. /** * Manual enrolment plugin main library file. * * @package enrol * @subpackage manual * @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda {@link http://skodak.org} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); class enrol_manual_plugin extends enrol_plugin { public function roles_protected() { // users may tweak the roles later return false; } public function allow_enrol(stdClass $instance) { // users with enrol cap may unenrol other users manually manually return true; } public function allow_unenrol(stdClass $instance) { // users with unenrol cap may unenrol other users manually manually return true; } public function allow_manage(stdClass $instance) { // users with manage cap may tweak period and status return true; } /** * Returns link to manual enrol UI if exists. * Does the access control tests automatically. * * @param object $instance * @return moodle_url */ public function get_manual_enrol_link($instance) { $name = $this->get_name(); if ($instance->enrol !== $name) { throw new coding_exception('invalid enrol instance!'); } if (!enrol_is_enabled($name)) { return NULL; } $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $instance->courseid, MUST_EXIST); if (!has_capability('enrol/manual:manage', $context) or !has_capability('enrol/manual:enrol', $context) or !has_capability('enrol/manual:unenrol', $context)) { return NULL; } return new moodle_url('/enrol/manual/manage.php', array('enrolid'=>$instance->id, 'id'=>$instance->courseid)); } /** * Returns enrolment instance manage link. * * By defaults looks for manage.php file and tests for manage capability. * * @param object $instance * @return moodle_url; */ public function add_course_navigation($instancesnode, stdClass $instance) { if ($instance->enrol !== 'manual') { throw new coding_exception('Invalid enrol instance type!'); } $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $instance->courseid); if (has_capability('enrol/manual:config', $context)) { $managelink = new moodle_url('/enrol/manual/edit.php', array('courseid'=>$instance->courseid)); $instancesnode->add($this->get_instance_name($instance), $managelink, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING); } } /** * Returns edit icons for the page with list of instances * @param stdClass $instance * @return array */ public function get_action_icons(stdClass $instance) { global $OUTPUT; if ($instance->enrol !== 'manual') { throw new coding_exception('invalid enrol instance!'); } $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $instance->courseid); $icons = array(); if (has_capability('enrol/manual:manage', $context)) { $managelink = new moodle_url("/enrol/manual/manage.php", array('enrolid'=>$instance->id)); $icons[] = $OUTPUT->action_icon($managelink, new pix_icon('i/users', get_string('enrolusers', 'enrol_manual'), 'core', array('class'=>'iconsmall'))); } if (has_capability('enrol/manual:config', $context)) { $editlink = new moodle_url("/enrol/manual/edit.php", array('courseid'=>$instance->courseid)); $icons[] = $OUTPUT->action_icon($editlink, new pix_icon('i/edit', get_string('edit'), 'core', array('class'=>'icon'))); } return $icons; } /** * Returns link to page which may be used to add new instance of enrolment plugin in course. * @param int $courseid * @return moodle_url page url */ public function get_newinstance_link($courseid) { global $DB; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $courseid, MUST_EXIST); if (!has_capability('moodle/course:enrolconfig', $context) or !has_capability('enrol/manual:config', $context)) { return NULL; } if ($DB->record_exists('enrol', array('courseid'=>$courseid, 'enrol'=>'manual'))) { return NULL; } return new moodle_url('/enrol/manual/edit.php', array('courseid'=>$courseid)); } /** * Add new instance of enrol plugin with default settings. * @param object $course * @return int id of new instance, null if can not be created */ public function add_default_instance($course) { $fields = array('status'=>$this->get_config('status'), 'enrolperiod'=>$this->get_config('enrolperiod', 0), 'roleid'=>$this->get_config('roleid', 0)); return $this->add_instance($course, $fields); } /** * Add new instance of enrol plugin. * @param object $course * @param array instance fields * @return int id of new instance, null if can not be created */ public function add_instance($course, array $fields = NULL) { global $DB; if ($DB->record_exists('enrol', array('courseid'=>$course->id, 'enrol'=>'manual'))) { // only one instance allowed, sorry return NULL; } return parent::add_instance($course, $fields); } /** * Returns a button to manually enrol users through the manual enrolment plugin. * * By default the first manual enrolment plugin instance available in the course is used. * If no manual enrolment instances exist within the course then false is returned. * * This function also adds a quickenrolment JS ui to the page so that users can be enrolled * via AJAX. * * @param course_enrolment_manager $manager * @return enrol_user_button */ public function get_manual_enrol_button(course_enrolment_manager $manager) { global $CFG; $instance = null; $instances = array(); foreach ($manager->get_enrolment_instances() as $tempinstance) { if ($tempinstance->enrol == 'manual') { if ($instance === null) { $instance = $tempinstance; } $instances[] = array('id' => $tempinstance->id, 'name' => $this->get_instance_name($tempinstance)); } } if (empty($instance)) { return false; } if (!$manuallink = $this->get_manual_enrol_link($instance)) { return false; } $button = new enrol_user_button($manuallink, get_string('enrolusers', 'enrol_manual'), 'get'); $button->class .= ' enrol_manual_plugin'; $startdate = $manager->get_course()->startdate; $startdateoptions = array(); $timeformat = get_string('strftimedatefullshort'); if ($startdate > 0) { $today = time(); $today = make_timestamp(date('Y', $today), date('m', $today), date('d', $today), 0, 0, 0); $startdateoptions[2] = get_string('coursestart') . ' (' . userdate($startdate, $timeformat) . ')'; } $startdateoptions[3] = get_string('today') . ' (' . userdate($today, $timeformat) . ')' ; $modules = array('moodle-enrol_manual-quickenrolment', 'moodle-enrol_manual-quickenrolment-skin'); $arguments = array( 'instances' => $instances, 'courseid' => $instance->courseid, 'ajaxurl' => '/enrol/manual/ajax.php', 'url' => $manager->get_moodlepage()->url->out(false), 'optionsStartDate' => $startdateoptions, 'defaultRole' => $instance->roleid, 'disableGradeHistory' => $CFG->disablegradehistory ); $function = 'M.enrol_manual.quickenrolment.init'; $button->require_yui_module($modules, $function, array($arguments)); $button->strings_for_js(array( 'ajaxoneuserfound', 'ajaxxusersfound', 'ajaxnext25', 'enrol', 'enrolmentoptions', 'enrolusers', 'errajaxfailedenrol', 'errajaxsearch', 'none', 'usersearch', 'unlimitedduration', 'startdatetoday', 'durationdays', 'enrolperiod', 'finishenrollingusers', 'recovergrades'), 'enrol'); $button->strings_for_js('assignroles', 'role'); $button->strings_for_js('startingfrom', 'moodle'); return $button; } /** * Gets an array of the user enrolment actions * * @param course_enrolment_manager $manager * @param stdClass $ue A user enrolment object * @return array An array of user_enrolment_actions */ public function get_user_enrolment_actions(course_enrolment_manager $manager, $ue) { $actions = array(); $context = $manager->get_context(); $instance = $ue->enrolmentinstance; $params = $manager->get_moodlepage()->url->params(); $params['ue'] = $ue->id; if ($this->allow_unenrol($instance) && has_capability("enrol/manual:unenrol", $context)) { $url = new moodle_url('/enrol/manual/unenroluser.php', $params); $actions[] = new user_enrolment_action(new pix_icon('t/delete', ''), get_string('unenrol', 'enrol'), $url, array('class'=>'unenrollink', 'rel'=>$ue->id)); } if ($this->allow_manage($instance) && has_capability("enrol/manual:manage", $context)) { $url = new moodle_url('/enrol/manual/editenrolment.php', $params); $actions[] = new user_enrolment_action(new pix_icon('t/edit', ''), get_string('edit'), $url, array('class'=>'editenrollink', 'rel'=>$ue->id)); } return $actions; } /** * The manual plugin has several bulk operations that can be performed * @return array */ public function get_bulk_operations(course_enrolment_manager $manager) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/enrol/manual/locallib.php'); $bulkoperations = array( 'editselectedusers' => new enrol_manual_editselectedusers_operation($manager, $this), 'deleteselectedusers' => new enrol_manual_deleteselectedusers_operation($manager, $this) ); return $bulkoperations; } } /** * Indicates API features that the enrol plugin supports. * * @param string $feature * @return mixed True if yes (some features may use other values) */ function enrol_manual_supports($feature) { switch($feature) { case ENROL_RESTORE_TYPE: return ENROL_RESTORE_EXACT; default: return null; } }