. /** * Provides user rendering functionality such as printing private files tree and displaying a search utility * * @package core_user * @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Provides user rendering functionality such as printing private files tree and displaying a search utility * @copyright 2010 Dongsheng Cai * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class core_user_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base { /** * Prints user search utility that can search user by first initial of firstname and/or first initial of lastname * Prints a header with a title and the number of users found within that subset * @param string $url the url to return to, complete with any parameters needed for the return * @param string $firstinitial the first initial of the firstname * @param string $lastinitial the first initial of the lastname * @param int $usercount the amount of users meeting the search criteria * @param int $totalcount the amount of users of the set/subset being searched * @param string $heading heading of the subset being searched, default is All Participants * @return string html output */ public function user_search($url, $firstinitial, $lastinitial, $usercount, $totalcount, $heading = null) { if ($firstinitial !== 'all') { set_user_preference('ifirst', $firstinitial); } if ($lastinitial !== 'all') { set_user_preference('ilast', $lastinitial); } if (!isset($heading)) { $heading = get_string('allparticipants'); } $content = html_writer::start_tag('form', array('action' => new moodle_url($url))); $content .= html_writer::start_tag('div'); // Search utility heading. $content .= $this->output->heading($heading.get_string('labelsep', 'langconfig').$usercount.'/'.$totalcount, 3); // Initials bar. $prefixfirst = 'sifirst'; $prefixlast = 'silast'; $content .= $this->output->initials_bar($firstinitial, 'firstinitial', get_string('firstname'), $prefixfirst, $url); $content .= $this->output->initials_bar($lastinitial, 'lastinitial', get_string('lastname'), $prefixlast, $url); $content .= html_writer::end_tag('div'); $content .= html_writer::tag('div', ' '); $content .= html_writer::end_tag('form'); return $content; } /** * Construct a partial user search that'll require form handling implemented by the caller. * This allows the developer to have an initials bar setup that does not automatically redirect. * * @param string $url the url to return to, complete with any parameters needed for the return * @param string $firstinitial the first initial of the firstname * @param string $lastinitial the first initial of the lastname * @param bool $minirender Return a trimmed down view of the initials bar. * @return string html output * @throws coding_exception */ public function partial_user_search(String $url, String $firstinitial, String $lastinitial, Bool $minirender = false): String { $content = ''; if ($firstinitial !== 'all') { set_user_preference('ifirst', $firstinitial); } if ($lastinitial !== 'all') { set_user_preference('ilast', $lastinitial); } // Initials bar. $prefixfirst = 'sifirst'; $prefixlast = 'silast'; $content .= $this->output->initials_bar( $firstinitial, 'firstinitial', get_string('firstname'), $prefixfirst, $url, null, $minirender ); $content .= $this->output->initials_bar( $lastinitial, 'lastinitial', get_string('lastname'), $prefixlast, $url, null, $minirender ); return $content; } /** * Displays the list of tagged users * * @param array $userlist * @param bool $exclusivemode if set to true it means that no other entities tagged with this tag * are displayed on the page and the per-page limit may be bigger * @return string */ public function user_list($userlist, $exclusivemode) { $tagfeed = new core_tag\output\tagfeed(); foreach ($userlist as $user) { $userpicture = $this->output->user_picture($user, array('size' => $exclusivemode ? 100 : 35)); $fullname = fullname($user); if (user_can_view_profile($user)) { $profilelink = new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $user->id)); $fullname = html_writer::link($profilelink, $fullname); } $tagfeed->add($userpicture, $fullname); } $items = $tagfeed->export_for_template($this->output); if ($exclusivemode) { $output = '
    '; foreach ($items['items'] as $item) { $output .= '
  • '. $item['img'] . $item['heading'] ."
  • \n"; } $output .= "
\n"; return $output; } return $this->output->render_from_template('core_tag/tagfeed', $items); } /** * Renders the unified filter element for the course participants page. * @deprecated since 3.9 * @throws coding_exception */ public function unified_filter() { throw new coding_exception('unified_filter cannot be used any more, please use participants_filter instead'); } /** * Render the data required for the participants filter on the course participants page. * * @param context $context The context of the course being displayed * @param string $tableregionid Container of the table to be updated by this filter, is used to retrieve the table * @return string */ public function participants_filter(context $context, string $tableregionid): string { $renderable = new \core_user\output\participants_filter($context, $tableregionid); $templatecontext = $renderable->export_for_template($this->output); return $this->output->render_from_template('core_user/participantsfilter', $templatecontext); } /** * Returns a formatted filter option. * * @param int $filtertype The filter type (e.g. status, role, group, enrolment, last access). * @param string $criteria The string label of the filter type. * @param int $value The value for the filter option. * @param string $label The string representation of the filter option's value. * @return array The formatted option with the ['filtertype:value' => 'criteria: label'] format. */ protected function format_filter_option($filtertype, $criteria, $value, $label) { $optionlabel = get_string('filteroption', 'moodle', (object)['criteria' => $criteria, 'value' => $label]); $optionvalue = "$filtertype:$value"; return [$optionvalue => $optionlabel]; } /** * Handles cases when after reloading the applied filters are missing in the filter options. * * @param array $filtersapplied The applied filters. * @param array $filteroptions The filter options. * @return array The formatted options with the ['filtertype:value' => 'criteria: label'] format. */ private function handle_missing_applied_filters($filtersapplied, $filteroptions) { global $DB; foreach ($filtersapplied as $filter) { if (!array_key_exists($filter, $filteroptions)) { $filtervalue = explode(':', $filter); if (count($filtervalue) !== 2) { continue; } $key = $filtervalue[0]; $value = $filtervalue[1]; switch($key) { case USER_FILTER_LAST_ACCESS: $now = usergetmidnight(time()); $criteria = get_string('usersnoaccesssince'); // Days. for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) { $timestamp = strtotime('-' . $i . ' days', $now); if ($timestamp < $value) { break; } $val = get_string('numdays', 'moodle', $i); $filteroptions += $this->format_filter_option(USER_FILTER_LAST_ACCESS, $criteria, $timestamp, $val); } // Weeks. for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { $timestamp = strtotime('-'.$i.' weeks', $now); if ($timestamp < $value) { break; } $val = get_string('numweeks', 'moodle', $i); $filteroptions += $this->format_filter_option(USER_FILTER_LAST_ACCESS, $criteria, $timestamp, $val); } // Months. for ($i = 2; $i < 12; $i++) { $timestamp = strtotime('-'.$i.' months', $now); if ($timestamp < $value) { break; } $val = get_string('nummonths', 'moodle', $i); $filteroptions += $this->format_filter_option(USER_FILTER_LAST_ACCESS, $criteria, $timestamp, $val); } // Try a year. $timestamp = strtotime('-1 year', $now); if ($timestamp >= $value) { $val = get_string('numyear', 'moodle', 1); $filteroptions += $this->format_filter_option(USER_FILTER_LAST_ACCESS, $criteria, $timestamp, $val); } break; case USER_FILTER_ROLE: $criteria = get_string('role'); if ($role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $value))) { $role = role_get_name($role); $filteroptions += $this->format_filter_option(USER_FILTER_ROLE, $criteria, $value, $role); } break; } } } return $filteroptions; } }