htmleditor)) { $user->htmleditor = 1; } if (!isset($user->picture)) { $user->picture = NULL; } if (empty($user->lang)) { $user->lang = $CFG->lang; } ?>
id == $USER->id) and ($USER->id == $user->id)); echo ""; echo ""; if ($adminself || is_internal_auth($user->auth) ){ echo ""; echo ""; if ($adminself || is_internal_auth($user->auth) ){ echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } } ?> htmleditor) { ?> maxbytes, $course->maxbytes); if (!empty($CFG->gdversion) and $maxbytes and empty($CFG->disableuserimages)) { ?>


username); echo "\">"; if (isset($err["username"])) formerr($err["username"]); } else { echo ""; p($user->username); echo "username); echo "\">"; } echo "


newpassword)) p($user->newpassword); echo "\">"; if (isset($err["newpassword"])) { formerr($err["newpassword"]); } else if (empty($user->newpassword)) { echo " (".get_string("leavetokeep").")"; } echo "





maildisplay, "") ?>


emailstop, "") ?>


mailformat, "") ?>


maildigest, "") ?>


autosubscribe, "") ?>


htmleditor, "") ?>



country and $CFG->country) { $user->country = $CFG->country; } choose_from_menu (get_list_of_countries(), "country", $user->country, get_string("selectacountry")."...", "", "") ?>


lang) { $user->lang = $CFG->lang; } choose_from_menu ($languages, "lang", $user->lang, "", "", ""); } if (isset($err["lang"])) formerr($err["lang"]); ?>


timezone) > 13) { $user->timezone = 99; } $timenow = time(); for ($tz = -26; $tz <= 26; $tz++) { $zone = (float)$tz/2.0; $usertime = $timenow + ($tz * 1800); if ($tz == 0) { $timezones["$zone"] = gmstrftime("%a, %I:%M %p", $usertime)." (GMT)"; } else if ($tz < 0) { $timezones["$zone"] = gmstrftime("%a, %I:%M %p", $usertime)." (GMT$zone)"; } else { $timezones["$zone"] = gmstrftime("%a, %I:%M %p", $usertime)." (GMT+$zone)"; } } choose_from_menu ($timezones, "timezone", $user->timezone, get_string("serverlocaltime"), "", "99"); echo "(".get_string("currentlocaltime").")"; ?>


"; } ?>



id, $course->id, $user->picture, false, false, false); if ($user->picture) { echo '  '; print_string("delete"); } ?>









