title = get_string('block_rss_feeds_title', 'block_rss_client'); $this->content_type = BLOCK_TYPE_TEXT; $this->version = 2004112000; } function specialization() { // After the block has been loaded we customize the block's title display if (!empty($this->config) && !empty($this->config->title)) { // There is a customized block title, display it $this->title = $this->config->title; } else { // No customized block title, use localized remote news feed string $this->title = get_string('block_rss_remote_news_feed', 'block_rss_client'); } } function get_content() { global $CFG, $editing; require_once($CFG->libdir .'/rsslib.php'); if($this->content !== NULL) { return $this->content; } $this->content = new stdClass; $this->content->footer = ''; if (empty($this->instance)) { // We're being asked for content without an associated instance $this->content->text = ''; return $this->content; } $output = ''; $rssid = -1; $display_description = false; if (isset($CFG->block_rss_client_num_entries) && is_numeric($CFG->block_rss_client_num_entries) ) { $shownumentries = intval($CFG->block_rss_client_num_entries); } else { $shownumentries = 5; //default to 5 entries is not specified by admin or instance } if (!empty($this->config)) { if (!empty($this->config->rssid)) { if (is_array($this->config->rssid)) { $rssidarray = $this->config->rssid; } else { // Make an array of the single value $rssidarray = array($this->config->rssid); } } if (!empty($this->config->display_description)) { $display_description = intval($this->config->display_description); } if (!empty($this->config->shownumentries)) { $shownumentries = intval($this->config->shownumentries); } } $submitters = $CFG->block_rss_client_submitters; $isteacher = false; $courseid = ''; if ($this->instance->pagetype == PAGE_COURSE_VIEW) { $isteacher = isteacher($this->instance->pageid); $courseid = $this->instance->pageid; } //if the user is an admin, course teacher, or all users are allowed // then allow the user to add rss feeds global $USER; $userisloggedin = false; if (isset($USER) && isset($USER->id) && $USER->id && !isguest()) { $userisloggedin = true; } if ( $userisloggedin && (isadmin() || $submitters == SUBMITTERS_ALL_ACCOUNT_HOLDERS || ($submitters == SUBMITTERS_ADMIN_AND_TEACHER && $isteacher)) ) { $output .= '
'. get_string('block_rss_feeds_add_edit', 'block_rss_client') .'

'; } // Daryl Hawes note: if count of rssidarray is greater than 1 // we should possibly display a drop down menu of selected feed titles // so user can select a single feed to view (similar to RSSFeed) if (!empty($rssidarray)) { $numids = count($rssidarray); $count = 0; foreach ($rssidarray as $rssid) { $rssfeedstring = $this->get_rss_by_id($rssid, $display_description, $shownumentries, ($numids > 1) ? true : false); $output .= format_text($rssfeedstring); if ($numids > 1 && $count != $numids -1 && !empty($rssfeedstring)) { $output .= '
'; } $count ++; } } $this->content->text = $output; return $this->content; } function instance_allow_multiple() { return true; } function has_config() { return true; } function instance_allow_config() { return true; } /** * @param int $rssid The feed to be displayed * @param bool $display_description Should the description information from the feed be displayed or simply the title? * @param int $shownumentries The maximum number of feed entries to be displayed. * @param bool $showtitle True if the feed title should be displayed above the feed entries. * @return string|NULL */ function get_rss_by_id($rssid, $display_description, $shownumentries, $showtitle=false) { global $CFG; $returnstring = ''; $now = time(); require_once($CFG->libdir .'/rsslib.php'); require_once(MAGPIE_DIR .'rss_fetch.inc'); // Check if there is a cached string which has not timed out. if (BLOCK_RSS_SECONDARY_CACHE_ENABLED && isset($this->config->{'rssid'. $rssid}) && isset($this->config->{'rssid'. $rssid .'timestamp'}) && $this->config->{'rssid'. $rssid .'timestamp'} >= $now - $CFG->block_rss_timeout * 60) { // If the cached string is not too stale // use it rather than going any further return stripslashes_safe($this->config->{'rssid'. $rssid}); } $rss_record = get_record('block_rss_client', 'id', $rssid); if (isset($rss_record) && isset($rss_record->id)) { // By capturing the output from fetch_rss this way // error messages do not display and clutter up the moodle interface // however, we do lose out on seeing helpful messages like "cache hit", etc. ob_start(); $rss = fetch_rss($rss_record->url); $rsserror = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if ($rss === false) { if ($CFG->debug && !empty($rsserror)) { // There was a failure in loading the rss feed, print link to full error text return 'Error loading a feed.
'; //Daryl Hawes note: localize this line } } if ($shownumentries > 0 && $shownumentries < count($rss->items) ) { $rss->items = array_slice($rss->items, 0, $shownumentries); } if (empty($rss_record->preferredtitle)) { $feedtitle = stripslashes_safe(rss_unhtmlentities($rss->channel['title'])); } else { $feedtitle = stripslashes_safe($rss_record->preferredtitle); } // print_object($rss); if (isset($this->config) && isset($this->config->block_rss_client_show_channel_image) && $this->config->block_rss_client_show_channel_image && isset($rss->image) && isset($rss->image['link']) && isset($rss->image['title']) && isset($rss->image['url']) ) { $returnstring .= '
'. $rss->image['title'] .'

'; } if ($showtitle) { $returnstring .= '
'. $feedtitle .'

'; } foreach ($rss->items as $item) { $item['title'] = stripslashes_safe(rss_unhtmlentities($item['title'])); $item['description'] = stripslashes_safe(rss_unhtmlentities($item['description'])); if ($item['title'] == '') { // no title present, use portion of description $item['title'] = substr(strip_tags($item['description']), 0, 20) . '...'; } if ($item['link'] == '') { $item['link'] = $item['guid']; } $item['link'] = str_replace('&', '&', $item['link']); $returnstring .= '' ."\n"; if ($display_description && !empty($item['description'])){ $returnstring .= '
'.clean_text($item['description']) . '
' ."\n"; } } if (!empty($rss->channel['link'])) { if (!empty($this->config) && isset($this->config->block_rss_client_show_channel_link) && $this->config->block_rss_client_show_channel_link) { $returnstring .= ''; } if (!empty($feedtitle) ) { $feedtitle = ''. $feedtitle .''; } } } if (!empty($feedtitle) and ($feedtitle != '')) { $this->title = $feedtitle; } // store config setting for this rssid so we do not need to read from file each time $this->config->{'rssid'. $rssid} = addslashes($returnstring); $this->config->{'rssid'. $rssid .'timestamp'} = $now; $this->instance_config_save($this->config); return $returnstring; } } ?>