course)) { error("Course is misconfigured"); } require_login($course->id, true, $cm); if (! $journal = get_record("journal", "id", $cm->instance)) { error("Course module is incorrect"); } add_to_log($course->id, "journal", "view", "view.php?id=$cm->id", $journal->id, $cm->id); if (! $cw = get_record("course_sections", "id", $cm->section)) { error("Course module is incorrect"); } $strjournal = get_string("modulename", "journal"); $strjournals = get_string("modulenameplural", "journal"); $crumbs[] = array('name' => $strjournals, 'link' => "index.php?id=$course->id", 'type' => 'activity'); $crumbs[] = array('name' => format_string($journal->name), 'link' => '', 'type' => 'activityinstance'); $navigation = build_navigation($crumbs); print_header_simple(format_string($journal->name), '', $navigation, '', '', true, update_module_button($cm->id, $course->id, $strjournal), navmenu($course, $cm)); if (isteacher($course->id)) { $currentgroup = get_current_group($course->id); if ($currentgroup and isteacheredit($course->id)) { $group = groups_get_group($currentgroup); //TODO: $groupname = " ($group->name)"; } else { $groupname = ""; } $entrycount = journal_count_entries($journal, $currentgroup); echo '"; } else if (!$cm->visible) { notice(get_string('activityiscurrentlyhidden')); } $journal->intro = trim($journal->intro); if (!empty($journal->intro)) { print_box( format_text($journal->intro, $journal->introformat), 5, 'generalbox', 'intro'); } echo '
'; $timenow = time(); if ($course->format == 'weeks' and $journal->days) { $timestart = $course->startdate + (($cw->section - 1) * 604800); if ($journal->days) { $timefinish = $timestart + (3600 * 24 * $journal->days); } else { $timefinish = $course->enddate; } } else { // Have no time limits on the journals $timestart = $timenow - 1; $timefinish = $timenow + 1; $journal->days = 0; } if ($timenow > $timestart) { print_simple_box_start('center'); if ($timenow < $timefinish) { $options = array ('id' => "$cm->id"); echo '
'; if (!isguest()) { print_single_button('edit.php', $options, get_string('startoredit','journal')); } echo '
'; } if ($entry = get_record('journal_entries', 'userid', $USER->id, 'journal', $journal->id)) { if (empty($entry->text)) { echo '


'; } else { echo format_text($entry->text, $entry->format); } } else { echo ''.get_string('notstarted','journal').''; } print_simple_box_end(); if ($timenow < $timefinish) { if (!empty($entry->modified)) { echo '
'.get_string('lastedited').': '; echo userdate($entry->modified); echo ' ('.get_string('numwords', '', count_words($entry->text)).')'; echo "
"; } if (!empty($journal->days)) { echo '
'.get_string('editingends', 'journal').': '; echo userdate($timefinish).'
'; } } else { echo '
'.get_string('editingended', 'journal').': '; echo userdate($timefinish).'
'; } if (!empty($entry->entrycomment) or !empty($entry->rating)) { $grades = make_grades_menu($journal->assessed); print_heading(get_string('feedback')); journal_print_feedback($course, $entry, $grades); } } else { echo '
'.get_string('notopenuntil', 'journal').': '; echo userdate($timestart).'
'; } print_footer($course); ?>