(used to keep XMLDB_reserved_words updated)'; $string['load'] = 'Load'; $string['main_view'] = 'Main View'; $string['missingfieldsinsentence'] = 'Missing fields in sentence'; $string['missingvaluesinsentence'] = 'Missing values in sentence'; $string['mustselectonefield'] = 'You must select one field to see field related actions!'; $string['mustselectoneindex'] = 'You must select one index to see index related actions!'; $string['mustselectonekey'] = 'You must select one field to see key related actions!'; $string['new_statement'] = 'New Statement'; $string['new_table_from_mysql'] = 'New Table From MySQL'; $string['newfield'] = 'New Field'; $string['newindex'] = 'New Index'; $string['newkey'] = 'New Key'; $string['newsentence'] = 'New Sentence'; $string['newstatement'] = 'New Statement'; $string['newtable'] = 'New Table'; $string['newtablefrommysql'] = 'New Table From MySQL'; $string['numberincorrectdecimals'] = 'Incorrect number of decimals for number field'; $string['numberincorrectlength'] = 'Incorrect length for number field'; $string['reserved'] = 'Reserved'; $string['reservedwords'] = 'Reserved Words'; $string['revert'] = 'Revert'; $string['revert_changes'] = 'Revert Changes'; $string['save'] = 'Save'; $string['selectaction'] = 'Select Action:'; $string['selectdb'] = 'Select Database:'; $string['selectonecommand'] = 'Please, select one Action from the list to view PHP code'; $string['selectonefieldkeyindex'] = 'Please, select one Field/Key/Index from the list to view the PHP code'; $string['selecttable'] = 'Select Table:'; $string['selectfieldkeyindex'] = 'Select Field/Key/Index:'; $string['sentences'] = 'Sentences'; $string['statements'] = 'Statements'; $string['statementtable'] = 'Statement Table:'; $string['statementtype'] = 'Statement Type:'; $string['table'] = 'Table'; $string['tables'] = 'Tables'; $string['test'] = 'Test'; $string['textincorrectlength'] = 'Incorrect length for text field'; $string['unload'] = 'Unload'; $string['up'] = 'Up'; $string['view'] = 'View'; $string['view_reserved_words'] = 'View Reserved Words'; $string['view_structure_php'] = 'View Structure PHP'; $string['view_structure_sql'] = 'View Structure SQL'; $string['view_table_sql'] = 'View Table SQL'; $string['view_table_php'] = 'View Table PHP'; $string['viewedited'] = 'View Edited'; $string['vieworiginal'] = 'View Original'; $string['viewphpcode'] = 'View PHP Code'; $string['viewsqlcode'] = 'View SQL Code'; $string['wronglengthforenum'] = 'Incorrect length for enum field'; $string['wrongnumberoffieldsorvalues'] = 'Incorrect number of fields or values in sentence'; $string['wrongreservedwords'] = 'Currently Used Reserved Words
(note that table names aren\'t important if using \$CFG->prefix)'; ?>