. /** * This contains functions and classes that will be used by scripts in wiki module * * @package mod-wiki-2.0 * @copyrigth 2009 Marc Alier, Jordi Piguillem marc.alier@upc.edu * @copyrigth 2009 Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya http://www.upc.edu * * @author Jordi Piguillem * @author Marc Alier * @author David Jimenez * @author Josep Arus * @author Daniel Serrano * @author Kenneth Riba * * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/wiki/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/wiki/parser/parser.php'); define('WIKI_REFRESH_CACHE_TIME', 30); // @TODO: To be deleted. define('FORMAT_CREOLE', '37'); define('FORMAT_NWIKI', '38'); define('NO_VALID_RATE', '-999'); define('IMPROVEMENT', '+'); define('EQUAL', '='); define('WORST', '-'); define('LOCK_TIMEOUT', 30); /** * Get a wiki instance * @param int $wikiid the instance id of wiki */ function wiki_get_wiki($wikiid) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('wiki', array('id' => $wikiid)); } /** * Get sub wiki instances with same wiki id * @param int $wikiid */ function wiki_get_subwikis($wikiid) { global $DB; return $DB->get_records('wiki_subwikis', array('wikiid' => $wikiid)); } /** * Get a sub wiki instance by wiki id and group id * @param int $wikiid * @param int $groupid * @return object */ function wiki_get_subwiki_by_group($wikiid, $groupid, $userid = 0) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('wiki_subwikis', array('wikiid' => $wikiid, 'groupid' => $groupid, 'userid' => $userid)); } /** * Get a sub wiki instace by instance id * @param int $subwikiid * @return object */ function wiki_get_subwiki($subwikiid) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('wiki_subwikis', array('id' => $subwikiid)); } /** * Add a new sub wiki instance * @param int $wikiid * @param int $groupid * @return int $insertid */ function wiki_add_subwiki($wikiid, $groupid, $userid = 0) { global $DB; $record = new StdClass(); $record->wikiid = $wikiid; $record->groupid = $groupid; $record->userid = $userid; $insertid = $DB->insert_record('wiki_subwikis', $record); return $insertid; } /** * Get a wiki instance by pageid * @param int $pageid * @return object */ function wiki_get_wiki_from_pageid($pageid) { global $DB; $sql = 'SELECT w.* ' . 'FROM {wiki} w, {wiki_subwikis} s, {wiki_pages} p ' . 'WHERE p.id = ? AND ' . 'p.subwikiid = s.id AND ' . 's.wikiid = w.id'; return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($pageid)); } /** * Get a wiki page by pageid * @param int $pageid * @return object */ function wiki_get_page($pageid) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('wiki_pages', array('id' => $pageid)); } /** * Get latest version of wiki page * @param int $pageid * @return object */ function wiki_get_current_version($pageid) { global $DB; $sql = 'SELECT * ' . 'FROM {wiki_versions} ' . 'WHERE pageid = ? ' . 'ORDER BY version DESC ' . 'LIMIT 1'; return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($pageid)); } /** * Alias of wiki_get_current_version * @TODO, does the exactly same thing as wiki_get_current_version, should be removed * @param int $pageid * @return object */ function wiki_get_last_version($pageid) { return wiki_get_current_version($pageid); } /** * Get page section * @param int $pageid * @param string $section */ function wiki_get_section_page($page, $section) { $version = wiki_get_current_version($page->id); return wiki_parser_proxy::get_section($version->content, $version->contentformat, $section); } /** * Get a wiki page by page title * @param int $swid, sub wiki id * @param string $title * @return object */ function wiki_get_page_by_title($swid, $title) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('wiki_pages', array('subwikiid' => $swid, 'title' => $title)); } /** * Get a version record by record id * @param int $versionid, the version id * @return object */ function wiki_get_version($versionid) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('wiki_versions', array('id' => $versionid)); } /** * Get first page of wiki instace * @param int $subwikiid * @param int $module, wiki instance object */ function wiki_get_first_page($subwikid, $module = null) { global $DB, $USER; $sql = 'SELECT p.* ' . 'FROM {wiki} w, {wiki_subwikis} s, {wiki_pages} p ' . 'WHERE s.id = ? AND ' . 's.wikiid = w.id AND ' . 'w.firstpagetitle = p.title AND ' . 'p.subwikiid = s.id'; return $DB->get_record_sql($sql, array($subwikid)); } function wiki_save_section($wikipage, $sectiontitle, $sectioncontent, $userid) { $wiki = wiki_get_wiki_from_pageid($wikipage->id); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('wiki', $wiki->id); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); if (has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context)) { $version = wiki_get_current_version($wikipage->id); $content = wiki_parser_proxy::get_section($version->content, $version->contentformat, $sectiontitle, true); $newcontent = $content[0] . $sectioncontent . $content[2]; return wiki_save_page($wikipage, $newcontent, $userid); } else { return false; } } /** * Save page content * @param object $wikipage * @param string $newcontent * @param int $userid */ function wiki_save_page($wikipage, $newcontent, $userid) { global $DB; $wiki = wiki_get_wiki_from_pageid($wikipage->id); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('wiki', $wiki->id); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); if (has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context)) { $version = wiki_get_current_version($wikipage->id); $version->content = $newcontent; $version->userid = $userid; $version->version++; $version->timecreated = time(); if (!$versionid = $DB->insert_record('wiki_versions', $version)) { return false; } $wikipage->timemodified = $version->timecreated; $wikipage->userid = $userid; $return = wiki_refresh_cachedcontent($wikipage, $newcontent); return $return; } else { return false; } } function wiki_refresh_cachedcontent($page, $newcontent = null) { global $DB; $version = wiki_get_current_version($page->id); if (!isset($newcontent)) { $newcontent = $version->content; } $options = array('swid' => $page->subwikiid, 'pageid' => $page->id); $parseroutput = wiki_parse_content($version->contentformat, $newcontent, $options); $page->cachedcontent = $parseroutput['toc'] . $parseroutput['parsed_text']; $page->timerendered = time(); $DB->update_record('wiki_pages', $page); wiki_refresh_page_links($page, $parseroutput['link_count']); return array('page' => $page, 'sections' => $parseroutput['repeated_sections'], 'version' => $version->version); } /** * Restore a page */ function wiki_restore_page($wikipage, $newcontent, $userid) { $return = wiki_save_page($wikipage, $newcontent, $userid); return $return['page']; } function wiki_refresh_page_links($page, $links) { global $DB; $DB->delete_records('wiki_links', array('frompageid' => $page->id)); foreach ($links as $linkname => $linkinfo) { $newlink = new stdClass(); $newlink->subwikiid = $page->subwikiid; $newlink->frompageid = $page->id; if ($linkinfo['new']) { $newlink->tomissingpage = $linkname; } else { $newlink->topageid = $linkinfo['pageid']; } $DB->insert_record('wiki_links', $newlink); } } /** * Create a new wiki page, if the page exists, return existing pageid * @param int $swid * @param string $title * @param string $format * @param int $userid */ function wiki_create_page($swid, $title, $format, $userid) { global $DB, $PAGE; $subwiki = wiki_get_subwiki($swid); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('wiki', $subwiki->wikiid); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); require_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context); // if page exists if ($page = wiki_get_page_by_title($swid, $title)) { return $page->id; } // Creating a new empty version $version = new stdClass(); $version->content = ''; $version->contentformat = $format; $version->version = 0; $version->timecreated = time(); $version->userid = $userid; $versionid = null; if (!$versionid = $DB->insert_record('wiki_versions', $version)) { return false; } // Createing a new empty page $page = new stdClass(); $page->subwikiid = $swid; $page->title = $title; $page->cachedcontent = ''; $page->timecreated = $version->timecreated; $page->timemodified = $version->timecreated; $page->timerendered = $version->timecreated; $page->userid = $userid; $page->pageviews = 0; $page->readonly = 0; $pageid = $DB->insert_record('wiki_pages', $page); // Setting the pageid $version->id = $versionid; $version->pageid = $pageid; $DB->update_record('wiki_versions', $version); wiki_make_cache_expire($page->title); return $pageid; } function wiki_make_cache_expire($pagename) { global $DB; $sql = 'UPDATE {wiki_pages} ' . 'SET timerendered = 0 ' . 'WHERE id IN ( SELECT l.frompageid ' . ' FROM {wiki_links} l ' . ' WHERE l.tomissingpage = ?' . ')'; $DB->execute ($sql, array($pagename)); } /** * Get a specific version of page * @param int $pageid * @param int $version */ function wiki_get_wiki_page_version($pageid, $version) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('wiki_versions', array('pageid' => $pageid, 'version' => $version)); } /** * Get version list * @param int $pageid * @param int $limitfrom * @param int $limitnum */ function wiki_get_wiki_page_versions($pageid, $limitfrom, $limitnum) { global $DB; return $DB->get_records('wiki_versions', array('pageid' => $pageid), 'version DESC', '*', $limitfrom, $limitnum); } /** * Count the number of page version * @param int $pageid */ function wiki_count_wiki_page_versions($pageid) { global $DB; return $DB->count_records('wiki_versions', array('pageid' => $pageid)); } /** * Get linked from page * @param int $pageid */ function wiki_get_linked_to_pages($pageid) { global $DB; return $DB->get_records('wiki_links', array('frompageid' => $pageid)); } /** * Get linked from page * @param int $pageid */ function wiki_get_linked_from_pages($pageid) { global $DB; return $DB->get_records('wiki_links', array('topageid' => $pageid)); } /** * Get pages which user have been edited * @param int $swid * @param int $userid */ function wiki_get_contributions($swid, $userid) { global $DB; $sql = 'SELECT v.* ' . 'FROM {wiki_versions} v, {wiki_pages} p ' . 'WHERE p.subwikiid = ? AND ' . 'v.pageid = p.id AND ' . 'v.userid = ?'; return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($swid, $userid)); } /** * Get missing or empty pages in wiki * @param int $swid sub wiki id */ function wiki_get_missing_or_empty_pages($swid) { global $DB; $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT p.title, p.id, p.subwikiid ' . 'FROM {wiki} w, {wiki_subwikis} s, {wiki_pages} p ' . 'WHERE s.wikiid = w.id and ' . 's.id = ? and ' . 'w.firstpagetitle != p.title and ' . 'p.subwikiid = ? and ' . '1 = (SELECT count(*) ' . ' FROM {wiki_versions} v ' . ' WHERE v.pageid = p.id) ' . 'UNION ' . 'SELECT DISTINCT l.tomissingpage as title, 0 as id, l.subwikiid ' . 'FROM {wiki_links} l ' . 'WHERE l.subwikiid = ? and ' . 'l.topageid = 0'; return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($swid, $swid, $swid)); } /** * Get pages list in wiki * @param int $swid sub wiki id */ function wiki_get_page_list($swid) { global $DB; $records = $DB->get_records('wiki_pages', array('subwikiid' => $swid), 'title ASC'); return $records; } /** * Return a list of orphaned wikis for one specific subwiki * @global object * @param int $swid sub wiki id */ function wiki_get_orphaned_pages($swid) { global $DB; // @TODO: FIX this query $sql = 'SELECT p.id, p.title ' . 'FROM {wiki_pages} p, {wiki} w , {wiki_subwikis} s ' . 'WHERE p.subwikiid = ? ' . 'AND s.id = ' . $swid . ' ' . 'AND w.id = s.wikiid ' . 'AND p.title != w.firstpagetitle ' . 'AND p.id NOT IN (SELECT topageid FROM {wiki_links} WHERE subwikiid = ?);'; return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($swid, $swid)); } /** * Search wiki title * @param int $swid sub wiki id * @param string $search */ function wiki_search_title($swid, $search) { global $DB; return $DB->get_records_select('wiki_pages', "subwikiid=$swid AND title LIKE '%$search%'"); } /** * Search wiki content * @param int $swid sub wiki id * @param string $search */ function wiki_search_content($swid, $search) { global $DB; return $DB->get_records_select('wiki_pages', "subwikiid=$swid AND cachedcontent LIKE '%$search%'"); } /** * Search wiki title and content * @param int $swid sub wiki id * @param string $search */ function wiki_search_all($swid, $search) { global $DB; return $DB->get_records_select('wiki_pages', "subwikiid=$swid AND (cachedcontent LIKE '%$search%' OR title LIKE '%$search%')"); } /** * Get complete set of user data */ function wiki_get_user_info($userid) { return get_complete_user_data('id', $userid); } /** * Increase page view nubmer * @param int $page, database record */ function wiki_increment_pageviews($page) { global $DB; $page->pageviews++; $DB->update_record('wiki_pages', $page); } //---------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Text format supported by wiki module */ function wiki_get_formats() { // TODO: disable creole and nwiki format until moodle core text format lib added return array('html'); //return array('html', 'creole', 'nwiki'); } /** * Parses a string with the wiki markup language in $markup. * * @return Array or false when something wrong has happened. * * Returned array contains the following fields: * 'parsed_text' => String. Contains the parsed wiki content. * 'unparsed_text' => String. Constains the original wiki content. * 'link_count' => Array of array('destination' => ..., 'new' => "is new?"). Contains the internal wiki links found in the wiki content. * 'deleted_sections' => the list of deleted sections. * '' => * * @author Josep Arús Pous **/ function wiki_parse_content($markup, $pagecontent, $options = array()) { global $PAGE; $subwiki = wiki_get_subwiki($options['swid']); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("wiki", $subwiki->wikiid); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); $parser_options = array('link_callback' => '/mod/wiki/locallib.php:wiki_parser_link', 'link_callback_args' => array('swid' => $options['swid']), 'table_callback' => '/mod/wiki/locallib.php:wiki_parser_table', 'real_path_callback' => '/mod/wiki/locallib.php:wiki_parser_real_path', 'real_path_callback_args' => array('context' => $context, 'component' => 'mod_wiki', 'filearea' => 'attachments', 'pageid' => $options['pageid']), 'pageid' => $options['pageid'], 'pretty_print' => (isset($options['pretty_print']) && $options['pretty_print']), 'printable' => (isset($options['printable']) && $options['printable'])); return wiki_parser_proxy::parse($pagecontent, $markup, $parser_options); } /** * This function is the parser callback to parse wiki links. * * It returns the necesary information to print a link. * * NOTE: Empty pages and non-existent pages must be print in red color. * * @param link name of a page * @param $options * * @return * * @TODO Doc return and options */ function wiki_parser_link($link, $options = null) { global $CFG; if (is_object($link)) { $parsedlink = array('content' => $link->title, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/wiki/view.php?pageid=' . $link->id, 'new' => false, 'link_info' => array('link' => $link->title, 'pageid' => $link->id, 'new' => false)); $version = wiki_get_current_version($link->id); if ($version->version == 0) { $parsedlink['new'] = true; } return $parsedlink; } else { $swid = $options['swid']; if ($page = wiki_get_page_by_title($swid, $link)) { $parsedlink = array('content' => $link, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/wiki/view.php?pageid=' . $page->id, 'new' => false, 'link_info' => array('link' => $link, 'pageid' => $page->id, 'new' => false)); $version = wiki_get_current_version($page->id); if ($version->version == 0) { $parsedlink['new'] = true; } return $parsedlink; } else { return array('content' => $link, 'url' => $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/wiki/create.php?swid=' . $swid . '&title=' . urlencode($link) . '&action=new', 'new' => true, 'link_info' => array('link' => $link, 'new' => true, 'pageid' => 0)); } } } /** * Returns the table fully parsed (HTML) * * @return HTML for the table $table * @author Josep Arús Pous * **/ function wiki_parser_table($table) { global $OUTPUT; $htmltable = new html_table(); $headers = $table[0]; $htmltable->head = array(); foreach ($headers as $h) { $htmltable->head[] = $h[1]; } array_shift($table); $htmltable->data = array(); foreach ($table as $row) { $row_data = array(); foreach ($row as $r) { $row_data[] = $r[1]; } $htmltable->data[] = $row_data; } return html_writer::table($htmltable); } /** * Returns an absolute path link, unless there is no such link. * * @param url Link's URL * @param context filearea params * @param filearea * @param fileareaid * * @return File full path */ function wiki_parser_real_path($url, $context, $filearea, $fileareaid) { global $CFG; if (preg_match("/^(?:http|ftp)s?\:\/\//", $url)) { return $url; } else { return "{$CFG->wwwroot}/pluginfile.php/{$context->id}/$filearea/$fileareaid/$url"; } } /** * Returns the token used by a wiki language to represent a given tag or "object" (bold -> **) * * @return A string when it has only one token at the beginning (f. ex. lists). An array composed by 2 strings when it has 2 tokens, one at the beginning and one at the end (f. ex. italics). Returns false otherwise. * @author Josep Arús Pous **/ function wiki_parser_get_token($markup, $name) { return wiki_parser_proxy::get_token($name, $markup); } /** * Checks if current user can view a subwiki * * @param $subwiki */ function wiki_user_can_view($subwiki) { global $USER; $wiki = wiki_get_wiki($subwiki->wikiid); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('wiki', $wiki->id); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); // Working depending on activity groupmode switch (groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) { case NOGROUPS: if ($wiki->wikimode == 'collaborative') { // Collaborative Mode: // There is one wiki for all the class. // // Only view capbility needed return has_capability('mod/wiki:viewpage', $context, $USER); } else if ($wiki->wikimode == 'individual') { // Individual Mode: // Each person owns a wiki. if ($subwiki->userid == $USER->id) { // Only the owner of the wiki can view it return has_capability('mod/wiki:viewpage', $context, $USER); } else { // User has special capabilities // User must have: // mod/wiki:viewpage capability // and // mod/wiki:managewiki capability $view = has_capability('mod/wiki:viewpage', $context, $USER); $manage = has_capability('mod/wiki:managewiki', $context, $USER); return $view && $manage; } } else { //Error return false; } case SEPARATEGROUPS: // Collaborative and Individual Mode // // Collaborative Mode: // There is one wiki per group. // Individual Mode: // Each person owns a wiki. if ($wiki->wikimode == 'collaborative' || $wiki->wikimode == 'individual') { // Only members of subwiki group could view that wiki if ($subwiki->groupid == groups_get_activity_group($cm)) { // Only view capability needed return has_capability('mod/wiki:viewpage', $context, $USER); } else { // User is not part of that group // User must have: // mod/wiki:managewiki capability // or // moodle/site:accessallgroups capability // and // mod/wiki:viewpage capability $view = has_capability('mod/wiki:viewpage', $context, $USER); $manage = has_capability('mod/wiki:managewiki', $context, $USER); $access = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context, $USER); return ($manage || $access) && $view; } } else { //Error return false; } case VISIBLEGROUPS: // Collaborative and Individual Mode // // Collaborative Mode: // There is one wiki per group. // Individual Mode: // Each person owns a wiki. if ($wiki->wikimode == 'collaborative' || $wiki->wikimode == 'individual') { // Everybody can read all wikis // // Only view capability needed return has_capability('mod/wiki:viewpage', $context, $USER); } else { //Error return false; } default: // Error return false; } } /** * Checks if current user can edit a subwiki * * @param $subwiki */ function wiki_user_can_edit($subwiki) { global $USER; $wiki = wiki_get_wiki($subwiki->wikiid); $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('wiki', $wiki->id); $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); // Working depending on activity groupmode switch (groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) { case NOGROUPS: if ($wiki->wikimode == 'collaborative') { // Collaborative Mode: // There is a wiki for all the class. // // Only edit capbility needed return has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); } else if ($wiki->wikimode == 'individual') { // Individual Mode // There is a wiki per user // Only the owner of that wiki can edit it if ($subwiki->userid == $USER->id) { return has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); } else { // Current user is not the owner of that wiki. // User must have: // mod/wiki:editpage capability // and // mod/wiki:managewiki capability $edit = has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); $manage = has_capability('mod/wiki:managewiki', $context, $USER); return $edit && $manage; } } else { //Error return false; } case SEPARATEGROUPS: if ($wiki->wikimode == 'collaborative') { // Collaborative Mode: // There is one wiki per group. // // Only members of subwiki group could edit that wiki if ($subwiki->groupid == groups_get_activity_group($cm)) { // Only edit capability needed return has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); } else { // User is not part of that group // User must have: // mod/wiki:managewiki capability // and // moodle/site:accessallgroups capability // and // mod/wiki:editpage capability $manage = has_capability('mod/wiki:managewiki', $context, $USER); $access = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context, $USER); $edit = has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); return $manage && $access && $edit; } } else if ($wiki->wikimode == 'individual') { // Individual Mode: // Each person owns a wiki. // // Only the owner of that wiki can edit it if ($subwiki->userid == $USER->id) { return has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); } else { // Current user is not the owner of that wiki. // User must have: // mod/wiki:managewiki capability // and // moodle/site:accessallgroups capability // and // mod/wiki:editpage capability $manage = has_capability('mod/wiki:managewiki', $context, $USER); $access = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context, $USER); $edit = has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); return $manage && $access && $edit; } } else { //Error return false; } case VISIBLEGROUPS: if ($wiki->wikimode == 'collaborative') { // Collaborative Mode: // There is one wiki per group. // // Only members of subwiki group could edit that wiki if ($subwiki->groupid == groups_get_activity_group($cm)) { // Only edit capability needed return has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); } else { // User is not part of that group // User must have: // mod/wiki:managewiki capability // and // mod/wiki:editpage capability $manage = has_capability('mod/wiki:managewiki', $context, $USER); $edit = has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); return $manage && $edit; } } else if ($wiki->wikimode == 'individual') { // Individual Mode: // Each person owns a wiki. // // Only the owner of that wiki can edit it if ($subwiki->userid == $USER->id) { return has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); } else { // Current user is not the owner of that wiki. // User must have: // mod/wiki:managewiki capability // and // mod/wiki:editpage capability $manage = has_capability('mod/wiki:managewiki', $context, $USER); $edit = has_capability('mod/wiki:editpage', $context, $USER); return $manage && $edit; } } else { //Error return false; } default: // Error return false; } } //---------------- // Locks //---------------- /** * Checks if a page-section is locked. * * @return true if the combination of section and page is locked, FALSE otherwise. */ function wiki_is_page_section_locked($pageid, $userid, $section = null) { global $DB; $sql = "pageid = ? AND lockedat > ? AND userid != ?"; $params = array($pageid, time(), $userid); if (!empty($section)) { $sql .= " AND (sectionname = ? OR sectionname IS null)"; $params[] = $section; } return $DB->record_exists_select('wiki_locks', $sql, $params); } /** * Inserts or updates a wiki_locks record. */ function wiki_set_lock($pageid, $userid, $section = null, $insert = false) { global $DB; if (wiki_is_page_section_locked($pageid, $userid, $section)) { return false; } $params = array('pageid' => $pageid, 'userid' => $userid, 'sectionname' => $section); $lock = $DB->get_record('wiki_locks', $params); if (!empty($lock)) { $DB->update_record('wiki_locks', array('id' => $lock->id, 'lockedat' => time() + LOCK_TIMEOUT)); } else if ($insert) { $DB->insert_record('wiki_locks', array('pageid' => $pageid, 'sectionname' => $section, 'userid' => $userid, 'lockedat' => time() + 30)); } return true; } /** * Deletes wiki_locks that are not in use. (F.Ex. after submitting the changes). If no userid is present, it deletes ALL the wiki_locks of a specific page. */ function wiki_delete_locks($pageid, $userid = null, $section = null, $delete_from_db = true, $delete_section_and_page = false) { global $DB; $params = array('pageid' => $pageid); if (!empty($userid)) { $params['userid'] = $userid; } if (!empty($section)) { $params['sectionname'] = $section; } if ($delete_from_db) { $DB->delete_records('wiki_locks', $params); if ($delete_section_and_page && !empty($section)) { $params['sectionname'] = null; $DB->delete_records('wiki_locks', $params); } } else { $DB->set_field('wiki_locks', 'lockedat', time(), $params); } } /** * Deletes wiki_locks that expired 1 hour ago. */ function wiki_delete_old_locks() { global $DB; $DB->delete_records_select('wiki_locks', "lockedat < ?", array(time() - 3600)); } /** * File processing */ /** * Uploads files to permanent disk space. * * @param draftitemid Draft space ID * @param contextid * * @return array of files that have not been inserted. */ function wiki_process_attachments($draftitemid, $deleteuploads, $contextid, $filearea, $itemid, $options = null) { global $CFG, $USER; if (empty($options)) { $options = page_wiki_edit::$attachmentoptions; } $errors = array(); $usercontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $USER->id); $fs = get_file_storage(); $oldfiles = $fs->get_area_files($contextid, 'mod_wiki', 'attachments', $itemid, 'id'); foreach ($oldfiles as $file) { if (in_array($file->get_pathnamehash(), $deleteuploads)) { $file->delete(); } } $draftfiles = $fs->get_area_files($usercontext->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftitemid, 'id'); $oldfiles = $fs->get_area_files($contextid, 'mod_wiki', 'attachments', $itemid, 'id'); $file_record = array('contextid' => $contextid, 'component'=>'mod_wiki', 'filearea' => 'attachments', 'itemid' => $itemid); //more or less a merge... $newhashes = array(); foreach ($draftfiles as $file) { $newhash = sha1("/$contextid/mod_wiki/attachments/$itemid" . $file->get_filepath() . $file->get_filename()); $newhashes[$newhash] = $file; } $filecount = 0; foreach ($oldfiles as $file) { $oldhash = $file->get_pathnamehash(); if (!$file->is_directory() && isset($newhashes[$oldhash])) { //repeated file: ERROR!!! unset($newhashes[$oldhash]); $errors[] = $file; } if (!$file->is_directory()) { $filecount++; } } foreach ($newhashes as $file) { if ($file->get_filepath() !== '/' or $file->is_directory()) { continue; } if ($options['maxfiles'] and $options['maxfiles'] <= $filecount) { break; } if (!$file->is_directory()) { $filecount++; $fs->create_file_from_storedfile($file_record, $file); } } //delete all draft files $fs->delete_area_files($usercontext->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftitemid); return $errors; } /** * Returns all comments by context and pageid * * @param $context. Current context * @param $pageid. Current pageid **/ function wiki_get_comments($context, $pageid) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/comment/lib.php'); list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($context->id); $cmt = new stdclass(); $cmt->context = $context; $cmt->itemid = $pageid; $cmt->pluginname = 'wiki'; $cmt->area = 'wiki_comment_section'; $cmt->course = $course; $manager = new comment($cmt); return ($manager->get_comments()); } /** * Returns all comments from wiki comments section by user * * @param $userid. User whose we want get the comments **/ function wiki_get_comments_by_user($userid) { global $DB; $area = 'wiki_comment_section'; $sql = 'SELECT c.* ' . 'FROM {comments} c ' . 'WHERE c.userid = ? and c.commentarea= ?'; return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($userid, $area)); } /** * Add comments ro database * * @param object $context. Current context * @param int $pageid. Current pageid * @param string $content. Content of the comment * @param string editor. Version of editor we are using. **/ function wiki_add_comment($context, $pageid, $content, $editor) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/comment/lib.php'); list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($context->id); $cmt = new stdclass(); $cmt->context = $context; $cmt->itemid = $pageid; $cmt->area = 'wiki_comment_section'; $cmt->course = $course; $cmt->pluginname = 'wiki'; $manager = new comment($cmt); if ($editor == 'creole') { $manager->add($content, FORMAT_CREOLE); } else if ($editor == 'html') { $manager->add($content, FORMAT_HTML); } else if ($editor == 'nwiki') { $manager->add($content, FORMAT_NWIKI); } } /** * Delete comments from database * * @param $idcomment. Id of comment which will be deleted * @param $context. Current context * @param $pageid. Current pageid **/ function wiki_delete_comment($idcomment, $context, $pageid) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/comment/lib.php'); list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($context->id); $cmt = new stdclass; $cmt->context = $context; $cmt->itemid = $pageid; $cmt->area = 'wiki_comment_section'; $cmt->pluginname = 'wiki'; $cmt->course = $course; $manager = new comment($cmt); $manager->delete($idcomment); } /** * Delete al comments from wiki * **/ function wiki_delete_comments_wiki() { global $PAGE, $DB; $cm = $PAGE->cm; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); $table = 'comments'; $select = 'contextid = ?'; $DB->delete_records_select($table, $select, array($context->id)); } function wiki_add_progress($pageid, $oldversionid, $versionid, $progress) { global $DB; for ($v = $oldversionid + 1; $v <= $versionid; $v++) { $user = wiki_get_wiki_page_id($pageid, $v); $DB->insert_record('wiki_progress', array('userid' => $user->userid, 'pageid' => $pageid, 'versionid' => $v, 'progress' => $progress)); } } function wiki_get_wiki_page_id($pageid, $id) { global $DB; return $DB->get_record('wiki_versions', array('pageid' => $pageid, 'id' => $id)); } function wiki_print_page_content($page, $context, $subwikiid) { global $OUTPUT, $CFG; if ($page->timerendered + WIKI_REFRESH_CACHE_TIME < time()) { $content = wiki_refresh_cachedcontent($page); $page = $content['page']; } if (isset($content)) { $box = ''; foreach ($content['sections'] as $s) { $box .= '

' . get_string('repeatedsection', 'wiki', $s) . '

'; } if (!empty($box)) { echo $OUTPUT->box($box); } } $html = file_rewrite_pluginfile_urls($page->cachedcontent, 'pluginfile.php', $context->id, 'mod_wiki', 'attachments', $subwikiid); echo $OUTPUT->box($html); if (!empty($CFG->usetags)) { $tags = tag_get_tags_array('wiki', $page->id); echo '

Tags: ' . join($tags, ", ") . '

'; } wiki_increment_pageviews($page); } /** * This function trims any given text and returns it with some dots at the end * * @param string $text * @param string $limit * * @return string */ function wiki_trim_string($text, $limit = 25) { if (strlen($text) > $limit) { $text = substr($text, 0, $limit) . '...'; } return $text; } /** * Prints default edit form fields and buttons * * @param string $format Edit form format (html, creole...) * @param integer $version Version number. A negative number means no versioning. */ function wiki_print_edit_form_default_fields($format, $pageid, $version = -1, $upload = false, $deleteuploads = array()) { global $CFG, $PAGE, $OUTPUT; echo ''; if ($version >= 0) { echo ''; } echo ''; //attachments require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/lib/form/filemanager.php'); $filemanager = new MoodleQuickForm_filemanager('attachments', get_string('wikiattachments', 'wiki'), array('id' => 'attachments'), array('subdirs' => false, 'maxfiles' => 99, 'maxbytes' => $CFG->maxbytes)); $value = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('attachments'); if (!empty($value) && !$upload) { $filemanager->setValue($value); } echo "
" . get_string("uploadtitle", 'wiki') . ""; echo $OUTPUT->container_start('mdl-align wiki-form-center aaaaa'); print $filemanager->toHtml(); echo $OUTPUT->container_end(); $cm = $PAGE->cm; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); echo $OUTPUT->container_start('mdl-align wiki-form-center wiki-upload-table'); wiki_print_upload_table($context, 'wiki_upload', $pageid, $deleteuploads); echo $OUTPUT->container_end(); echo "
"; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; } /** * Prints a table with the files attached to a wiki page * @param object $context * @param string $filearea * @param int $fileitemid * @param array deleteuploads */ function wiki_print_upload_table($context, $filearea, $fileitemid, $deleteuploads = array()) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; $htmltable = new html_table(); $htmltable->head = array(get_string('deleteupload', 'wiki'), get_string('uploadname', 'wiki'), get_string('uploadactions', 'wiki')); $fs = get_file_storage(); $files = $fs->get_area_files($context->id, 'mod_wiki', $filearea, $fileitemid); //TODO: this is weird (skodak) foreach ($files as $file) { if (!$file->is_directory()) { $checkbox = 'get_pathnamehash(), $deleteuploads)) { $checkbox .= ' checked="checked"'; } $checkbox .= " />"; $htmltable->data[] = array($checkbox, '' . $file->get_filename() . '', ""); } } print '

' . get_string('uploadfiletitle', 'wiki') . "

"; print html_writer::table($htmltable); } /** * Generate wiki's page tree * * @param $page. A wiki page object * @param $node. Starting navigation_node * @param $keys. An array to store keys * @return an array with all tree nodes */ function wiki_build_tree($page, $node, &$keys) { $content = array(); static $icon; $icon = new pix_icon('f/odt', ''); $pages = wiki_get_linked_pages($page->id); foreach ($pages as $p) { $key = $page->id . ':' . $p->id; if (in_array($key, $keys)) { break; } array_push($keys, $key); $l = wiki_parser_link($p); $link = new moodle_url('/mod/wiki/view.php', array('pageid' => $p->id)); $nodeaux = $node->add($p->title, $link, null, null, null, $icon); if ($l['new']) { $nodeaux->add_class('wiki_newentry'); } wiki_build_tree($p, $nodeaux, $keys); } $content[] = $node; return $content; } /** * Get linked pages from page * @param int $pageid */ function wiki_get_linked_pages($pageid) { global $DB; $sql = 'SELECT p.id, p.title ' . 'FROM mdl_wiki_pages p ' . 'JOIN mdl_wiki_links l ON l.topageid = p.id ' . 'WHERE l.frompageid = ? ' . 'ORDER BY p.title ASC'; return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($pageid)); } /** * Get updated pages from wiki * @param int $pageid */ function wiki_get_updated_pages_by_subwiki($swid) { global $DB, $USER; $sql = 'SELECT * ' . 'FROM {wiki_pages} ' . 'WHERE subwikiid = ? AND timemodified > ? ' . 'ORDER BY timemodified DESC'; return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array($swid, $USER->lastlogin)); }