have full access to a course to see the rest of own info.
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('notenrolled', '', $fullname));
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
echo $OUTPUT->continue_button($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
} else {
// Somebody else.
$PAGE->set_title("$strpersonalprofile: ");
$PAGE->set_heading("$strpersonalprofile: ");
// Check course level capabilities.
if (!has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $coursecontext) && // Normal enrolled user or mnager.
($user->deleted or !has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext))) { // Usually parent.
if (!is_enrolled($coursecontext, $user->id)) {
// TODO: the only potential problem is that managers and inspectors might post in forum, but the link
// to profile would not work - maybe a new capability - moodle/user:freely_acessile_profile_for_anybody
// or test for course:inspect capability.
if (has_capability('moodle/role:assign', $coursecontext)) {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('notenrolled', '', $fullname));
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('notenrolledprofile'));
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
echo $OUTPUT->continue_button($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
// If groups are in use and enforced throughout the course, then make sure we can meet in at least one course level group.
if (groups_get_course_groupmode($course) == SEPARATEGROUPS and $course->groupmodeforce
and !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext) and !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext, $user->id)) {
if (!isloggedin() or isguestuser()) {
// Do not use require_login() here because we might have already used require_login($course).
$mygroups = array_keys(groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $USER->id, $course->defaultgroupingid, 'g.id, g.name'));
$usergroups = array_keys(groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $user->id, $course->defaultgroupingid, 'g.id, g.name'));
if (!array_intersect($mygroups, $usergroups)) {
print_error("groupnotamember", '', "../course/view.php?id=$course->id");
$PAGE->set_title("$course->fullname: $strpersonalprofile: $fullname");
// Locate the users settings in the settings navigation and force it open.
// This MUST be done after we've set up the page as it is going to cause theme and output to initialise.
if (!$currentuser) {
if ($node = $PAGE->settingsnav->get('userviewingsettings'.$user->id)) {
$node->forceopen = true;
} else if ($node = $PAGE->settingsnav->get('usercurrentsettings', navigation_node::TYPE_CONTAINER)) {
$node->forceopen = true;
if ($node = $PAGE->settingsnav->get('courseadmin')) {
$node->forceopen = false;
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo '
echo $OUTPUT->heading(fullname($user).' ('.format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext)).')');
if ($user->deleted) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('userdeleted'));
if (!has_capability('moodle/user:update', $coursecontext)) {
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
// OK, security out the way, now we are showing the user.
// Trigger a user profile viewed event.
$event = \core\event\user_profile_viewed::create(array(
'objectid' => $USER->id,
'relateduserid' => $user->id,
'context' => $usercontext,
'other' => array(
'courseid' => $course->id,
'courseshortname' => $course->shortname,
'coursefullname' => $course->fullname
$event->add_record_snapshot('user', $user);
// Get the hidden field list.
if (has_capability('moodle/user:viewhiddendetails', $coursecontext)) {
$hiddenfields = array();
} else {
$hiddenfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->hiddenuserfields));
if (is_mnet_remote_user($user)) {
$sql = "SELECT h.id, h.name, h.wwwroot,
a.name as application, a.display_name
FROM {mnet_host} h, {mnet_application} a
WHERE h.id = ? AND h.applicationid = a.id";
$remotehost = $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($user->mnethostid));
$a = new stdclass();
$a->remotetype = $remotehost->display_name;
$a->remotename = $remotehost->name;
$a->remoteurl = $remotehost->wwwroot;
echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('remoteuserinfo', 'mnet', $a), 'remoteuserinfo');
echo '
echo $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('size' => 100));
echo '
// Print the description.
echo '
if ($user->description && !isset($hiddenfields['description'])) {
if (!empty($CFG->profilesforenrolledusersonly) && !$DB->record_exists('role_assignments', array('userid' => $id))) {
echo get_string('profilenotshown', 'moodle');
} else {
if ($courseid == SITEID) {
$user->description = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($user->description, 'pluginfile.php', $usercontext->id, 'user', 'profile', null);
} else {
// We have to make a little detour thought the course context to verify the access control for course profile.
$user->description = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($user->description, 'pluginfile.php', $coursecontext->id, 'user', 'profile', $user->id);
$options = array('overflowdiv' => true);
echo format_text($user->description, $user->descriptionformat, $options);
echo '
// Print all the little details in a list.
echo html_writer::start_tag('dl', array('class' => 'list'));
// Show email if any of the following conditions match.
// 1. User is viewing his own profile.
// 2. Has allowed everyone to see email
// 3. User has allowed course members to can see email and current user is in same course
// 4. Has either course:viewhiddenuserfields or site:viewuseridentity capability.
if ($currentuser
or $user->maildisplay == 1
or ($user->maildisplay == 2 && is_enrolled($coursecontext, $USER))
or has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields', $coursecontext)
or has_capability('moodle/site:viewuseridentity', $coursecontext)) {
echo html_writer::tag('dt', get_string('email'));
echo html_writer::tag('dd', obfuscate_mailto($user->email, ''));
// Show last time this user accessed this course.
if (!isset($hiddenfields['lastaccess'])) {
if ($lastaccess = $DB->get_record('user_lastaccess', array('userid' => $user->id, 'courseid' => $course->id))) {
$datestring = userdate($lastaccess->timeaccess)." (".format_time(time() - $lastaccess->timeaccess).")";
} else {
$datestring = get_string("never");
echo html_writer::tag('dt', get_string('lastaccess'));
echo html_writer::tag('dd', $datestring);
// Show roles in this course.
if ($rolestring = get_user_roles_in_course($id, $course->id)) {
echo html_writer::tag('dt', get_string('roles'));
echo html_writer::tag('dd', $rolestring);
// Show groups this user is in.
if (!isset($hiddenfields['groups'])) {
$accessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $coursecontext);
if ($usergroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $user->id)) {
$groupstr = '';
foreach ($usergroups as $group) {
if ($course->groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !$accessallgroups and $user->id != $USER->id) {
if (!groups_is_member($group->id, $user->id)) {
if ($course->groupmode != NOGROUPS) {
$groupstr .= '
} else {
$groupstr .= ' '.format_string($group->name); // The user/index.php shows groups only when course in group mode.
if ($groupstr !== '') {
echo html_writer::tag('dt', get_string('group'));
echo html_writer::tag('dd', rtrim($groupstr, ', '));
// Show other courses they may be in.
if (!isset($hiddenfields['mycourses'])) {
if ($mycourses = enrol_get_all_users_courses($user->id, true, null, 'visible DESC,sortorder ASC')) {
$shown = 0;
$courselisting = '';
foreach ($mycourses as $mycourse) {
if ($mycourse->category) {
$ccontext = context_course::instance($mycourse->id);
$cfullname = $ccontext->get_context_name(false);
if ($mycourse->id != $course->id) {
$class = '';
if ($mycourse->visible == 0) {
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddencourses', $ccontext)) {
$class = 'class="dimmed"';
$courselisting .= "
wwwroot}/user/view.php?id={$user->id}&course={$mycourse->id}\" $class >"
. $cfullname . ", ";
} else {
$courselisting .= $cfullname . ", ";
if ($shown >= 20) {
$courselisting .= "...";
echo html_writer::tag('dt', get_string('courseprofiles'));
echo html_writer::tag('dd', rtrim($courselisting, ', '));
if (!empty($CFG->enablebadges) && !empty($CFG->badges_allowcoursebadges)) {
profile_display_badges($user->id, $courseid);
if (!isset($hiddenfields['suspended'])) {
if ($user->suspended) {
echo html_writer::tag('dt', " ");
echo html_writer::tag('dd', get_string('suspended', 'auth'));
if (has_capability('moodle/user:viewlastip', $usercontext) && !isset($hiddenfields['lastip'])) {
if ($user->lastip) {
$iplookupurl = new moodle_url('/iplookup/index.php', array('ip' => $user->lastip, 'user' => $USER->id));
$ipstring = html_writer::link($iplookupurl, $user->lastip);
} else {
$ipstring = get_string("none");
echo html_writer::tag('dt', get_string('lastip'));
echo html_writer::tag('dd', $ipstring);
echo html_writer::end_tag('dl');
echo "
"; // Closing desriptionbox and userprofilebox.
// Print messaging link if allowed.
if (isloggedin() && has_capability('moodle/site:sendmessage', $usercontext)
&& !empty($CFG->messaging) && !isguestuser() && !isguestuser($user) && ($USER->id != $user->id)) {
echo '
$sendmessageurl = new moodle_url('/message/index.php', array('id' => $user->id));
if ($courseid) {
$sendmessageurl->param('viewing', MESSAGE_VIEW_COURSE. $courseid);
echo html_writer::link($sendmessageurl, get_string('messageselectadd'));
echo '
if ($currentuser || has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext) || has_coursecontact_role($id)) {
echo '
echo html_writer::link($CFG->wwwroot.'/user/profile.php?id='.$id, get_string('fullprofile'));
echo '
// TODO Add more useful overview info for teachers here, see below.
// Show links to notes made about this student (must click to display, for privacy).
// Recent comments made in this course.
// Recent blogs associated with this course and items in it.
echo '
'; // Userprofile class.
echo $OUTPUT->footer();