<?php //Get some strings $yes = get_string("yes"); $no = get_string("no"); $withuserdata = get_string("withuserdata"); $withoutuserdata = get_string("withoutuserdata"); $course = get_string("course"); $all = get_string("all"); $include = get_string("include"); $modules = get_string("modules"); //Get backup_config pairs $backup_config = backup_get_config(); //Checks backup_config pairs exist if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_modules)) { $backup_config->backup_sche_modules = 1; } if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_withuserdata)) { $backup_config->backup_sche_withuserdata = 1; } if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_users)) { $backup_config->backup_sche_users = 1; } if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_logs)) { $backup_config->backup_sche_logs = 0; } if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_userfiles)) { $backup_config->backup_sche_userfiles = 1; } if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_coursefiles)) { $backup_config->backup_sche_coursefiles = 1; } if (!isset($backup_config->backup_sche_weekdays)) { $backup_config->backup_sche_weekdays = "0000000"; } print_object($backup_config); //Yes/no array for use in yes/no menu $yesno_array[0] = $no; $yesno_array[1] = $yes; //With user data/without user data array for use in menu $withwithout_array[0] = $withoutuserdata; $withwithout_array[1] = $withuserdata; //Course/alla array for use in course/all menu $courseall_array[0] = $all; $courseall_array[1] = $course; ?> <form method="post" action="backup.php" name="form"> <table cellpadding=9 cellspacing=0 > <tr valign=top> <td colspan = 3 align=center><strong><?php print_string("settings") ?></strong></td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td align=right><p><?php print_string("includemodules") ?>:</td> <td nowrap> <?php choose_from_menu($yesno_array, "backup_sche_modules", $backup_config->backup_sche_modules, "") ?> <?php choose_from_menu($withwithout_array, "backup_sche_withuserdata", $backup_config->backup_sche_withuserdata, "") ?> </td> <td> <?php print_string("backupincludemoduleshelp") ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td align=right><p><?php print_string("users") ?>:</td> <td> <?php choose_from_menu($courseall_array, "backup_sche_users", $backup_config->backup_sche_users, "") ?> </td> <td> <?php print_string("backupusershelp") ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td align=right><p><?php print_string("logs") ?>:</td> <td> <?php choose_from_menu($yesno_array, "backup_sche_logs", $backup_config->backup_sche_logs, "") ?> </td> <td> <?php print_string("backuplogshelp") ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td align=right><p><?php print_string("userfiles") ?>:</td> <td> <?php choose_from_menu($yesno_array, "backup_sche_userfiles", $backup_config->backup_sche_userfiles, "") ?> </td> <td> <?php print_string("backupuserfileshelp") ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td align=right><p><?php print_string("coursefiles") ?>:</td> <td> <?php choose_from_menu($yesno_array, "backup_sche_coursefiles", $backup_config->backup_sche_coursefiles, "") ?> </td> <td> <?php print_string("backupcuoursefileshelp") ?> </td> </tr> <tr valign=top> <td colspan = 3 align=center><strong><?php print_string("schedule") ?></strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3 align=center> <?php //Get first day of week from languaje files //after searching the web I haven't find a sytem to retrieve it in php from locale info $firstdayofweek = get_string("firstdayofweek"); //If it is empty ot it is different of 1, default to 0 if (empty($firstdayofweek) || $firstdayofweek != 1) { $firstdayofweek = 0; } //Now create the timestamp of a well-know sunday (02/25/2001, my 31th birthday !!) $onesunday = make_timestamp(2001,2,25); $i = 0; $day_names = ""; $check_names = ""; while ($i<7) { $day_names[] = strftime("%A",$onesunday + (($firstdayofweek+$i)*86400)); if (substr($backup_config->backup_sche_weekdays,$i,1) == "1") { $strchecked = " checked"; } else { $strchecked = ""; } $check_names[] = "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"dayofweek_$i\" value=\"1\"$strchecked>"; $i++; } $table->align = array("center","center","center","center","center","center","center"); $table->head = $day_names; $table->data[] = $check_names; print_table($table); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=3 align=center> <input type="submit" value="<?php print_string("savechanges") ?>"></td> </tr> </table> </form>