libdir.'/questionlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); $id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // question id $qtype = optional_param('qtype', '', PARAM_FILE); $category = optional_param('category', 0, PARAM_INT); // rqp questions set the type to rqp_nn where nn is the rqp_type id if (substr($qtype, 0, 4) == 'rqp_') { $typeid = (int) substr($qtype, 4); $qtype = 'rqp'; } if ($id) { if (! $question = get_record("question", "id", $id)) { error("This question doesn't exist"); } if (!empty($category)) { $question->category = $category; } if (! $category = get_record("question_categories", "id", $question->category)) { error("This question doesn't belong to a valid category!"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $category->course)) { error("This question category doesn't belong to a valid course!"); } $qtype = $question->qtype; if (!isset($QTYPES[$qtype])) { $qtype = 'missingtype'; } } else if ($category) { // only for creating new questions if (! $category = get_record("question_categories", "id", $category)) { error("This wasn't a valid category!"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $category->course)) { error("This category doesn't belong to a valid course!"); } $question->category = $category->id; $question->qtype = $qtype; } else { error("Must specify question id or category"); } if (!isset($SESSION->returnurl)) { $SESSION->returnurl = 'edit.php?courseid='.$course->id; } // TODO: generalise this so it works for any activity $contextquiz = isset($SESSION->modform->instance) ? $SESSION->modform->instance : 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['cancel'])) { redirect($SESSION->returnurl); } if(!empty($id) && isset($_REQUEST['hide']) && confirm_sesskey()) { $hide = required_param('hide', PARAM_INT); if(!set_field('question', 'hidden', $hide, 'id', $id)) { error("Faild to hide the question."); } redirect($SESSION->returnurl); } if (empty($qtype)) { error("No question type was specified!"); } else if (!isset($QTYPES[$qtype])) { error("Could not find question type: '$qtype'"); } require_login($course->id, false); if (!isteacheredit($course->id)) { error("You can't modify these questions!"); } // TODO: remove restriction to quiz $streditingquestion = get_string('editingquestion', 'quiz'); if (isset($SESSION->modform->instance)) { $strediting = ''.get_string('editingquiz', 'quiz').' -> '. $streditingquestion; } else { $strediting = ''. get_string("editquestions", "quiz").' -> '.$streditingquestion; } print_header_simple("$streditingquestion", "", $strediting); if (isset($_REQUEST['delete'])) { $delete = required_param('delete', PARAM_INT); if (isset($confirm) and confirm_sesskey()) { if ($confirm == md5($delete)) { if (record_exists('quiz_question_instances', 'question', $question->id) or record_exists('question_states', 'originalquestion', $question->id)) { if (!set_field('question', 'hidden', 1, 'id', $delete)) { error('Was not able to hide question'); } } else { if (!delete_records("question", "id", $question->id)) { error("An error occurred trying to delete question (id $question->id)"); } if (!delete_records("question", "parent", $question->id)) { error("An error occurred trying to delete question (id $question->id)"); } } redirect($SESSION->returnurl); } else { error("Confirmation string was incorrect"); } } else { // TODO: check for other modules using this question if ($quiznames = question_list_instances($id)) { $a->questionname = $question->name; $a->quiznames = implode(', ', $quiznames); notify(get_string('questioninuse', 'quiz', $a)); } notice_yesno(get_string("deletequestioncheck", "quiz", $question->name), "question.php?sesskey=$USER->sesskey&id=$question->id&delete=$delete&confirm=".md5($delete), $SESSION->returnurl); } print_footer($course); exit; } if ($form = data_submitted() and confirm_sesskey()) { if (isset($form->versioning) && isset($question->id) and false) { // disable versioning until it is fixed. // use new code that handles whether to overwrite or copy a question // and keeps track of the versions in the quiz_question_version table // $replaceinquiz is an array with the ids of all quizzes in which // the teacher has chosen to replace the old version $replaceinquiz = array(); foreach($form as $key => $val) { if ($tmp = quiz_parse_fieldname($key, 'q')) { if ($tmp['mode'] == 'replace') { $replaceinquiz[$tmp['id']] = $tmp['id']; unset($form->$key); } } } // $quizlist is an array with the ids of quizzes which use this question $quizlist = array(); if ($instances = get_records('quiz_question_instances', 'question', $question->id)) { foreach($instances as $instance) { $quizlist[$instance->quiz] = $instance->quiz; } } if (isset($form->makecopy)) { // explicitly requested copies should be unhidden $question->hidden = 0; } // Logic to determine whether old version should be overwritten $makecopy = isset($form->makecopy) || (!$form->id); unset($form->makecopy); if ($makecopy) { $replaceold = false; } else { // this should be improved to exclude teacher preview responses and empty responses // the current code leaves many unneeded questions in the database $hasresponses = record_exists('question_states', 'question', $form->id) or record_exists('question_states', 'originalquestion', $form->id); $replaceinall = ($quizlist == $replaceinquiz); // question is being replaced in all quizzes $replaceold = !$hasresponses && $replaceinall; } if (!$replaceold) { // create a new question $oldquestionid = $question->id; if (!$makecopy) { if (!set_field("question", 'hidden', 1, 'id', $question->id)) { error("Could not hide question!"); } } unset($question->id); } unset($makecopy, $hasresponses, $replaceinall, $replaceold); $question = $QTYPES[$qtype]->save_question($question, $form, $course); if(!isset($question->id)) { error("Failed to save the question!"); } if(isset($oldquestionid)) { // create version entries for different quizzes $version = new object(); $version->oldquestion = $oldquestionid; $version->newquestion = $question->id; $version->userid = $USER->id; $version->timestamp = time(); foreach($replaceinquiz as $qid) { $version->quiz = $qid; if(!insert_record("quiz_question_versions", $version)) { error("Could not store version information of question $oldquestionid in quiz $qid!"); } } /// now update the question references in the quizzes if (!empty($replaceinquiz) and $quizzes = get_records_list("quiz", "id", implode(',', $replaceinquiz))) { foreach($quizzes as $quiz) { $questionlist = ",$quiz->questions,"; // a little hack with the commas here. not nice but effective $questionlist = str_replace(",$oldquestionid,", ",$question->id,", $questionlist); $questionlist = substr($questionlist, 1, -1); // and get rid of the surrounding commas again if (!set_field("quiz", 'questions', $questionlist, 'id', $quiz->id)) { error("Could not update questionlist in quiz $quiz->id!"); } // the quiz_question_instances table needs to be updated too (aah, the joys of duplication :) if (!set_field('quiz_question_instances', 'question', $question->id, 'quiz', $quiz->id, 'question', $oldquestionid)) { error("Could not update question instance!"); } if (isset($SESSION->modform) && (int)$SESSION->modform->instance === (int)$quiz->id) { $SESSION->modform->questions = $questionlist; $SESSION->modform->grades[$question->id] = $SESSION->modform->grades[$oldquestionid]; unset($SESSION->modform->grades[$oldquestionid]); } } // change question in attempts if ($attempts = get_records_list('quiz_attempts', 'quiz', implode(',', $replaceinquiz))) { foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { // replace question id in $attempt->layout $questionlist = ",$attempt->layout,"; // a little hack with the commas here. not nice but effective $questionlist = str_replace(",$oldquestionid,", ",$question->id,", $questionlist); $questionlist = substr($questionlist, 1, -1); // and get rid of the surrounding commas again if (!set_field('quiz_attempts', 'layout', $questionlist, 'id', $attempt->id)) { error("Could not update layout in attempt $attempt->id!"); } // set originalquestion in states set_field('question_states', 'originalquestion', $oldquestionid, 'attempt', $attempt->uniqueid, 'question', $question->id, 'originalquestion', '0'); // replace question id in states set_field('question_states', 'question', $question->id, 'attempt', $attempt->uniqueid, 'question', $oldquestionid); // replace question id in sessions set_field('question_sessions', 'questionid', $question->id, 'attemptid', $attempt->uniqueid, 'questionid', $oldquestionid); } // Now do anything question-type specific that is required to replace the question // For example questions that use the question_answers table to hold part of their question will // have to recode the answer ids in the states $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->change_states_question($oldquestionid, $question, $attempts); } } } } else { // use the old code which simply overwrites old versions // it is also used for creating new questions if (isset($form->makecopy)) { $question->hidden = 0; // explicitly requested copies should be unhidden $question->id = 0; // This will prompt save_question to create a new question } $question = $QTYPES[$qtype]->save_question($question, $form, $course); $replaceinquiz = 'all'; } if (empty($question->errors) && $QTYPES[$qtype]->finished_edit_wizard($form)) { // DISABLED AUTOMATIC REGRADING // Automagically regrade all attempts (and states) in the affected quizzes //if (!empty($replaceinquiz)) { // $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->get_question_options($question); // quiz_regrade_question_in_quizzes($question, $replaceinquiz); //} redirect($SESSION->returnurl); } } // prepare the grades selector drop-down used by many question types $creategrades = get_grade_options(); $gradeoptions = $creategrades->gradeoptions; $gradeoptionsfull = $creategrades->gradeoptionsfull; if (!$categories = question_category_menu($course->id, false)) { error("No categories!"); } make_upload_directory("$course->id"); // Just in case $coursefiles = get_directory_list("$CFG->dataroot/$course->id", $CFG->moddata); foreach ($coursefiles as $filename) { if (mimeinfo("icon", $filename) == "image.gif") { $images["$filename"] = $filename; } } // Print the question editing form if (empty($question->id)) { $question->id = ""; } if (empty($question->name)) { $question->name = ""; } if (empty($question->questiontext)) { $question->questiontext = ""; } if (empty($question->image)) { $question->image = ""; } if (!isset($question->penalty)) { $question->penalty = 0.1; } if (!isset($question->defaultgrade)) { $question->defaultgrade = 1; } // Set up some Richtext editing if necessary if ($usehtmleditor = can_use_richtext_editor()) { $defaultformat = FORMAT_HTML; } else { $defaultformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; } if (isset($question->errors)) { $err = $question->errors; } echo '
'; print_simple_box_start('center'); require_once('type/'.$qtype.'/editquestion.php'); print_simple_box_end(); if ($usehtmleditor) { use_html_editor('questiontext'); } print_footer($course); ?>