. namespace core_search; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/testable_core_search.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/search/tests/fixtures/mock_search_area.php'); /** * Search engine base unit tests. * * @package core_search * @copyright 2017 Matt Porritt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class base_test extends \advanced_testcase { /** * @var \core_search::manager */ protected $search = null; /** * @var Instace of core_search_generator. */ protected $generator = null; /** * @var Instace of testable_engine. */ protected $engine = null; public function setUp(): void { parent::setUp(); $this->resetAfterTest(); set_config('enableglobalsearch', true); // Set \core_search::instance to the mock_search_engine as we don't require the search engine to be working to test this. $search = \testable_core_search::instance(); $this->generator = self::getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_search'); $this->generator->setup(); } public function tearDown(): void { // For unit tests before PHP 7, teardown is called even on skip. So only do our teardown if we did setup. if ($this->generator) { // Moodle DML freaks out if we don't teardown the temp table after each run. $this->generator->teardown(); $this->generator = null; } parent::tearDown(); } /** * Test base get search fileareas */ public function test_get_search_fileareas_base(): void { $builder = $this->getMockBuilder('\core_search\base'); $builder->disableOriginalConstructor(); $stub = $builder->getMockForAbstractClass(); $result = $stub->get_search_fileareas(); $this->assertEquals(array(), $result); } /** * Test base attach files */ public function test_attach_files_base(): void { $filearea = 'search'; $component = 'mod_test'; // Create file to add. $fs = get_file_storage(); $filerecord = array( 'contextid' => 1, 'component' => $component, 'filearea' => $filearea, 'itemid' => 1, 'filepath' => '/', 'filename' => 'testfile.txt'); $content = 'All the news that\'s fit to print'; $file = $fs->create_file_from_string($filerecord, $content); // Construct the search document. $rec = new \stdClass(); $rec->contextid = 1; $area = new \core_mocksearch\search\mock_search_area(); $record = $this->generator->create_record($rec); $document = $area->get_document($record); // Create a mock from the abstract class, // with required methods stubbed. $builder = $this->getMockBuilder('\core_search\base'); $builder->disableOriginalConstructor(); $builder->onlyMethods(array('get_search_fileareas', 'get_component_name')); $stub = $builder->getMockForAbstractClass(); $stub->method('get_search_fileareas')->willReturn(array($filearea)); $stub->method('get_component_name')->willReturn($component); // Attach file to our test document. $stub->attach_files($document); // Verify file is attached. $files = $document->get_files(); $file = array_values($files)[0]; $this->assertEquals(1, count($files)); $this->assertEquals($content, $file->get_content()); } /** * Tests the base version (stub) of get_contexts_to_reindex. */ public function test_get_contexts_to_reindex(): void { $area = new \core_mocksearch\search\mock_search_area(); $this->assertEquals([\context_system::instance()], iterator_to_array($area->get_contexts_to_reindex(), false)); } /** * Test default document icon. */ public function test_get_default_doc_icon(): void { $basearea = $this->getMockBuilder('\core_search\base') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMockForAbstractClass(); $document = $this->getMockBuilder('\core_search\document') ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $result = $basearea->get_doc_icon($document); $this->assertEquals('i/empty', $result->get_name()); $this->assertEquals('moodle', $result->get_component()); } /** * Test base search area category names. */ public function test_get_category_names(): void { $builder = $this->getMockBuilder('\core_search\base'); $builder->disableOriginalConstructor(); $stub = $builder->getMockForAbstractClass(); $expected = ['core-other']; $this->assertEquals($expected, $stub->get_category_names()); } /** * Test getting all required search area setting names. */ public function test_get_settingnames(): void { $expected = array('_enabled', '_indexingstart', '_indexingend', '_lastindexrun', '_docsignored', '_docsprocessed', '_recordsprocessed', '_partial'); $this->assertEquals($expected, \core_search\base::get_settingnames()); } }