. /** * Strings for component 'question', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package question * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['adminreport'] = 'Report on possible problems in your question database.'; $string['availableq'] = 'Available?'; $string['badbase'] = 'Bad base before **: {$a}**'; $string['broken'] = 'This is a "broken link", it points to a nonexistent file.'; $string['byandon'] = 'by {$a->user} on {$a->time}'; $string['cannotcopybackup'] = 'Could not copy backup file'; $string['cannotcreate'] = 'Could not create new entry in question_attempts table'; $string['cannotcreatepath'] = 'Cannot create path: {$a}'; $string['cannotdeletecate'] = 'You can\'t delete that category it is the default category for this context.'; $string['cannotenable'] = 'Question type {$a} cannot be created directly.'; $string['cannotfindcate'] = 'Could not find category record'; $string['cannotfindquestionfile'] = 'Could not find question data file in zip'; $string['cannotgetdsfordependent'] = 'Cannot get the specified dataset for a dataset dependent question! (question: {$a[0]}, datasetitem: {a[1]})'; $string['cannotgetdsforquestion'] = 'Cannot get the specified dataset for a calculated question! (question: {$a})'; $string['cannothidequestion'] = 'Was not able to hide question'; $string['cannotimportformat'] = 'Sorry, importing this format is not yet implemented!'; $string['cannotinsertquestion'] = 'Could not insert new question!'; $string['cannotinsertquestioncatecontext'] = 'Could not insert the new question category {$a->cat} illegal contextid {$a->ctx}'; $string['cannotloadquestion'] = 'Could not load question'; $string['cannotmovequestion'] = 'You can\'t use this script to move questions that have files associated with them from different areas.'; $string['cannotopenforwriting'] = 'Cannot open for writing: {$a}'; $string['cannotpreview'] = 'You can\'t preview these questions!'; $string['cannotretrieveqcat'] = 'Could retrieve question category'; $string['cannotunhidequestion'] = 'Failed to unhide the question.'; $string['cannotunzip'] = 'Could not unzip file.'; $string['cannotwriteto'] = 'Cannot write exported questions to {$a}'; $string['categorycurrent'] = 'Current Category'; $string['categorycurrentuse'] = 'Use This Category'; $string['categorydoesnotexist'] = 'This category does not exist'; $string['categorymoveto'] = 'Save in Category'; $string['clicktoflag'] = 'Click to flag this question'; $string['clicktounflag'] = 'Click to un-flag this question'; $string['contexterror'] = 'You shouldn\'t have got here if you\'re not moving a category to another context.'; $string['copy'] = 'Copy from {$a} and change links.'; $string['created'] = 'Created'; $string['createdby'] = 'Created by'; $string['createdmodifiedheader'] = 'Created / Last Saved'; $string['createnewquestion'] = 'Create a new question ...'; $string['cwrqpfs'] = 'Random questions selecting questions from sub categories.'; $string['cwrqpfsinfo'] = '
During the upgrade to Moodle 1.9 we will separate question categories into different contexts. Some question categories and questions on your site will have to have their sharing status changed. This is necessary in the rare case that one or more \'random\' questions in a quiz are set up to select from a mixture of shared and unshared categories (as is the case on this site). This happens when a \'random\' question is set to select from subcategories and one or more subcategories have a different sharing status to the parent category in which the random question is created.
The following question categories, from which \'random\' questions in parent categories select questions from, will have their sharing status changed to the same sharing status as the category with the \'random\' question in on upgrading to Moodle 1.9. The following categories will have their sharing status changed. Questions which are affected will continue to work in all existing quizzes until you remove them from these quizzes.
'; $string['cwrqpfsnoprob'] = 'No question categories in your site are affected by the \'Random questions selecting questions from sub categories\' issue.'; $string['defaultfor'] = 'Default for {$a}'; $string['defaultinfofor'] = 'The default category for questions shared in context \'{$a}\'.'; $string['deletecoursecategorywithquestions'] = 'There are questions in the question bank associated with this course category. If you proceed, they will be deleted. You may wish to move them first, using the question bank interface.'; $string['disabled'] = 'Disabled'; $string['disterror'] = 'The distribution {$a} caused problems'; $string['donothing'] = 'Don\'t copy or move files or change links.'; $string['editcategories'] = 'Edit categories'; $string['editcategories_help'] = 'Rather than keeping everything in one big list, questions may be arranged into categories and subcategories. Each category has a context which determines where the questions in the category can be used: * Activity context - Questions only available in the activity module * Course context - Questions available in all activity modules in the course * Course category context - Questions available in all activity modules and courses in the course category * System context - Questions available in all courses and activities on the site Categories are also used for random questions, as questions are selected from a particular category.'; $string['editcategories_link'] = 'question/category'; $string['editingcategory'] = 'Editing a category'; $string['editingquestion'] = 'Editing a question'; $string['editthiscategory'] = 'Edit this category'; $string['emptyxml'] = 'Unkown error - empty imsmanifest.xml'; $string['enabled'] = 'Enabled'; $string['erroraccessingcontext'] = 'Cannot access context'; $string['errordeletingquestionsfromcategory'] = 'Error deleting questions from category {$a}.'; $string['errorduringpost'] = 'Error occurred during post-processing!'; $string['errorduringpre'] = 'Error occurred during pre-processing!'; $string['errorduringproc'] = 'Error occurred during processing!'; $string['errorduringregrade'] = 'Could not regrade question {$a->qid}, going to state {$a->stateid}.'; $string['errorfilecannotbecopied'] = 'Error: cannot copy file {$a}.'; $string['errorfilecannotbemoved'] = 'Error: cannot move file {$a}.'; $string['errorfileschanged'] = 'Error: files linked to from questions have changed since form was displayed.'; $string['errormanualgradeoutofrange'] = 'The grade {$a->grade} is not between 0 and {$a->maxgrade} for question {$a->name}. The score and comment have not been saved.'; $string['errormovingquestions'] = 'Error while moving questions with ids {$a}.'; $string['errorpostprocess'] = 'Error occurred during post-processing!'; $string['errorpreprocess'] = 'Error occurred during pre-processing!'; $string['errorprocess'] = 'Error occurred during processing!'; $string['errorprocessingresponses'] = 'An error occurred while processing your responses.'; $string['errorsavingcomment'] = 'Error saving the comment for question {$a->name} in the database.'; $string['errorupdatingattempt'] = 'Error updating attempt {$a->id} in the database.'; $string['exportcategory'] = 'Export category'; $string['exportcategory_help'] = 'This setting determines the category from which the exported questions will be taken. Certain import formats, such as GIFT and Moodle XML, permit category and context data to be included in the export file, enabling them to (optionally) be recreated on import. If required, the appropriate checkboxes should be ticked.'; $string['exporterror'] = 'Errors occur during exporting!'; $string['exportquestions'] = 'Export questions to file'; $string['exportquestions_help'] = 'This function enables the export of a complete category (and any subcategories) of questions to file. Please note that, depending on the file format selected, some question data and certain question types may not be exported.'; $string['exportquestions_link'] = 'question/export'; $string['filecantmovefrom'] = 'The questions files cannot be moved because you do not have permission to remove files from the place you are trying to move questions from.'; $string['filecantmoveto'] = 'The question files cannot be moved or copied becuase you do not have permission to add files to the place you are trying to move the questions to.'; $string['filesareacourse'] = 'the course files area'; $string['filesareasite'] = 'the site files area'; $string['filestomove'] = 'Move / copy files to {$a}?'; $string['flagged'] = 'Flagged'; $string['flagthisquestion'] = 'Flag this question'; $string['formquestionnotinids'] = 'Form contained question that is not in questionids'; $string['fractionsnomax'] = 'One of the answers should have a score of 100% so it is possible to get full marks for this question.'; $string['getcategoryfromfile'] = 'Get category from file'; $string['getcontextfromfile'] = 'Get context from file'; $string['changepublishstatuscat'] = 'Category "{$a->name}" in course "{$a->coursename}" will have it\'s sharing status changed from {$a->changefrom} to {$a->changeto}.'; $string['chooseqtypetoadd'] = 'Choose a question type to add'; $string['ignorebroken'] = 'Ignore broken links'; $string['impossiblechar'] = 'Impossible character {$a} detected as parenthesis character'; $string['importcategory'] = 'Import category'; $string['importcategory_help'] = 'This setting determines the category into which the imported questions will go. Certain import formats, such as GIFT and Moodle XML, may include category and context data in the import file. To make use of this data, rather than the selected category, the appropriate checkboxes should be ticked. If categories specified in the import file do not exist, they will be created.'; $string['importquestions'] = 'Import questions from file'; $string['importquestions_help'] = 'This function enables questions in a variety of formats to be imported via text file. Note that the file must use UTF-8 encoding.'; $string['importquestions_link'] = 'question/import'; $string['invalidarg'] = 'No valid arguments supplied or incorrect server configuration'; $string['invalidcategoryidforparent'] = 'Invalid category id for parent!'; $string['invalidcategoryidtomove'] = 'Invalid category id to move!'; $string['invalidconfirm'] = 'Confirmation string was incorrect'; $string['invalidcontextinhasanyquestions'] = 'Invalid context passed to question_context_has_any_questions.'; $string['invalidwizardpage'] = 'Incorrect or no wizard page specified!'; $string['lastmodifiedby'] = 'Last modified by'; $string['linkedfiledoesntexist'] = 'Linked file {$a} doesn\'t exist'; $string['makechildof'] = 'Make Child of \'{$a}\''; $string['maketoplevelitem'] = 'Move to top level'; $string['matchgrades'] = 'Match grades'; $string['matchgrades_help'] = 'Imported grades must match one of the fixed list of valid grades - 100, 90, 80, 75, 70, 66.666, 60, 50, 40, 33.333, 30, 25, 20, 16.666, 14.2857, 12.5, 11.111, 10, 5, 0 (also negative values). If not, there are two options: * Error if grade not listed - If a question contains any grades not found in the list an error is displayed and that question will not be imported * Nearest grade if not listed - If a grade is found that does not match a value in the list, the grade is changed to the closest matching value in the list '; $string['missingcourseorcmid'] = 'Need to provide courseid or cmid to print_question.'; $string['missingcourseorcmidtolink'] = 'Need to provide courseid or cmid to get_question_edit_link.'; $string['missingimportantcode'] = 'This question type is missing important code: {$a}.'; $string['missingoption'] = 'The cloze question {$a} is missing its options'; $string['modified'] = 'Last saved'; $string['move'] = 'Move from {$a} and change links.'; $string['movecategory'] = 'Move Category'; $string['movedquestionsandcategories'] = 'Moved questions and question categories from {$a->oldplace} to {$a->newplace}.'; $string['movelinksonly'] = 'Just change where links point to, do not move or copy files.'; $string['moveq'] = 'Move question(s)'; $string['moveqtoanothercontext'] = 'Move question to another context.'; $string['movingcategory'] = 'Moving Category'; $string['movingcategoryandfiles'] = 'Are you sure you want to move category {$a->name} and all child categories to context for "{$a->contextto}"?