. /** * Analytics basic actions manager. * * @package core_analytics * @copyright 2017 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ namespace core_analytics; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Analytics basic actions manager. * * @package core_analytics * @copyright 2017 David Monllao {@link http://www.davidmonllao.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class manager { /** * Default mlbackend */ const DEFAULT_MLBACKEND = '\mlbackend_php\processor'; /** * Name of the file where components declare their models. */ const ANALYTICS_FILENAME = 'db/analytics.php'; /** * @var \core_analytics\predictor[] */ protected static $predictionprocessors = []; /** * @var \core_analytics\local\target\base[] */ protected static $alltargets = null; /** * @var \core_analytics\local\indicator\base[] */ protected static $allindicators = null; /** * @var \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base[] */ protected static $alltimesplittings = null; /** * Checks that the user can manage models * * @throws \required_capability_exception * @return void */ public static function check_can_manage_models() { require_capability('moodle/analytics:managemodels', \context_system::instance()); } /** * Checks that the user can list that context insights * * @throws \required_capability_exception * @param \context $context * @param bool $return The method returns a bool if true. * @return void */ public static function check_can_list_insights(\context $context, bool $return = false) { global $USER; if ($context->contextlevel === CONTEXT_USER && $context->instanceid == $USER->id) { $capability = 'moodle/analytics:listowninsights'; } else { $capability = 'moodle/analytics:listinsights'; } if ($return) { return has_capability($capability, $context); } else { require_capability($capability, $context); } } /** * Is analytics enabled globally? * * return bool */ public static function is_analytics_enabled(): bool { global $CFG; if (isset($CFG->enableanalytics)) { return $CFG->enableanalytics; } // Enabled by default. return true; } /** * Returns all system models that match the provided filters. * * @param bool $enabled * @param bool $trained * @param \context|false $predictioncontext * @return \core_analytics\model[] */ public static function get_all_models($enabled = false, $trained = false, $predictioncontext = false) { global $DB; $params = array(); $sql = "SELECT am.* FROM {analytics_models} am"; if ($enabled || $trained || $predictioncontext) { $conditions = []; if ($enabled) { $conditions[] = 'am.enabled = :enabled'; $params['enabled'] = 1; } if ($trained) { $conditions[] = 'am.trained = :trained'; $params['trained'] = 1; } if ($predictioncontext) { $conditions[] = "EXISTS (SELECT 'x' FROM {analytics_predictions} ap WHERE ap.modelid = am.id AND ap.contextid = :contextid)"; $params['contextid'] = $predictioncontext->id; } $sql .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $conditions); } $sql .= ' ORDER BY am.enabled DESC, am.timemodified DESC'; $modelobjs = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); $models = array(); foreach ($modelobjs as $modelobj) { $model = new \core_analytics\model($modelobj); if ($model->is_available()) { $models[$modelobj->id] = $model; } } // Sort the models by the model name using the current session language. \core_collator::asort_objects_by_method($models, 'get_name'); return $models; } /** * Returns the provided predictions processor class. * * @param false|string $predictionclass Returns the system default processor if false * @param bool $checkisready * @return \core_analytics\predictor */ public static function get_predictions_processor($predictionclass = false, $checkisready = true) { // We want 0 or 1 so we can use it as an array key for caching. $checkisready = intval($checkisready); if (!$predictionclass) { $predictionclass = get_config('analytics', 'predictionsprocessor'); } if (empty($predictionclass)) { // Use the default one if nothing set. $predictionclass = self::default_mlbackend(); } if (!class_exists($predictionclass)) { throw new \coding_exception('Invalid predictions processor ' . $predictionclass . '.'); } $interfaces = class_implements($predictionclass); if (empty($interfaces['core_analytics\predictor'])) { throw new \coding_exception($predictionclass . ' should implement \core_analytics\predictor.'); } // Return it from the cached list. if (!isset(self::$predictionprocessors[$checkisready][$predictionclass])) { $instance = new $predictionclass(); if ($checkisready) { $isready = $instance->is_ready(); if ($isready !== true) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorprocessornotready', 'analytics', '', $isready); } } self::$predictionprocessors[$checkisready][$predictionclass] = $instance; } return self::$predictionprocessors[$checkisready][$predictionclass]; } /** * Return all system predictions processors. * * @return \core_analytics\predictor[] */ public static function get_all_prediction_processors() { $mlbackends = \core_component::get_plugin_list('mlbackend'); $predictionprocessors = array(); foreach ($mlbackends as $mlbackend => $unused) { $classfullpath = '\mlbackend_' . $mlbackend . '\processor'; $predictionprocessors[$classfullpath] = self::get_predictions_processor($classfullpath, false); } return $predictionprocessors; } /** * Resets the cached prediction processors. * @return null */ public static function reset_prediction_processors() { self::$predictionprocessors = []; } /** * Returns the name of the provided predictions processor. * * @param \core_analytics\predictor $predictionsprocessor * @return string */ public static function get_predictions_processor_name(\core_analytics\predictor $predictionsprocessor) { $component = substr(get_class($predictionsprocessor), 0, strpos(get_class($predictionsprocessor), '\\', 1)); return get_string('pluginname', $component); } /** * Whether the provided plugin is used by any model. * * @param string $plugin * @return bool */ public static function is_mlbackend_used($plugin) { $models = self::get_all_models(); foreach ($models as $model) { $processor = $model->get_predictions_processor(); $noprefixnamespace = ltrim(get_class($processor), '\\'); $processorplugin = substr($noprefixnamespace, 0, strpos($noprefixnamespace, '\\')); if ($processorplugin == $plugin) { return true; } } // Default predictions processor. $defaultprocessorclass = get_config('analytics', 'predictionsprocessor'); $pluginclass = '\\' . $plugin . '\\processor'; if ($pluginclass === $defaultprocessorclass) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get all available time splitting methods. * * @return \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base[] */ public static function get_all_time_splittings() { if (self::$alltimesplittings !== null) { return self::$alltimesplittings; } $classes = self::get_analytics_classes('time_splitting'); self::$alltimesplittings = []; foreach ($classes as $fullclassname => $classpath) { $instance = self::get_time_splitting($fullclassname); // We need to check that it is a valid time splitting method, it may be an abstract class. if ($instance) { self::$alltimesplittings[$instance->get_id()] = $instance; } } return self::$alltimesplittings; } /** * Returns the enabled time splitting methods. * * @deprecated since Moodle 3.7 * @todo MDL-65086 This will be deleted in Moodle 4.1 * @see \core_analytics\manager::get_time_splitting_methods_for_evaluation * @return \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base[] */ public static function get_enabled_time_splitting_methods() { debugging('This function has been deprecated. You can use self::get_time_splitting_methods_for_evaluation if ' . 'you want to get the default time splitting methods for evaluation, or you can use self::get_all_time_splittings if ' . 'you want to get all the time splitting methods available on this site.'); return self::get_time_splitting_methods_for_evaluation(); } /** * Returns the time-splitting methods for model evaluation. * * @param bool $all Return all the time-splitting methods that can potentially be used for evaluation or the default ones. * @return \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base[] */ public static function get_time_splitting_methods_for_evaluation(bool $all = false) { if ($all === false) { if ($enabledtimesplittings = get_config('analytics', 'defaulttimesplittingsevaluation')) { $enabledtimesplittings = array_flip(explode(',', $enabledtimesplittings)); } } $timesplittings = self::get_all_time_splittings(); foreach ($timesplittings as $key => $timesplitting) { if (!$timesplitting->valid_for_evaluation()) { unset($timesplittings[$key]); } if ($all === false) { // We remove the ones that are not enabled. This also respects the default value (all methods enabled). if (!empty($enabledtimesplittings) && !isset($enabledtimesplittings[$key])) { unset($timesplittings[$key]); } } } return $timesplittings; } /** * Returns a time splitting method by its classname. * * @param string $fullclassname * @return \core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base|false False if it is not valid. */ public static function get_time_splitting($fullclassname) { if (!self::is_valid($fullclassname, '\core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base')) { return false; } return new $fullclassname(); } /** * Return all targets in the system. * * @return \core_analytics\local\target\base[] */ public static function get_all_targets() : array { if (self::$alltargets !== null) { return self::$alltargets; } $classes = self::get_analytics_classes('target'); self::$alltargets = []; foreach ($classes as $fullclassname => $classpath) { $instance = self::get_target($fullclassname); if ($instance) { self::$alltargets[$instance->get_id()] = $instance; } } return self::$alltargets; } /** * Return all system indicators. * * @return \core_analytics\local\indicator\base[] */ public static function get_all_indicators() { if (self::$allindicators !== null) { return self::$allindicators; } $classes = self::get_analytics_classes('indicator'); self::$allindicators = []; foreach ($classes as $fullclassname => $classpath) { $instance = self::get_indicator($fullclassname); if ($instance) { self::$allindicators[$instance->get_id()] = $instance; } } return self::$allindicators; } /** * Returns the specified target * * @param mixed $fullclassname * @return \core_analytics\local\target\base|false False if it is not valid */ public static function get_target($fullclassname) { if (!self::is_valid($fullclassname, 'core_analytics\local\target\base')) { return false; } return new $fullclassname(); } /** * Returns an instance of the provided indicator. * * @param string $fullclassname * @return \core_analytics\local\indicator\base|false False if it is not valid. */ public static function get_indicator($fullclassname) { if (!self::is_valid($fullclassname, 'core_analytics\local\indicator\base')) { return false; } return new $fullclassname(); } /** * Returns whether a time splitting method is valid or not. * * @param string $fullclassname * @param string $baseclass * @return bool */ public static function is_valid($fullclassname, $baseclass) { if (is_subclass_of($fullclassname, $baseclass)) { if ((new \ReflectionClass($fullclassname))->isInstantiable()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the logstore used for analytics. * * @return \core\log\sql_reader|false False if no log stores are enabled. */ public static function get_analytics_logstore() { $readers = get_log_manager()->get_readers('core\log\sql_reader'); $analyticsstore = get_config('analytics', 'logstore'); if (!empty($analyticsstore) && !empty($readers[$analyticsstore])) { $logstore = $readers[$analyticsstore]; } else if (empty($analyticsstore) && !empty($readers)) { // The first one, it is the same default than in settings. $logstore = reset($readers); } else if (!empty($readers)) { $logstore = reset($readers); debugging('The selected log store for analytics is not available anymore. Using "' . $logstore->get_name() . '"', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } if (empty($logstore)) { debugging('No system log stores available to use for analytics', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return false; } if (!$logstore->is_logging()) { debugging('The selected log store for analytics "' . $logstore->get_name() . '" is not logging activity logs', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } return $logstore; } /** * Returns this analysable calculations during the provided period. * * @param \core_analytics\analysable $analysable * @param int $starttime * @param int $endtime * @param string $samplesorigin The samples origin as sampleid is not unique across models. * @return array */ public static function get_indicator_calculations($analysable, $starttime, $endtime, $samplesorigin) { global $DB; $params = array('starttime' => $starttime, 'endtime' => $endtime, 'contextid' => $analysable->get_context()->id, 'sampleorigin' => $samplesorigin); $calculations = $DB->get_recordset('analytics_indicator_calc', $params, '', 'indicator, sampleid, value'); $existingcalculations = array(); foreach ($calculations as $calculation) { if (empty($existingcalculations[$calculation->indicator])) { $existingcalculations[$calculation->indicator] = array(); } $existingcalculations[$calculation->indicator][$calculation->sampleid] = $calculation->value; } $calculations->close(); return $existingcalculations; } /** * Returns the models with insights at the provided context. * * Note that this method is used for display purposes. It filters out models whose insights * are not linked from the reports page. * * @param \context $context * @return \core_analytics\model[] */ public static function get_models_with_insights(\context $context) { self::check_can_list_insights($context); $models = self::get_all_models(true, true, $context); foreach ($models as $key => $model) { // Check that it not only have predictions but also generates insights from them. if (!$model->uses_insights() || !$model->get_target()->link_insights_report()) { unset($models[$key]); } } return $models; } /** * Returns the models that generated insights in the provided context. It can also be used to add new models to the context. * * Note that if you use this function with $newmodelid is the caller responsibility to ensure that the * provided model id generated insights for the provided context. * * @throws \coding_exception * @param \context $context * @param int|null $newmodelid A new model to add to the list of models with insights in the provided context. * @return int[] */ public static function cached_models_with_insights(\context $context, int $newmodelid = null) { $cache = \cache::make('core', 'contextwithinsights'); $modelids = $cache->get($context->id); if ($modelids === false) { // The cache is empty, but we don't know if it is empty because there are no insights // in this context or because cache/s have been purged, we need to be conservative and // "pay" 1 db read to fill up the cache. $models = \core_analytics\manager::get_models_with_insights($context); if ($newmodelid && empty($models[$newmodelid])) { throw new \coding_exception('The provided modelid ' . $newmodelid . ' did not generate any insights'); } $modelids = array_keys($models); $cache->set($context->id, $modelids); } else if ($newmodelid && !in_array($newmodelid, $modelids)) { // We add the context we got as an argument to the cache. array_push($modelids, $newmodelid); $cache->set($context->id, $modelids); } return $modelids; } /** * Returns a prediction * * @param int $predictionid * @param bool $requirelogin * @return array array($model, $prediction, $context) */ public static function get_prediction($predictionid, $requirelogin = false) { global $DB; if (!$predictionobj = $DB->get_record('analytics_predictions', array('id' => $predictionid))) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorpredictionnotfound', 'analytics'); } $context = \context::instance_by_id($predictionobj->contextid, IGNORE_MISSING); if (!$context) { throw new \moodle_exception('errorpredictioncontextnotavailable', 'analytics'); } if ($requirelogin) { list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($predictionobj->contextid); require_login($course, false, $cm); } self::check_can_list_insights($context); $model = new \core_analytics\model($predictionobj->modelid); $sampledata = $model->prediction_sample_data($predictionobj); $prediction = new \core_analytics\prediction($predictionobj, $sampledata); return array($model, $prediction, $context); } /** * Used to be used to add models included with the Moodle core. * * @deprecated Deprecated since Moodle 3.7 (MDL-61667) - Use lib/db/analytics.php instead. * @todo Remove this method in Moodle 4.1 (MDL-65186). * @return void */ public static function add_builtin_models() { debugging('core_analytics\manager::add_builtin_models() has been deprecated. Core models are now automatically '. 'updated according to their declaration in the lib/db/analytics.php file.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } /** * Cleans up analytics db tables that do not directly depend on analysables that may have been deleted. */ public static function cleanup() { global $DB; $DB->execute("DELETE FROM {analytics_prediction_actions} WHERE predictionid IN (SELECT ap.id FROM {analytics_predictions} ap LEFT JOIN {context} ctx ON ap.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ctx.id IS NULL)"); $contextsql = "SELECT id FROM {context} ctx"; $DB->delete_records_select('analytics_predictions', "contextid NOT IN ($contextsql)"); $DB->delete_records_select('analytics_indicator_calc', "contextid NOT IN ($contextsql)"); // Clean up stuff that depends on analysable ids that do not exist anymore. $models = self::get_all_models(); foreach ($models as $model) { // We first dump into memory the list of analysables we have in the database (we could probably do this with 1 single // query for the 3 tables, but it may be safer to do it separately). $predictsamplesanalysableids = $DB->get_fieldset_select('analytics_predict_samples', 'DISTINCT analysableid', 'modelid = :modelid', ['modelid' => $model->get_id()]); $predictsamplesanalysableids = array_flip($predictsamplesanalysableids); $trainsamplesanalysableids = $DB->get_fieldset_select('analytics_train_samples', 'DISTINCT analysableid', 'modelid = :modelid', ['modelid' => $model->get_id()]); $trainsamplesanalysableids = array_flip($trainsamplesanalysableids); $usedanalysablesanalysableids = $DB->get_fieldset_select('analytics_used_analysables', 'DISTINCT analysableid', 'modelid = :modelid', ['modelid' => $model->get_id()]); $usedanalysablesanalysableids = array_flip($usedanalysablesanalysableids); $analyser = $model->get_analyser(array('notimesplitting' => true)); // We do not honour the list of contexts in this model as it can contain stale records. $analysables = $analyser->get_analysables_iterator(); $analysableids = []; foreach ($analysables as $analysable) { if (!$analysable) { continue; } unset($predictsamplesanalysableids[$analysable->get_id()]); unset($trainsamplesanalysableids[$analysable->get_id()]); unset($usedanalysablesanalysableids[$analysable->get_id()]); } $param = ['modelid' => $model->get_id()]; if ($predictsamplesanalysableids) { list($idssql, $idsparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_flip($predictsamplesanalysableids), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $DB->delete_records_select('analytics_predict_samples', "modelid = :modelid AND analysableid $idssql", $param + $idsparams); } if ($trainsamplesanalysableids) { list($idssql, $idsparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_flip($trainsamplesanalysableids), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $DB->delete_records_select('analytics_train_samples', "modelid = :modelid AND analysableid $idssql", $param + $idsparams); } if ($usedanalysablesanalysableids) { list($idssql, $idsparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_flip($usedanalysablesanalysableids), SQL_PARAMS_NAMED); $DB->delete_records_select('analytics_used_analysables', "modelid = :modelid AND analysableid $idssql", $param + $idsparams); } } } /** * Default system backend. * * @return string */ public static function default_mlbackend() { return self::DEFAULT_MLBACKEND; } /** * Returns the provided element classes in the site. * * @param string $element * @return string[] Array keys are the FQCN and the values the class path. */ private static function get_analytics_classes($element) { // Just in case... $element = clean_param($element, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $classes = \core_component::get_component_classes_in_namespace(null, 'analytics\\' . $element); return $classes; } /** * Check that all the models declared by the component are up to date. * * This is intended to be called during the installation / upgrade to automatically create missing models. * * @param string $componentname The name of the component to load models for. * @return array \core_analytics\model[] List of actually created models. */ public static function update_default_models_for_component(string $componentname): array { $result = []; foreach (static::load_default_models_for_component($componentname) as $definition) { if (!\core_analytics\model::exists(static::get_target($definition['target']))) { $result[] = static::create_declared_model($definition); } } return $result; } /** * Return the list of models declared by the given component. * * @param string $componentname The name of the component to load models for. * @throws \coding_exception Exception thrown in case of invalid syntax. * @return array The $models description array. */ public static function load_default_models_for_component(string $componentname): array { $dir = \core_component::get_component_directory($componentname); if (!$dir) { // This is either an invalid component, or a core subsystem without its own root directory. return []; } $file = $dir . '/' . self::ANALYTICS_FILENAME; if (!is_readable($file)) { return []; } $models = null; include($file); if (!isset($models) || !is_array($models) || empty($models)) { return []; } foreach ($models as &$model) { if (!isset($model['enabled'])) { $model['enabled'] = false; } else { $model['enabled'] = clean_param($model['enabled'], PARAM_BOOL); } } static::validate_models_declaration($models); return $models; } /** * Return the list of all the models declared anywhere in this Moodle installation. * * Models defined by the core and core subsystems come first, followed by those provided by plugins. * * @return array indexed by the frankenstyle component */ public static function load_default_models_for_all_components(): array { $tmp = []; foreach (\core_component::get_component_list() as $type => $components) { foreach (array_keys($components) as $component) { if ($loaded = static::load_default_models_for_component($component)) { $tmp[$type][$component] = $loaded; } } } $result = []; if ($loaded = static::load_default_models_for_component('core')) { $result['core'] = $loaded; } if (!empty($tmp['core'])) { $result += $tmp['core']; unset($tmp['core']); } foreach ($tmp as $components) { $result += $components; } return $result; } /** * Validate the declaration of prediction models according the syntax expected in the component's db folder. * * The expected structure looks like this: * * [ * [ * 'target' => '\fully\qualified\name\of\the\target\class', * 'indicators' => [ * '\fully\qualified\name\of\the\first\indicator', * '\fully\qualified\name\of\the\second\indicator', * ], * 'timesplitting' => '\optional\name\of\the\time_splitting\class', * 'enabled' => true, * ], * ]; * * @param array $models List of declared models. * @throws \coding_exception Exception thrown in case of invalid syntax. */ public static function validate_models_declaration(array $models) { foreach ($models as $model) { if (!isset($model['target'])) { throw new \coding_exception('Missing target declaration'); } if (!static::is_valid($model['target'], '\core_analytics\local\target\base')) { throw new \coding_exception('Invalid target classname', $model['target']); } if (empty($model['indicators']) || !is_array($model['indicators'])) { throw new \coding_exception('Missing indicators declaration'); } foreach ($model['indicators'] as $indicator) { if (!static::is_valid($indicator, '\core_analytics\local\indicator\base')) { throw new \coding_exception('Invalid indicator classname', $indicator); } } if (isset($model['timesplitting'])) { if (substr($model['timesplitting'], 0, 1) !== '\\') { throw new \coding_exception('Expecting fully qualified time splitting classname', $model['timesplitting']); } if (!static::is_valid($model['timesplitting'], '\core_analytics\local\time_splitting\base')) { throw new \coding_exception('Invalid time splitting classname', $model['timesplitting']); } } if (!empty($model['enabled']) && !isset($model['timesplitting'])) { throw new \coding_exception('Cannot enable a model without time splitting method specified'); } } } /** * Create the defined model. * * @param array $definition See {@link self::validate_models_declaration()} for the syntax. * @return \core_analytics\model */ public static function create_declared_model(array $definition): \core_analytics\model { list($target, $indicators) = static::get_declared_target_and_indicators_instances($definition); if (isset($definition['timesplitting'])) { $timesplitting = $definition['timesplitting']; } else { $timesplitting = false; } $created = \core_analytics\model::create($target, $indicators, $timesplitting); if (!empty($definition['enabled'])) { $created->enable(); } return $created; } /** * Returns a string uniquely representing the given model declaration. * * @param array $model Model declaration * @return string complying with PARAM_ALPHANUM rules and starting with an 'id' prefix */ public static function model_declaration_identifier(array $model) : string { return 'id'.sha1(serialize($model)); } /** * Given a model definition, return actual target and indicators instances. * * @param array $definition See {@link self::validate_models_declaration()} for the syntax. * @return array [0] => target instance, [1] => array of indicators instances */ public static function get_declared_target_and_indicators_instances(array $definition): array { $target = static::get_target($definition['target']); $indicators = []; foreach ($definition['indicators'] as $indicatorname) { $indicator = static::get_indicator($indicatorname); $indicators[$indicator->get_id()] = $indicator; } return [$target, $indicators]; } /** * Return the context restrictions that can be applied to the provided context levels. * * @throws \coding_exception * @param array|null $contextlevels The list of context levels provided by the analyser. Null if all of them. * @param string|null $query * @return array Associative array with contextid as key and the short version of the context name as value. */ public static function get_potential_context_restrictions(?array $contextlevels = null, string $query = null) { global $DB; if (empty($contextlevels) && !is_null($contextlevels)) { return false; } if (!is_null($contextlevels)) { foreach ($contextlevels as $contextlevel) { if ($contextlevel !== CONTEXT_COURSE && $contextlevel !== CONTEXT_COURSECAT) { throw new \coding_exception('Only CONTEXT_COURSE and CONTEXT_COURSECAT are supported at the moment.'); } } } $contexts = []; // We have a separate process for each context level for performance reasons (to iterate through mdl_context calling // get_context_name() would be too slow). $contextsystem = \context_system::instance(); if (is_null($contextlevels) || in_array(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $contextlevels)) { $sql = "SELECT cc.id, cc.name, ctx.id AS contextid FROM {course_categories} cc JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.contextlevel = :ctxlevel AND ctx.instanceid = cc.id"; $params = ['ctxlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSECAT]; if ($query) { $sql .= " WHERE " . $DB->sql_like('cc.name', ':query', false, false); $params['query'] = '%' . $query . '%'; } $coursecats = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($coursecats as $record) { $contexts[$record->contextid] = get_string('category') . ': ' . format_string($record->name, true, array('context' => $contextsystem)); } $coursecats->close(); } if (is_null($contextlevels) || in_array(CONTEXT_COURSE, $contextlevels)) { $sql = "SELECT c.id, c.shortname, ctx.id AS contextid FROM {course} c JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.contextlevel = :ctxlevel AND ctx.instanceid = c.id WHERE c.id != :siteid"; $params = ['ctxlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE, 'siteid' => SITEID]; if ($query) { $sql .= ' AND (' . $DB->sql_like('c.fullname', ':query1', false, false) . ' OR ' . $DB->sql_like('c.shortname', ':query2', false, false) . ')'; $params['query1'] = '%' . $query . '%'; $params['query2'] = '%' . $query . '%'; } $courses = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($courses as $record) { $contexts[$record->contextid] = get_string('course') . ': ' . format_string($record->shortname, true, array('context' => $contextsystem)); } $courses->close(); } return $contexts; } }