. /** * Strings for component 'auth_db', language 'en', branch 'MOODLE_20_STABLE' * * @package auth_db * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ $string['auth_dbcantconnect'] = 'Could not connect to the specified authentication database...'; $string['auth_dbdebugauthdb'] = 'Debug ADOdb'; $string['auth_dbdebugauthdbhelp'] = 'Debug ADOdb connection to external database - use when getting empty page during login. Not suitable for production sites.'; $string['auth_dbdeleteuser'] = 'Deleted user {$a}[0] id {$a}[1]'; $string['auth_dbdeleteusererror'] = 'Error deleting user {$a}'; $string['auth_dbdescription'] = 'This method uses an external database table to check whether a given username and password is valid. If the account is a new one, then information from other fields may also be copied across into Moodle.'; $string['auth_dbextencoding'] = 'External db encoding'; $string['auth_dbextencodinghelp'] = 'Encoding used in external database'; $string['auth_dbextrafields'] = 'These fields are optional. You can choose to pre-fill some Moodle user fields with information from the external database fields that you specify here.

If you leave these blank, then defaults will be used.

In either case, the user will be able to edit all of these fields after they log in.

'; $string['auth_dbfieldpass'] = 'Name of the field containing passwords'; $string['auth_dbfieldpass_key'] = 'Password field'; $string['auth_dbfielduser'] = 'Name of the field containing usernames'; $string['auth_dbfielduser_key'] = 'Username field'; $string['auth_dbhost'] = 'The computer hosting the database server.'; $string['auth_dbhost_key'] = 'Host'; $string['auth_dbchangepasswordurl_key'] = 'Password-change URL'; $string['auth_dbinsertuser'] = 'Inserted user {$a}[0] id {$a}[1]'; $string['auth_dbinsertusererror'] = 'Error inserting user {$a}'; $string['auth_dbname'] = 'Name of the database itself'; $string['auth_dbname_key'] = 'DB Name'; $string['auth_dbpass'] = 'Password matching the above username'; $string['auth_dbpass_key'] = 'Password'; $string['auth_dbpasstype'] = '

Specify the format that the password field is using. MD5 hashing is useful for connecting to other common web applications like PostNuke.

Use \'internal\' if you want to the external DB to manage usernames & email addresses, but Moodle to manage passwords. If you use \'internal\', you must provide a populated email address field in the external DB, and you must execute both admin/cron.php and auth/db/auth_db_sync_users.php regularly. Moodle will send an email to new users with a temporary password.

'; $string['auth_dbpasstype_key'] = 'Password format'; $string['auth_dbreviveduser'] = 'Revived user {$a}[0] id {$a}[1]'; $string['auth_dbrevivedusererror'] = 'Error reviving user {$a}'; $string['auth_dbsetupsql'] = 'SQL setup command'; $string['auth_dbsetupsqlhelp'] = 'SQL command for special database setup, often used to setup communication encoding - example for MySQL and PostgreSQL: SET NAMES \'utf8\''; $string['auth_dbsuspenduser'] = 'Suspended user {$a}[0] id {$a}[1]'; $string['auth_dbsuspendusererror'] = 'Error suspending user {$a}'; $string['auth_dbsybasequoting'] = 'Use sybase quotes'; $string['auth_dbsybasequotinghelp'] = 'Sybase style single quote escaping - needed for Oracle, MS SQL and some other databases. Do not use for MySQL!'; $string['auth_dbtable'] = 'Name of the table in the database'; $string['auth_dbtable_key'] = 'Table'; $string['auth_dbtitle'] = 'External database'; $string['auth_dbtype'] = 'The database type (See the ADOdb documentation for details)'; $string['auth_dbtype_key'] = 'Database'; $string['auth_dbupdatinguser'] = 'Updating user {$a}[0] id {$a}[1]'; $string['auth_dbuser'] = 'Username with read access to the database'; $string['auth_dbuser_key'] = 'DB User'; $string['auth_dbusernotexist'] = 'Cannot update non-existent user: {$a}'; $string['auth_dbuserstoadd'] = 'User entries to add: {$a}'; $string['auth_dbuserstoremove'] = 'User entries to remove: {$a}';