#!/usr/bin/php -f noreplyaddress) { $user = new pbject(); $user->email = $_ENV['SENDER']; if (!validate_email($user->email)) { die(); } $site = get_site(); $subject = get_string('noreplybouncesubject','moodle',format_string($site->fullname)); $body = get_string('noreplybouncemessage','moodle',format_string($site->fullname))."\n\n"; $fd = fopen('php://stdin','r'); if ($fd) { while(!feof($fd)) { $body .= fgets($fd); } fclose($fd); } $user->id = 0; // to prevent anything annoying happening $from->firstname = null; $from->lastname = null; $from->email = '<>'; $from->maildisplay = true; email_to_user($user,$from,$subject,$body); die (); } /// ALL OTHER PROCESSING // we need to split up the address $prefix = substr($address,0,4); $mod = substr($address,4,2); $modargs = substr($address,6,-16); $hash = substr($address,-16); if (substr(md5($prefix.$mod.$modargs.$CFG->siteidentifier),0,16) != $hash) { die("HASH DIDN'T MATCH!\n"); } list(,$modid) = unpack('C',base64_decode($mod.'==')); if ($modid == '0') { // special $modname = 'moodle'; } else { $modname = $DB->get_field("modules", "name", array("id"=>$modid)); include_once('mod/'.$modname.'/lib.php'); } $function = $modname.'_process_email'; if (!function_exists($function)) { die(); } $fd = fopen('php://stdin','r'); if (!$fd) { exit(); } while(!feof($fd)) { $body .= fgets($fd); } $function($modargs,$body); fclose($fd);