. /** * Course format class to allow plugins developed for Moodle 2.3 to work in the new API * * @package core_course * @copyright 2012 Marina Glancy * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die; /** * Course format class to allow plugins developed for Moodle 2.3 to work in the new API * * @package core_course * @copyright 2012 Marina Glancy * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class format_legacy extends format_base { /** * Returns true if this course format uses sections * * This function calls function callback_FORMATNAME_uses_sections() if it exists * * @return bool */ public function uses_sections() { global $CFG; // Note that lib.php in course format folder is already included by now $featurefunction = 'callback_'.$this->format.'_uses_sections'; if (function_exists($featurefunction)) { return $featurefunction(); } return false; } /** * Returns the display name of the given section that the course prefers. * * This function calls function callback_FORMATNAME_get_section_name() if it exists * * @param int|stdClass $section Section object from database or just field section.section * @return string Display name that the course format prefers, e.g. "Topic 2" */ public function get_section_name($section) { // Use course formatter callback if it exists $namingfunction = 'callback_'.$this->format.'_get_section_name'; if (function_exists($namingfunction) && ($course = $this->get_course())) { return $namingfunction($course, $this->get_section($section)); } // else, default behavior: return parent::get_section_name($section); } /** * The URL to use for the specified course (with section) * * This function calls function callback_FORMATNAME_get_section_url() if it exists * * @param int|stdClass $section Section object from database or just field course_sections.section * if omitted the course view page is returned * @param array $options options for view URL. At the moment core uses: * 'navigation' (bool) if true and section has no separate page, the function returns null * 'sr' (int) used by multipage formats to specify to which section to return * @return null|moodle_url */ public function get_view_url($section, $options = array()) { // Use course formatter callback if it exists $featurefunction = 'callback_'.$this->format.'_get_section_url'; if (function_exists($featurefunction) && ($course = $this->get_course())) { if (is_object($section)) { $sectionnum = $section->section; } else { $sectionnum = $section; } if ($sectionnum) { $url = $featurefunction($course, $sectionnum); if ($url || !empty($options['navigation'])) { return $url; } } } // if function is not defined if (!$this->uses_sections() || !array_key_exists('coursedisplay', $this->course_format_options())) { // default behaviour return parent::get_view_url($section, $options); } $course = $this->get_course(); $url = new moodle_url('/course/view.php', array('id' => $course->id)); $sr = null; if (array_key_exists('sr', $options)) { $sr = $options['sr']; } if (is_object($section)) { $sectionno = $section->section; } else { $sectionno = $section; } if ($sectionno !== null) { if ($sr !== null) { if ($sr) { $usercoursedisplay = COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE; $sectionno = $sr; } else { $usercoursedisplay = COURSE_DISPLAY_SINGLEPAGE; } } else { $usercoursedisplay = $course->coursedisplay; } if ($sectionno != 0 && $usercoursedisplay == COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE) { $url->param('section', $sectionno); } else { if (!empty($options['navigation'])) { return null; } $url->set_anchor('section-'.$sectionno); } } return $url; } /** * Returns the information about the ajax support in the given source format * * This function calls function callback_FORMATNAME_ajax_support() if it exists * * The returned object's property (boolean)capable indicates that * the course format supports Moodle course ajax features. * The property (array)testedbrowsers can be used as a parameter for {@link ajaxenabled()}. * * @return stdClass */ public function supports_ajax() { // set up default values $ajaxsupport = parent::supports_ajax(); // get the information from the course format library $featurefunction = 'callback_'.$this->format.'_ajax_support'; if (function_exists($featurefunction)) { $formatsupport = $featurefunction(); if (isset($formatsupport->capable)) { $ajaxsupport->capable = $formatsupport->capable; } if (is_array($formatsupport->testedbrowsers)) { $ajaxsupport->testedbrowsers = $formatsupport->testedbrowsers; } } return $ajaxsupport; } /** * Loads all of the course sections into the navigation * * First this function calls callback_FORMATNAME_display_content() if it exists to check * if the navigation should be extended at all * * Then it calls function callback_FORMATNAME_load_content() if it exists to actually extend * navigation * * By default the parent method is called * * @param global_navigation $navigation * @param navigation_node $node The course node within the navigation */ public function extend_course_navigation($navigation, navigation_node $node) { global $PAGE; // if course format displays section on separate pages and we are on course/view.php page // and the section parameter is specified, make sure this section is expanded in // navigation if ($navigation->includesectionnum === false) { $selectedsection = optional_param('section', null, PARAM_INT); if ($selectedsection !== null && (!defined('AJAX_SCRIPT') || AJAX_SCRIPT == '0') && $PAGE->url->compare(new moodle_url('/course/view.php'), URL_MATCH_BASE)) { $navigation->includesectionnum = $selectedsection; } } // check if there are callbacks to extend course navigation $displayfunc = 'callback_'.$this->format.'_display_content'; if (function_exists($displayfunc) && !$displayfunc()) { return; } $featurefunction = 'callback_'.$this->format.'_load_content'; if (function_exists($featurefunction) && ($course = $this->get_course())) { $featurefunction($navigation, $course, $node); } else { parent::extend_course_navigation($navigation, $node); } } /** * Custom action after section has been moved in AJAX mode * * Used in course/rest.php * * This function calls function callback_FORMATNAME_ajax_section_move() if it exists * * @return array This will be passed in ajax respose */ function ajax_section_move() { $featurefunction = 'callback_'.$this->format.'_ajax_section_move'; if (function_exists($featurefunction) && ($course = $this->get_course())) { return $featurefunction($course); } else { return parent::ajax_section_move(); } } /** * Returns the list of blocks to be automatically added for the newly created course * * This function checks the existence of the file config.php in the course format folder. * If file exists and contains the code * $format['defaultblocks'] = 'leftblock1,leftblock2:rightblock1,rightblock2'; * these blocks are used, otherwise parent function is called * * @return array of default blocks, must contain two keys BLOCK_POS_LEFT and BLOCK_POS_RIGHT * each of values is an array of block names (for left and right side columns) */ public function get_default_blocks() { global $CFG; $formatconfig = $CFG->dirroot.'/course/format/'.$this->format.'/config.php'; $format = array(); // initialize array in external file if (is_readable($formatconfig)) { include($formatconfig); } if (!empty($format['defaultblocks'])) { return blocks_parse_default_blocks_list($format['defaultblocks']); } return parent::get_default_blocks(); } /** * Definitions of the additional options that this course format uses for course * * By default course formats have the options that existed in Moodle 2.3: * - coursedisplay * - numsections * - hiddensections * * @param bool $foreditform * @return array of options */ public function course_format_options($foreditform = false) { static $courseformatoptions = false; if ($courseformatoptions === false) { $courseconfig = get_config('moodlecourse'); $courseformatoptions = array( 'numsections' => array( 'default' => $courseconfig->numsections, 'type' => PARAM_INT, ), 'hiddensections' => array( 'default' => $courseconfig->hiddensections, 'type' => PARAM_INT, ), 'coursedisplay' => array( 'default' => $courseconfig->coursedisplay, 'type' => PARAM_INT, ), ); } if ($foreditform && !isset($courseformatoptions['coursedisplay']['label'])) { $courseconfig = get_config('moodlecourse'); $sectionmenu = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $courseconfig->maxsections; $i++) { $sectionmenu[$i] = "$i"; } $courseformatoptionsedit = array( 'numsections' => array( 'label' => new lang_string('numberweeks'), 'element_type' => 'select', 'element_attributes' => array($sectionmenu), ), 'hiddensections' => array( 'label' => new lang_string('hiddensections'), 'help' => 'hiddensections', 'help_component' => 'moodle', 'element_type' => 'select', 'element_attributes' => array( array( 0 => new lang_string('hiddensectionscollapsed'), 1 => new lang_string('hiddensectionsinvisible') ) ), ), 'coursedisplay' => array( 'label' => new lang_string('coursedisplay'), 'element_type' => 'select', 'element_attributes' => array( array( COURSE_DISPLAY_SINGLEPAGE => new lang_string('coursedisplay_single'), COURSE_DISPLAY_MULTIPAGE => new lang_string('coursedisplay_multi') ) ), 'help' => 'coursedisplay', 'help_component' => 'moodle', ) ); $courseformatoptions = array_merge_recursive($courseformatoptions, $courseformatoptionsedit); } return $courseformatoptions; } /** * Updates format options for a course * * Legacy course formats may assume that course format options * ('coursedisplay', 'numsections' and 'hiddensections') are shared between formats. * Therefore we make sure to copy them from the previous format * * @param stdClass|array $data return value from {@link moodleform::get_data()} or array with data * @param stdClass $oldcourse if this function is called from {@link update_course()} * this object contains information about the course before update * @return bool whether there were any changes to the options values */ public function update_course_format_options($data, $oldcourse = null) { global $DB; if ($oldcourse !== null) { $data = (array)$data; $oldcourse = (array)$oldcourse; $options = $this->course_format_options(); foreach ($options as $key => $unused) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $data)) { if (array_key_exists($key, $oldcourse)) { $data[$key] = $oldcourse[$key]; } else if ($key === 'numsections') { // If previous format does not have the field 'numsections' and this one does, // and $data['numsections'] is not set fill it with the maximum section number from the DB $maxsection = $DB->get_field_sql('SELECT max(section) from {course_sections} WHERE course = ?', array($this->courseid)); if ($maxsection) { // If there are no sections, or just default 0-section, 'numsections' will be set to default $data['numsections'] = $maxsection; } } } } } return $this->update_format_options($data); } }