: |
helpbutton("writing", get_string("helpwriting"), "moodle", true, true);
echo " ";
helpbutton("text", get_string("helptext"), "moodle", true, true);
intro); ?>
: |
: |
globalglossary) ) {
if ($form->globalglossary) {
$selected = "checked";
globalglossary . '" />';
if (!$mainglossary or $mainglossary->id == $form->instance ) {
: |
: |
: |
: |
: |
: |
id)) {
if ($currentglossary = get_record("glossary",'id',$form->id)) {
$form->displayformat = $currentglossary->displayformat;
$formats = array();
//Take names
foreach ($recformats as $format) {
$formats[$format->name] = get_string("displayformat$format->name", "glossary");
//Sort it
: |
: |
: |
: |
enablerssfeeds) && isset($CFG->glossary_enablerssfeeds) &&
$CFG->enablerssfeeds && $CFG->glossary_enablerssfeeds) {
echo "";
echo "".get_string("rsstype").": | ";
echo "";
$choices[0] = get_string("none");
$choices[1] = get_string("withauthor", "glossary");
$choices[2] = get_string("withoutauthor", "glossary");
choose_from_menu ($choices, "rsstype", $form->rsstype, "");
helpbutton("rsstype", get_string("rsstype"), "glossary");
echo " | ";
echo "
echo "";
echo "".get_string("rssarticles").": | ";
echo "";
$choices[0] = "0";
$choices[1] = "1";
$choices[2] = "2";
$choices[3] = "3";
$choices[4] = "4";
$choices[5] = "5";
$choices[10] = "10";
$choices[15] = "15";
$choices[20] = "20";
$choices[25] = "25";
$choices[30] = "30";
$choices[40] = "40";
$choices[50] = "50";
choose_from_menu ($choices, "rssarticles", $form->rssarticles, "");
helpbutton("rssarticles", get_string("rssarticles"), "glossary");
echo " | ";
echo "
: |
echo " var subitemstime = ['startday','startmonth','startyear','starthour', 'startminute',".
echo " var subitemsall = ['assessed', 'ratingtime', 'scale', 'startday','startmonth','startyear','starthour', 'startminute',".
echo "";
echo "assessed) {
echo " checked=\"checked\" ";
echo " />";
echo get_string("ratingsuse", "glossary").":";
echo " ";
// The odd order below was to maintain backward compatibility
$options[2] = get_string("ratingonlyteachers", "glossary", moodle_strtolower($course->teachers));
$options[1] = get_string("ratingeveryone", "glossary");
echo "\n\n";
echo "";
echo get_string("users").":";
echo " | ";
choose_from_menu($options, "assessed", $form->assessed, "");
echo " | ";
echo "";
echo get_string("grade").":";
echo " | ";
print_grade_menu($course->id, "scale", $form->scale, false);
echo " | \n\n";
echo " ";
echo "assesstimestart and $form->assesstimefinish and $form->assessed) {
$form->ratingtime = 1;
echo " checked=\"checked\" ";
echo " />";
print_string("ratingtime", "glossary");
echo "";
echo get_string("from").":";
echo " | ";
print_date_selector("startday", "startmonth", "startyear", $form->assesstimestart);
print_time_selector("starthour", "startminute", $form->assesstimestart);
echo " | ";
echo "";
echo get_string("to").":";
echo " | ";
print_date_selector("finishday", "finishmonth", "finishyear", $form->assesstimefinish);
print_time_selector("finishhour", "finishminute", $form->assesstimefinish);
echo " | ";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
echo "";
if (empty($form->ratingtime)) {
echo "";